193331 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALSM, ORBGON. TUESDAY, JANUARY H, 10. i - 5E b.-L t ? Health Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Colorand Beauty, No matter how long ithas been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops Its falling out, and positively remeves an dralf. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2)4 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Net a Dye. $1 sad 90c. bottles, at dragglsts Stnd s for tree book " The Care ol tho Hair." t Pbllo Hay Spec. Co. , Newark, N. J. Hay's Ilarilna Soap cures Pimple, red, rough and chapped hands, and all skin dls eattfl. neept bkiu un Bead 2c (or freo book tea. Keeps siun una anu soic uc, urutrcrists. iMun oi me aitm." Big Sale Now All Goods at Cost Price; Sale on 20 days, HUIE WING SANG CO. HUfl W. Commercial St. CASTOR I A x'or Infants and Children. The Kind Yuu Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of wr. &&, UUTTKRNUT IIRKAI). It Id worth more than any other iTond yot tho prlcu h no higher tor lain at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thuiiinn to ronlej, Pron. TORRID ZONE FURNACE Tbo above oui ropinta otr tirlck lined Torrid Zone Furnaoj, Guaranteed gns, smoke and dut ' roof. Economical and durable, A. L. FRASER 58 STATE STREET. EMimxrii rurniKnen on hoatlni brail C'liliu'ci- Mooter L. M. II UJI Hiib mf-dlciuu whlob will cure ar. known dl rase, lie make a apflai ty of. and guarantees lo euro Catnrrb Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also auy bluckened ur vwclton ourenoi's, broken limbs; Smallpox; Epidemic; all kJnds ol Dolls, lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, IJrni TroMb'ea and Parslyuls Consultation free. Cure of Ylck Ro Tong Co., Chinese drug and herbs. 153 High St.. 'installs Salun. Or Gold Dust Flout i !.," by TUB SYDNEY POW- i EI' COMPANY', Sidney, Ore- ; go. . Made for family use. I 1 i Ak juur giocer for It. Ilrnn nnd sImiiIn ninny on luinil, J ! P. B. WALLACE, Agt. V y Si ?flaaaaaaaaaaWyalaaaa.a!aalafra! '' t jwUi y JcB WtWmttS aMagJ laaUlsK CAPITAL I1AKERY 439 Court Streot, D. J. Switzer, prop. Dread, Cakes, Plea and all Kinds of Pastries, Cookies, etc. Watch for our waEon. Phone 954. Special rders delivered ou short notice. ' 11-19-tf. Salem Fence Works Htiitfiiwirt.-n lur Woven Wire tuuuti Poultry Necilng. 1'ioKots, Ga.ei M. lUiuld Itut.Uug P D B-i! Rioting. tM-iriou noun, and A ii 4..U Wl i i Scrona. CIIAS. ft, MULLIGAN U' M.I UK MORLFY A Now Year's Surprise. It was nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. William Cross in North Salem on Now Year's ove, whon somo 34 of their friends and neighbors walked in to spend the evening, bringing with them good cheer. Tho ovening was spent in plnying games and had a great vnrloty of music, consisting of nuniorous flno selec tions on Mr. Cross' phonograph. Miss Arllo nnd FIosslo Whitney played a few pieces on tho organ nnd -violin. Mr. D. Gibson, Mr. Thomas Gibson and wife nnd Mrs. W. Flynn render od some very flno music on the vlo 11 ns and organ. Those present were Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. Cross, Mr. Charlie Watson, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Prince nnd Kenneth Prince, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Flynn nnd baby Grace, Mr. and Mrs. ThomuB Gibson, Mr. W. D. Ed wards ,Mr. W. E. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cochrnn, Mrs. Julia Farrlngton, Miss FIosslo and Ilnel Prince, tho Misses Nina, Edna, Arlio and FIosslo Whitney, Mr. H. Sym ington, Master Plonsant Whitney, Jcssto Prlco. Anna Gibson, Mrs. W. J, Ilngedorn nnd others. At tho hour of 12 nftor watching tho old yoar out and Now Year In, all dopartod, hav ing had a very onjoynblo evening nnd wishing Mr. nnd Mrs. Cross many happy Now Years.- Itnnk Foolishness. "Whon attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it Ib rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's Now Dls covory," says C. O. Eldrldgo, of Em pire "Ga "I havo used Now Dis covery sovon jonrs and I know it 1b tho best romedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, and all throat and lung troubles. My children nro sub ject to croup, but Now Dlacovory quickly cures ovory nttnek." Known tho world over as tho King of thront and lung romodles. Sold undor guarantee nt J. C. Perry's drug storo. GOo and fl.OO. Trial bottlo freo. Sliafer, tho Hiii-iiosn Man Now is tho tlmo to got your heavy draft and plow harness Best stock In town. Stomach Trouble Cured. If you hnvo any troublo with your 8tomnch you should tnko Chamber lain's Stomach and Llvor Tnblots. Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edlna, Mo Bays "I havo usod a great many different medlclnos . for stomach troublo, but find Chnmborlnlu's Stomach and Llvor Tnblots mora bonoflolal than any other romody I over iiBod. ' For salo by Dr. Stouo's drug storo. Caught in the Rain, then a cold and a cough lot it run on got pneumonia or consumption that's all. No matter how you got your cough don't nogloct It tnko Dnlard's Horohound Syrup und you'll bo over it In no tlmo. Tho suro euro for coughs, colds, bronchitis nnd all pulmonary dlfloases In young and old. Sold by nil dealers. 0.3'j7aStlA. 0en tb j? IM KM 'W IIW Altflll BotlM , Eyes Tested Specs all Prices Glasses as prescribed by us are conceded the fore most remedy for the cure of headache , nervousness, fa cial neuralgia, eje, due to muscular or nervous Eye strain. For any Eye trouble or for new Glasses consult us, SPECIAL CARE OF CHILDREN'S EYES Barr's Jewelers COUNCIL CHANGES PERSONELL HOLDS HARMONIOUS SESSION In tho second conference of the city council held Monday night nnd on the sixth ballot Jeff Pooler was nominated over Jani'-s Martin for street commissioner. Tho old council then hold its Inst session. , Petition for five-foot sidownlk on Twenty-first street, between Oak and Mill was granted. Tho petition of Mrs. Frnkes for aid in getting a homo was rejected. Ordinances to protect trees, shrubs nnd plants on streets nnd public parka (pass), for protecting Bower plpo (pass), uniforming of pollco (not pass), woro roportod. Monuments nnd pormnnont stroot grades in Englewood ordered estab lished. Streut I'oninilttoo roportod favor ably on specifications for bltullthlc pavomont fronr Church to Twoirth streets on Court. Adopted. Qrndo to bo established. ABked further tlmo on Court from Twolfth to Elghtoonth; also on N. Winter, for commlttco to consider. A crossing was ordorcd on Illgli street, south sldo of Mill, to Oregon .Electric dopot. Roport of City Physician Miles for past yonr was inado and adoptod; ro forred to commutes on health and pollco and sewage. Ilattllng for Lights. Petition for arc light at cornor Front nnd Stnto streots roportod nd vorsoly; report adoptod. Petition for light at High nnd Division Htroots, granted. Street Commissioner Mnrtln sub mitted quarterly report. Fire Chief Darr submitted annual roport of flro department. City recorder submitted report of fees nnd llconses collected. On this tho old council adjourned and tho now mombors, Aldermen Hill, Iiofer, Sauter nnd Wntors, woro sworn in nnd took their seats, Frns or. Good nnd Rndcliffe and Waldo ro I ring. Tho mayor thon road his annaul moBs.igo. Thoro 'vns n largo number of tho common people present ovory seat being tnkon. Tho mossago showed that tho total olty revouuos would bo $71,000. Tho message was referred to a olmmltteo of thrco. Mr. Eldrldgo moved that Win. Mnnnlng bo ro-olcctod ns mombor of tho park board. Carried. Mr. Stockton mndo vorbal roport on subject of a landscapo gardonor for Salem parks. Potltlnn for laying a six-inch Bow er on Union street. Roforrod to tho sowor commlttco. Potltlon for crosswalk at Bush and Commercial stroots. Carried. Goo. Moyor asked for uso of tho public Htroots. Roforrod to mayor, Potltlon for ulloy on East Eigh teenth stroot, to bo 1C foot wldo; J. A. Howltt nnd others. To commit too on stroots. Mr. Stockton revived tho oponlng of Chomokotn stroot through MrB. Clnrk'B proporty. Roforred to com mltoo on stroots. Proporty owners nlong tho non ham road petition for widening 30 foot rond to CO.foot road. Roforrod to commjtteo on streots. Petition for aro light on North Wlntor streot at brldgo. To com mittee. Resolution by Mr. Hofor for aro light at Intersection of Rock nnd Lincoln streets. To committee. Mr. Millard presented potltlon for an arc light at Sovonteonth and A stroots. Mr. Sauter naked to havo a num ber of crosswalks and sldowalks re paired. To committee on streots. Mr. Hill offorod resolution requir ing contractors to keop up repairs ou North Winter street. To streot committee. Resolutions for" bltulithJo pave ment on Churoli, Liberty and Cot tage streets between Court and State streots adoptod. The list of olty offloials as agreed on In caucus was thon taken up and oleotod. Now OrdliiuiitcH. An ordinance for 1.60 gas was road and referred to ordinance committee. aaaaaBa fBaaaaaw KING OF THROAT LUNG I WHsl If 1 EDIES SALEM, OREGON School closed during, holiday week. Work will bo resumed on Monday, January 4th. A number of new students will enter at that time, New class in shorthand will bo or ganized then, A good time to begin a practical course of study, Hundreds of Young People Will be required to do tho work of stenographers and bookkeopors in tho develop ment of the Northwest in the jioxt few years; and there are always openings for those who are well qualified, If you aro interested in preparing for a business position we invito you to look into our courses, Send or call for catalogue, Ordinances to provont tnmporlug with sowor pIpoB, gac plpos or water pipes, nnd to protect trees anr shrubs in stroots nnd parks, woro pnssod. An ordlnanco prohibiting minora from froquontlng pool or billiard sa loons was read and roforred o com mute ou ordinances, .Mr. Iiofer gave notice of uinond- mont to rules: Rule 30. Auy bill, resolution or proposed umondmont to, or nffect I lug tho laws of this city coming bo ' foro tho council shall bo subscribed ny tuo name or the aldormnn pro posing tho same. Tho committee ndjournod. It Dot'H Tho Husliifss, Mr. E. E. Chamborhtln, of Clinton, Mnlno, Bays of Hucklon's Arnica Salvo. It docs tho business; I hnvo usqd It for piles and it cured thorn. Usod it for chappod hands and it ou rod thorn. Applied it to an old soro nnd it honied it without leaving n soar bohlud." 25c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. Mrs. Johnson Says tho soorot of good coffoo is vory simple buy Folgor's Golden Onto whole roast and havo it ground not too flno. Simple Remedy for Ln Grippe, Racking la grippe coughs that may develop Into pneumonia over night aro quiolciy curod by Foloy'a Ilonoy and Tar. Tho soro and in (lamod lungs uro healed and strongth onod, and a dangerous condition is quickly averted, Tako only Foloy'a Honoy and Tar In tho yellow pack ago. J. C. Perry. -o- Kodol digests all tho food you eat If you will tako Kodol for a little whllo you will no longer have indi gestion. It Is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by all druggists. OAB'JPOIIIA., Bun th - iiA 'JHy Hm B0t nMOHESTER S PILLS -jr. - jiik lfiAiiu.Ti niu.MI, u yu JlJAWO.Nf l.-l.-AM) J'll.l i-ulL'.l AUTu"rlruxl.(for i I riilt In Ur J .. I OaM iuUcV I U-f. . k lUi kni,Y I T.L. UA lLl 11.. m. V 1 H-TKHd I NEW DISCOVERY for COUGHS AND COLDS CURES -i THROAT - LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored some months without Improvement, Then X began giving Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRS SAMp rjppee, Ava Mo, SOLD AND GUARANTEED MY J. C. PERRY. W. I. i 9Tk JBBVV - aaaaaaaaV' m aallllllliaaaalaiaiaMWt4ir I Wire Fencing Paint GET IT OF SALEM HARDWARE CO. 1 1 20 Commercial St. M8sf a-H-HH- i i 9 1 i 8 - HH E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store iwxrx 144- Commercial St. SPECIAL SALE At 20 per cent reduction on all linos of shoos. Save money for your elf or family. At tho Little German i i Shoe Storo, Stato street. 2 Jacob Vogt to I h . . BOc AND SI.OO STALEY, Principal A Meeting At which your ono dcalro Ib to ippear at your best something pos itively liupoHuMilo when your llnon la. poorly luumtarod. Your collar, shirt or cuff or th ohlrt waist, neckpleco, etc., Is Just. ;is Important in your uppsnrnnco an tho ololhon UiomHolvoB. If you bring them lioro thoy will bo perfectly laundered and roturnod In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. IfflMOO 8. Llbertty Ht Builders' Hardware f and Oil Phone 172 i - a - HBH 0)4 aai-----! ifxsxsazn Free Delivery BBBaBBaVsSrBBla lUIlUM.BUliv J4.t.J,l.rtU-a.l t er.o rouri sl Salrm. OH SfllOBy!)RUGGISTSFVFl?.FrtRE Bsssssii