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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1909)
. -? - -, FIRST EDITION 3 P. . SECOND EDITION-4 ffJKI. i'1ti" Cl) Sail I f tfuntal VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON, WKI)XKSIAY, JANUARY 0, 1000 NO. 5. ft 1 1 JillKilBfclillHll. Im Bmmm9mwijjBfVr,;&r9CrmmVm'n Eggggg-! WLf MfcgLreJswjsaMjA iWj rjW v WILL ABANDON RUINED ITALIAN CITIES sr TWO MORE SEVERE SHMSTODATsHAKEIESOLATE ITALY DESfRTS REGGIO AND MESSINA - TWO SEVERE SHOCKS TODAY THOUSANDS DIE SINGE QUAKE Next Sunday Cities Will Be Deserted, and the Dead Will Reign There Alone Great Suffering Prevails in the Smaller Villages That Were Left Practically Without Aid in the Rush Used iirSupplying Food. (United PrcBS'Lonsod Wlro.) Cnmpnnln, Jnn. G. With tho ex ception of troops Hogglo wus ovaou atod today and by tho ond of tho week only soldiers will remain In Messina. Noxt Sunday tho two cltloB will bo great Hllont tombR, patrolod by tho military and holding hlddon In their riilnn tho bodicH of thousands of their cltizonu, who dlod when tholr homes woro destroyed. Tho groatest work now Is neces COST CUTS During Our Alteration Sale It is a matter of disposing of I the goods, as them to be destroyed by lime, sand, mortar and dust later on. Follow the crowds. You will find them all at the! Chicago Store This Is How We Sell the Goods Now Glfc nnd 7c pretty, light colored Porcnlos, yard Je 9c nieachod Muslin, 3G In. wide, yard, now Re 85c latost Silks, In tho newest shades, yard 10c 50c Wool Dross Goods, yard 125c 89c Wool Dross Goods, yard 10c 50c full slzo nioached Shoots for double beds -Oc Woman's $8.00 Long Goats. $2.75 Ladles' Suits, now from $1.05 up; worth $12 and fit Fur Hlr 1 ike -f ' 3 de) I I & r SZ fff 'jfh "WffjlM- li xmmyimiz to Help the Stricken CitiesAmerican Money Already sary horo among tho refugeo campB to recover bodies, but tho Boldlcrs aro going cnrofully through tho ruins Booking traces of porsons who still may bo allvo. A man was takon unconnctouB from a houso In Mosslnn whoVo ho had finally fainted from hunger. Ho recovered this afternoon and Bald ho knew nothing of what had happened. Thoro Is llttlo foar of typhoid fov er In tho ruined cities as tho survi vors aro bolng tnkon away bo rapidly. NO FIGURE we don't want . . . .' Come and See : And when you do como you will seo this sale altogether dif ferent from 'any sale you havo joon before in Salem. It Is not a matter of cost with us now, it Is a quostloi of getting rid of the s'oods, as Inter an the walls have to be torn out, and the goods will be In our way. Wo profer dis posing of them at a lose now rath er than earting -them to some warehouse and ran a great rink. I a I Utile furthor orfort will bo made and nt Naples, whoro tho Injured, bo reuvod nnd Insane survivors of tho great disaster need constant attention. Thousands Died Since Quake. Home, Jan. 0. Thousands of vlc tlms have dlod In the Calabrlan coast nnd Interior towns through lack of sufllclcnt supplies and relief. Al though the authorities are doing all they can to rollovo tho distress, tho nocoBbciry dolay In tho transportation of medicines and food has caused a fearful loss in tho smaller towns. Immediately after tho quake, all available aid was sent to Mosslnn, o o o o o o o o ooooooooooo . - () TO IIKL1' STIUOKNN ITALY. O To the pcoplo of fiiiH'iiu Wherein, tho gowrnor of Oregon has culled upon flin people of O i() tho state to lend aid to the enttliqiiuke hiifferers of Italy, and It Is O ' O fitting that the peoplu of our city should respond to the call for ( O help In aid or the nflllcted ones; O Now, tlierefore,I, tho mayor of O Join upon our citizens to render the O condition and prosperity warrants. 0 O Salem, Jan. 5, J 000. O O O O O O O O O O O Rogglo nnd n fow othor larger townB whllo tho villages, whoro destruction was equally groat In proportion to population, woro left without succor. Distress through tho countryBldo has assumod great proportions and urgent nppoals for holp uro bolng ro colvod nt Palormo, in Sicily, nnd at Nnplos, on tho mainland. Orders havo boon forwarded to Clvlavecchla to tho "Iiayorn" to dls ponso supplies along tho Calabria coast for distribution to tho interior towns nnd thus lollevo n part of tho suffering. Tho National Hod CroBs ofnolalH announced today that tho rolluf fund has rouchod f5.0OQ.0OO. Distributes Supplier, Home, Jan. G. The Italian ship "IJayorn" oharterod by tho Amurlcun ambassador, Lloyd Grlscom, und lad en with supplies furnished by Amor loan relief money contributions will leave ClvlUivecehjn tomorrow for Mosslnn. Tho vossol will go down the Calabrlan coast dispensing sup plies. ItattlQi.liIi Started Today, ; Port Sld. Jan. 2. While every j facility tpr early deiMU-ture la being 1 oftered thlt Ajnarioan tettlenhipa that uava been detached from the fleet Hd ffldpd to Italy. Ute veaeels were delayed laat night by eoallRK end did I not lajive for the oarthqitake zone ; until early today. Mure Seven) Shoek. j Palermo, Jan. G. Two of six re- i currlng shocks yostorday at Messina wero tho most severe since tho great troniblor thnt destroyed part of Sic ily and Calabria, according to- re ports received hero today &veral walls standing were toppled to tho ground. Many slight undulations of tho onrth occurred throughout tho day and night but aro unnoticed now by tho troops and rcscuors thronging tho city. ..Washington, D. C, Jan. 0. Am bassador Grlscom cablod tho stato dopartmont today confirming tho fact that VIco-Consul Lurfton sur vived tho Messina dlfftlstor. Orlncom has recolvod n lottor from Lupton written January 3, In which tho vice Consul says: "It Is practically Impooelblo to tu- egrapli tho dopartmont any informa tion from horo. Tho bodice of Mr. and Mrs. Cheney aro burled undor tons of dobrte nt tho con&ulato and It will tnko weeks of work by tho two hundred mon clearing tho dobrli to reach thorn. Only ton thousand pcoplo aro now In Messina nnd theso nro dopnrtlng rapidly." Qrlacom oays thnt Cutting and Lan dls whom ho aontto Molina to soarch for AmorlcatiB have wired that thoa known to havo boon In Messina on December 28 wero Mr. and Mrs. Fo bort of whom llttlo can bo learned. Tholr fato Is unknown. JAIL LOOKS GOOD TO HOBOSS JUST NOW Chief of Pollco Qlbson has only ono lono wandotor In tho city bantilo now, ho having boon takon rundor tho " Salem, do hereby urge am! en- O assistance which our favored O O GKO. V. ItODGKHS, O Mayor. O O OO O O O O O O O kindly wing of tho night pollco yea torday ovonlng. Tho unfortunato follow was In a sorlous condition whon plckod up by tho ofllcors, and 1 ad apparently boou without shelter or food for doiiio tlmo. Tho ollco who keep watch on tho trains report that vory fow brnkobcam travolora It.vo boon eeon during tho lost fow dn3, whleh can readily bo. accounted for, nu tho traveling hobo la fully aware of tho hharduhlps mot with on the road during a tovore snow storm. In the tlmo of nood, the Su lorn Jmstllo affords far more comfart and - protsotlou from thu cold than othor plaoe of confinomont, and tho prhouore nro nlso provided with food flufllclont to satisfy luingor. In fact during suoh wenthor any old jail look like home to the weary nnd ahlverlng tramp. o SPRINGFIELD, OHO, HAS A COSTLY BLAZE Springfield O.. Jay. 0 Flro broke out In the lUldwIn tliastro hero W y UiIb inorlng deetroyQd Uie Uieetru aad left tho new Colonial hotel and the Niyon building praotloftlly la rulM with aa acitregHto loss of about 1360.000. Qil Heed, Ute novelist end Blay rrbjht, we mnoii th. gvt of tic CokoulaJ bote' wlu wero driven from trelr aparttnenu Ity the flamee. Six grmeu were sl'ghtly UJured hrt to one i. k'lled. The orlvln of tb- tire U unknown. The theatre m a fournrtary building and a stono truettire. as -was the Nixon building which adjoined It on one side. On the othor side was tho hotel, n steel and stouo building only recently -MHnpleted and ono of the finest ho tels In thl seot'on. HUGHES ADVOGATES PRIMARY ELEGTIONS Albany N, Y., Jan. C. Qovornur Hugho. in his moseago to tho logla laturo today recommends tho estab lishment of a systom of dlroct pri mary olecttnns for all elcctlvo offices othor than proldontinl electorn em "bracing nil parties. Ho suggots that tho law should proscrlbo what oxponsw may bo In curred lawfully In connection wP.h tho nomination of candidates an J that provisions bo mado to insure tho publicity of all campaign oxpou dlturcs. It was oxpectod thaC tho govornor would recommond a dlroct primary law but it wah hardly thought that ho would ask for. ouch a owooplng moasuro nu ho proposee. Ho fought for a dlroct primary bill during tho Inst botIoii nnd tho otto buforo, with out success. This yenr with tho race track gambling measure oft hlfl hands, It Is probablo that ho will BIG LEGAL BATTLE w A largo war iwirty of Sllvortoi bravos arrived in tho olty today und nftor holding n council of war undo) tho dome of thu stnto houso pro ceeded to t'ho tomplo of Justice whoro tho wilt of Ilrooks vs. Salis bury et al Is Hchodulod to bo pulled off. Mr. Brooks Is milug for nsiault and bnttory on his feolluga In that ho waa maliciously arrostod nnd im-pri-oncd for ongngln? In too blind pig business, Tho delegation fiom tho llttlo city on tho Ablqini was com posod of A. V Slmornl Perry Uurt-h Qto. Cusltor C M. Hny, M, .opz, SON BURNS MONEY FATHER BEATS BOY San Hafaol, Cnl., Juii. G --Craze' with grluf und nngor ehcauso Ills eon Frank had burned 'c wooden -gun-rncK, mi wliloh was worotod $1000 In blllii Muan Ioronzo of ToiiiiiIoh, u tack i and uoarly killed tho youth according (o u Tuport reoulvod hiiio oarly today. Lorenzo aevirnl yeara ago tnndo a wooden gunruck In whloh ho mado a recoptuele for tuoiioy. Tho gunrnck hung on n wall In tho Lorenzo home and from time to t me Lorenzo hj orrtd hi savlims 'n tho uiieuspo't od caehe TEARING DOW RUINS I OF 'FRISCO CITY HALL1 (I'nlted PrM laeed Wire H.iu Fntncleoo, Ja. . -GaagiJ of i workuit-n Uiiiny b'aan the timk of ras lag rhu mine of the elty hall, after a' xfiHctiicular kijal light bead unon v ! strong eeuUment atnonv tle people for rebalUU the etvlo Htruetuv I K r u.ore tltee two years the waftor j of tb dlspoeltloa of the elty hall rutus has been la the courts and it van aot until yesterday that the way waa cleared for tholr 'tearing down and tutting away. N-w another light has followod the beginning the work of re-build- log. Tho contractor, William II. Mi t' U Cjinpvb, dec tare in t It turn his main cnorglos toward the dlroct oloctton proposition. Tho moseage also recommend that tho stato pollco iowora bo extended no na to glvo tho Forost, Fish and Gamo Commlfislon a Bttfflolont force to protect tho forosts and carry out tho policy of conservation, It was pointed cut thnt tho prosont moans of enforcing tho lawn, fighting and preventing flro nro ontlroly Inade quate. In this connection ho tnndo a strong jilea, for tho mnlntonauco of tho wntor eupllcs nnd roforred to Iho work bolng dotto in tho national movomont for conservation of ro Bourccfl. Tho mensago rocommends that, most drastic monsuros bo tnkon looking toward tho protetlon of hu man llfo from rocklosg .automobile drivers. Strong recommendations for tho dovolopinont of wntorways, al o arc included. FROM SILVERTON Pollco JJ Judge Ohnrloa Mooro Ohiof of Police nnd 10. T Prjatin policeman Hrooku Ih not our frlond tho druggist Lut ho in (.' cr Ilrooks vho htH re tained . i or Illngha.i and, Adam as a Oi(h Lalory to co 'oct his Back fill 'f Cinnttus. On thn ether nlda r rtt dd jiittoo uo.cni ltiiuch, SrilK nnd 1 1 pi Hlchnidsoii it wll uu lie tiilfb ciibo O'l thu dockel fir wli-iii tit, Silvortji builc'i 'mio ioo thoro s uovor an ' luck of ox. clleiiu"H 'O mustard spread aH " ii in i ii fow dill pickles thrown In For Bomo reason tho son w1!! U 17 years of ago, decided to burn tho gttnrnnk nnd not knowing of tho woelth h'dden within It, conslgnO'l It to tho flumes. Whon Lorenzo leurnod of tho loss of hht savings ho bornnio fronzleJ and attaoked thu boy. It Is not now known how badly th hoy la Injured neighbors reporting that ho wns kno'ked limonslblo by his maddened fnthor. Deputy Shorlff Voormnn loft to day with n warrant for Lorenzo's nr r,Mt . entitled to the stututj) thut surmouiit bear tho oxponso of lowering it to the ground from Its lofty poroti. The uiunlolpal park, uominlssloii, under the charter, olalma Jurisdic tion over tho metallic lady and want thu etaiute fur the adormueut of Uoldeu Quia Park. They nry nut pre larU, ht ver, to ho to tli ta panes of having it carefully lowered Should the ontraetoiii a In. the statute will He topplsd fioiii Ha lofty prk with e owbara, Iim mils value batog the amount of metal it con tains. -r- q - -- QkhI rtture Is as aontaglqua na 'he Rieejiloe. Put on your best smllo when you got up in. tho morning ami, observe how everybody will greet you with a Bunny face. V .i gfMgegce 3t"SJ