THE CAPITAL JOURNAL U. JIOPKIt. Kd, and Prop. , Indeiwiidcnt Newijpef Paroled U American frlnulple nd the l'rore and Oerelopemcnt of All Oregon. I'ublUhod Krorjr Uvenlut Kxccpt 8unly, HUIIHGIUPTION RATES. (lnvnrUblr In Adrincu.) luur, br ctficr, rf rr (Hllr, by tnn.I1, for yew. WceVly, by mall, por vr, .... ..M.OT 4.00 ,1.00 UNIONLABEL -Saeixeie-- PORTLAND RAILWAY PRESIDENT ARRESTED (United I'roHs Lensod Wlro.) Cleveland, 0.t Jnn. G.Coorgo !l ward, who soys ho Is n brnkomnn liom Portland, Or., nlln Jn u coll to day wondering what might hnvo hap l' mud If ho hadn't boon nabbed by i ho pollco yofltordny after hu mado t dotormlnpd nttompt to pump Cleveland full of holos with IiIh trus ty rovolvor. Vcrompnnlod by n friend, Howard, wit" ndtulttud lator that ha had been (1 inking, Blurted In by holding up i ule wagon and getting an armful of I h, with which thoy bombarded pusstagara, The two then broke Into the Y. At. 0. A. building, A half doz on railroad men woro eating break fant. Hoarders and pretty waitresses ran screaming into tho street iih tlio HliotH reHoitnded through tho build ing. Howard nnd IiIh companion then Htoppcd n Rtreet cur and drovo tho crow and paRHongorH to cover with a olloy. Thoy next raided a coal of llco, whom thoy overturned booliH, throw Ink on tho floor, and drovo tho i lorkfl out. Howard'n companion cucaped. PORTLAND HAD"ANOTHER ' MURDER LAST NIGHT (United Press Loasod Wlro.) Portland, Or., Jan. 0. Oidom Kd wards, 34 years old, roalUed for the first tlrno this morning after he hud recovered from tho effects of liquor that ho In uccuecd of murder; that ho entered a rooming house Intit eight nnd ultot Thomas F. Jallllard, the properletor, dead because he (Hid not t the BMomndotaloDn be Mvarda west ta the room I ne aeuae, aeeeaspaaled by a young mii ive; the m of Q. OaadBlll. They lWMrre4 ttrougk the hallway, no rding to Mm. Jalllard's story, and MplalHed loudly whea amlgned ( room that did not suit their ruicy Am Jalllard nan ordering tkrm from the place Kdwnrdn In alleged to have turned and ahot the proprietor dead. Caudll lie a?o under arrastu. wouId LIMITRACE meets to fourteen days - (United Press Leased "Wlro) Ilutto, Mont., Jnn. 0. -Hulto'n oil Uona todny aro backing a movomont to rid tho city of xw rooms, nnd to prohibit any horso niro meeting if of longer duration that 14 day. A committor compiled of tho Mor chant1 Association will clrculato for algnaturea n petition to be presented to tho statu legislature at Helena. Tho M)tltlon nnkH tho logUlaturo to paaa legislation that will supprewi pool rooms entirely. ' n- TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND FREIGHT CARS ARE IDLE ChloHKO. Jan. 6 Itallioad mon today are figuring m pr.viiiae f low accruing In their line through tho elunin of the iMoeut proprlt boom that began nflr tho option of Tnft nnd Sherman. Arthur Halo, chairman of tho oar ofllcleiiry uw mltteo of tho American lUHwny Aa- It Tastes Good and Creates Sti'ength Wol the famous cod liver and iron medicine, without oil. Vinol is muck totter tkn cod liver eil nd mulsln, because, while it ctntaiis all the medicinal value they tie, it disagrees with m win. As a body builder and strength creator fr old people, delicate children, lifter sickness, and for stub born coughs and colds Vinol is UMqualcd. G. W, PUTNAM CO. PAfLT Slem, Ore. 1'cr month Per month Hlx inonthi uoolatlon, declared that at loast 200, 000 cars were Idlo throughout tho country. The los to tho compnnl followed tho oxpenso of propurlng thoso earn for buslnoM that did not matorlallzo. Tho roads have oxponjded thou sands of dollarn In anticipation of a volumo of business that would croate a car famine. Already there In talk in railroad circles of a pool of froight enrs, but tho roadit nro holding off until tho last possslblo moment from this sacrifice A strango part of tho prosperity Bin in p Ib that, while froight trutllc Is at low ebb, tho posBciigor uuslncss Is satisfactory. UNCLE JOE IS BIGGER THAN THE BG TREES (Unltcd Press Loaned Wlro.) WnHhlngton, Jan. 0. HoproHontn tlvo Knglobrlght of California, today Ih conaldorlng tho advisability of calling to his aid Sonutor Flint In an ondoavor to perBiiado Speaker Can non to call up tho Calaveras big tree matter which has piiRsod tho Donate and nwalta action in tho house. Cannon wan Interviewed by Knglo brlght but maintained IiIh iiHiial nttl tudo toward forest legislation and tho Callfornlan received little on courngemont. There Ih apparently no reason why the bill should not bo panned except Undo Joe, Tortured On u Home. "For ten yearn couldn't ride a borne without being In torture from piles,' writes L. H. Napier, of Rug Ires, Ky., "when ull doctors and other remedies fulled, Iluuklon's Ar nica Salvo cured me." Infallible for Piles, Uurnn, fluids, Cuts, Dolls, FiTor-8r-8, Rcarma, Salt rttmim, Corns. 2Ec. Ouarautead by J. C, Prry, en't Take the Ilisk. Wken you have a bad caugh or eld do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic bronchitis, or de velops Into un uttnek of pneumonia, but give It tho attention It dceorTca aud tot rid of It. Take Chamber lain's Cough Homed? and you aro uro of prompt relief. From a siurM beginning the nale and use of this preparation has extended to all parta of tho United States nnd to many foreign countries. Its ninny remark ablo cures of coughs and colds hnvo won for it this wide reputation nnd extensive uso. Sold by Dr. Btono's' drug More. The Uitchon itiuao Is not ver largo or imposing, hut It Is thu inuui Important romplonumt to tho emtio and sheep range. -t- Tako DoWltt'a Kidney and Uladdsr Pills. They are for wook back, liauk- neho, rhoumatlu pains and all kldiwy aud bladder trouble. Soothing an 5 unthHtptlo. Itogulnr alio SOo. So.t. by all druggists. o Tho mon who try to hldo tketr light aro few, while thooo who wok to shlno In tho light of otlmrs aro many. Kannfttly'8 Lnxativu cough Syrup tate) nearly as good nn maple sugnr. It hm tho cold by gantly moving tha bowola, and nt the same time it U soothing for throat Irritation, thereby stopping tho ouugh. Sold by all druggists. A tmpmt In u UwHt Is a fumlliar phonomonon; but only those who Uvo In tho oyolouo bolt nro permitted to observe a teapot In a tempest. A Cutv for MlHry. "I have found n euro for the mis ery malaria poison produces," says R. M. James, of lxtuullon, 8. C, "It's called Electric lUtters. and cornea In SO cent bottles. It breaks up a oaso of chills or a bilious attack In al most no tlrno; and It puts yellow Jaundice clean out of commission." Thta great tonlo medicine aud blood purifier givea quick relief In all itomach. liver and kidney complaints and the misery of Umo back. Sold under guarantee at J. O. Perry's CAWAL JOURNAL, iAMM. 0B8G05, WKDXKHDAY, JANUARY 0, IPO" THE MARKETS SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. San Francisco, Cal., Jnn. 6. Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.67 & 01.70; Callfornlo whlfo mllllnir. $1.75 1.80; north ern bluestom, $1.76 1.80; off grades wheat, 81,5001.00; Red, $1.G2V4 01.07. Uarlay Feed barloy, $1.42 V4 1:46; common to fair, $1.3501.40; brewing at San Frnnclsco nominal at $1.4501.55; Chovallor, $1.5001.60 according to quality. Nggfl Per dozen, California fresh, Including casos, oxtrns, 45c; firsts, 14c; Boconds, 40c; thirds, 30c; pul- letH selucCtd, 39c; Bnstern Btorage oxtrns, 33c; flrstB, 31c; seconds, 29c. Uuttor Por pound, California fresh, extras, 34c; firsts, 32c; bcc onds, 27c;;' -Htorago, California ex trns, 304c; Indies, extras, 23c Now cheese por pound, Callfor nlo, Hats, fancy, firsts, 134c; sec onds, HV4c; California Young America fancy, 16c; II rats, 15V4c; Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oregon llatH, fnncy, 14c;' do. Young Amorlca, funcy, 16c; Cali fornia storugo fancy flats, 13c; Or- ogon flnts, fancy, 14c; do Young Amorlca, 15c. Potatoes Por contal, Rlvoi Whites, ( sacks) 60 075c; do, per contal, 75c01$; Salinas llurbanks, $1.2501.45; Oregon llurbanks, $1 01.15; IJarly Roso, (for seed) $1.25 01.30; Bweot potatoes, per crate $1.2501.50, extra fancy at $1.75; do Backs, $101,25, Onions Per snok, $1.25 01.35. Oranges Por box, Nnvols, stand ard, $1.2502; choice, $202.50; Tangerines, half orange boxes, $10 1.50. PORTLAND MAHKKTH Now. choose Por pound, California llatH, fancy, 14 Mc; flrstB, 14c; sec onds, ll'i: California Young Amer ica fnncy, lGc; firsts, 15lc; Bnstern storugo, fnncy, flats, 13c; Orogon straignta, 4.06; oxporta, ta.70; Vat nraln, Monr, Fred, cCtc. Portland, Oregon, January 1. Wkeal Dluestem. 987o;club, ?30 per ton; brewing, 917. Oats Producers' prises: Ne. 1 88c; 40-fold, lc; valley, lie. Rarley Producers' prices: red, relied baric 118 8. rioar rateats, ft. 01 par barrel; wklte, I181.B par ta. flay Tlwatky, Winaatette Val- ley; 4.0t; U-ok grahaaa, 84.41; ley, $14 par tea; Maatern Orecen tlnethy, 111017; elerer, $18; alfalfa, $18; grain kay, $13,600 $1. MIIUtBKi Braa, $86. SO aer Ua; I mlddllnga, $88; akorts, aenntry, i lie; fe, BO 0 81c; red RuMtan, $80; city, $80; U. S. mill oaop, $ia, New Tork Cheddars, fanef, IT; Ore go a fata, fancy, 14c; de. Teang America fnncy, 16o; California wholo wheat, $4.; rye, $5. B0. VeetMee and Fmlt. Fresh Fruits Apples, 60c(p$1.50 box; pearo, $HM.35 pir box; grapdi 761b50c per crate; quinces, $1.00 O" 1.26 per box; cranberries, $13,500 14 per bbl.; Spanish Malaga grapes, $6.50J8.00 per barrel; huckleber ries, 10Q 15o per pound; per Sim mons, $101-25. Potntoo Ruylug price, 75 90c; per hundred; swuot potatoes, 2 ft tViQ per pound; onions, $1 per 100 omuls. Dairy and Country Produce. Uuttor City orenmory, extras. 460 37c; fancy outsldo creamery, t2MG35c por pound; store, 170 20c, l-'sgs Oregon ranch 40O5w; Castorn 30 ft 3Je por dozen . Poultry -Hen. 13o per lb; spring 18913c; rmall, 13ft 14c; mlxod, 12 UlSHo;, ducks, HfflfiH,; geoso 0 iflOc; turkey KOlTo; droseod turkeys. no'tttml Cheao Faaey cream twlas, lGr per pound, full ere in triplet. 15c. full oroam Young Aiiioiio. lie. Voal Hxtro. 90V6o por pound, ordinary. 70 So; heavy, So. Pork Faaey. 7 He nr pouud; largo, C OTo. Hops. Wool. Hides. Rte. Ilntw 1I0S. cholee. TmfSc. rlme. titjTe; medium. SOOo jmt lb 190T. 2j4c; lt)0C. 10 1 Vic. Wool -Hasteru Orogon, average best. 10 Olio per pound, according to shrlnkaeo; Valloy, ISO He. Mohair- Choice. ISo por pound Hides Dry hides, No. 1. 13W15 peund: dry kip. No. 1, He pouud dry cult, I tic pound; salted hldtw. r U'oc pounu; twit tea cninKtn, l3o pound; greon, 1c less. 12 Local Wholesale Market. WLeat, per bMshol 90 Q DSe Outs, per bushel 46c Flour, hard wheat $5.0(1 Flour, valley $4.21 Mill feed, shorts $33.50 Mill food, bran $30.00 Hops, 190S crop 708V Hops, 1907 crop 2tf3c Chlttlm bark a f P Wool, coarse 13c Wool, medium 15- Mohair 1 1 Hay, oheat $130U Hav. clover $11012 Potatoes, bushel 40 45c Apples, bushel 50c$l.Q0 The Mission Of those corpuscle In your blood that have been called "Little Soldiers," Is to fight for you against the disease germs that constantly endangor your health. These corpuscles are made healthy and strong by the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. This medicine is a combination of more than 20 different remedial ngenta in proportions nnd by a process known only to ourselves and it has for thirty years been constantly provingita worth. No substitute, none "jUBt-aa-good." Onions, per cwt ... 85090c Prunos, per pound l4044c Cranberries, Howo's vnrloty, bbl $13.00 Muter and Kgg, Hetull. Kire 40c Uuttor, creamery 40c Country buttor 35c o Notice to Contractor. Notice Is hereby glvon thnt'soaled bids will bo opened at the regular meeting of tho common council of Salem, Oregon, to bo hold January I U 1 nftfl ... it... I i, f lt I Liberty street with Wnrrcn UroB.' Ul tullthlc water-proof pavement be tween the north property lino of State street and tho south property lino of Court stroot In said city, ox copt the spaco botween tho rails, one foot outside tho rails of tho street railway track of the Portland Itnllway, Light & Power Company, whoro the snme extends along said portion of Bald stroot. Said Improvo inont to bo made In accordnnco with tho plans and specifications now on. fllo in tho office of tho city recorder. Tho city of Salem roscrves. tho right to roject any and all bids. Ily ordor of tho common council. V. A. MOOItES, l-(l-lt dly City Hecordor. -t- Bflyg '' Xutta T"Pt4 Vlfir. v "HS. f . yftip't(iB. ifi'iintto ijv i ittii Tr.ii"!t, ri,ip' ffniw, Impim v "HS. f i Cftipn'tdB. lfi'llntto IJv ! 'W ' Miii Mtmiih flr-r-H 11 -mSin'h. t li.-1rt IfH RrUr Jltin''tl l lab fOltr if i..f? I ft n " In jl.( hi rt-t-txtM y aeUavVal BASEBALL MAGNATES PREPARING FOR PLAY (United Press Leased Wire.) Cincinnati. O., Jnn. 6. J. Cal Bw lng, president of the Pacific Const League, through whoso etiorts mo organization was raised to a closss AA designation by tho National Com mission yestcrJny, Is today preparing to outline to his fellow magnates of tho West tho enlarged prlvllegos con ferred on tho longuo by tho change. ' Tho double A classification cnrrles with It tho power horotoforo exer cised only by the major longuen, oi drafting players from clase organiza tions. This will moan tho strength ening of the Pacific Coast toams in Portland, San Frnnclsco, Oakland and Los Angtlos, nnd in any other city which may bo added to the loague. The leaguo will govern its own In ternal nffalr, and will continue on a similar footing with tho Eastern lengup and American Association. SHE LOVED HIM LONG; HE LOVED BUT LITTLE (United- Press Leased Wlro.) Uolllnghnm Wash. Jan. 6. C. T. Pless, local grain dealer and tho tnll est man in tho atnto of Washington, standing soven feet, Is being sought by tho pollco on complaint of his wlfo who declares her htiBband loft hor penniless and seriously ill, Hi9 prcs enco Is also required to Btralghtcn cit n flnnnclnl tangle resulting from tho fnlluro o ftho company In which he was Interested. Sees Mother flrow Voting. "It would bo hard to overstate tho wonderful chnngo in my mother since slio began to tiso Electric Hit ters," wrltoH Mtb. W. L. Ollpntrlck of Danforth, Mo. "Although past 70 she seems ronlly to bo growing young ngatn. Slio Buffered untold misery from dyspepsln for 20 years. At Inst slio could neither ent, drink nor sleep, Doctors gavo her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bit ters worked ouch wonders for her health." They invigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles, Induce sleep, Impart strength and appetite. Oaly SOc at J. C. Perry'a drug atere. WANTED! YOUR NAME IN OUR TELEPHONE DIRECTORY THE PACIFIC TELE PHONE Sl tele graph CO. will is sue a directory about Jan. 20, 1 909. Please mail changes to this office not later than Jan. lO, 1909 : : : WHY? Borrow your neighbor's telephone when you can get one of your own. You need one .and the rates are low : : : : Apply at the man ager's office, 170 N. Liberty Street : : : 3d Kodol For Indigestion Our Guarantee Coupon If, after mine a It.oo botllo of Kodol, you can honeitlr i7 It hat not benefited you. ne wilt refund jour money. Try Kodol today on thll fuarantee. Fill out and sign the follow Inr. preient It to the dealer at the time of purchaia. If It f alia to latUfy you return the bottle to tha dealer from whom yoo bcusibt It, and will ic(a4 joar ttoo. Town State Sim here- Cut'I'hliOut- Digests WhatYouEal And Makes tho Stomach Sweet K. C. DeWITT 0 CO.. Chicago. III. sold nv ALT. DKALEnS. THE JUDGE HELD THE WNNNNG HAND (United Press Leased Wlro.) Knlama, Wash., Jan. O.-r-Matt Gaasch and Joseph Stock must servo from ono to three yonra in tho pen itentiary nt Walla Wnlla becauso of a poker game. Tho two mon woro sontoncod by Judge McCredlo yestordny nftor n witness testified thnt ho had played in dno of tho games. Tho pollco nro now seoklng n shoomakcr who cashed In chips nmounting to S50. Life 100,000 VetirH Ago. Scientists have found In a envo In Switzerland bones or mon, who lived 100,000 years ago, when llfo wob In constant danger from wild boasts. Today tho danger, as shown by A. W'. Drown of Alcxnndor, Me., Is largo ly from deadly dlseaso. "If It had not boon for Dr. King's Now Discovory, which cured mo, I could not hnvo lived," ho writes, "suffering ns I did from n sovoro lung.troublo and stub born cough.' To euro Soro Lungs, Colds, obstlnnto Coughs, nnd pre vent Pneumonia, Its tho best mcdl clno on earth. GOc and $1.00. Guar anteed by J. C. Perry. Trial bottle froo. O Jk, Jet V O aft. X .A. fw r Kiasl fu HinAlaara litrtf OMfirtirt f ki3j4, rM CM drug store.