7 " " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 91, 1908. IT BILLARD BALL IN HIS CONSTIPATION MOUTH, BUT REGRETS IT mmKmmmmmKmammmmmamMmmmmmHmmmm H kland, Oil.. Dec. 31. -John . H..ivnln. hn8 proved to mm ni viMiv--- . ' 1,1 that ho is such u "gamo ... that ha cm put n bllllnrd In his mourn, uut uu ...... r tcth. halt aeau uu. . - 'shock niitl has n wb "" New Year's grooms, ""- i wbnt the dentist will have to Hut In wo $2G0 n,ld no" ... i , i.u'tt ii "irnnio snort" ly will u " " " " do's satlBiicu. ax- .....i.... I.ltllnriln ill Mn - ll,? ttV.8 lii:iyB " ---. roso yesterday, when u friend said: "I'll bo you $2.50 you can't pocket a billiard ball in your mouth." "You're on," said Itobblns with out hesitation. With great dtfflcul ty ho forced tho bnll Into his mouth. Thou tho troublo came. Dr. J. H. Callan wus summoned but found It Impossible to remove tho ball until Bovoral ow Ilohhlns' teeth had beon extracted mul even thou ho had to nlmoBt clioked to death and suf forrod great agony. Tin Tiy'1'" Animals. mile Kiih (rending newspaper; hv L'umi They must bo queer poo- Idown In Now York! jutnt Huldah Why mr jnelo Eph It says hero mat moy . .. ....I ,i ftllnr 111 lull for ire JUBl li u i. - Iterlng his stock I Scranton Trlb- Tho Correct Tlmo .nn n rnilllh Or COld IB JU8t UB 800H It starts then thoro will bo no neer of unoumouia or uuuouuiii. n IIIHI 1L 1UII VSUU m Un'hniinil Svrun takon at tho Btart 111 Btop tho cough. If It has boon nnlng on for oomo tlmo tho treat- tot Will 00 :ongur, uui mu uuiu in je. Sold 11 nil ticniura. t The Honest Way. "Money? Pooh!" exclaimed a successful financier contomptoiuily. "Thoro aro a hundred ways of mak ing money." ill i .. ",,Bn clln on inr Imtci, lUnnilr I trle.l ('ntenrcli, mul tn.Ur I mn ll mn i)iiri.,8 m10 niMe'yrar. h.loro I I "ea OMeirM Tf ntloriMl iintoM ml.nrf with liitnn ml nil". ThVnki J"'"'' "",' ',""1 ''""'"II thil ! tiili nernlni: Y?J en ime thin In lmhnlf or n (Tiring linmnltr II. K. 1'l.lier, llo.noV., 111. df$fy Best For M JP "The Dowels SfiS CAMDYCATIUnnC SALEM, OREGON W. I. STALEY, Principal way' 'Ah, 'hut only one honest protested his compnnion. "What's that?" "Urn! I thought you wouldn't know." London Telegraph. Public Library Hours Aftor January lBt tho city public library will bo open from 10 a. m. to 9 j. m., excopt from 0 to 7. era When You Are Dry WHY NOT BUY tRUil.!JIW 1 A puro and wholcsomo bovorng that Is sold In all tho citi of Western Orogon and Northorn California. Made of the Choicest Malt and Hop Grown in Marion County Made of filtered Water rind strictly In nccordanco with tho Puro Food Law Salem Door Is tho best mild bovorago offered tho public. Mndo by scloctlllc processes and guaranteed puro and whole some. No ndultoriitlon. No drugs or chomlcnln and undor tho most pcrcct sanitary conditions Address all orders to Salem Brewery Association r-in,.t Pnlntihlr Potnnt Tn.tnOnml. OoOood, ii.1- ii ."i?" " " r irl. lu., Wciop.eT.r Guki i . ,.,V: - u 'Mm lnbl tmnreil OOO. uiiki ...i .. i tn cri i i yi,iir money buck. .'tt-'DK Hcmnly Co., Chicago or N.Y. 603 mm sale. izu million boxes o O O O O O O O O O O (' SMILES. H oooooooooooo 5 HI NEW YEARS GREETINGS Greetings aro appropriate at this tlmo of tho year. Wo havo had our customers and friends In mind during tho ontlro twolvo months of tho year, nnd take this opportunity to bo sonorous with our greetings nnd oxpress our appreciation of business glvon us. Wo havo always In mind th0 wofnro of our customers; our aim Is to render to oach ovory convonlonco and personally holpful bank service. That wo havo succoedod In no small moasuro Is ev idenced by tho largo and growing number of satisfied patrons of this bank. You luivo received many benoflts from our service during tho pnst year You havo ovory assurance that this servlco will ho an advan tage, to your business for tho conilng year. ta Wl8h t0 ench CUHtom0, nd woll wisher a MERRY CHRIST MAS and a happy and prosperous 'NEW YEAR, and wo will ap preciate nny additional business you may havo for 1909, boing satisfied thnt our sorvico will satisfy you In ovory dotall. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK SALEM, OREGON i IIIIIIUISIIII M-to99-MH99-Hi9m-im LlMi w rrnrmHBasgfs; E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store Mouutan water or biiBt. What is tho use of stringing a good fellow llko Strlngor? Where, oh whoro is that Fair Grounds boulevard? Ruof go 14 years In tho pen for the chargo of bribery on which ho was convlctod. There nro 113 moro lndictmonts ngainct him so it appcaro ho will havo a life tlmo Job. DcSagan got .Anna Gould Anna got tho children dirty llttlo Uonl got loft. Now If tho nowB gathorore will glvo the publ'c a real on tho subject Everybody will bo happy. A Salem man who docs business In this city for a living takes two Port, land papors and a California papor. He cornea around onco a year and buyB a Christmas Journal for ten conts, nnd all tho year ho gets tho trado of tho 24 families that sponi money from payrolls of thta olllco. It all helps to m.iko up tho payroll.! and wo aro gratoful for tho ton conts Some men havo got to. bo busy if It's nothing but defeating tho popu lar will. ' Hero's a Haopy Now Year. May we forgot tho troubles of tho past In tho Joys of tho future. v Lot's all tako a drink In 1909 mountain water. Tho state of Orogon will bo 60 years old February 14, 1909. Sho was and Is Undo Snm'B first and only Valentino. It In a foolish girl who tako? down tho mlstlctoo beforo the holi days aro entlroly ovor, but rtho Oro gon girls don't ihavo to hang up any underbrush to mnko ovory follow who Beoa ono foel llko kissing hor. Iloost for 1909. A city of 20,000 by 1910. m Saturday's Journal will ho a hum mor, as usual, o School closed during holiday weok, Work will be resumed on Monday, January 4th. A number of new students will enter at that time, New class in shorthand will be or ganized then. A good time to begin a practical course of study. Hundreds of Yooog People Will be required to do the work of stenographers and bookkeepers in the develop ment of the Northwest in the next few years; and there are always openings for those who are well qualified. If you are interested in preparing for a business position we invite you to look Into our courses. Send or call for catalogue. wiLaj'LwaggaE-gzgKa wayjajM h.i.i Hwmm BUSINESS CHANGES IN THE CAPITAL CITY FREE PILE CURE Kent to DciiionMrutu tho Merits of Pyramid IMlu Cure. What It Huh Done for Others, It Can Do fr You. 144 Commercial St. Free Delivery ;'V -xt Wo hnvo testimonials by the hun dreds showing all stngoi, kinds and dogreos of pllos which have boon cured by Pyramid Pllo Cure. If you eould rond thoso unsolicited lot tors you would no doubt go to tho nearest drug storo nn4 buy a box of Pyramid Pile Cure at onco. Pi'Ico 50 ron'fa Wi do not nsk you to do this. Send u vour namo and address and wo - ' 1 soiid you it trial pnekngo by mall fro". "p Vnw wl.t tho tr'al packago win do in hiiv .mso-i It has oure.l Mls wlthniif further treatment. If !' 'irovo Its vnluo to von order mo.e 'oni vour (lrMfuit This Is fn'r. Is o' pininiv wrlo m n Ie'or clv- v'Mi onii o" iho trl' uacfli"' by -i'i .-, ...ir vrn,'ai',f'-f . A'''"'4 r..-n,i.. p, rn j c.j pyramid "'in.. ""'''H'. A'ih. Ab Mngors, manager of the Stand ard Liquor company, has leased tho Gus Schrelbor saloon and will fit It up as a saloon nnd oyster house with a partition between. Tho An nex saloon noxt door to tho Chicago Btoro will bo moved Into tho Schrlo bor placo. Tho Red Cross pharmacy will movo in whoro tho Annex bh loon has boon as they nro obliged to got out on account of thnt block being slated for robulldlng. It will bo an Improvement nil around. o It lu n Wonder. Ghamborlaln's Liniment Is ono of tho moat romnrkablo preparations yet produced for tho relief of rhon matic palna, nnd for lamo bacc, sprains and brui&ca. Tho quick re lief from pain which it nffords In case of rhou mutism is alono worth many tlmos Its cost. Prlco 2G conts; largo slzo 60 conts. For snlr at Dr. Stono's drug otoro, o Indulgent. "I havo such an Indulgent hus band," said llttlo Mrs. Dell: "Yoa, bo George sayo," responded Mrs. Spiteful. "Somotlmes Indulgoa a llttlo too much, doesn't ho?" Lon don Tlt-Dlte. 1 A Meeting At which your ono doelro la to appear at your best something pos itively ImpoBslblo whon your linen In poorly laundered. Your collar, shirt or cuff or th shirt waist, nockploco, otc, Is JuBt an Important In your npponrance as tho clothcB thomsolvcs. If you bring thom horo thoy will bo porfoctly laundored and roturned In A-l condition. Salem. Laundry Co. Tclephogo 25. 180-100 S. Llbcrtty St HBu J2H Mi Good line of Slippers For Mon, Womon and Children, Ml uylco, all sizes. Prlcod from 76s . $2.00 Supply your Christmas ants now. enrpot auppora uuc. alvo us a call. Jacob Vogt 71iokl to Death Is commonly said of bablos who havo died of tho croup. How unnocosoary this Is. No child evor had tho croup without having a cold or cough ut . tho start. If you will stop tho first symptom of tho cough with Bnllard h Horohound Syrup thero Is no dnnger whatovor of croup. Sold by all deal ers, t nigsy Left Wife n Dollar. (Unltod Proso Leased Wlro.) San Francisco, Dec. 31. Dy tho will of Chlof of Police Dlggy, mado public today, tho widow of tho doad official rocolvos but $1. A llko sum Is boquonthed to tho ton-yonr-old daughtor of Mrs. Dlggy and tho re matndor of tho estate, valued nt ap proximately $5000 goes share and shiiro alike to tho four chlldrou of tho deacesed by hia first wlfo. I weumsxax m Ocowtho .lhe Kind Yoa Haw AlMsBoogN GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. COItDHAY, Mgr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1. COMING THE LENOX Portland's new and most modernly furnished hotel, Third and Main sireota, fronting on tho beautiful City P'aza and adjacent to buJlnesD cenlnr Free bn to and from trains. Up-to-date grill. Exce,,r-nt cuisine Telephone In every room. Private baths Kuropean Plan, $1 to $2.B0 Per Daj Aiuerlrau Plan, $- ". fo Per Da O. II. M'KNU.i:, Miuii.gcr "Thni'H a Sweonlnir, sweflnlnit Jane Eyre A play that roachos tho heart and tpuohos tho bouI. Drnmntizod from Charlotte Dronto's great novol. Excellent Company Complete Production. PRICES: 75c, BOc, iiBc. Dox olllco opon Saturday 9 u. ni. romnri(o n husband whoso wlf ued a broom to convene him that' lift one o hav been homo several hours previously. ni"'i not nno'i'iit" "io -o wpnv ?.. A ift ln-' - wa rn 4nn n'liv 'hlo Hloni00 tAttM nrl"n'o PT1 npltor'r (Jxnn" T l"'min Puro- p'l ai"o .. n..p aH hv lll 'l0, fle n f'w wHk' nero. F'noh'a olen was self dfonoo, bi Bungalow Theatre Portland, Oregon. Phones Main 117, A121M. Empire Theater Co. (Inc.), la-row, Geo. L. Daker, General Manager Now Year's Weok attraction open- argument,". ins Sunday matinee, Decomber 27, :i908, tomorrow, Leo. Diotrichstein's famous three-act farce-comedy, Are You A Mason? Special matlneo Friday (Now Yoar's Day) regular matlneo, Sat urday. Evening prices nlways tho suiiiq; 25, 35, 50c; matinees, 15, 25c. Noxt week "ZAZA." AH mall or phono orders receive specla' attention. fc ins ii"!!: 1 POUNDS eMeab SELF RISING FLOUR COMPOUND TIHIl.KO Trade Mark. R oston rown Flour read I FREE. Send us ton of our ado, ellppod from his papor, and wo will solid you ono full bIzo pnekngo ab solutely FREE. ALLEN'S II. 11. It. FLOUR CO., Inc. Sun Jose, California. TXZWFZ cfrHM-HfrH!H-M-e-fs-fr34 i iiiiiiaiiian4iiaiai I Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware I Paint and Oil GTET0F SALEM HARDWARE CO. jl 1120 Commercial St. Phone 172 ;; MH-9--0-e-4H-O-f g-KQ-5-G-f 4- 999 1 1 9 1 j 9 1 IKH l m 1 I ! Sfi ll'llil VVniKQ IIP AN OFFICE. U a quick and an easy mattor If our mill work Is used. Wo havo all tho partitions, railings, doors, otc, randy to put right up. You can hlro an empty room In tho morning and with our mill work uud a good car nsntor you can havo a completely flttud ofllco tho Bamo day. Want to boo Bomo designs? A. M. H A N S K Kv Phono Main 344 READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED MEN. , r vvx ny'' pjwn ICC RANGE to $4Q 1 'i I 4 ",rf i A .Ul m m "i JPI aS M 49 I