Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 01, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Woman's Reasoning.
Husband (arriving with his wlfo,
at tho Azcarrot'a Btation JuBt as the
train Bteamed out) Thoro! If you
hadn't taken such a fearful time in
dressing w shouldn't have lost the
train. Wife And if you hadn't
hurried mo so all tho way horo we
ahouldn't have euch a long time to
wait for tho next one. PhllUppliiM
Don't Take the Hltk.
When you havo n had cough or
mhi ilo not let It drng along until It
becomes chronic bronchitis, or de
velops Into an nttnek of pneumonia,
but glvo It tho attontlon It deserve
and got rid of It. Tako Chnmbcr
lnln'n Cough Itomody and you nro
Biiro of prompt rollof. From a small
beginning the sale nnd use of this
preparation hns extended to all pnrtu
of tho United States and to many
foreign countries. Its many romark
ablo cures of coughs and colds have
won for It this wldo reputation nnd
extensive uso. Sold by Dr. Stono's
drug storo.
If Shakupearo came allvo itoday
ami onlorcd a thcatro ho wouldn't
know tho placo,
A Cure for .Misery.
"I havo found a euro for tho mis
ory malnrla poison produces," says
It. M. James, of Louollon, S. ., "It's
callod Kloctrlc Hitters, nnd comes In
60 cent bottles. It breaks up n case
of chills or a bilious attack In al
most no time; and It puts yellow
jnundlco clean out of commission."
This great tonic medlclno and blood
nurlflor Klves quick relief In nil
stomnch, llvor nnd kldnoy complnlnts
nnd tho misery of lnmo back. Sold
under gunrnntco at J. C. I'orry's
drug Rtoro.
I'or Hale A first-class ltt horse
power Mitchell gusol.no engine
with auto sparkor, both In good
condition. Alto 'i horso power
water motor. Enqulro at Journa
ofllco Immediately, If you wish a
bargain. 10-20-tf
For 8nlo Sovcn-room homo, nil
mo lorn convenience, ono-linlf
block land, For furthor particu
lars call o. mo mornings nt my
rculdonco, end .of car lino, south.
Un, Geo. II. Jones Phono 1181.
For Halo Ten ihnrct of Hlckorj
fcrk proforrod stock. Addrosa
Drawor 618, Salem, Oregon.
For Halo Several houses In Snlom,
nnd farm lands nt a bargain. Cap
ital National Dank. G-l-cod
ui-:aij i:stati:.
Good 7-room modern, now houso and
ono lot on good strcttt, close In;
only $2300.
10 acres In city limits; only $110 por
acre, for a few days; n snap.
10 acres In city limits In 1 ticro lots
or 200 por aero.
Some flno lots cheap on Installments
$6 down nnd $5 per month.
50 ncrcs'ull In cultivation, good
houao, barn, fruit, team, rows;
uvcrythlng goes; flno home, flno
land; a sunp.
Some flno lots tloso In from $ 150 to
If you aro looking for a homo, farm,
houso, lots or business looutluu. or
If you want to sell sou
A. O. SMITH Jl CO. ( .
They have the kimkU and are tollers.
ItiHini 0, over rutted Stutiv National
I lank.
For ftW -Frorta Jorsoy oow and
wty)k8-old calf for sftle. 1211 South
Uborty. S 0. Klghtllngw.
Knwmlll Site for Sale Located one
nuio trom S. P. railroad bstwfen
wapalo and Oaatnn. Twelve mil'
Hon fot of logi available Ad
dress W. II. Egon. lit. 2 Gorvali.
Bnlno for Sale Ilron,! mw. n,i
feedors for butcher stock . Apuly
to Wm. II. Kcnn lit 2 narv.u
Or?8on. U-25-tt '
Wood for SaU'Scond growth (Ir
wood In 12-lueh and 10-Inch
length, dollvertnl to nwj1 iwit of tho
olty. Phone 71. or mil at Sntem
Truok & Dray Co.. offlow. 00 Sute
street, Salem, Oregon. 12-12U
For Sale -a good. well-Improved
farm; or will trade for small
place, H. A Thayer. Lyona. Ore
Ooiiewi Wwk-cm my prices on
ldwlk, wrb. tpeUe taaks ud
cemjM,i Worfc of ay kUid All
wJ?i V,,V?",1 nrst el"- M
none' 5fi9S Ma,,,,, A8,- ,UKb,'Bj
t none 569. May 24-09
Ho You7Moey ,0 l0jlu? ,f
unites. Thonws & Smith. 47S
8Uto street. lS-S-tr
instead of marrying the lawyer,,
Nanco Olden, the girl thief V
.....,- ri,inn Mlinuld wed raB -
1113UUI uniufiv,
cally "KamW
Many Httlo lives have boon saved
bv Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr, for
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
COugh. U Is the only safe remedy
for Infants nnd ohlldron as It con
tains no opiates or other narcotic
drugs, nnd children like Foloy's
Honey nnd Tar. Careful mothers
keep a bottle In the house. Hofusc
substitutes. J. C. Perry.
. - o-
Thoro never was an notor who
dSdn't dream of bolng a dramatist,
.Simple Hemedy for La (irlppe.
Hacking la grippe coughs that
may develop Into pnoumonla ovor
night nro quickly cured by Foley's
Honey nnd Tnr. Tho sore nnd In
llnmcd lungs nro healed nnd strength
onod, nnd n dangerous condition Is
quickly averted. Tako only Foloy's
Honey and Tar In tho yellow pack
age. J. C. Perry.
An understudy Is
tMng to a star.
A HellglouH Authors Statement.
For sovernl yoars I was aflllctcd
with kidney troublo and last winter
I was suddenly stricken with a se
vcro pain In my kidneys nnd was
confined to bed eight days unablo to
got up without p-Bslstnnco. My
urlno contained n thick whlto sedi
ment nnd I passed snmo frequently
day and night. I commenced tnk
Imr Foley's Kldnoy Hemedy, nnd tho
pain gradually abnted and finally
cenBCd and my urlno becamo normal.
I cheerfully recommend Foley s Kid
ney Hemedy. J. C Perry
Cement Work Concroto walks, sep
tic tanks, comont floors and foun
dations. Estimates furnished and
all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch,
328 llamn street. Phono 008.
Vogct I.iiiiiImt nnd I'ni'l C. Lum
ber, shlnglos, building materia!,
wood nnd conl. Low prices nud
prompt deliveries. Ono block eaV
of S, P. passongcr depot. Phono
198. 7-2-tf.
Ilutlt' iV WfinleroiliFlno wlnos
liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle
tho eclobrated Kcllog and Cnstlo
whliklos. Cool nnd refreshing beer
constantly on draught. Soutn
Commercial itreet 9-3-lyr.
llrlng Vour .Mngiulni' Subscriptions
To KIbIo L. Oondlvie, 1590 Forry
st, Salem. I take subscription for
all magnzlnoa. Every order will ro
celvo prompt attontlon. Phono
7CS. U-lllmo.
Hyilo Ilrot. Electrle Co. Electrb
RuppltoH an drirst-clnBS wlrlni; nt
ronsonablo prions. Call nt o.ir
olllco for estimates. Phono 451.
143 N. Liberty street. 12-2-lm
Dahlias and Peonies My Special
ties, wore prize-winners nt tho
Stato fair. Havo best and Inrgost
varloty of any grown on tho
const. Send for my catalog. Goo.
U Allen, Lebanon, Oro. 12-9-lm
Wonger ,& Ctierrliigtoti pianos and
organs Bold on oay torma; tola
phono 1187; 247 Commercial
Street, Salem, Oregon tf
LUcry mul Feed htubli-s Old p0jt
olllco Stables, at 261 Frry street,
between Commercial and Front
streets. Telephone 1SS. Somo at
the finest llverlpo In tha rltv n.,n
be found here. Wstacott & John
on tt
Nolle,, to IIm Public All owawn of
bulb havo agreed to obarse $S.80
for servlc. bettanlng with Jan. I
CurpeiiterH Union No. 10(W Local
Union No, 10G5 of Carpenter ann
Jolnors of America meet ever Sat
urday evening at 7 30 p. m In
Hearst hall, 420 State Street
A W. Dennis, Roc. Sec,
Pointers of Amerlrn Court Sher
wood. Foresters. No. 19. Meet
Saturday night in Holwan hall.
State streot. Geo. F. Patterson. C.
R", J. C. Perry, financial secretary
Irntnjl l.HlK0 Xo. i8, K. 0f P.
Caitlo holl in Holman block, oor
nor State and Liberty streets.
Tuesday ot each week at 7:30 n
m. Oscar Johnson, c. c.: E II
ABdersoa. K. of R. and S.
SliHlom WtKMlmrn of Amerlen Ore
on Ceda- Camp No. Hit Mmu
overy Thursday eveK 'TZ
"HI. C : F a. Turner, clerk.
Woodmen of WorlilMtet evv Fr.
Jay night at 7 30. in Homa hall
IJiu-olii Annuity Union siok. arei.
oaotnnf,,?ns,.0, W"Me; ? .
000.000 nlcdswl: every claim aU.
Oooil agents wnatM. j if n
uox 432 Salem, Oregon. r
Ryan secretary, 540 State street.
, . r entailed American
Many - . tho Bl oI
., born .. the line range
, actresses uorn u.i
?rom Margaret Anglln to May Irwin
Hank Foolishness.
When attacked by a cough or a
cold, or when your throat Is sore. It
is rank foolishness to take any other
medicine than Dr. King's New Dis
covery," says C. O. Bldrldgo, of Em
pire, On., "I have used New Dis
covery seven years and I know It Is
tho host remedy on earth for coughs
and colds, croup, and all throat ami
lng troubles. My children nro sub
ject to croup, but New Discovery
Hifcii- euros every attack." Known
the world ovor as the King of throat
and lung remedies. Sold unuer
...nrnntoo at J. C. Perry's drug
ss, z
60c and $1.00.
Tim n-nfer bov In tho theatre ob
serves that only tho women patron
ize him. Why don't me men uuu
wart or?
it vmi wilt nko Foley's Orlno Lax-
atlvo until tho bowels become regu
lar you win not nave io lanu iiuib"
tivoa ronHtantlv. as Foloy's Orlno
Laxatlvo positively cures chronic
constipation nnd Blugglsh liver.
Pleasant to tnke. J. C. Perry.
TTnnnnwnrivl Questiens: No. 4
Why does tho vlllalu In melodrama
havo to wear a dress suit?
Tltnrn Ib nn cisn nn record of a
cough, cold or la grippe developing
Xntn tinnnntnnln nftnr li'nlnv'fl Honov
and Tnr has been taken, ns It cures
tho most obstinate deep scatcu
coughs and colds. Why tako any
thing olso? J. C. Perry.
Wanted Information regarding
farm or business lor sale; not
particular about location; wish to
honr from ownor only, who will
soil direct to buyer; glvo prlco
description, nnd stato wncn pos
session can bo hnd. Address L.
Darbyshlrc, Hox 2030, Rochester,
N. Y.
U'nntiil Will do excavating, garden
plowing, and nil kinds of team
work. W. E. Ilunn, 1720 Leo at,
phono 152S. 12-21-tf
Wanted To rent, n dairy fnrm with
everything furnished. Address
box CS Itouto 7, Salem Orogon.
Wanted An energetic young man
to collect, call at tolsphono offlco.
Mn Wanted To study arithmetic,
spoiling, grammar, algebra, book
keoplnir, penmanship, psychology,
salesmanship, architectural, draw
ing, business law, Gorman. Our
school does not Interfere with your
regular work. Draw your salary
and study at the same time. This
Is not a correspondence course
where tho Instructor Is two or
three thousand mlleB away and
you must wait two weeks for help.
Glvo us half the money that is
paid on unuBod corrospondenco
scholarships and we could estab
lish a free school for the young
mon In Salem and pay thorn a good
Bnlnry In tho bargain, If you are
Interested wrlto, phone or call tho
Y, M, C. A. night school,
Look this up. It will save you mon
ey by doing so. I kui compelled
to sacrifice wy beautiful suburban
home, 9 acre Al fruit or grain
land. 6 acres of plow land, bal
ance timber and pasture, good
spring water, woven wire fence,
nww modern -room house, bath,
lollet. pantry, beautiful fireplace
with mantel; an Ideal suburban
home. UulldlHc can't be built leas
than JS000. Will sacrifice If sold
won. See my agent. Reohlel &
Mlnton today; win take a vacant
lot close in prt payment.
For Itargalus in
City Property.
t'oiiutry Pnperty,
Small or Uirgo lruis
Timber Irfunl.
or to exchange. Mitisfarlorily
Now is the time to list your proper
ty with us. We are nranarii
large list In booklet form to send
mU'llTKI. ft MINTO.V,
"" ',",,' . Ikxinis 7-8
Tlieti. ji. itj.rr oi..J:.7-r-r-r
i nd steam heating and tlnalne
ii commeiclal street. Phaa
1 Mall. I4 - . no
Z2ZH1 -l-lr
M. .1. lVt4e Hiumblas. steam and
sae nitiurf. sui-w. or to Knox
wutii s.i.i:.n iK.vr mauicht
Arrwte Ituiu Uitck iore on Gv.'
niNttal street. Fresh and ured
a tlal. Iluffmaii & Morsun., Props
12.21.limi' Jlh0 '
SFbNU iuuii nw
complete rl d "' PJ
whore, tecauso good oU Molhor .
i..ro Is uurso and pliyslclnii.
tUpao Hob.es Is taking the same
rank m America nnd enjoying tho
me fame for wonderful cures tha
Carlsbad and D..
Rurono. Tho hoiei ib ...-
,uxury, nd tho bath
comfort and "" .
:ry. - .
Is said to bo one ui iu -
world. It Is a stubborn nilmont and
a hopeless condition of physical
breakdown that the mineral waters
and hot mud baths of Paso Iloblos
will not heal In a short tlmo.
Call on agent at Salem for do-
scrlptlve booklets oi Paso Robles,
and ho will also tell you an ae
rates. Wm. Mc MUHItAY,
12-24-tf Q. P. A. S. P. Co.
vnn wnnlil not dolay taking Foloy's
Kldnoy Remedy at the first sign of
kidney or bladder troublo if you
realized that neglect might result In
Brlght's dlscaso or diabetes. Foloy's
Kidney Hemedy corrects Irregulari
ties and cures all kidney and bladder
disorders. J. C. Perry.
rAre you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Note these:
Houso, S rooms nnd 4
acres land Insldo city
limits, good barn, plenty fruit,
0 acres, 8-room houso, 3 acres
orchard, good barn, $1750.
Somo snaps in fnrm property.
328 acres, woll Improved at $30
por acre.
219 acres, at $G0 por ncro;
timber will pay for the placo.
17 acres on 25th street for
$250 per aero.
10 Gncros In pruno bitlt, 15
ncros young ochnrd, 12 acres
prunes, 102 acres under plow,
S2 acres adjoining above, $G0
per ncro.
ICO acres, Waldo Hills, $45 por
100 acres, Salomn Prnlrlo, woll
drninod, $100 por acre.
SO acres at $00 per ncro.
SS& acros ot $C0 per ncro, a
good dairy farm.
DO neros for $3X00.
285 acres lu prune belt nt $45
por ncro.
Wo havo Inrge Kst of farms of
all sl8 and prices and It will
pay you to lnvostlgnto boforo buy
:i7!J State St Salem, Or.
Is now locatod nt Canby Orego.i,
the beet winter quarters in the Nortn
west for training and developing
young horeos. Sam has room for a
few mora nro nects. ekher for the
road or track and would liko to
commuutoaie with anybody wishing
their horso trained. Mr. Casto is
eonc tied to be tlw best colt man in
the Wert and his suoeoes on the Sa
lom tmok bears out this statemont
Torms reasonable and satisfaction
guaranteed. Address
SAM CASTO, puny, (0
208 aWs3fc inHMlronTsalonrfor
$50 per acre.
House and two lots on Marlon street
ml Ib from station oi the O?
nun Electric, for $5,000
Real Estate.
The Murphy Blk. cor. Com. ,.nd Stato
Qrnt'.l x M
'"w Turner ( a rod cow
white face, wide horns. Cy'
knowing of her pleaso pt her un
and notify Mrs. Sadie Smith, Tx,r.
t. route No. ;, u,
or -,,,er service apply at office.
Ill" ,0nt"'y ' idvanre.
lfOR RExt
"" f r Rent-Clo., to Ba.t
HJJI. "au.ro at 90S Mar ta
1 trWt' 12-SS.tl
sM liLLsKn m vJja iflH B oH fl H JQm A LK
i .rt
li? is for .' 30 years,
7 JJi - 0iiniH"PorviaiouHiiicoil8IiiiUucy
iav1,' &'' Allow no ono to Uccolvo you In th
:k, iiniuuloiis
rworlniriil- II. it HCIo wW l oiuliuiKr tho hoalth of
InliuitH 'n:ui chlUlroii-Esi'orlonco against Experiment,
rniiorhi U n liurmlpss suhstltuto for Castor Oil, lMe,
inrlc Driirs mul Boothlnff Syrups. It is Pleasant.
contains m-idior Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotlo
m bsiniid. U no ,a Hs Brrtntco It! lowyh "Worms
mul iiH'M'i "oWcrlslinoss. It cures DIurrhoQU mul "Wlna
.,., ) iciiovos To.ediliif? Troubles, cures OoiiHtliiatlon
null riiinw-iicv. H- UHslinlliites tho Tooil, rcgulutcH tho
Sliiuiiiii' . '' Xiowols, kvImij healthy mid iiutural Mcep,
The OUIW ' I'umioeiv-Tlio Mother's rrlottd.
Be tlio
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
White House Restaurant
For a Regular
25c Dinner at 20c
They can't bo bent
McGilciirist & Son
MfALS 15c
Call and try thoro. Moali 16c
Doard por wook $2.75, nlo fur
nished rooms very reasonable.
Salem Restaurant
- "
Corner Seventh an,l abirlc St. '.
Portland's New and Modern :
tlolel. Rates $1 per day and
"p. European plan. Free Bus.
i I
Ti4.;.,.., .44 . ,
I'hoiu 44 Mam i,. N hUo ,
I'MlplftOI Of
Cabs ad Livery, all nigs Modern
Rtibbor Tire.
G. I WABftV l.r
!47 Mlllnr S cj...i. r...
.... . - ..' """l" oaieni. manu.
(,, ;",srr
ah km oi EST ?",r"i'-
as ma, 4; i a a
'hone 2io n;" ria' stet
-"-vu i-udiiq
irnir c....
i oi nnul i.n.i . .. .
. u .,r0 . r,i
Tinli4: - mwl itrli 11. i
lma korno tho BlKiinturo of
lias bcoiiinndoumU'r his 1)CN
nnu "uiihwih-koou" aro but
Signature) of
M I I I I HI C e I I II I t IHMfrf
I! Graber Bros,
Will glvo prompt nttcutlon
to nil ordors, gunrnntco our'
work to glvo satisfaction and ',
to ho np to tho sanitary stand-;
Cull nt our ohop on Libert
stroot, bnck of nnrr'a Jewslrr I
Storo. Phono 650.
HI I i ! I 1 I lll-mUIHrf
Can bo obtained from our prlo
tender und Juicy beef, umll0B u
pork. All our meats are mIwJ"
from tho choicest, and prepared j
tho tablo to suit tho demands of t"
fastidious. Our prices are lo'er l)
quality tlinn you cun fluJ l '"
place o Salem.
Phone eoi. 870 Btnte Si
-.- . - -
. - - ll.JTfli,(,
lv i n (iu.r.ulccJ or Money KefuwU-O. J" JjJm
I rI.COrbo. WlllMuillBcueatilu.M'n,ltl
u rnittvcl. HuuplMlnw. IfJOUlll4lu,
uia icaa jour eracrt is nw -t
"i-W in Salem bv Dt. 5. C 5'"
flacky Mountain Tea
a'Buj Mhilldlna fat Db'Y
V od'S.
Mii3Uc4SI)tlvy ;
wF' lcoit
Brtagi Qoiatn Health Bml Up"
a -hjMu r i v nstipatlou. !'
u. K'l.inf. 'I'oh).ib I'litipl'"
1'KHi bad liiwtlli blilltK'blt 'it);
' i-nlj.u!;.-' W R..okj ( ; '
.. t.i i .... . .a L.r lul
O-tlU"- .,
l,i.i r.u lHtn lmi-AN. M.u
ir r
I tftl hh g.
I Vli f iii4 pvr,s-tP nv ,,.
K !ICl-SKV6'Viv --t
' 'TwwRvflJv