DAILY OAPIC&Ii JODnWAT,, 8ALKM. 01IKOOX, M1UIUWAY. DKOliMllKR 111, 11108. wpp j,k . a ill i it '! 'RK w MM t lt' ! .. 1 .iisr.i wi 7 ti i;. 1m. j'-,. j' . 4 I li- i . D'ri M K.l i I ft. J u r Bt'i S 13 Si in I . I J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOFER, Ed. and IMp Indopcndont Newspaper Unvoted to American Principle auil tbo 1'roKrcKH ami Dovolopomont of All Oregon. CublMiixl Itvcry livening Kzcopt Sumlny, Salem, Uru. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance) Ujlly, by cattlor, por jcur $0.00 l'er month Wi Oallv, by mall, per year 4.00 Per month V Weekly, by mall, per venr 1.00 Six month M riYjirvrCV Um0jjgLABEL JS THE l'UUE FOOD LAW A GI GANTIC FAKE? Is thoro inoro food poisoning than boforo the law was onaotcd? Is tho ofllce of Stato Dairy and Food Commissioner a oinocuro that DOES TIIH PEOPLE NO GOOD WHATEVER? Aro tho pooplo getting1 any purer milk and food than they woro be- foro tho law was enacted? la not tho law used to conceal real frauds and mako thorn MORE DIFFICULT OF DETECTION? A.l kinds of poisoning .seems to bo growing In frequency or olso peo ple aro moro easily poisoned than tormorly. Nearly ovorybody talks moro or loss about being POISONED RV CANNED GOODS. Tho puro food laws aro well moant it .thoy havo exactly tho opposlto f- "from. what la intended, ""ro drink laws would bo far moco rtatit. If liquors woro unndul Wxl THERE WOULD RE LESS 10 FROM DRINK. B2W Docombor Qth Ibsuo "i 4Wttaair"accou'nt of tho rolesalo poisoning of tho Jests who attonded tho launch ig of tho Promothout). It 1b Walling to think of tho Blck uoto intestinal troubles and dieuthtv that havo occurred S1NCIC THE PURE FOOD IjAW HAS PROHIBIT!-:!) THE USE OF MODERN PRESERV ATIVE. According to prcco dispatches (hero havo been in tho United tatcs bIiico tho onforcomont' of tho Piuro Food Lai- twolvo thousand eight hundred and twolvo cases of pto niaino palsoning four hun dred and forty of which woro fa tal. Prior to tho enactment of tho Puro Food Law boarox and boric acid wero used on meat, fish, fow, nausago, oysters, etc., coiiki';iii.tly nr."U food, wii c i readily becomes contaminated, WAS KKPT IN AN HYGENIO, irKAITJIFUL CONDITION. Tho Puro Food Law, compclR truthful labels on all article, packages or containers of food. A truthful labol, howovor, upon meat, flub, fowl, B.auungo oys ter.) etc, will net provout them from spelling,, so thnt conditions nro favofablo FOR THE PROP AGATION OF POISON GERMS. Thus, whllo tho Puro Food compolu truthful labels, it docs not, on account of prohibiting iuxjiorvatlvos, InBtiro that food will reach tho consumer In a puro, uoMthful condition; nolth or docs tho label prevent porioh ablo article of food from de teriorating when in tho consum er's hands so rv to becomo a monaou t llfo and health. Tho authorities should roallzo tlio above facts and amond tho laws ?q that preservatives would bo ponnlttod on nud In nil ar ticles of food THAT FAVOR THE PROPAGATION OF POI SONOUS GERMS. FUNDING THE CITY DEIIT. Tho city council dosorvos credit for passing an ordinance to croat a sinking und to pay oft tho city debt. Alderman Oroonbaum and Eldridge dosorvo oopoclal credit for gottlng up tho ordinance JN ITS PRESENT FORM. It originally contained a clau&o to havo tho mayor appoint a commission of three persons to handlo tho sink ing fund. TIiIb was struck out and tho sink ing fund will bo handled just tho same as other fundo RY THE CITY TREASURER. Who got up. tho idea of a commis sion is not known but it was In thjro and when pointed out by Tho JaurunI was struck out Nineteen thousand dollars of sow- or bonds explro In December of next yenr and WILL HAVE TO RE RE-, FUNDED. Slxty-flvo thousand dollars of bonds explro February 2, 1909, and will havo to bo provided for by the Incoming city council. Of courco it is rathor lato to start a sinking fund, but hotter ato than novo?. THE FUND HOULD REGIV THE FIRST YEAR RONDS RUN. But let us bo thankful for a sink' Ing fund of any kind, started ove'i now, and lot us hoop up to good work, and not go into debt any fp.rthor. This Life of Ours. Anothor Christinas has passed. Thc Joybolls havo till boon rung, tho praise sorvlces have boon rondorod tho gifts havo been bestowed and re ceived. Again tho promlso of a high or llfo for mortals has been empha sized, and again tho great moving Christian world tuniB to ronow it work, to count its gains and lossog, and to lay new plans for tho future I What a round this llfo of ours is; tho ( seasons aro typical of It. Out of the death of tho winter tno returning sun commands that tho Btono shall Iw rolled away, and the llfo of a new spring shall como forth. Thon, ovou under tho snow, tho Mower staitsand In It3 dnrkoncd chnmbor It puts on itc shining garments to make Its dobut; loaf and bud appear, tho world lakes on its old robo of green, then bud and Mower and tho bloom of trees come forth, and tho sun grows warm abovo, then tho summer, with It? miracles, tho autumn with Its har vests, thon again tho wrinkles of the lato autumn, tho trees lose their garnlturo and1 grow gnarled, und then again tho cold and the winding shoot Man walks his rounds, oven as does' the earth and in a littlo whllo is but as tho years that havo Med. Thoro Is but ono hopo saved from It all, which Is that aftor his Mnal winter here, tho spring that will como to him will novor lose Its blooms and flowors, Its sunshlno and Its Joys. Goodwin'n Weekly. WAS THE FRANCHISE POLITICAL For Hint Dull Feeling After Killing. I havo usod Chnmborialn's Stom- nch and LIvor Tnblots for somo tlmo. nnd can testify that thoy havo done use moro good than any tnblots 1 havo ovor UBed. My trouble was a heavy dull fooling nftor enting. David Frcomnn, Kempt, Nova Scotin Theso tnblots strengthen tho stom ach nnd Improve tho digestion. Thm also rogulnto tho Ilvor and bowels. Thoy aro fnr supoilor to pills but cost no more. Got n freo siunplo tit Dr Stono's drug store and koo what n splendid medicine It Is. o a sniisngo rour root long and ono foot thick formed tho voddtug enko nt a Hanover butchor's wedding. Seldom Wear Out Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain (Pills relieve pain not only once, but as many times as it is necessary to take them. Many persons who sui'Ler from chronic ailments iind in Uicm a source of great relief from tho suffering which they would otherwise be com pelled lo endure. Their soothing influence upon the nerves strengthen rather than weaken them. For this reason they sel dom lose their effective ness. "I urn 2 yenrs old nnd lmvo Buffered for 42 yen rsi fiotn nervous troubles, rhoimmtlmn and ncitralnlii, pntpltntlon of the hentt, Bitot tneH8 of breath, eleepl'.'SHiH'HH, mill ptOn tiroumt tho heart. Tho Dr. Mllen Autl-l'ti III Pllln lmvo been n lilosxlnir to mo. I don't know wlmt t ntionltl do without them, nnd they are tin- only remedy I lmvo ever lined that either tlltl not wour out In loan time I lut it I lmvo been us ing them, nr elo tho Injurious rcmilta were Mich thnt I woolri bo obtlrjcd to ceoso their lino." MitS. H. C. UOWNSON, 27 Carter St . fhrtttMnnoRn, Tenn. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pllln are sold by rour drugo'it. who will aunr.intee that he first p.icknrie w'll benefit. If It falls, he will return our money. 23 doses, S cents. Novor sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co,. Elkhart, lnd Tho Statesman now says It is poll ties to Bay a fow good nnd practical.) things should have been Inserted In tho fianchl&o, instead of n lot of tech nlcal amendments. Anyone cciuhi sco from tho amend ments prestmiod by tho Statesman roportor that thoy woro got up from a purely 'technical and political view point TO EMIIAllUASS THE STHKKT CAIt COMPANY. If that was not doing things for political effect, what in tho world wa it? Furthermore, no mero reporter could get up tho page and pagos of hair-splitting tochnlcal and logal ob jections, IN NONE OF WHICH I'llK I'IX)I'LI lX)OK ANY HKAIj INTKIt ICST. That was tho lino work of politic al ambition, somo aspiring political gamoator plrylng lib flno g.uno at tho expenfx) of tho community. In Vancouver a franchlso wa3 granted on condition that tho street car corporation run flvo m!(os In a loop in tho country, nnd that was dono, and tho wholo loop IS ItFINfi llUIIr Ul INTO SUJJUHIJAN IIOAIIiS. If tho Portland Gonornl had boon Good Cough Medicine for Children. ino reason for coughs nnd colds i now at hand nnd too much caro can not ho usod to protect tho chlldron. A child Is much morG Ukoly to con tract dlpthorla or scarlot fovor whon ho has n cold. Tho nulckor vrvn rum hlo cold tho less tho risk. Chnmbor ialn's Cough Remedy is tho solo roll- unco or many mothors, nnd fow of those who hnvo ovor tried It aro will ing to uso any other. Mm. P. F. Stnrchor, of Rlploy, W. Vn., saya: "I havo novor used anything other thnn Chamborlain's Cough RomoJy for my ch'Idron nnd It hns alwas given good satisfaction." This rom etly contains no opium or othor nar cotic and may bo given os confident ly to a child ns to an adult. For saie nt Dr. Stono's drug storo. - o About 4-1,000 squuro mllos of ar able land nro available in Culm for siignr culture SCIENTIFIC ADJUSTMENT Of Glasses to All Forms of Defective Vision Frames Fitted to Con form to the peculiarities of the wearer's face, Thus what is worn as a necessity is at the same tlmo a hand some ornament, Let Us Adorn Your Face TIIK HKHT HOlHr TIIH FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prlti. tondor and Juicy beef, mutton u pork. All our moats are nilerti from tho choicest, and prepared f tho tablo to suit tho demands of tb. fnstldlous. Our prices are luwur fo quality than you can find at on Lploco In Balom. E. O. GROSS, Phono 201. 870 Htntc Hi TORRID ZONE FUBNACE OASTOHIA. t0erf tho Il fW JUtC AltjS BCfigi? I'iyMluro f 1-&S Don't He Hopeless, about yoursolf whon you'ro crippled with rhoumntlsm or stiff Joints of courso you'vo tried lots of things and thoy failed. Try Rallord's Snow Llnlmont it will drlvo nwny ail nches, pnlna nnd stlffnois and luuvo persons ovor wholly recover. Give you as vo 1 ne you woro liofnrn Sni i by all dealers. Drosdon has oponed n bathing es tablishment for dogs. It Is ownod nnd govornod by the municipality. o . Moro npnnln nrn inXrXnr, ri.. aakod doccutly to o.xtond IU noiv'.co: Kldnoy Remody ovory year. It is to Liberty, in consideration of got tlng a (loeont franohlso that might havo boon done, and tho buslnoss mon of tho city would bo tho gnlnorB. As It h nothing of any substantial valuo has boon gained, and -It hns boon nil pi'HUcs. THE POLITICIAN WHO PLAYED THIS GAME WILL I'ltOliAIIIjY HE PRODUCED LATER considered to bo the most effective remedy for kldnoy and bladdor trou- nits inni moment science can dovlsie Foloy's Kldnoy Romcdy corrects li rogularltlos, builds up worn out tls siioi ahd ro-toro8 lost vitality, it will mako you look well and feel well. J. c. Porrv o Barr's Jewelers no nuovu (.'in rujiiuiuuiu oi brick lined Torrid Zone Furnaco, Gunrnntcod gas, smoko and dust roof. Economical and durable. A. L. FRASER 'ItSH STATE HTItKKT. Kirimntei rurnlHUed on hoatlni (jrojit Chinese Doctor L. M. H U M (Int medicine which will cure on) known dhrnso. Ho makes a sp'm ty of, and guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rhoiimntlxm j Dobllity, St.imnch, LIvor. Kidnoj ' Troubles; also any blackened or I swollen fluronoss, broken limbs; Smallpox; Epidemic; all kinds of Bolls, Lost Manhood, Fomalo Weak ness, Hornis Troubles and Paralysis Consultation freo. Caro of Ylck Bo Tong Co., Chlncso drugs and herbs. lf3 High St., upstairs, Salem, Or. ooV"""' !' & Nn Tc ... v,t5H imssongcr. ' a-Cotu, snnT :,B P. m.-... No. U ''ft... Vl ,li P. m press. m-' Tnitm..! t. No. 222. "o 7ta. hrk. 1 No. 22C.l-lo.4ft.,,., k '"ward s.i v... . 1 . ii-iiioa r:- s. "pnssitlgGQr45p0-c No. 13-3:31 .. . J-'o oxpre .. ' ' hu&M No! 22 1 .. "bin. -m. NO. 22S.-U;28 ft m Time Card Eifii.. v.'' ' Fer: ' ""! Portland and IntermedUite WUl t i . ,, Portland-HllUboro IT" tormodlatp, li . , Portland ni,,i .,.. ,"U'1' Local .... Portlnml .a i..." .VH!I . "uu '"lermMUte. Locn' .uu Portland-TualaUn and Hlik ooro, Limited ,.,, Portlar.d-Hlllsboro and In. termodiate. Ii . .. n.i..j .. ... '-"'M- Local jj. ' Portland and Intermediate. " l,,ca, IH "u'"' rortiana and Intermediate, Local nit ARE YOUSICK? Do You Wish to Get Cured? s? r- if M5t wLm?m wBBfflssm mSBassSsi After you hav tried tho othe doctors, come and see tho old rellablo Chinese doctor. He guarantees to cure after everything olso has failed. Dr. Kum has lived over 20 year The Road To Success Is easiest for those who practice economy and put their savings in a bank, Money earns money, and It's a great factor in achiev ing success, Start to save now and open a savings account with us, Savings Department Capital National Bank Notice. Tho regular annual mooting nf Mm Tho nici who trloa to uao tho city shareholders of tho Capital National n. Slem, and has cured a great manj ,- ...,.,.. .... . n-,. -. o. - ... . """'' i of Salem's well-known mon and wo ...-. w. ,, ,U1 u,u oiecuon o:.mon, nnd has scores o. testimonials u rectors, will be held at its bank- from thankful patients whom he hac ing nou-o, in SalPm, Oregon, Tuo day, January 12. 1909, nt 3 o'clock ! m. J03. H. ALBI3RT. ! H-l IP Cnshlor -o h'uiiiuiUui mi- jiuuuuai purposes a making a r.ilstako. This city han sorlous problom; bo foro It, and politics, SHOULD lLAY hit .M.IL TAUT l. OITV AND1 HMK.OL AFIWIIIS. Now lot us buoklo to tho work of gottlng mountain wntor, of gottlmj railroad e.vtonslone, of gottlng uew dopot fncllitios Tho way is open to boost tho city bv npplylng moro buelnon prlnolplo und Koa politics. Kurry! Iliurry! find got yourself n bottlo of TTnstot. tor's Stomach Hitters for that wonk stomaoh and lazy liver. Your comli. tlon is getting worse all tho tlmo and a lot of sufforlng can bo savod by starting now. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS will restore tho appetite, aid diges tion nnd prevent Dyspepsia, Holch lnuf, Hloat'ng, Hirtliiini, Costive ness, Colds, Grippe and hVueral Woakiiess. Oar 1001) Illustrated Al uiunar Is now at your drug storo foi freo distribution, Get a copy. Dig Laud Opening. On January 20. 1909. at Roseburg. Oregon , 91.500 aoros aro tn be with drawn from tho Umpnun forest re servo. This ombroces somo of tho uuost dnlry and timber lands in Bon ton, Lnno, Douglas and Coos coun ties. Not all of this land la subject to 3titry, For $2.50 wo will send you propald 18 large lithographic town ship maps with abovo vacant lands colored thereon. Also full instrua tlons ns to dates, manner of flllug, &o &o. Tho Douglas County Abstract Co., succossor to Prank E. Alley, P'3e nug, Orogon. 11-18-vod-tf. o . Guilty of Counterfeiting. Pasplng counterfeit monev Is n-vo-sp than ubitltutlng some Ui Known worMi'css romedv for Fole 'Ioney and Tar. the great cough and Y'l - moil Hint ou-es the moh n', vitiate coughs and heals tho kins, J. C. Perry. Gold Dtist Flour M..'p by TIIK SYDNEY TOW FA' COM1MNY, Sidney, Oro ro, , Mado for family use. Afclc your grocer for it. IJnm nnd shorts iiIwiijh on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. cured In tho past. Ho guarantees to euro whore tho knlfo seoms tho laa' resort. Ho treats all chronic and nervous dlsoasos, catarrh, asthma, lung and throat troubles, stomach, uver, Kiunoy ana near' trouble, rhci matl8m, gall stones, (ape wonna, U i vitality, general deblllt;'. rupture a'.ii , all kinds of female complaints Ex anilnntlon and consultation free. It i you eihinot call write fMi- symptom blank to tho Dr. Kum Dow Wo Drup Co., 1Q7 South High street, Salem Oregon. Tin FRENCH FEMALE UPILLS. A Bin, CuTiit Biuir for Bgrruaws llnnino KCVEBJINuNN TO FAIL Bf.l Snri Biwin s.tl.. I'ttlMyctUt. Will icu4t!icmootrll, tot iaJJirot heartlltTtJ. 8uiplo t re. If liwrdruiiUlijc. aol MWH frW WHI WIUCI if UQ UNITED MCDICUC0...oT4. UNO..TT.. I... ESMIISHHHHHHHHHKWBMM Sid in Salem bv Dt. 5. C. 5' .Civ uijjntd.-n tja riuytv. A D'.'S Medu-ino foi Bqjt Pviplo. Dr'Bit 'Jjaa h-Uh .' P"'wi Vigor "iflo f i ruisilnrt.l.iri In ii'O'tlon. I,l id Ki . . Ti line ll ti. - h, vn t, laipu- lixxl n.il liruatt. HIiiKir.bi liotl, U nulftcli ,tul U.-ickueho It's Kooky Moimttiln Toft In uih vt form, 8.1 cents n box Qfn.,lnt rnn.1 b liuusrsu D'iru Comhanv, Madiwn, WU. QOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOfLi CAPITAL IIAKKRY 439 Court Btreot, Nowklrk Bros, Props. Hrend, Cakes, Pies and all kinds of Pastries, Cookies, otc. Watch for our wagon, Phono 954. Special ordors dolivorod on short notice. 11-19-tf. Salem fence Works IlmiUiiuurtcru for Woven M ir l-encing. Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gate Malthold ltooflng, P. & D. Read) Roofing, Screen Doors and Ai Justnhlo Wli-dow Screns, CIIAS. J). XULLMAN WAll'LUt AiUltLKlf. .WO Court SU 8lera. Or BUTTEHNUt UUKAD. It Is worth moie. than any oth read yet tho prlco Js uo talfhi for aalrt at your grocers'. CALIFORNIA BAKER f, ThbrtLMs Jt Oooley, I'roM. I'ortlnnd-Illllsboro and k. termodlato, l)cal . Un Portland, Hlllsboro nt iiinintin, umitcd , 1,J Portland nnd Intermediate, I'Ocni , ui roriinnu-iiiiiRboro and I:- tormoainto, lcal , in,. I Portland and Intermediate. ''Ocal ...mipJ Portland nnd Intcrmcdlalt, i-ocnl v.ipJ Portland and Intcrmcdlalt, Local lid tl Now is the tint to visit California When summer hi puased la these corti cm states, the ins li only mild under tit bright blue ekies ol Soutborn Calltorsu. This is ono of nature'! happy proTlalote cternal summer (of thoso who cannot ea dure n more seiere climate, California bai bs called tho "Mecca cf tho wlntor tourist " Its hotels and top ping places are n varied ns those ot all woll regulated cltlfi Visitors can alwaji find suitable accon modatlons, congenhl companions and Tr led, pleasing recrea tions, SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be glad to supply w ' vory attractive Mleratart describing in detail tl( many delights of winter , rvillfnmla Tho rate from Salem i W Angeles and ritun is I S HUIE WING SANG CO. ALL KINDS HOLIDAY GOODS """"SSSi Limit six months '"!:: stopovers in ether or tlon. Similar ex,curilon n are'", .ffect to all ra'l'ort' points. i For full information .W"J resort ailoiu ana 'w"'flW telegrapher write or m WM. I'intAV,flcn.P portlnnd, cirrs; r. r. T.Co. .r -a fua 1 Steamers Oresona- dTand FrldaV" at 10t a1 Thursday and Saturoaj Fare 50 cents. m t,W. ror vur.krtBti Leave Silk Handkerchiefs, Chlnawaro, Ornaments, Curios, Cents nnd La dles' Furnishing Goods, SilkB, Waists, Kimouas, Wrappers, Under- ( wonr, Coats, Pants, Dlankets, Hose, Shoes, Night Gowns, otc. Mow All Goods Sale At Cost. 320 N. Commercial St., 1st Storo N. :HICHESTER 1 vi W V ff TIIK IUJImI AM iiiiiiiM,H,lJskV fc""5 ""rJriw'CrtSff' sffiw'sRwasB1