? t yi a 3mB r daily cavitaij MnNABtaiBN,' oiuegok xuuusijaYl inrJtoijAu wi, ioh. BMS2XtXISI3l53BiriZVt nftPRff ,i ' ' "I 1 - H L k aBBafeaaV BbB bIbB BBBbV BBBBBBBI aBBBafl BbH BBBbH BBBBBafl Bl "IbbH -all HnBal Haflaafl aflaMaft bbHbH JB bbH BmbBBto MBMIMBmI WBnBfflBI bbbBbbBI bbHHbB Bam. H bbHsbbB bbHH bbbh Ibbbbbb bbbbbH mbbbh bbbI BfflQ&S bbbH bIbbHH bBbmSHbHB bbbbbbV IbbbbbB bbH bbUI BBWBWBWBWBBWBwi bWbWbWbbWI bWbWbWbWbWbW BBWBWbWbWbWBWH bWbWbWbWBWbH flwBWBBBl BWbWbWb! BBWaWBrBwIBu bWbWBWBB BWbWbWBH bWbWBBWBBHBWbI 1 bWbWBWH HI WAaVaVaVaVaVal aVaVaVal m HaVaVaVaVaVa aVaVaVaVaVM BVaVaVaW BaVaVaVJ bbSbi BVaVaVaHavaVaaa BVaVaVaVaaVaf aVaVaVaVaVaVan BBBbbbbb bbbbbh bbbbb mFVBaBaBaBaH BBBBBaBBj BBBBBBBBBBBjr jbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbi bbbbbbbb h jbh h h BDflWaVawaWaVaV BVaWaWaWaWaWal VaaWaWaWaWaWi aWaWaVJ &! M -r HH m Wmmr mMr ""WMI MaH K-3 - MHBl"a"aW w f.Wfmmi g bbH Wm ! ... B BBRSBtSiaSSfftBa3OTAI!lfwr JrmvaiaamMHaXSnmaKatmm I I IIIIMBaWafaWKMBWMBHBl' r'raaa-a-a-WSE--gWWTWWWrl.'lM. aj f - . ffBai: !'3fe Ui .. !' ' ih m rv V 1 II :: ir & r . ir. U. ? lit '.- N ,4 l M Hi i?' ANY SUIT O VE c o Jr PT9-SJ I How Much You Get For So Little JUertainly would be strange if buyers did not flock in our direction, MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES For it won't shine always, and this Golden Opportuni ty will soon be a thin of the past, G.W.J Haiii '.IIIIIH IIIIH mm bH Hak IHb mm H H Vkl STORE mm 4 N THE This rfnfis nnt irmnn ihni wn n,n ...... Suits and Overcoats, but we will give you a ve generous ' Reductions In Our o ?i j, uLuisnmg$ You can find no better Clothing Hne c,.... than we are offering at this sale. & CO SALEM 141 NORTH COMMERCIAL STREET OREGON y Here is a SUIT SNAP a, cl no mistake about it. We'.e golns I offei oui dado the best TEN DOLLAR investment that lias been on the boards for some time, WE HAVE TOO Mm SUITS and not enough, M TEN DOLLAR bvh &4 I --3 vl HT1 Mm be'. L jvI iiMfjLl ftU sS&mtA D PIECES These suits are no back numbers or shop-worn stock. The are our New Fall Stock this season's make. Tako a look at them and, if they don't beat anything you ever saw fa $10, don't buy them. You take your Choice for $10. Fair proposition. It will certainly pay you to drop in a-id see what's doing. $10.00 - YOUR CHOICE OF ANY SUIT OR OVERCOAT - $10.00 DARRIN MUST REMAIN itqitwwwwwwtqniWfflwwwww z , ujgj.: (United ProsB Loasod Wire.) Flushing, L. I., Doc. 31. Loanlug on tho (inn of lior huuband, Gouernl II ul n, Uvb, lining, mother of Thorn ton Jonklns Ilalnt), ontorcd Judge Crnno' court room Into thin after noon to glv toatlmony that may muvu hor eon from an Ignomlnlcnu dunth. Mra. Ilains, small nml old tntnl gray, vo Iwl to tho vltnoB3 chair by tho gonernl, who stood ullontly rac ing tho curious throng in tho ouu ltK)IIJ. Sho was dronied lu black, and hor faco showod plainly tho days and nights of anguish she has spent nine (ho shooting of Annls by hor to, Captnln Potor C. lining. Toars Btrcnmod down hor faco ns alio rocounted tho boyhood and you'll of tho captain end itho dofondaut, hit brothor. At tlms It was fenrod she would collapo, and only thou did lh -gonoral rolax hie rigid gaz to look wllcltloiisly toward his wl.'o. Tho inothor togtllled to 4 ho mout'tl roudltlou of tho onptn'u, wtylng she boll vod him lurnno, niul bfor tht shooting had placed him In tho euro Df Jonklns Unlns. Sho said tho captain had beta a rtolicato youth ayd sufforod 'roin lit U'hou In Washington last June oho , S saw, ano roarco no was crazy. Gonoral Ilalua, aftor escorting j M Mr. lia'nu from tho stand, ton Mod to tho snmo effect, corroborating Ms xrlfo's testimony. At this Juncturp Judgo Crauo grafted a continuance of tho hearing until Monday on a ploa of slckneaa urgod by Attorney Mclntyro of tho dofoneo. Mclntyro promlcd to fin ish his caco by next Monday. noforo final ndjoftjrnmont Judgo ( Crane admitted In evldonco tho writ- fen oonfosolon alleged .to have beon slgnod by Mrs. Claudia Haines which admits misconduct between herself ?nd Annls, j i mi ' Jk2$yt RrHr? WJt t rtlBaTi i n - A TW jj K ' aaaa-rl TART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT INSTALL A BUSINESS SYSTEM . RS 3TT 5-8l1ad. mlri,tvl2 rf- vv4& t ir i jr me &ETr t LA ill i 'HISS Hi if llASl We Are Exclusive Selling Agents for the Famous Globe Wernicke Line of SAVING OFFICE APPLIANCES 3 I The reason why you should buy your office furniture from us WE HAVE THE STOCK and keep it up to the mark of any possible demand upon it. ::::::: : WE HAVE THE QUALITY, nothing quite so good in Salem. Our prices are reasonable article you buy, whether it be large or small, is the best to be had for the money : : : : : No use talkingthere's nothing facilitates business like upstodate office appliances. We have them from A to Z. You are invited to call and inspect our showing, Kot a word about buying mite you say it. Catalogu s and folders on request : . : WmmmmBmmmmVi&Zlili '! .' tt)igwi w wwmiiwmt aw -aava. K-rm- n ,mW "- IT-'-'SjMBjBgyviii'l r.,,,w. r '. .." .L.hiimW expired today announced his Intou- At tho-closo of the session Judgo, tion of wlUidrawlng unless exproi3- Crnno oulphntlcnlly told District At-Jiy ordored to continue In tho case, ttrnoy Darrln that ho could v not Judco Crane doclardo . that Darrlu , Xo Trace of Aniorlcans. .of Mrs; Cheney. Rome, Italy, Dec. 31. Tho Amor-1 Tho report thnt 90 Americans lean consulnto hero rocelved dls--' were killed In tho Hotel Trlcanacra patches today saying that no trace at Messina Is not true. There were withdraw from tho prosecution at mti a responsibility hl3 duty to tho had been found of Arthur S. Cheney, only 90 guests In tho hotel nil told, tela juncture. Darrln, who30 torui. people compelled him to face. .the American consul at Messina, or So far as is known only the proprie tor and one guest escaped. The American embassy Is ondeav oring to find a trace of tho American travellers whp were In the stricken city but tho officials at Messina wired this afternoon that It Is Impossible to trace anyone. Public Library our ,lty pA iar iuo - - - After January I be o except from ... ... .an irum library win u i- . T to 9 P. w-i JO-8"