rm OAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OIUCGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1000. 11 HE PEOPLE'S OREGON WILL MAINTAIN ' - 'The Supremacy of the People Is the Foundation of this gov ernment. This Principle Is Engraved on All Our Hearts by the pen of Jefferson, the tongue of Henry and the sword of Washington." The Life and Martyrdom of the Im mortal Lincoln Keep this Principle Ever Before Us. Thnt Potttlon for Perjury" wns bo subject which Dr. Clnronco True ;ilson selected for tho proludo bo- jro tho Rortnon on Sunday night nt lentennry Motnouist upiscopni litirch. Tho nnnouiicement of thlB :plc drew n largo number who wIbIi- k lntif.lin rllurnnulnll (if tllO tllOml paring of tho attempted repudlutloji the pledge of Statotnont No. 1 after iio Indorsement of tho people. Di . fllson snld In part: roiindiitlon of (iovernnieiit. The BUpremncy of tho people Is tin iundntlon of this government. This kinnitiin Is cnurnvod on nil our parte by tho pon of Jcffcrnon, thp linguo of Henry nna mo sworu or Washington. No, It wnB Inscribed In lie soul of man by n grcntor nrtlst, llod Almighty, when Ho said: "Lot Is mnko man In our own image; and Mil mm navu uuiiuuiuu. When tho Creator thoroforo on- Bowed rutin with tho tromendoiiH pro- rogntlvo of freedom, Ho meant that m should govern himself. And tho jrentest battle waged since then has been tho ceaseless struggle between tho utterly antagonistic forces of those who would rule men and thoso Ivno hnvo contouded for tho right of man to rulo himself. First tho cnuso h-iiB dofeatod by n potty tyrant assum ing to himsolf tho rolo of dictator Mid lording It over God's sonn and MiiughterH, with the motto, "Might Mukes right." Then tho Qod-llke xplrlt ngaln asserted Itsolf and rebel- Jlon throw off tho yoko, and human freedom got another chance. A later stngo la reached when tho race adopts horldltnry monarchs hvnlch pass by merit In selecting nil- th and hlngo It nil on birthright, and Ignore tho real sovereign, in coro Dinting some degenorato who ropro- .ontB tho rotton remnant of n long pine of petted and pampered aristoc racy. With tho fiction of tno dlvlno vluht of kings they hold tho peoplo down from tholr inallonablo rights find quote "Tho king's mind is the only law," Hut our fathers, studying tholr llllblcs and appealing to tho common instincts of human nnturo turnod Lway from all theso Biibterfuges and lictormlned to found a nation on the lltneBH of mankind for solf-govorn- Ifent They Intorprotcd this prlnol pie In theso werds: ' All men nro created omiul. Thoy Lire endowed by tholr Crontor with certain innllcnnblo rights. To secure ihcso rlghtH, governments aro Insti tuted among mon, deriving tholr JuRt powers from the. consent of tho gov erned Whonovor any form of gov ernment becomes destructive of these ends, it Is tho right of tho pooplo to abolish it." They instituted this now ono in k "ii form as to them seemed most ! likely to effect tholr Hafoty nnd hap piness. Listen to them again.. "Ap pealing to the Supremo Judgo of tho Spaulding Logging r;atfewaaJHKgaHgge If you are one of Salem's SOO who will build houses this coming year we want to give you estimates t irgest Stock and Best Fir Lumber Willamette Valley to Select From OFFICES FERRY AND FRONT STREETS. RIGHTS world for tho rectltudo of our lnton tlona, wo do in tho nnmo and by tho authority of tho good peoplo of theso colonies solomnly publish and declare that theso United Mates nro and of right ought to bo free nnd Independent stales." When a con Htitutlon wns to bo formed, who did It? "Wo, the pooplo of tho United States, In order to sccuro tho bless ings of liberty to ourselves nnd our posterity, do ordnln and establish. Prom then till now no executive officer from president down lias had a right to move a foot beyond the limit tho peoplo set for him. No Judicial officer from tho supremo Judgo down to Juatlco of tho pence has any more honor or authority than tho peoplo confer. No legislator from tho United States senntor down over cnBt a voto ob a roprcsontatlvo of tho people, who elected mm to act for them, that did not volco their Bontlment as nearly as ho "could find it out, without betraying a Bncred trust, misrepresenting his supreme sovereign, tho peoplo, and turning Judas Iscmiot to tho foundation of his government, namely tho supreme right of the peoplo to rulo. This Is tho principle boforo which God nnd man must bow. Tho Almighty Creator has always respected this right In his creatures. Never compelling submission but ap pealing to Judgment and conscience. And when nnclont Israel rebelled against his plans nnd asked for a king, Ho warned them against this course, saying It would mean their undoing; yet Ho yielded to tho sov orlogu right of a peoplo ho had cre ated free and equal, knowing It wus better for them to err as frco man governing themsolvos than to bo cor rectly ruled as slaves. Whonovor tho dominant Ibhuo Is tho rights of tho people, they enu mnko no mistake If thoy hnvo their own way. Whon ovor tho Issuo Is squaroly Jolnod and tho peoplo oxpicss thomsolvcs, and tholr expressed wishes nro known, thon to every worthy ropresontntlvo, vox popull, vox Del, tho volco of thu peoplo Is the voice of God. Or ols our fnthorB wcio fools and loft iih a fnko government on our hands. Tho nnmo old strugglo that bognn In tho dnrk vortex of history Is on In Orogon. In our ropubllc it is not tho petty tyrant or tho horodltary Bovorolgn, but tho dirty politician who, tries to thwart tho peoplo's will. And 'tho upward trend In Amorlcn Is tho down ing of tho political boss nnd tho up rising of tho peapIo'H rights. Our patriotic fnthors ndoptod tho right prlnolplo nnd wrotb It Into tholr con stitution. But It wos new to thorn and whon thoy canto to apply it thoy hedged a llttlo. Thoy snld tho peo ple can bo trusted to elect all but tho presidents and United Stntos sen ators. Thoy nro bo Important that tho pooplo, might mnko n mistake Wo wlV lot' them elect olec'torswno, acting for them, shall select a fit man for presldont. So wo havo in herited our cumbcrous system of presidential elections from the fear ful timidity of our forefnthers. KlertUe Power. "Ihr constitution wll wo will hnvo tho people elect tho, lower house, diut the senators shall bo selected In the Btnto legislatures. So wo havo the Bpcctnclc of rich old Imbeciles buy tug their way Into tho senate to spend their Bonllity in weakly Belling out the people's rights to tho corpora tions that hnvo tun do them, and In Oregon the sacred office that was to be held bnck from the peoplo's touch, put up and sold to the highest bid dor until It looked three yearn ago as If wo would not have a single rep roaentntlvo In Wnshlnglon unconvict ed of crime. And tho politicians through nil these years hnvo Bolected mn who nelthor morally, socially nor polltlcully represented tno boat thoughts or mornls of our people. it Is Interesting that tho only two big blunders mndo by tho founders of our tuition woro the two that woro to limit tho pcolo'B right of solf-gov-ernment. Tho first ono has boon corrected by common consent through custom, namely, by the practical in struction of tho presidential doctors as to whom thoy nro oxpectod to voto and they would not dnro Ignoro that Instruction, and over como homo again. Oregon to Lend. And now Orogon proposes to load tho states In taking, tho election of senators out of tho filthy polltlca rings that havo too long controlled, and lot the sovereign pooplo say who shall roprcsont them In tho highest branch of government. Tho peoplo or Oregon hnvo put their hnnd to this task, nnd will novor lot go. Thoy hnvo voted upon about thirty bills through tho Initiative and referen dum, and they hnvo neither erred or blundered yet. They hnvo thrice mndo cholco of tholr own mnn for sonntor, and thoy will not nllow tho polluted hnnds of nny political ma chinist to touch their Ark of tho Cov onnnt, tho Integrity of popular gov ernment. In nn open fight In n freo flold they turnod down Fulton bo causo thoy preferred Cako. In the election thoy defeated Cako because they )rfoired Cluimbeilnin. And, inrty or no party, politician or no politician, tho peoplo proposo to hnvo tho peoplo's cholco, nnd to deal with tho mon who dnro to sell thoni out or betray tholr trusts. Whenever an Amorlcnn oltlzan vol untarily goes boforo his follow citi zens nnd nskB for tholr suifrngo on n conditional promise that If elected ho will do cortnln things, that prom (so Is as sucred and Important to tho Intogrlty of government nn compul sory oath administered In a court. To botmy tho trust Imposed In ono who Is thus elected Is perjury of tho blnckOBt typo, It Ib securing votoa (moro sacred than monoy) under fnl80 pretenses; It Is treason to tho vory heart of our form of govern ment. I Bhnll pity tho poor woakllng who sells himsolf to go bnck on his constituents. Ho Is a moro shadow too frnll to boar tho Btraln of carry ing through n snored trust. Innu pablo of bolng trueunder temptation Out those who resort to political com binations and clrculnto petitions and sign them calculated to mako tho people's representatives botray them. lo procure perjury from them by, mnklng it easy for them to violate tholr pro-election promises, to entice iiiom nt this Into dny after being elected on Statement No. 1, to put tho short-sighted Interest of their party ahead of their word of honor and tho rights of tho peoplo, thoso aro tho corrupters of mankind. Against them nro pulpits should thun der, tho press should sound tho alarm and overy true-honrted mnn should denounce this open effort to prosti tute freo government to treason nnd dirty politics. No Apology. I mako no npology for touching this 'subject In tho pulpit, for tho morality of tho whole state Is In volved In tho open nttompt to In duco honorable mon to' vlolnto boI onm pledges openly mndo to us as votors. And na ono of thoso who wns Induced to voto for tho State ment No. 1 momJiecnuso of tho prin ciple for which thoy stood, I main tain that all tho peoplo of Oregon cannot olcnso them from tholr plndgo to mo or to nny other votor. It Ib a personal ngrecmont with ench Individual votor; nnd thoro Is but ono way to' got discharged from tho solemnity or that pledge, nnd that Is to do what was ngrecd. And I think I know ns much about commo nmornllty as a friend of mtno learned In California. Ho inquired of nn old German, "Whoro Ib tho lino of demarcation botwoon an occasional falstflor and a perpetual liar?" Tho Gorman replied, "Von a man can't never toll tho truth about notlngs, ho 1st tho worst ovor, ain't it?" All I claim Is that legislators oloctcd on ono specific promlso should mako good on that. Wo can havo no othor opinion of tho moral ity of tho repudiation of n solemn plcdgo upon tho basis of which ft majority of our state legislature wns elected. Doc Not Imply. Of course I do not Imply that ono mnn who took Statement No. 1 Ib weakening or IiIb voto In doubt. I nm' sure overy mnn will mnko good. Hut I blush for our state that ono prominent politician can bo round who would daro advlso nny ono tnk tng such n plcdgo to fall down nfter mining hla election thoroby. Ana it should bo romorborcd that tho poo- not only voted for Chamberlain thoy elected Stntomont No. 1 mon, bo cause of tholr plcdgo, and thoy wont fnr beyond that. Thoy passed an act by n voto of three to ono majority, Instructing tholr representatives to voto for tho poople's cholco, whether thoy had tnkon tho pledge or not. Thoy ought to do what tho governor of this state roqiiostod two yours ago In tho case of .lohniithan liourno nnd also of Mr. Mulkoy. In vlow of tho fact that tho peoplo had chosen theso gentlomon Instead or tholr Democra tic rivals, tho govornor, n Democrat, rocommondod that tho voto bo unan imous In both sennto and house. And It waa nlmoat unanimous nnd ovory Democrat votod for thoso Republi cans, becnuso tho people had spoken tholr mind nnd tho legislature was thoro to roprcsont thoin. I Am fllwl to 8fo You. Thoro Is not a man in Amorlcn who embodies mora of present-day Americanism public spirit or patri otism thnn Theodore Roosevelt At a .ppjgrpss' of nntlonnl nnd Btnto There's a fnll In storo for tho man who Is nbovo hla work. Qlrls with protty necks dlsllko high collars. Whisky by nny other nnmo would tnuglc men's foot JuBt tho saino. A Billy woman tries to drive a man; a wlso ono lends him. You can't always Judgo tho show by the prlco of admission. commissions on tho conservation of national resources, hold In Washing ton, D. C on Tuesday, Dcconibor 8, thoro woro three speakors tho pres ident, Governor Chamborlnln of Or egon and tho Presldont-olect, Wll- Jlam II. Taft. When tho throo mot, Mr. R'oosovolt addressed Mr. Chnni berlnln In tho presence of sovornl senators, In thoso werds: "I am glnd to sco you, Governor Chamborlaln, and Bonntor to bo. -I would havo pre ferred to have a Republican como from Oregon but I stand for tho right of tho peoplo to rulo, nnd thoro foro I wnnt you to bo elected senn tor." How dlfforently thnt sounds from tho small politician who la now trying to scheme out n plot to do ront tho poople's will! Whon Congressman Hawloy re turned to Orogon rrom Washington Inst summer ho was asked whnt ho thought or tho Bonntorlal prospects? Ho showod his high moral chnrnctor ns woll ns political Insight In tho answer ho gavo : "Why, I havo noth ing to say about that. I thought that was tho mattor tho peoplo Bot tled at tho Juno election." Let mo recall somo mnttorH of history. In 1824 thoro woro rour presidential candidates, Wllllma H. Crawford, Atidrow Jackson, Honry Clay and John Qulucy Adams'. Jack son received tho vast majority of tho popular voto and n majority of tho olcctornl voto, but not huvliig tho constitutional majority ovor all tho candidates, there wns no olectlon nnd tho selection wns thrown Into con gross. Clny, who had rocolved tho smallest number or votai, withdrew nnd throw his InMuonco for Adnms, nnd the Crnwford following went to Adnms, nnd In thin unclean combine tho people's choice wus defeated. Adams mndo Clay hla secretary, of state nB a roward. Hut tho peoplo repudiated the whole thing, dofeated nonrly overy ropresontntlvo who bo trnyed thorn nnd In rour yenrs trl umphuntly elected Androw Jnckson ub the people's mnn by a majority larger thnn any other caudldato has slnco had, Bnvo Lincoln on hln sec ond torm. Jncksou'tt slogan was, "Shnll tho peoplo rulo?" Tho Iioiibo or roprcsentntlves had made bold to tramplo tho will or tho peoplo undor foot. Thoy had a constitutional right to do it, but no morn! right. And I protost thnt our legislature has no moral right to 'elect any othor thnn leieieivtii ertte leieivif FOLLOW THE CROWD AND GO TO J .mm YE LIBERTY i THE HOUSE ADULTS 10c. 4fl TELEPHONE MAIN 88 tho people's cholco for our senator. And If thoro Is n man In our legis lature who tries to uso his voto In tho old way for party purposo or for a machine candidate, lot us say to him: "St. ., sir, that voto In your hand is not yours to give. It be longs to tho peoplo of this state, and thoy told you ror whom thoy wish it cast. I protest against your In tention and deny your moral right to bestow It against their will." Another lesson from history. la tho cnmnplgn of 1870 James Russell Lowell was elected presidential elec tor from Massachusetts, no wns a Republican nnd was for Hayes, llut boforo tho meeting of tho electoral collego ttowoll became convinced that Tildon was elected by tho peoplo and contemplated casting his electoral voto for him. Rut finally decided that it was not his to cast, but right or wrong, it belonged to tho peoplo who elected him, nnu thoroforo ho must cast It as thoy oxpectod him to and as their votes instructed him. Every man In tho Oregon legisla ture had hotter stand with tho poo plo. Thoy will bo hero doing busi ness nt tho old stand, whon tho cor ruptlonlsts who seek to ontlco thorn to botmy tholr trusts only to forsake you In tholr weakness nnd folly nnd shamo aro all forgotton. It Is safe to go up or down with tho pooplo" In this country. I know tho voice wo hoar pleading ror a partisan voto Is tho volco of Jacob, but tho hnnd Is tho hand or Esau. Too Much Face. Yod reel ns If you had ono face too mnny when you hnvo Nournlgla Don't you? Snvo tho fnecu you may need It; but got rid or tho Neuralgia by applying Ballard's Snow Liniment. Finest thing in tho world ror rheu matism, nournlgla, burns, cuts scalds, lame back and nil pnlns. Sold by nil dcnlors. Bungalow Theatre Portland, Oregon. Phones Main 117, A 122 1. Kmplro Theater Co. (Inc.), Lessee. Geo. L, linker, General Manager Now Year's Week attraction open ing Sunday matlnoo, December 27, 11)08, tomorrow, Leo. Dletrlchstoln'a fnmous three-act fnrco-comody, Are You A Mason? Apodal matlnoo Frldny (Now Yenr'H Dny) regulnr matlnoo, Sat urday. Evonlng prices always tho same: 25, 3G, GOo; matinees, 15, 2Dc. Next wook "ZA'ZA." All mall or phono orders rocolva spoclnl attention. iv OF COMFORT, f CHILDREN 5c. M-ftWHWM4tl8lllHl Co. U li if r i t f 4 i V