Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 05, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Image 1

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    FIRST ED)TI0M-3 P. W.
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I f mtmal
I v i Jim.
JSJjF J'ffCTfPWfljn ESS? l&5?
(United Press Leased Wiro.)
Portland, Or., Jan. 5. A typlcnl
Eastern snow storm Is raging today.
barrlod by a high wind, tho whito
lakes nro Bwceplng through tho
streets, blinding podoatrlans aud
tanking wnlklng oxtromoly dimcult.
in eomo lnatanco tralllc Is Intorforo.l
lth. It Is tho worst Btorm of Its
hcind thnt has visited this city In sov-
lral years. At times buildings on
Itho othor sldo of tho street cann.-i;
l)0 booh.
Allmny Is In It,
Albany, Or., Jan. l Albany a :n
Etlio grip of "no ol l worst no
.ortm Been hero In 7001s. 8nov L--
nn Ifii.ng catly this morning, and
It in roil (.lit J n depth of six Inchoi. A
.it ng ii ith wind la b'owlng, nnl in.
E.lli-attrns me for a '-or heavy fall
Ruin nnd Snow nt Ashland.
Ashland, Or, Jan. 5. Heavy
trains aro falling with somo snow.
All who remember tho shocking
ncldont in Ohio, whoro hundreds of
chool chlldron loot their Uvea be-
Uauso tho fastenings to tho doors
c uld not ho oponod, will rojolco
iwlth ub over nn lnvontiou which
; makes such distressing casualties
impocslblo. Mr. W. O. Wlthum, who
'I vps on Nobrnska nnd 10th streets,
In thb city, Is ono of tho firm of
Wltham Dro3., who nre the invent
ors nnd manufacturers of an auto
matic door oponor, which Is being
lntroduoed In many of tho eastern
urates. Mr. Wltthnm has received
fnm his brother at Ottumwn, Town,
a sample of this Invention for his in
troducing In Oregon. Tho fittings
avo of solid brass, vory s'mplo of
rpcrntlon nnd when attached to any
d or, by tho prossuro of a smnll child
'1 tho bolts nnd locks fly opon nnd
ho doors swing freo.
Te Wlthnm nutomotic door opon-
' - li h ing adopted for the safoty
" f.rotectlon of tchools, hotel?,
UThrg lodges, theaters and pub
r brlMlngs generally Tho firm
'as or jved nn order to attnch thU
r"rlhn.i to the doors of all' tho
tat' ri.e educational Institutions In
'wn newspaper clipping Just
"cc)vrd 'ells of tho automatlo de-
lce ri"B adopted by tho Garrlck
Thrace, which advertises that it
''ai thus arrangod for tho excep
tional 'nfetyt of their patrons. Mr.
Whitman has had the Invention be
roro tho Salem School Board, who aro
Helena Mont., Jan. 5. A special
oni Lew 1st on won that a desperate
uel r s boen fought in tho snow of
r n unntaln south of the city bc
" w-n a deputy sheriff and a sus
vt l hnrt thief, in which the latter
vas killed.
Te names of ths participants nro
' !)' Sheriff Alr Morgan and John
ir-- the deputy had been on-
as" ' In the noaroh several days,
Jnilug upon his "man In a secluded
d trlct.
Tho weather Is not very cold. Wash
outs aro reported from the mountain
towns, but wires south of hero aro
olthor down or working poorly, nml
It Ib dimcult to get nn account of
damage done.
Cold Wave In 'Washington.
(United Press Loasod Wlro.)
Seattle, Wash., Jan. C. A heavy
wind, accompanied by exceedingly
cold wcathor Is reported from many
pnrtB of tho state. Tho storm hero
Is bad,' but no matorlal damago has
boon done, except for prostration of
telephone- and telegraph wires. North
of hero tho. weather Is roported In
tensely cold, and thoro Imb been Bomo
Cold tit Tiiconm.
(United Press Lensod Wlro.)
Tncoma, Wash., Jon. 5. Follow
ing n light fall of snow nml n suddon
drop In tompcrnturo last ovonlng,
Tncomn tndny In In tho grasp of tho
vory much pleased with the Idea,
and havo given him an ordor to put
thorn Into tho East School.
Tvntlinonlol from Burlington, iowii.
Burlington, Iowa, Nov, 18,1008
To whom it may concern:
This Is to certify thnt tho city
council hm examined tho median.
Ism nnd working of tho WIthnm
Door Oponer and can honrtlly rocom.
mend It for uso on tho doors of all
buildings whoro public gatherings
nro hold,-as a prevontivo against
loss of llfo from clotted doors.
Robert koppacii,
City Clork.
To whom it may cencern:
Tho city of nurllugton has an ordl
nnnco requiring tho supervision by
tho (lro dopavtmont of tho doors In
our public buildings.
I havo recently had occasion bo
cause of this roqiilremant to exnmine
Into the merits of the "William An
totmatlc Door Openor," and I want
to unhesitatingly pronounco It h
complete and successful device. T
havo tostod Its operation aud And
that it yleldi perf;ctly and, In my
Judgment, n door, to which It Is
nttachod would yield promptly under
any circumstances, whether In tho
hands of jKjreons cool or excited, or
in caso of a panic.
Yours truly,
Chlof of Flro Department. Burling-
ton, Iowa.
The battle then began, terminating
In tho death of the hunted -man.
Washington. Jan. .6. Attorner
Genoral Bonaparte toda yannounced
that tho government will re-try tho
famous Standard Oil case. In whloh
that corporation was fined 2.0,000.
000 for alleged rebating.
It Is generally be'Ieved hero thU
the case will be heard before United
States Judge Knne$aw Mountain
Landls. In Chicago, who handed down
tho original decision.
coldest weather recorded by tho local
weather during tho past two years.
At 8 o'clock this morning the mer
cury stood at 21 degrees above zero.
A biting wind nt tho rate of 30
miles nn hour, is swooping over tho
city from tho northwest, causing
much discomfort to pedestrians and
displacing Insecurely fnstonod
signs and awnings. Somo apprehen
sion is folt on tho wntorfront, wheru
sovoral small crntt broko from, their
moorings onrly this morning and
drifted helplessly about tho bay.
Logs loosened from tho booms nt
tho Biiwmllls north of tho city during
tho gnlo last night, drifted along
shoro, crashing Into docks, stoumers
mid miscellaneous crnft anchored In
tho stream. Sovernl fnmllles living
In house boats near Old Town, wero
so badly frightened during tho night
by tho bumping of tho logs against
their homed that thoy .deserted tho
boats and sought shelter at the
North Thlrtloth Htroqt police station
) O O O () O O O O O
o o
() Under the leadership of Mayor Itodgei-N a movement lias liven O
O put on foot to raise money for the Italian earthquake Hiiffererx. The ()
() mayor appointed following lionomry committee to help raise funds ()
O and forward same: O
O Dr. W. II. Hyrd, Judge Wm. Ilusliey, O
O A. Iluckestelii, A. Bush, O
() Iter. Phil llauer, HiihsHI Cutlln.
O K. T. I Ja nu'H. ' O
() Tluve Days' Gifts. O
) Tuesday, Wcdncsdny and Thursday will be, devoted to raining )
() funds by thin committee, and Thursday night all the Kloclrlc (hen- O
O tern of this city will give their rush receipts towards helping poor O
() Italy. - O
() The Hixlem Ministerial Association In expected to tako actlon'mid ()
( on next Humliiy preach, pray and take up a collection for tho suf- O
() fererti.. The First Church if Clilrst, Scleiitlst, nt Its nnnual meeting ()
O last night voted to give $.V to the Italian earthquake fund. The O
() Capital Journal Mill receive and forward awy donation Its renders ()
O we fit to make. This city should make n gonerous response, al- ()
O though we have no Italian colony In our midst. O
() O O O O () O O o o O O O O O O O o o o
(United Press Leased Wire.)
North Yaklmn, Wash.. Jan. 5. A
douf imito, sleeping In a room adjoin
ing tho saloon of George Smith at
Wapnto, nurrowly escaped death
from a flro whloh partially do
stroyod the saloon. Tho proprietor
and Rlmor Eaton nro undor arrest
on suspicion of arson, fho build
ing wns Insured. Men who saw tho
fire whloh broke out at 1 a .nn,
remombored tho doaf and dumb man
and romoved him.
Millionaire Tliat Was.
(United Press Loased Wire)
Ileno. Nov., Jan. 5. Harry Mo
Mlllari, orstwhllo millionaire and not
long ago In tho public eyo because of
hU ongagement to Edna Goodrich,
the aotroBs. is today being sought on
a charge thut ho Is responsible for
tho Issuing of nllogod worthless
cheeks amounting to 19000.
Tho complnlnunt Is Jams. May,
known as Nevada's gambling king,
who Is thought to have glvon Mae
Mlllan the amounts represented In
the checks one night last month.
It te said that about that tiro he
won nearly GO0O at ono sitting.
MaqMlllan Is thought to b In
Miss Goodrich, whose engagement
(United Press Loased Wlro.)
Dorlln, Jan. G. Tho condition of
ex-Prcsldont Clprlano Castro, of Von
"zuola, was reported as critical today
Tho ox-prcsldont underwent an op
eration yestorday, tho exact nature
of wLlch, was not maUo public. Ac
thacomplotion of tho operation,
which lasted, for four hours, Castro
was reported to havo withstood tho
snook, and woujd recover. ThU
morning, howovor, a decided ehango
occurred. Aftor a consultation, In
which Dr. Israel and sovoral oftho
foremost surgeons of Gormany, par
ticipated, It wna given out that tho
ox-prcsldont was In n precarious condition.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Seattle Wash., Jan. 5. A delega
tion representing tho lumber Indus
try of tho entire Pacific const, mndo
up of loggers and lumber nnd shlnglo
manufacturers, will leave for Wash
lnton, D. C, this week In time to
roach tho nntlonnl capital by Jan
uary 12.
On that dato thoy hopo to meet
LOIfford Plnchot, chief of tho Unltod
States Forestry sorvlco, who has ox-
pressod u doalro to moottho ropro-
O O ( ( () () () O () 0
Rentatlves of tho nation's lumbor In
torosts nnd dlscuaa tho conservation
problem that Just now Is playing
Bitch a prominent part In the making
up of tho new tnrlff schedules.
In addition to meeting Mr. Pin
ohot, tho dulegutlou oxpoots nlso to
furnish tho ways and moans commit
too with additional data concerning
the lumbor and shlnglo Industry.
Tho personnel of tho delegation
thnt will roprosont tho Pacific coast
at tho coming conferences Is not yot
comploto. An effort Is bolng made to
Induce tho most prominent nnd In
fluential men In tho Industry to go
to Washington and fight for tho re
tention of the duty on lumber and
shingles. D. 13. Skinner of San
Francisco, who Is president of tho
Port Blakely Mill ompany Is tho
chairman of tho Pacific CoaBt lumber
tnrlff committee
with tho mining man was broken off,
Is now the wife of Nat. O. Goodwin.
Chicago boosters aro all swelled
up with prldo becauso Hov. II. H.
Head, of that villages, gently told
'his congregation that, "In somo re-
Fspgals Itril is no worse than Chlqa.
go. The Idea Is thai (Jhloago alwayja
wants to be in the lead a.nd Is tlak
lod to death ot the idea thut it oan
bMt hell nt It sown gamu.
Jury Makes Short Work of Homer Black, Indicted for Shoot
ing Dr. Robertson. Out less Than An Hour And Are of
One Mind Regardless of the Fact that the Evidence Was
Largeyl Circumstantial.
Tho Jury In tho Black trial charged
with shooting Dr. 0. B. Robertson
was complotod yesterday afternoon,
nnd 1 n composed ot tho following
good clllzono of Marlon ceunty: J
P. Minch, S H. Itussoll, Dolph Boyer
M. It. Dooart, Joseph Smith, A. 13.
Follor, M. Skolfo, E. N. Starr, A. J
Patton,' W. E. EngllBh nnd L. O
After tho Jury had boen Impan
eled District Attorney John II. Mc-
Nary oallod Dr. C. 13. RobortBon to
' tho stand to testify regarding tho
shot which nenrly cost him hlB llftf
j Dr. RobortBon gnvo. n elenr state
ment of tho ocourronco, nnd told of
how ho waa reasonably suro thut
I Black wan tho man who hold tho gun
i nnd tho ftun which wni found on
Black's poMon after his arrest was,
In his Judgment, tho weapon which
ntint him. f TtrOinrtiwin.l Tin until hn
"was w&lklngiaUKi;. tho darkotroet
'near tho Wooleri'mllls nld was Just
In tho act. of stopping on the bridge
nt tho intersection of Ferry nnd Hp
Btreots, whon n man ahoaJ
of him ordortJ him to hold up his
hands. Ho then told of tho ponitloit
In which ho stood and that of tho
' C. R. Rockhlll, nn omployo ot tho
stnto ho ii no, wns tho unsuspected
I witness of tho day. Rockhlll had ta
taken Dr. Smith to his Stnto street
homo In a carrlago. Shortly after
tho shooting a man passed In front
'of his toam running swiftly down
Two' f th street north.
Tho finding ot a black overcoat
near tholalr ground and two hats
i)pon tho person of Black was ex
plained during tho testimony of Rock
hill. Tho witness told of how he
was compelled to pull up his horsey
whon tho man rnn In front of thorn.
nnd how ho was carrying a black
! overcoat over his shoulder at the
jtlino and woro a black ha!. When
Johnson and Tweedy arrested Black
nonr tho fair grounds, thoy found
on him nmong other things, a while
hat perfectly dry, wlilio the black one
ho was then wearing was snaking
wot. In the ovorront pockets there
was found two 54-callbro shnlU lilon
tlonl with tho sliolls tnkon from
Dr. W. P. Mori testified thnt th
shot. wMHj r red through Dr. lloh
orison' body, wn". from the sire nnd
character of tlio hole In the gar
montp. n 45-calihn projootllo.
T. A. Maplothorpo was another'
Important witness. Ho resides near
tho 'otnn of tho shooting, and at tho
time heard Dr. Robertson ordored to
throw up lib hands; heard tho doctor
run, and then tho shots, and the In
jured man's cries for help. Maple
thnrpo wlis ono of the first to com
to Dr. Robertson's nld.
I 'Walter. John and William TwcoJy
'woro tho next to tako tho stand
Thoy rolnud tholr oxprionro during
tho capture of Black; how thoy wero
. driving down tho fair grourd road
and saw Black apparently hiding be
hind n treo alnnar tho road, and how
thoy offected his capture.
, Promptly at 9 o'clock this mors
lutr'jiidge Burnett vt od the court In
trdor. aud Sheriff IMrry Mlnto tnS
tliu arond. The te't'iaony gJVn by
iMintolnmily pertninOil to the on
fvtlan he bad with the? defendant
during thf time ho had' been In hi
NO. 4.
custody. Ho told tho Jury how he
had asked Black It ho know what he
was arrested for, and how Black
statod ho did not. Mlnto thon told him
ho wna nrrested forshootlng ot Dr.
Robortsou on Fourteenth stroott that
night, and what had ho to any for
himself. Black nnsworod ho had noth
Ing to say. Mlnto then told how
ho nBked Black whether or not ho
was alono whon ho did tho Job, AND
BLACK SAID HE WAR, but aftor
ward told the sheriff ho did not know
anything about tho mnttor. Sheriff
Mlnto rotated to the court what be
found on tho defendant's person In
tho Bhorlff'fi olllca, theso articles be
ing displayed to the Jury. Tho 45
callbro gun nnd tho shells nnd other
nrtlclcs found nt tho tlmo wero nlfl'i
put In evidence'. Aftor Attornoy Con
dlt lind croM-queetloncil tho shorlft
tor a few moments In rotation to his
conversation with Blnck, ho wns dlt
pilsjsed. Night 'OITlcor Pholnnd wns then
railed to tho stand to corroborate
Shorlft Mlnto's story regarding tho
convorfutlou with tho dofondnnt
Pholand related to tho court how ho
wns In' tho coll with Mlnto at tho tlmo
of tho talk, and how Mlnto had asked
him tho foregoing questions, that
Black had answered as stated by Mln
to. Wm. !3'oh, doputy shorlft, also took
the stand nnd told what ho know ot
the convornatlon and of his examina
tion of tho gun found on Blnck. Ills
examination of tho weapon .brought
out tho facts nllogod that It had been
fir (Ml twice and reloaded again, Up
on being askod by District Attorney
McNary to relate to tho court what
ho overheard In the conwiatlon
Esch attomptod to toll how Black
was asked whoro ho bought the gun,
butt,, upon tho objection of Attornoy
Condtt, tho J ud go riustnlncd him, thus
rendering further conversation on
that subject usclew and Esch loft
tho stand
Lloyd Hauser, of tho Salem Oun
Store, was called to testify about ex
amining tho gun, and practically told
tho samo story as was told by tho
piocedlng wltuostf.
I). H. White, a youug man em
ployed by the lanslng Nursery Co..
thon took the witness box, and re
Intsd to tho court how ho had found
tho overcoat lying near tho fair
grounds, nnd how ho wont to his
work after hiding the coat, and had
In his possession ono of the shells
tokou from tho overcoat pocket. Up
on asking hlu employor as to hi dis
covery, ho was Instructed to get tho
coat and bring it to tho nursery
farm, whloh he did. C. F. Lansing,
proprietor of tho nursery, corrobor
ated WIiIIo'b story.
Georgu Bryant, one of tho proprie
tors, or tho Capital City Flouring
Mills, brought to llht In his testi
mony tho only new ovldenc of tho
day. Ho told of how ho had seen a
man rosouihllntf Black, to thw wxtent
that he bollevd It to be him. pni
(low by hU H'lll all Trde strt uw
on svoral o'caiIouj. When naked to
UlHtitly tho overcoat found nnr tho
'air gro-nds, Hryjit was rMonab v
wire " was the gnrtaent worn by the
inn nhe observed pacing his place of
Itutlnabt. After tho shooting of Dr.
(Continued on page 8.)
1 imff'tfat-i n