I M It- V 1H' is w r Y. .? ' 5! THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOFKR, .. ..f tietoted to American independent he-p.Pr Wt til rronriw Evening Except Sunday. fubllihel KTorr 8UMSCIUIT10N 11ATB8. (IntftrUbly In Adrnncc.) 1111 or ""' t10' )C" 400 J'cr UtlT, by mm, tor ":; 1'-Z.I.00 Six WCOKIT, OT mum " tutf . Nil BTATK luiww- . . .! Ill ! ! LKTLB. . , The State Food and Dairy Cotnmls .loner law of this state has a clause requiring publication of 'nthly, bulletin HIIOWINfl "H EXAMINATIONS MADK I1Y THIS IIBPAIITMBNT. Tho commissioner Is required to i isko analyses of canned goods, cal mips, extracts and all prepared foods and publish results, whether pure or If no bulletins aro published, wo f,.k. has he nothing to publish? ' the food commissioner JtHT in TlTIiB AND 1011 TUB HAIjAUY? Tho pcoplo have a right to know If there aro any Impure foods sold la (ho retail stores. Tho exposure mado In congress, the litillotlns printed In tho stnto of Washington, TUB XU.MBUOl'H POL HOXINOH 1'KOM OAXXBD AXD l'lti:i'Alti:i) FOODS, all go to show that there uro many Impure articles of food sold. Proper Inspection and enforcement of the law Is essontlnl to protection of tho people against tho greed of coimcloncolww commercialism. Tho purposo of tho Stnto Pure Kood Ilullotlns Is TO POIXT OUT Alt TIOMM THAT AIIB Hl'UIIIOl'tf AXD AIHIITICUATKD. Tho wholesaler and tho retailor nro protected as woll as tho public when the puro fond law Is ho neatly en forced. Tho bulletin rwituro of tho state law should bo enforced, iib nil kinds of adulterated produots WIMi MB KH1PPKD TO AXD SOliD In a sttito where thore Is no Inspection and no possibility of exposiiro and punish uient. . -o- TUB OAUCUK A Itl'XlU OF TUB PAST. Shnll tho rule of King Caucus bo purpelunted In tho Oregon loglsla-tiirot- SHAM. HIXTBBX MBX OUT OK M.VTV XA.MB TUB SPBAKBlt 01-' TUB IIOIWHY XO. SHAM. XIXB .MBX OUT OB Tlllll TV XASIB TUB PltKSIDBXT 01-' TUB HBXATB? XO. Hhnll Oregon restore close corpor ation rule or shnll new IdoaH prevail? Thono are Important questions for members of the legislature to answer. HOW Wll.li TIIK HHPhY TO THBIH CONBTITUKXTHV Cmuous rule Is tho rule of tho mi nority, and ooulrnl of n legislative hotly should not be given to a mi nority. A conference of nil mombora to w lyot omployoH IS DH'l'BUKXT 1'ltO.M A KTItlUT PAHTV JAl'0l'S. In strlot party onueus tho mi nority party U ohlltwutml. wltl out. THH .MIXOIUTV OK TUB DO.MI XAXT PAUTV IS AKSO WIPBD OUT. The party vMtietis Is eontrol of a legislature by minority wIUiIh minority. KHAI.Ii XIXH SHXATOItS Dl( TATB TO TWUXTY-OXH SltXA TOUSV SHAM, SIXTKItN ItKPIIKSU.TA TIVUS DKU'ATK TO SIATY HKP. ItliSKXTATlVlteV Ttutt Is the rul of tU. tuaihluo l'w4r lit rule of tti IMri prl- SAVE YOUR MONEY Men grow rich by saving n pait of tho money thoy make and putting it whore it will bo safo and earn more. Doposlt your savings with us. Your money will be safe and ready for you whon you need It. Wo pay three por cont in terest. Savings Department Capita! National Bank yt Ed. ana rrui. .. lUi and ninuij'"" Sulem. Ore. . vi'rw- "-"M month... K month,. .. ,....!., nt Klnc Caucus ttmrv me noun""""- -- - . nvnrlhrown. . ,,, ,, lonKur owe ni' IdRlnnee to party bosses and ma- l.l..nl TIIKV OWK AIiliKCJIANCB TO rrtii. ir.'MiM,K OXIA. Tho party boas and machine poli tician CAN NO LOXflKIt .IICTATM TO TUB I'KOl'LK TIIUOLGII lllh KUIiKOl'TIIBMlXOlMTV. Membara of the legislature who . iirt' V 111'. full to see this wiiiii .iii" " " 1-YIi MISTAKK. Tho people of Oregon nave noo. ihn,i iim ring-ruled convention. TIIBV DO XOT WANT A CAUCUS itiiiDKV 1,B(JISIj.TI'HB. That Is as much an Institution of tho past as tho Iron rack nnd tho thumb-screws. WHY AUK XOTCLBAX XBWS PAPBHS POSSUHiB? This question has been nsked by thousands, and at last answered by tho publication of tho Dally Chris tian Sclenco Journal. lload tho hoadllnos of any ordi nary dally paper nnd COXSIDBH TUB OIIAItACTBK OK XBWS MADB .AIOSTPHOMIXAX'I. Take tho first morning paper nt hand and tho groutost foaturos this New Year's day Hro Mlllan UusseU's love letters, and tho confomlon of the llalus woman of her own misdeeds. Scan tho pages of any ordinary dally pnpor AXD MAKB A l,IST of tho crimes, scandals, outrnges, son satloiiH, and shocking casualties. In tills wholosalo oxposuro nnd dis semination of tho darker side of life aro contained TUB SBBDS OK IMS ASTBIt TO TUB IXIHYIDL'AIj AXD TUB XATIOX. It Is n forttiuato thing for this eoumry Unit an organization hns aris en that will show to tho world that a clean newspuper can exist. Wo have always wondorod whether tho prayer "Glvo us this day our dally bread" meant filling tho minds of millions with sewage for food. Pltl.WIPLB STItOXCSUIt THAN .MUX. One by one the Antl-Stutomont politicians are forced to admit that the will of tint people back of State ment No. One Is stronger than any man or combination of men. A fundamental principle or Idea founded on truth cannot he over thrown In country where thero Is a I'HBB SPKIU'll AXD KKBB PHHSS AXD I'HBB IXTHIICHAXUB OK UlIUS. Men may bo weak and vacillating and human minds may change, but the working of a potential principle. k forceful Idwt rtitlug on u groat bMtlr truth, mjom oh forever. STATMHXT NO. OX It WOHK.s WIIII.K POLITICIANS SI.HHP. Tlu hikh who Uke that Utciueitl ait rtm'lug their v ujwn a siroiiK. iwfe. sulwuntlal foundation of re form principle which U aimed at the overthrow of political eorrupttou. The iuwn who as candidate slgu Stateintutt No. Otto AltIC TIIBM SKI.VKS SAKKOl'AHDKD AtitlXST DIJMOHAI,lIX( IXKIABNCItS. Tho do not fall Into the pits dun b) machine politics, nor fall vU-tlmti in th uutiermlnlttg Influent et of ettr ruptlou. Th Ir tulada am belt firmly and uuLKnl safely along the line of prlu- vlple uiul they are held to their aenae f duty to the people by their devo tion to A PHIXCIPMI WHICH THUV KNOW TO UK KIXDAMHXTAUA ItK.HT. There niwt be a tremendous sat isfaction to any man who adhnv Hrml te a aUlewent that he has publicly made knowii that he will do the right thins, and whu mind rings clear as a bell on a projwsltion. The adherent of Statement No. One will achieve a great triumph for good government If the- go right through the coming sexton of the legislature WITHOUT COMPUOMIS 1X(! TIIKIU IMMXCIIMiHS. Men who want to walk to tho MMkershlp or pro.dent of the sen ate across a path way strewn with broken pledgee and violated trusts iflfe ..lV K - . - g are not numerous In Amorlonn poll tics. The man who thinks he ean ovor hrow as strongly established a prtn tple as that the public shall rule is 'lmost a fool. Head the following editorial In tlu -. 1UIMT w","-,u . rIK TrtbUllO Of Washington tu. .) " December 19: of 2;;0ranVerec?!our!teirbl J noorue E. Chamberlain, n n0Vn?at for the senate by ma Z U oZ. Of tho ninety new J01U ' ,5o nf the ninety Jr ... rurKOTO YOTB FOU TUB SvonMTHBl.BOPl.BSHOUM, mH.KK. Bx-Sonator Kulton. who wants the seat for lilnwcii. ...--tt the Uepubllcan legislators ovse 1 iuertor duty to their party no n B,,l" . .. ,., 'in flcllt tn send a man to me - - ,. . tn. inw r not sharod by ..i in tnnMi '""" of the other Republican loader., , o my that every member voluntnrlb Hlgned the agreement to vote or the choice of the people, and it ha tno quibble, of pettifogging will iol e ien, from the moral duty of abiding by their pledges. TmISllJ WAY THAT IT WIM LOOK 10 AM. HOXOKAIH.B MBX, and the talk about It being unconstitutional to di vest the legislature of Its option In Bclectlng n senator Is repudiated, as It ought to be. Hie same argument would apply to the members of the electoral college, but what elector would think of taking advantage o his constitutional prerogative and voting for any other thnntho man ho was chosen to vote for?" o TUB POPL'liAH SC1BXCK .MOXTHIjY. As a factor In the development or the Individual and the mnklng of a Btronger nation this publication Is en titled to recognition. For three generations It has fur nished mntorlnl for stoadylng tho national thought and scattering SOL ID INTOHJIATIOX AMONG TUB PHOPLB. Tho writer can look back to tho days of his young manhood whon he was a regular reader of this mngu- zlno with splondld offect I'horo whs never an not contain somo Important, sorbins article that MADB A I IBKI - IMIMIKS - JSH. tJ. IJlli .Hi.-w'. We can now look back over our life and roallze what an Inlluonco Popular Science Monthly oxortod up on at lonst one editor. The Introduction of this monthly Into a family means sobor thought and solid attention to mattors OU'I OK TUB HBALM OK TUB TKlVIAL. Tho Monthly of todny is bountifully printed and Illustrated and has feat ures of tho most fascinating Interest. Caught In the Halo. thon n cold and a cough lot It run on got pnoiimonln or ttnit'a nil Vn n.nttnr hnW your cough don't neglect It-take :" ' "vo.eau ten. im llalard's Horohound Syrup and you'll , l,uro at or fm" Kog(lvt IliiliU. t....v . . ..w .......v ,--- bo ovor It In no time. The sure cure' wmrwiai i u.u -un, w.mir.. for coughs, colds, bronchitis and all i1 of f011' M( known. It pltlvi pulmonary diseases in young and old. Sold by nil donlors. ! o ' Champagne and lobster a la New- ,tiyehnliit onough to kill three men burg before marriage resolves itself j ami with a teannoonfal of charcoal Into ham wndwleh and a ghits jf removed tho bad eftVct of this ter milk afterwards. t rlbly swift poison. The only people In a divorce cut. ! A llttlo charcoal In a bedroom or who win In any event are the law-. ellr will make foul air pure. Puro vera. When a tuan Iwglns to tell a story, nre the oomponent parts of Stuart's aud introduces ll by asking If weCbarooal lioaenges and pur- breath have heard It. we eau get away. la the result of their mo after iumI-. You would never look for a good Simply dloaolvo two or three aftr form hand among moil that wear kitl'uieale and at bed time aud foul glove and carry cante. Don't Neglect It It is a serious mistake to neglect a weak heart. It is such a short step to chronic heart disease. When you notice irregu larity of action, occasion ing short breath, palpita tion, fluttering, pain in ehost or difficulty m lying on left side, your heart needs help i strengthen ing tonic. There is no bet ter remedy than Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. Its strength ening influence is felt al most at once. .t"1 $X us"a 16 hottlw of Dr. Mil..' ltrt Cure ana can truthXuUy y ii I.M uon roo more good than anyUMna I Lav- ever used, and I have irliS 5!S.rljr VthlnS that I know of. tK Cootor Mio attended me ok ma what I vriii talc njr and I inlit hii; Dr. Mile Heart Cure, he wid w'a Mt ?inx to io me any ,$. 'in u did. I hY. not taken an? for a w,! now ard whue thre 1. oionauH filisht eymno-n of the oldtrouhle it U not enough for me to continue thi ue of the r.-d.cln. if i,iS ! Dr. MIIm Hc-vrt Cur ua I did before lmy0K ..".V.-Hy $i 8 K. Dt'N.NAM. LUn5on, Tctta. Or, M.'UV Heart Cure Ii tu t, h'Jt bittle VMlIt bne-t! It It fTn! h. vv.ll rt.'urd vojr mn.y. " U '" to i:esiV,ditfil Co., Elkhart, Ind mtVAT, BAI,t. onKO "" HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR " OREGON GOAL COMPANY "ewBSMews'ttre Early Results. n. aevopnient of the Mr.on county co.1 n.W. t Scotts Ml. lies east of Salem is a ""l" "' U (he PwiIe of i ,,,,rtrt to a i vrmiL iv -- ' ill .,.nl.-A It DOS' this section, u ' " 9llnrto manufacture '. ll.ht. fuel ami power, and will Btim i'Simlln-d bu.Ul.ng I. JhUcou,, The men who are backing this on t0n .so are among the best business I 'Portland, this city and conn Tamlthoy aro putting In their own , 0oy freely and have per ec f , their undertaking. When the strike that big six-foot vein of con there will be time for a celebration The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Oregon Diamond Coal Mining and Developing ompaiiy was hold In the city of Portland Satur day. December 2C and was attended bv between forty and fifty Htaunch aiul enthuslnstlc stockholders, who together with their own holdings and the nroxles they held, represented 310,20 shares of stock out of a to- i . . outstanding. ' illliaaV ail ( Qf th(, lro,,BUroP Hhoweit ttmt J3C.427.5I had been received 111 n,l ...... .hh op. Ml bosn disbursed In the purchase of machinery, buildings, timber for the slope, land upon which the buildings stand, wages and necessary expenses. Knglneer A. S. Wolls. In a recent re port referring to the expenditure or money for work, says: "Tin. money . .. . ...expended on the plant has been insed Issue that did , ' ,, ,, 111 Ulv llioni irtuiMMiiinii mniiiitii " I...lnti.til luklntr tiui.il 111 UltPlirhllP inn- 1 y fm. iornm. Tl7 ,0 FOUL BREATH Made Piste and Sweet by the Wo of Stuart's l,oenges. Tilnl Package Sent b'ree. Do wit go among yonrf frleiuli with a breath so odious as to niaue your presence distasteful. Kou' bronth Is capable of ea;y removal If Uonyou will take a llttl time to ovor - how you got con,tt n' Genorally foul Itrwth . ... .... eti poiwiig ami ii.-iiiran ien ovl on1- A noted French phyilclan swallowed ;vlUow charcoal mixed with honey i braath 11m at onc. No mftttr how yof cauE thM ihn, whtthtr ,y ,ld fcMxl. aluol'ol or alnito of the I stomach. Stuart't Charflol Tuwwn- 1 get will top giu uiaklug aud swt- Jon the hrtalh. I Tluy are) prfectly harmli and th eating of a box would ctuM you i no Inconvenient wbtever. ; Charcoal U hurd to prtara for the tomach because It muat be strong uml a9 and most peopl will uot tnkA it unless tnada nalat.ku Stuurt's InlnilUble process presents chttrroal to the tat and system in all the nleeiy desired. Choice virgin w How Id burnM In to desirable charceal: this Is mlcl with .wire honey and the eoublna. tlon is convpraii ttttder tremendous power into a loseugo of great p'eM.11 l 7:80 p. TO. Themi nntne. a.4 omctency. 'Watchwords for th w v. .....; Uon-t let j our bad brsath mke P opie crow th street to avoid yo I u iu uiv UvRieSl I UUH AtAlit an,l K.. a box of Stuart's Charcoal Logtwl" ! m.: Seymour Workllig nreai ltiny and Mt u-h v . dsnt. Miiiwaai. .. s ' l bl -" "" ' win. two ! or three after the meal wi III swsoua lyour breath at nmu t !,ifr,u.. :;""". " 'uw ..-.. .. ... ,.,-, ,riM, us your um, mi ttoore. and v win .. ,. . trial pnekago by mall frto. Addre P A ?Uiart C . soo sttart Qld Marshall. Mich. Thoy av there'0a lauu7f. of "er8. Us a 8tronK variety when von nay the liorlst's bill for Amer-. n noauty roses on Christmas dav OASTOtita htnxU ttaKnJ;iiHdAlMR,u , BATOBIIiWSSSLiSS 1000. Mini opuwtloti of tmit iiso In tho nc the mlno aftor the opened." coitl awn" ,rt mine foreman. ,red Holiriimum ..Wned the difficulties n.i't 1 ' .. nd mivo n clear nnd ' ami cmi- oxi overcome. ...... -, . . ,,, ....., ... f proiionsMu n. .-.- hlH ..... tatMinilll'Ill lllln,'llB onglnoer and a geologist, ho 1J analyHd coal and ihnlo nt i ff. "rant Hino. " worc !U' gcised. Ho mini ' conclualen: "From the nature of the bedrock now exposed, tho Indications foi un covering the coal are bettor limn ever before." There was deep Interest anil enthu siasm manifested (Hiring tho moot ing which was substantially bIiowii by subscriptions for Block to tho amount of $1000 cash. Ah the com 1Kly has met all Indebtedness, nnd considering the valuable propi-rty. water right, land and Iobboh to .1-00 acres of land, It Is a most opportune time, and It Is the dcslro of tho limn- . ..... i ..uniit uliirldiolll- Hgenieiii. nun . ibi"" " from .h. " 1 , "i 1 Iwinuf t IIS IIOSSIDIO oy SUi:......h dltlonnl stock before tho price ad vances to $1 or $1.50 per .linre. which will bo as soon as develop ment work Is flnlshod. The follow ing directors who have served tho company during the mst year were unanimously ro-olocted: l .1. Hlee. 1,. C. Tobias. C. A. Hoy. Martin Matt son. B. W. llodor. C. 11. Lewthwalte and Chns. .1. llnmard. 0(50O0"O"0 O O CHURCH SERVICES 0 0 0 nnnoOOOOOO (ieituiiii Bvaiigellciil. Sunday school at 10 o'clock; nroachlng services at 11 and 7:30; Y. P. A., at 7 o'clock. Hov. II. K.J Ilormichuch, P. ri. of Saloni district, will preach both morning and oven lug and ovory evening during the week nt 7:30 o'olook. Hov. Horns clinch Is an ablo speaker and the, liornmn puoiic is coruiaiiy iiivneii to 'nttond thoso mootlngs. All will bo1 I woleonw. W. A. Gueffrey. pastor i St Paul's Hpisnipal. Chomeketa and Church strctj Uov. llarr (5. l.oe, rector. Second Sunday after Chrlstmns. Sorvlces at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. tn. Suud.iv school at 10 a. m. All cordlall woloomo. (iciiiiaii Bvangellcal LiUheran. Christ Church, Knat Stato street Dlvlno sorvlco on Sunday, tho 3rd ot January. 1U09. Sunday school nt W:80 a. in. Regular service 10: an a. in. C. Hopf, pastor. V. .M. O. A. Siieclal meeting for mon Ht 3: :io p. in. In tin association parlors, (len eral Secretary Forboa will discuss tsonie llf problems of Interest to ev- wr young man m tlii city. (jUod music and good time assured those who attend. A cordial Invitation to all men. I'ltM M.tlliodNt KplMopal. Hev. W. H. Selleck will preach at 10:80 "The Ascension of Jeans the Crown of Man's Glory." At 7 :io the topic will be "A .N'v Year's Mot te: UOiiKing Right On." Hlble ai-hool i J i nt. Hpworth League at 6:13 Mrs. Kmnw Cornelius, leadsr. a cor ail invltatlou to straifgers and the public. I1i.t CliHatinn. Corner of High aU(l (;-lUer ttU.ee?s D. Krrott. minister. Praaihi.. v. i w "" VR. HUH Who Shall I.ea.1 Us In t900?" ni- hie school iq a. in-: Dr. H. C. Kpley ' PnHt8Ill flllt. Plii.0Ho.. i.,.... "n l"JT meotlnir TIiiilo- ! :y' 7:S0 males' Aid Socletv . WedaiMilav un.i fi . n u; , .. " ,,,rw,ly'-noons - " ... m. rriday 2:o p. i. A - quartet from tho mind School wUI sing at the evaiK 8,rvlco. The CL COr(UU' ,UVU011 t0 o Central ConKtvKatlonul. b r"!"g aml OVOn,n sorvlco3 will ) "nlwr. lntoly from Montana formerly pastor nt Albany. ZZy bchool and Endeavor us iual The Red, Wh Antl othor constltuont. T" blood nro noworfully onrlhIJ, vltnllrod by Hood'i. "c.hci It increnson (ho trd corpwi rnnkcssti-oiiKthowliitrcortM,; tlius protects ami restores llm i w wariensj. It cured scrofula, ec.inn, rrj turrli, rheuinntistn, nnr-mw uu il,,.. tl,.l f....i... ' t,l,,ai Dem cu of notio ..raluTbmM tin tho wholo Hysloin. ' u N I10HM Oot It toihiy In tlio uriiaI oni,i I chocolated UWot form wllo.1 Syil I 10 OlioiiiokHu street sf.ru iluy nt 1 1 n. in. and 7 ai p m liw'l of LcMmm Krnumi ,i tiny Hchool nt 12:or p m The J luwtluy ovonliig mi"tlnK S v 1 7: HO. UoiuIIiik room In the '1 opun uuuii iti.enioou fxept j . J aii uro comiuiiy invited to ntLyJ Horv.ieuH una too reai'iiip, rr.j lOvniiKcllnil Association. Cornor of Sovonte nth Md inoKutii HiruotH. aundai .Ktiwiin n. in. Preaching tit 11 a, at Hov. .1. H. Mitchell, nnd m .j in. by uov. w. N, Hlodgett. Yf eorvlco nt 0:3 Op. in. o Fli-Ht Prothytorltin church, CbJ street near Chcnieketa. Hot, Hal rP ltnlk.ftrl Itttutf.H t)HnK.Ll. fl .. ......i.wv,.,, imniui, ".VUl'limjll vices nt 10:30 n. m. and 730 p : Tliomes, respectively: "The Sn Mil lltttt tf V t t M t I I t. " tl 11 1 .ul.wii ui urn ji.i;ii inning" m "SowIhk nnd IlcnplnK." S. S. ' tn, Jr C. K. nt 3:30 p m Sr C Ej 0:30 j. tn. Tho wtuk of prarettJ oo ooHorvtMi i ins wwk, a titfj mooting boliiK hold every CTtfcj except Sntiinlny, nt 7.30 p, a TJ church orchostrn will piny at Sunday ychool nnd evening tcrrl as iiHiiul. Public cordially inrla to nil of those Horvlces. IUTTK.lt NTT BKEA1). It la worth more than any ottti 'road yot the prlca li no hlVj 'or uni- nt your grocers' CALIFORNIA HAKRRT, TIioiiihh ,V (Vmli'j', Pr.iui. A Standing Offer Dr. Stono'a DniB Stcro l bottle of patf nt medic now W of pills or cnlto of """P' i" conts loss thnn any cut-rate, vortlsod by nny druR store W This proposition nPlV,r ., drug spoclal cut rftto sale lv W Ql b btoro for nny day or l'ne lull, ill it airtiuiui " ' . . I a The Secret ) "-....i Face .. e.uuwt.v: kint I B I arAaavtirBiO Our i Prices 1 rtltw 1 liei in keepmg --, w tecttd8weuM7 L'tiat washing U not eaouf, onlylcTeiUvyo."va8l of dut uA gtfJ "" le.t atucks ofj w J neither. Afww-Wfi plyRobe.2SS5 its dellghUiu n-rlen YouwuTadrrawth"" .oftneM It tnipsrw - J, neck and annfc.M(w itimulates a racuan. v gsa. protecu the skin fromMg; lngcoe. Prenu lng,tanandfr?cklei. f JA . Bruit t"l ltU x?K'nJ;ijHW II "Mil W"i" - ..A.-'iS itV f " a. Christian Science. ft t U i 1 T, CSt& First ( , rrn "h of Christ, Sclentls "TBsiHuut fegfSH wm