1 !J AlIiY -CAPITAL JOJ7RXAL, KAUM, MMOK, WEDNESDAY, JANUAHT fl, !. I 1 Dorii m Shiver Just scratch a match light the Perfection Oil Heater and stop shivering? Wher ever you have a room that's hard to heat that the fur nace doesn't reach there you'll n.cd a PEEEFEdWN ffl (Equipped ivilh Smokeless Device) J :t the tr.bg i ir blizzard lirrc or between seasons. Its genial claw.se boat mal.fti any rocm cheerful and cczy. No smoke iia snci smoKeiess aevice prevents. ttrass f.nt holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin bhtd in japan and nickel. Every heater warranted. 9 f o Healer 11 THESE ARE SIATED " FOR TAFT8 CABINET which is so much appreciated bv workers and student. Made of brass, nickel plated with the latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. Write our nearest agency for de scriptive circuLr if your dealer cannot supply the Pcifccli .a Cil Heater or Tayo Lamp. Eton Jrrd Oil Company '.icorporoicu) "rtxvsxTsxczzsizzr'-: r&x-jfiF TKK"m Ti njTMBBHBWWJPjr amgai'""' mwwmmmmmr' JOHNNY KLING MAY NOT PLAY BALL AGAIN (United Press Lensod WIro.) KnnsaB Cly, Mo., Jan. 0. Johnny Kllng, the peerless cntchor or tl-o Cliluij-'O Nntloimla, mny not bo soon In "Cub" uniform next season, If tho pinna ho has under consideration today materialize. Kllng lins becomo tho owner and Hoprlotor of a flno billiard and pool parlor In UiIb city, and Is endeavor ing to securo an Interest In tho Kan 8H8 City team of tho Amorlcan Asao clntton In order to remain near his venture (United Press Lonsed WIro.) "Now York, Jnn. 6. Tho Now York Tribune today prints what It claims 'to bo President-elect Tart's final cabinet slnto. With tho excep tion of the attorney generalship, for which no one is mentioned, tho Trl buno declares tho cabinet, when fin ally mnde up, will bo as follews: - Phllnndvr C. Knox, secretary of state; John J. Mitchell, presldont of tho Illinois Trust nnd Savings bank, Chicago, socrotnry of tho treasury; Frank H. Hitchcock, postmaster gen eral; George Von Moyor, secretary of tho navy; Luke Wright, secretary of war, William Loeb, commissioner of commorco and labor; It. A. Uall Ingor, secretary of tho Interior. Secretary Wilson, tho story says", will hold his position at tho head tho agricultural department. Tho Trlbuno declares It publishes this slate on excellent authority. SOCIETY LEADERS TIRE Or EACH OTHER (United Press Lonsod Wire.) San Francisco, Jan. C. Mrs. Chas B. Paxtou, wlfo of the well-known so ciety man and Btock brokor, will siw for dlvorco, according to tho in nouncement of her attorney, Samuel M. Shortrldgo, today. Tho action wlli be brought on the grounds of ox tremo cruolty. Among tho allegations of tho com plaint, according to frlonds, Mrs. Puxton will claim that hor hUBbnnd threatened her by flourishing 'a ro volvor. Tho news of a bronk botweon tho Paxtons camo with tho separation of tho couplo. It Is said that Paxton complnlncd that his wlfo was spend ing too much monoy for clothes and, following n dlfforonco of opinion on that point, a soparntlon followed. SNOW According to tho official weathsr report nt tho O. II. & N. stoamboat office- In this city, tho prosont Bnow storm surpasses all slnco tho yoar 1892, when thoro fell a foot and four Inches of tho beautiful. Tho nrosent Bnowfall In this vicinity has reached tho 10-lnch mnrk, which will probably bo tho limit. Tho majority of tho snow storms horotoforo In Sa- lom wore accompanied by n quiet south wind, but tho storm yesterday was carried Into tho city by n strong breezo from tho north, which was stinging cold. Monday night's register of tho tomperatAiro was 22 degrcca nbovo, but this morning the mercury stood at 19. ' This morning sleet fell for somo tlmo. Tho Wlllamotto river nt this point has continued to rlso at a fairly good rato and stands nt llvo foot. Should thoro bo a warm wind and rnln the river men pr.dlct a rccord-breaklni? hlgli water. Tho Spnuldlng Lumber Co. waa compelled to discontinue operations at 10 o'clock yesterday morning on account of tho Btiow b coming do doop. Tho workmen wcro unnblo to handlo tho trucks. Tho big Oregon Electric cars suf fered the greatest difficulty aa the result of the snow clegging: the ma chinery underneath tho care, so that thoy could hardily bo kopt moving. Tho cars could make no regular run ning tlmo, for, In attempting to do so, tho snow would cling to tho wheolo which would throw It up In tho power machines under tho car. o , Are you harrow tooth aching out In somo snow drift fonco corner? If bo, why so? Bloat Is tho man who wish and caro Is Just to bo happy nnywhoro. u- Tut In .Tall, very nccuratoly describes nnyono's feelings who Is confined to tho houso with an attack of rheumatism, lum bago, stiff Joints or muscles. Mal lard's "Snow Llnlmont will euro tho trouble, rollovo tho pnln and nmko you as supplo as a two yoar old. Sold by all dealers. Every Mother. Is or should bo worried when tho lit tle ones havo n cough or cold. , It may load ti croup or.plourlsy of pnoumotilr- chon to something mora serious. Uallard's Horohound Syrup will euro tho trouble nt ortco nnd provont nny complication. Sold by nil dealers. Whllo you aro tinkering nround nt this sonson making things, rnako a tow good resolutions, and then otick to them llko a Band-bur to n shoop's tall. A NlKlit ltlder'H Itnlil. Tho worst night rldora nro cnlo mol, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bod to rob you of rost. Not bo with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Thoy novor distress or Inconvonlonco but always clonnso tho system, cur ing Colds, Ileadacho, Constipation, Malaria, 2Go at J. C. Perry's. Mr. Edison epont yearB perfecting tills lnvontlon, oo that it would be the most porfect roproducor of sound that could bo mado. 'Corao In and hoar thorn. L. P. 8AVAGK, 247 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. r" READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. w NfoCWt fj hJ; VW m ''hwe . f "Nk. A -.AMrtW yaw- PRICE RANGE SO TO 40 Rostein & Greenbaum's Annual January Clearance Sale Dry Goods Host Table Oil Cloth, all colon, uow lOo All Llnon Towelllnc now .12 Vie All Linen Toweling now .... IGo Dress Goods now . .18 . . .7e ..lie 2Eo Dress Goods now Iflc to 18o (Oo Dross Qoods now ., lc 60c Dress Goods , " V tWo to 40c 7Gc Dress Goods now " 0Sc 51.00 Dress Goods now 0O to 70c $1.25 Dross Goods now H0 lo HBc $1.50 Dress Goods now 91.16 $1.75 Dress Goods now $1.28 Wide Unbltnchod Scrim now , 4e Wide Hloachod Scrim now. "' Towels 6c Small Towels now 10c Huck Towels now o 12V&0 Turkish Towols now 36c liJxtra Largo Turkish Towols now 2Go All Linen Towols now , . . . . t i . . .4c ,'. .Be . .20c . .20c Ladies9 and Children's Underwear and Hose 75c LadleV Flwce 1 iuo Union Suits now M 1.00 Ladles Part Wool Union SulU now Oc $1.76 Ladles' All Wool Union Suits now L& 2Gc Children's Fleece Lined Uuderwear now Wc 3Gc Chlldreu'a Fleece Lined Underwoar now 25c 15e LadloH Uldi-K Cotton Hose now lc 25c Ladles' Uurson How now . . . . 4 '; 26c Ladles' Muck Wool Hose now 20c 10c Children's Jilaon Cotton Hose now , 7 1IUn rUillilrmi'ii ninHr llnan IH1VT l)C 25c Children's Wool Hose now ,10c Umbrellas Boys' Suits 91.C0 Hoys' Suits now ?! 12.50 Hoys' bulU bow ;...1.7 D. 00 DoyB' Suit now ' 18.50 Boys' Suits now 4.50 noys' Suits now , 5.00 Hoys' Suits now .7I IC.G0 lloyB' Suits now ffi.m Men's Stiff Bosom Shirts Hegulnr 75c and $1.00 Ueu's Stiff Shlrtu, In nil sixes, Cletiruncu Halo Price v 2flo Ladies' and Children's Coats If you aro In neod of a Now Coat now Is tho time to get a Ulg Bargain as our sale prices are Uolow Cost. Wo don't want to carry uny ovor If price will sell thorn. 5 5.Q0 Ludlos' Coats now ....:... $tf.00 $ I.liT) ,. w.no .... JjiO.UO " . H.7fl $ .50 UmbrollaH, plain handles, now 9 .-1U $ .75 UmbrollaB, plain handles, now H .OO $1. 00 Umbrellus, plain hnndles, now ." " $2.00 Umbrellas, fancy handles, now V1..JH Men's Furnishings $ 7.50 Ladies' Coats now. $ 9.00 Ladles' Coats now. $ 9.50 Ladles' Coats now $1-1.00 Ladlos Coats now. Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Hose 25c Ladles' Fleeced Lined Underwear now 60c Ladles' Fleece Lined Underwear now . 75c Ladles' Part Wool Underwear now . . , $1.00 Ladies' Part Wool Underwear now . $1.25 Ladled All W)ol Underwear now 60c Ladk Fl-iece Llnod Lnlon Suits now ,20e .:ic nt)c . 75c OOc iOc 1 0c Men's Black Cotton Sox now 7 i c 16c Mon"s niack or Ilrown Cotton Box now lie 25c Men's Wool or Cotton Box now Hie lOe Men's Hoavy (Jrny Mixed Sox now 7So 25e Men's Hoavy Wool Sox now 20o 26c Moa's Susponduru now IHc tc Men s Suspenders now , Sl-'o $1.10 Men's Ftinoy Suspondo' HU-oonsWU 14 Buriu'iidfis, Unrters nnd Arm Hands now , OOo 5Dc Men's Fleeco Llnod Undorwoar now .0o $1.00 Men's Wool Underwear now 70c $1.25 Men's Wool UiIHerwoar now M."c 50c Men's Wool Gloves now 40c 60c Men's Work or Dross Shirts noyv -10c $1.00 Men's Monarch Dross Shirts now 7.1c Miscellaneous Men's Suits $ 8.50 Meu's Suits now. 0.00 $10.00 Men's SulU now 7.fo $12.60 Men's SulU now 98.80 $15.00 Men's SulU now .BO Men's Heavy OvorallH, with or without bibs now ,-tno 3Gc Good Hluuchud Table Cloth now 2ilo C6c Heavy Hloachod Tnlila Cloth now ,-tnc fie i.adlus' Handkurohlofs now .2) 6c Host Spool Silk now U)i a 1 Oo Hcst Spool Silk now , 7o 10c packngo Dress Hlndlng now , 7c; 5u package Dross Hlndlng now 2fiu Ic Kmbroldory Silks now 2fiu 6c Huttenburg Thrmid now Ho 7 Pp tola G(Md Machine Thread now 2.So 10c TuIioh Macoy'H Hooks and Hyos now , ,c 10c and 15e Dross HhloIdH now , ..7o 26c and 36o Omo Dress Shlvhls now 17c 3c Paper Plus now , iu 5c Papor Host Brass Pins now In Gc Box Hulr Pins now "i? 1 0c Tooth brushes now Be 10c Tulcuiii Powdor now flu Q Men's Shoes $2 00 Men's Shoes now ,91.60 $2 60 Men's Shoes now .....,-,.. 91.75 $2 75 Men's Shoes now $11.00 $3 60 Men's Shoes now 92.85 $6 00 Men's Shoes now 91.00 240-246 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM IGMflftii&aK& alas tw iS3&