BALLY CAPITAL JOURNAL, IALMM, ORX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1009. s " - " ' ' """ ' - I r-f y - . RAILROAD TIME TABLE I Time Card No. 64, BohUwth Pad i . Co., Effective Bund y, Awg. IS, i 1008. Toward Portland. Pnsscngct. I - Ne: 1G. 0:13 a. m. Oregon Ex nrnsB No. 18 8:40 a. m. Cottago Qrov passenger. No. 12. 2:45 p. m. RoBoburg pas sengor. No. 14 9:13 p. m., Portland ex press. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p. m. Portland fast frolght. No. 22G. 10.40-11:28 a. m. wit) freight. Toward San Francisco, FnssciiRor No. 11. 11:03 a. m. HosoburB passenger. No. 17. 6:45 p. m Cottngo Grove passenger. No, ig 0:56 p. in. California ex press. No. 133:31 a. ra. San Francis co express. Toward Snn Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:43 a. m. Portland faa freight. N. 225. 11:28 a. m. way frotgnt OREGON ELEOTKIO RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nor. 15, 100S. Fer: Loavo Portland and lntormodlnto. Local 6:40 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro and in- terruodldta, Local 1:55 a.m. Portland and Intormodtato, Local ." 11:15 a.m Portland and Intermediate. Local . 1:40 p.m Portland-Tualatin and Hills boro, Limltod 3:05 p.m. Portland-IUIliboro and In termediate, Local 4:00 p.m. '.Portland and intormodtato, Local G:20 p.m. "Portland and intermediate, Local 8:40 p.m. Frem: A'-rlves Portland and lntormodlnto, Local 8:25 a.m Portlnnd-IIillBboro and ln tormodlnto, Local ....10:00 n.m Portland, Illllsboro and Tualatin, Limltod .. .10:50 n.m Portlnnd and Intormedlato, Locnl 1:00 p.m Portland-Hlllsboro and in termediate, Local 400 p.m Portlnnd and intormedlato, Locnl 5:45 p.m Portlnnd nnd lntormcdlute, Local ! P.m Portland nnd lntormodlnto, Local 1040 p.m. Gold Dust Flat M.rf." by TnE SYDNEY POW- I EF COMPANY, Sidney, On- i KO. . Mndo for family iiir. j Ak your grocer for It. Ilrai nnd nhortH always on linnd. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. Now is the Time to visit California Whea summer ka parncd In these north ern atatoi, the un Is only mild under th bright blue skies of Southern California. This Is one of nature'? happy provisions eternal summer fur those who cannot en dure n mofo severe climate, California has been raited the "Moccn of tho winter tourist " Us hotels and stop. png places are as varied as those of all woll regulated cities Visitors can always dud suitable accom modations, congenial companions and var- ( ied, pleasing recrea tions. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply som-j very attractive literature, describing In detail the many drllgnta of winter la California. Tho rate from Salem to Los Anpoles and return Is 55. Limit six months, allowing stannvers- In e ther direc tion. Similar excursion rates ar fa effect to all California pnlnts. For (nil Information, sleeping car resorvatlun- and tickets, call ou, t olograph or writ agents, Salem, " . or VM. M'.MrilR.V. Grn. Vixm, Agt. I'urtlaud. Orotcnn, i-t-Hn-e-Mit uiii'im-t-nM' How Journal Readers Can Save Money 4 Head cnrefully, ovory dny the Advertising Columns in tho I Capital Journal Some dny you will bo likely ; ; to flnd a bargain ndvertlscd 1 1 that you want. A prompt re- ' ply muy savo you ntonoy. J Watch It Carefully J 4illllllllllllllllHIIIII Salem Fence Works Hcadquartors for Wovon Wlro Fencing, Hop Wlro, Darb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Shingles, Mai thoid Roofing, P & D Ready Roofing. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D MULLIGAN 250 Court Ht Phono IS I TORRID ZONE FURNACE Tho above rut rMinut brick lined Torrid Zone Furnacu Guaranteed rub, Bmoko and dm' roof. Economical aqd durublo. A. L. ERASER na HTTR BTRKKT. Bmmntpi rurntsned on hiatln J Ci JL -0 Steamers Orogonn and Pomona loaro for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a.m. Faro 50 cents. Loavo for Corvallls, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. m M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. Big Sale Now All Goods at Cost Price; Sale I on 20 days, HUIE WING SANG CO. U'M V. Coimiuirolal Ht. CAPITAL IIAKKRV 439 Court Streot, D. J. Swltzer, prop. Dread, Cakes, Pioa and all kinds of Pnstrios, Cookies, etc. Watch for our wagon. Phone 954. Special orders delivered on short notice. 11-19-tf. ncTTERNirr bread. It U worth more than any ota 'read yet tho prtco Is qo htxhm 'or aT- at rour grocer' CALIFORNIA HAKKKT. Tbnm Coolly, Pros. I Stomach Trouble Cured. If you havo any troublo with your stomach you should tako Chamber lain's Stomach nnd Llvor Tablets. Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edlna. Mo., says "1 havo used a groat many different medicines for sipmach troublo, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvor Tablets more benoflolnl than any other romody I evor used. ' I' or sale by Dr. Stono's drug store. yjjryBifcJT TSBIHfti WOULD PAY $25,000 .FOR FRANK CHANCE (United Press Leased Wire.) Los Angeles, Jan. 7. Tho strong est bid yet mndo by tho outlaw stato leaguers for a player from the rnnks of organized baseball, Is an offer of $25,000 for two sonsonB to Frank Chnnce.tho famous first baseman and manngor of tho Chlcngo Nationals, ncuordlng to a report horo today. Tho attrnctivo offer wnB made by Danny Shay, representing n commit too of Stockton business men. Cliuncc snid in reply that ho could not g vo a doflnlto nnswer until ho had communlcntcd with President Murphy of tho Chlcngo club. Chanco has been drawing n pretty big snl nry from tho Cub management be sides owning shares In tho stock of tho club for which ho has refused $40,000. Chnnco Is known to havo asked more than Murphy had expressed hlm&clf no willing to pay, but it Is poslblo that ho will accedes to his first baseman's demand rather than loso for Chlcngo her great baseball Idol. -T-O- NAT GOODWIN SHOWS HIMSELF A SCRUB Son Francisco, Jan. 7. Nat dood win nnd hi bride, formorly Edna Goodrich, tho actress, aro in this city today en routo to Long Dcnch. Goodwin said that Booth. Tarklng ton's "Cameo Klrby" wns a great plaj , but that it nooded overhauling. Ho declared thnt, In ita present shnpo ho ras afraid to tako It into Now York, but that ho would roap pcar In It, and thnt Mrs. Goodwin would bo lib leading lndy. Goodwin declared thnt ho had com promised hl3 mining troubles In No vnda, and, in commenting on tho ar rest of Harry MncMlllan, ona chargo of passing llctltltotiB checks, said of his form or rival for tho hand of Miss Goedrich: "I am not surprised. Ho Is n pin bond, a llghtvolght and a four-fkish-r. I had his numbor boforo tho cards waro out of the enso box. He lmn no class." n Notice. Tho regular annual mooting of tho shareholders of tho Capital National Bank of Salem, for tho olcctlon of (Proctors, will bo hold nt Its bank ing homo, in Salem, Orogon, Tuoi day, January 12, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m. JOd. IX. ALBERT, 14.1 rr Cashier. . o Tin Freshest And tho .flnout moats, tho freshest fish and tho bo:t grooorlos aro found at F. P. Farrlngton's, 2C Stato otroott Many llttlo llvos havo boon Bnvod by FoIoy'B Ilonoy nnd Tnr, for coughs, colds, croup nnd whooping cough. It Is tho only safe romody for Infants nnd chlldron nB It con- talus no opiates or othor narcotic drugs, nnd children Uko Foley's Honoy nnd Tar. Careful mothors keep a bottle in tho house. Refuse substitutes. J. C. Perry. Woll to Remember. Whon burning vcgotnblo rofudo In -.tfovo or furwi e, put n handful of salt into tho flro and there will bo no unpleasant odor. o The Pure Food Imw. Secretary Wilson says: "One of tho obJootB of tho law Is to Inform tho consumor of the presence of cer talu harmful drugs In medlolnea." Tho law requires that tho amount of chloroform, opium, morphlno, nnd othor habit forming drugs be stntod on tho lnbol of ouch bottle. Tho mnnufnetyrors of Chnmberlaiu'a Cough Romody havo nlways claimed that their romedy did not contnin any of those drugs, nnd tho truth of this claim Is now fully proven, as not montlon of thorn 1b mndo on tho label. This romedy is not only ono of tho safest, but ono of tho best In ubo for cougliB and colds. Its value hns been proven boyond question during tho many yoars it has been In general ubo. For sale by Dr. Stone's drug store. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. It cures tho cold by gently moving the bowels, and at the same time it soothing for throat Irritation, thereby stopping tho cough. Sold by all druggists. FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. 4Br.C(tTi! Iiu fctltrnwu KiMimiw, , mvrtLSuikTOfiu. kx' -'.. i -u f k. W.. mi vtttMtt MIU ' HfllTCO MCOICLCO..aoxT4. UnOM'K. H VQs-ssescsisaKssaaM's&ai 'd in idem bv Oi. 5. C $ sIEIE SALEM,fOREGON School closed during holiday week, Work will be resumed on Monday, January 4th, A number of new students will enter at that time, New class in shorthand will be or ganized then, A good time to begin a practical course of study, Hundreds of Young People Will be required to do the work of stenographers and bookkeepers in the develop ment of the Northwest in the next few years; and there are always openings for those who are well qualified, If you are interested in preparing for a business position we invite you to look into our courses, Send or call for catalogue, JEFFRIES MAY MAKE TOUR WITH KAUFMAN (United Press Loasod Wire.) Los Angolcs, Cnl., Jan. 7. No doflnito nrrnngomonta hnvo boon mndo by James J. Joffrlcs to go on tho rond in a boxing our with Al Kaufman, according to tho retired hcnvywolght chnmplon's etntomont todny. "I expect to hear from Dllly Do Innoy In a fow days and possibly I will bo ablo to glvo out a doflnlto statement thon," Bald Jeffries. "Un til I hear from him I cannot docldo whether or not to mnko a 12-wooks' tour with Al Kaufman, ns his train er BUggCBtB. "I haven't Boon Dolnnoy since Al mot Jim Harry horo. At that tlmo ho said something nbout tho tour but nothing wnB dellnltoly sottlod." A Gnlnxy of Stars. Los Angolos, Jun. 7. Modjoiki, Gndskl and Murray nnd Mnck, In tho snmo bill io tho promlso mndo today by tho promotoro of tho ontortaln- mont t obo given horo noxt Tuosday for tho benefit or tho Italian carth quako suffororfl. v . ModJeBkl will glvo n econo from "Macbeth," Gndskl will glvo tho Valkyri cry nnd tho Irish comodlanB will Improvlso n Bkotph for tho occa sion. Hosldos thoso "hoadllnorn," ovory star nt tho local thoatros will participate. s Cn'tikht in the Rain, then n cold nnd a cough lot It run on got pnoumonln or consumption that's all. No mnttor how you got your cough don't noglect It tnko Unlard'B Ilorohound Syrup nnd you'll bo ovor It In no time. Tho uiwo euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis and nil pulmonary diseases In young nnd old. Sold by all dealers. The Woman'H Missionary Society Of tho Presbytorlan church haa been postponed for ono week. o Hlniplo Remedy for Jm Grippe. Racking la grippe cougliB that may dovolop Into pnoumonia over night uro quickly cured by Foloy's Honey and Tar. Tho soro nnd In flamed lungs uro healed and strength ened, and a dangerous condition is quickly uvortod. Tnko only Foloy's Honoy and Tar In tho yellow pack ago. J. C. Perry. Wo bollovo wo havo it solved nt last! Tho tariff will bo rovlHod whon the Newlyweds' baby grows up. Great Chlucbe Honor L. M. HUM Hub nu-dlclnu which will cure aio known dUrnso. Ho make a inri ty of, and guarantees to euro Catarrt Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Liver. Kldnoj Troubles; .sluo any blackened o swollen sorenexs, broken llmbif 8mallpox; Epidemic; all kinds ol Rolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernu Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck Bo Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs 163 High St., upstairs, Salem, Or. CASTOR I A ?or Infants and Children. rhs KLii You Haw Always Bought Bears tno ,, v&i CHICHESTER S PILLS ldlrl Ak or kl-Lf9-tcr DlittuwnJ J'llUU 4 aa I Luk, tcl wHh TkLa ijk ilL I VrmttUU AllifixCiri.l I A. UIAMONU Jlltl.M 1'il.I.M.I 7n M lit , tttlut. Ar KIUtl r SfltD BY DRUGGISTS EVHttMERE wK Wire Fencing Paint f ff of SALEM HARDWARE CO. I J 1 20 Commercial St. KHM-JM-44--ftiflfllliiil ! X POUNDS oMott SELF RISING FLOUR COMPOUND tTlllllllO Trade Mink. f lHH!H)ltCy I NO NEED OF WET FEET I Why don't you purchase a pair of Rubber Shoes or Boots or a pair of my High-top Leather Shoes? See my line for the best in quality and price. One trial will prove it JACOB VOGT, Thfo,0 jj m ! f t I ! lllU)tm-Htl llil ! ! Of !!! 6-a-HHH A BARGAIN FOR SALEModern im proved home. New houses building in im mediate vicinity. An opportunity for right; party or an invest ment. Address, Capi tal Journal. u. ., .... V X A i m M.TKHS 2 m ,:;v biU 7 J. L.'1 lWWa4tHMS3afr-444 9 WKfl W. I.'STALEYJPrincipal A Meeting At which your one dealre it apponr nt your host something p ltivcly Imposstblo whbn your llnoa is poorly Inundorod. Your collar, shirt or ouff or t4 shirt wnlat, nockploce, eto., la Just as Important In your appearance at tho clothes thomsolTea. If you bring thorn hero they trill bo perfectly Inundorod and ro turned In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 25. 180-100 S. Libcrtty ftt 3C Builders' Hardware I and Oil Phone 172 t oston rown Flour read FREE. Send us ton of our ads, clipped from his paper, nnd wo will Bend you ono full size package ab solutely FREE. ALLEN'S II. II. II. FLOUR CO., Inc. Hnn June, CH(orli B I i A " W