Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 31, 1908, FIRST EDITION, Image 1

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    EDITION 3 P. M
rib If Just Watch the r'
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NO. 303.
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'zSFfi d w a tf .cafes j j Sth a
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idnv v mmjjl. jHpipnyii' 4iu
ricken Italian Cities Arc Vast Charncl Houses
iter Killed Will Never Be Known But Will Probably Be At Least 240,000
lore Tiian a Million Homeless And Without FoodThe Living Unable To Bury
he Dead, Or To Care For The Injured-The World Rushing To Aid Stricken Italy
trad. Italy, Dec. si. wun mo
hment's official ostlmnto of tho
over 120,000 and many nows-
U estimating tho loss of life to
Ivcr 200,000, tho wholo of
tern Ituly and Sicily Is ono vast
d toilny, Uoforo night It Is
ttcl that 00,000 refugees will
beta hnded at Naples. Tho
Iritis In Mcsslun and Rogglo Is no
tiling that tho rescuers can inako
Ealow progress.
Messina tho agents from tho
If ships with medicines and
bandages aro going about tho
wrecked streots, giving aid to the
Injured whorovor thoy aro found.
Tho streotB aro bolng mado tempor
ary hospitals as thcro la no means
of moving tho injured and no shelter
to which thoy could be takon.
Soldiors raised tho roof from tho
railway station In Messina ami
found Bcores of corpses packed sol
idly togother. Tho people aftor tho
first shock had rushed to tho station
in hope of getting out of tho city,
but the socond and following quakes
O O () O O O O O O .1)
Itexults of Earthquake. O
Killed, 1 00,000 to 200,000. O
Injured, 200,000 to 500,000. O
Homeless, estimated ut !, O
O Cities over 10,000 popula-
O tlon destroyed, 15. "O
Q Smaller towns destroyed, es- O
O timatcd, no. O
O Wnrshlpn Mink (torpedo- O
O boats), 12 O
O Ships stink by tidal wave, OOO ()
O Mmi)' American him! other O
Q tourists killed.
o I
destroyed tho building and killed
everyone in It.
(loneral Fecola do Cassnto, in com
mand of the troops ut Messina, no
tified tho government that no ef
fort was bolng mado to count tho.
doad. Tho rescuers havo inoro im
portant work to do. Under orders
of Qonernl Oh Cassato tho burning
of bodies continues today.
limn Corpse in the Streets.
A merchant named I'olonl who ar
rived at Naples today told of tho
scenes in .Messina. Ho said that tho
0 Formation of Straits of Mcs- O
() ulna changed. O
O Historic Scylla and Charyb- O
O dls destroyed. O
) Etna and Stromboll, "volca- O
() noes, In eruption. , ()
) Cable to Aeolian Isles cut; O
O disaster feared.
tvriK33tKtr fwiwvs w rumm i
Is now in progress at the Chicago Store. The entire stock
mist be closed out, as we are going to make our I ore
iouble its present size and we don't want to have our goods
spoiled with mortar, sand, dust and lime. This is a chance
)f a lifetime to buy the newest and best goods for abou!
Half Price
is is (he way we are selling our
goods now
50c full size sheets now 29c
15c rillow cases now 9o
Sti dard Calico, yd 4c
tat apron gingham, yd 5c
JUJO white bed spread 65c
doc wool dress goods, yd 29c
Bcc fancy waistmg silk ,yd 39c
Laches' $12,00 coats now $5.90
Ladies '$8,00 coats now $3.90
mo dress skirts now $1.90
uirls" $5,00 long coats for $1.90
And so all over the house. All you
have to do is to ask for tbe adver
fed goods. They must go.
This is' a bona fide sale. No non
sense or songanddance. AH you
have to do is to come to our store,
pick out whatever goods you may
want, and we will give you prices
on them that you have never heard
of before in Salem. How is this
for a BARGAIN:
.Men's 65c wool fleeced under
wear now only 35c
Women's and misses' shoes, about half
50c corset covers now only 23c
..... ijALC .....
SALE ..... M Tk'WAfiJJ
mrnmnmmmmmimMmmmmmmmm m m mum mw wwiim wwi i
crazed people fought bitterly against
tho burning of tho doad bodies.
Tho soldiors found it necessary to
burn tho corpses in tho streots and
tho odor of tho burning human llesh
has given tho stricken city u now
I'olonl said that ho saw tho sol
diers take thq body of a man nnd
place It. In a fire, A womnn had,
uvuu niiiiufi itutti . iiiu .uiirov tii.u tutu
fallon Into a dazed sloop. Sho was
aroused Just ns the body was on
volopod by tho fames. With a wild
scream, sho rushod toward tho sol
diors and boforo thoy buenmo nwnrei
of hur purpose, had flung hersolf. In
to tho fire besldo tho body of hoi
husband, where faho was burned
allvo. ' - -
Pow of tho people who escaped
from Mosslna had sufficient clothing
and casos of pnoumonln nnd menin
gioma are following tholr oxposuro.
Tho soldiers may provont a poatl
leuco, but It suoms Impossible to
roach half tho dead and on eh day
makes too situation worse.
Tho condition of the refugees who
havo arrived at Naples is pitiful in
the extromo. Thoy have lost ovory
worldly possession nnd most of than'
are Injured or their minds nro Im
paired. Hollef ships from Ro'gglo Indlcato
that tho situation thoro Is nioro ut
terly hopoless than at Mosslna. Tho
niimboreof.Bitrvlvors nt Rogglo Is so
hinail that tho city Is nothing moro
than one gront tomb.
The refugees havo oncamped on
the hills outsldo Itogglo and a few
havo mado tholr way to Pnlml. Tho
rescue purtlos havo found but fow
(Miniates of the Dead.
Home. Italy, Due. 31. Tho gov
ernment today gavo out tho follow
ing ostimato of tho doad in tho
earthquake district:
At Messina, ftO.OOO,
At Jtegglo, 10,000.
At Moutclcono, 1HOO.
Aa Santa Kufemlu, inoo.
At Hagnarn, 1000,
At On.ziri, 1000.
At I'alnil, OOO.
At Keminara, -100.
At other towns in tlio country ills
trlcts, 21,000.
. .Total, 120,!)00.
Tho press estimates aro higher,
bomo of thorn showing tho aggregate
over 200,000 dead
Londoin, Dee. 31. Engllbr
kera are .taklnir s-lx weoks rc-S k
ono of tho busiMt ooseions th&jL '
llamont has ovor 'had. Excopt W
short nummor noccso thoy havo Ur
uncooalngly alnco January 29, lv
For Lholt labors, howovor, C
legislators havo consldornblb to tAio &
rorhnpo tholr moot important on- 1
aotmont waa tho Old Ago Ponolona '
Law, under which 000,000 mon an-1
womou of moro than 70 bogln rocolv-
Ing allowaiwroa of (1.2C wookly with
tho Hrat of tho year.
Tho chlldrcn'a act Is also of far
reaching effect, t ostabllshon special
courts for minora that thoy may be
kept fro m contact with .evil adults,
forbid' i iiilinlilnli.of hovn or elrla of
() "The sliorlu-d machine anK O Umn 1(J to barrooiIW pRO,
O Is yvry wIucImmI to hand such O .,,.., nmtMno nil thft ., -rt
O Sail FranclNCO, Dec. Sti. O
() Tho San FraticNco llullotlu In O
O nn editorial, "For tho Honor or O
() Oregon, the pledge must be O
O kept," saym O
O "Tho honor of Oregon Is In- O
O volvcd In the question whether O
O the Itepiibllcan members of tho O
O legislature of that stato will O
O Ntauil by their pledges to elect O
O as senator the man designated O
) by the popular vote. O
O "To tho surprise of the He- O
O publican machine, tho people O
O elected a Itepiibllcan majority O
O In the legislature, but declared O
O tliiaiiii'lv'H In favor of Clover- O
Q nor Chaiiibeiialn, a Democrat, O
O for United States senator.
O a flue plum to a Democrat. The (
O machine press, headed by tho O
O Portland Oregonlan, which O
O ought to be iiNliamed of Itself, t)
O Is Inventing sophistical argil- ()
O inentH to Justify a broach of O
O faltlr on tlii? part of the mom O
O hers of the legislature. The O
O casuistry of tho politicians and O
( the newspapers yho are advo- O
O eating a breach of the pledge Is, O
O however, so thin and so easily O
O lutrtweml that It falls to con- O
O vliiro even the most willing O
O members of the legislature. O
O Any pledge member that re- O
O funM to vote for Chamberlain C)
O will have to do it defiantly and t)
O roiituinuclourtly In violation of O
O his pledge; will have to break O
O Ills woitl of honor In presence. O
O of the whole state.. There Is no O
D exciise that will hold water; no O
( apology that any honest citizen ()
O will hearken to for a minute. ()
O "Any Republican who would O
() accept a seat in tho senate in ()
O such a situation is a bad man," O
Withdraw from Outlaws.
Saoramonto, Cal., Doc. 31. Man
agers Gurtln and Graham, of tho
Sacramento Stato League team, hr.vo
decided to withdraw from tho outlaw
leaguo and accopt a coast loaguo fruu
cIiIbo for Sacramento next souson.
A4; tho State Loaguo couferonoj in
San Francloco thoy gavo tho othor
stato loaguo munagors a final chanco
to see, things tholr way, and go Into
organized ball. Tho Stato Loaguo
dotoriulnod to romalu outlaw, nn,1
Ourtalu mado .tho formal announce
ment today that Sacramonto will bo
In tho Coast Leaguo next year with
Tho Crimea Act, a third new law,
mukoa tlio "indotormluato soutonco"
a feature- of tho EugllWh criminal
pourt procedure.
Tho Pont ot London Act appropri
ate.! $115,000,000 for government
acquisition of all London's Ifrlvatoly
owned docks and croatos n board to
improve unotbor so managed as to
build up tho metropolis' dbcaylng
Bhlpplng iMinlitctf."
Dy establishing a ranlvoralty ' at
Dolfnit for Protcatairl patronago and
another at Dublin for Catholics, a
long standing Irkli grlovnnco la rc
movod. Othor moapuros limit tho worJtlna
day in Engllah mines -to eight hours,
prohibit tho use ot whlto phbaprous
In match manufaoturo as u moai& of
protecting mutch-glrla from nocr6lo,
grant $50,000 to aid tho Involuntary
Idlo and Impooo llioavy ponaltiea for
attempts to break up public meetings
a direct thrust at tho suffragettes.
Coast Lino s Sinking,
nogglo, Calabrlae, Doc. 31. (Via
i wireless rrom the cruiser Coatlt
i Emmanuel H Is apparent that not
' nio-o than iWts or six thousand out
of the population or nearly fifty
thoiuan 1 eouUi p( olbly survive tho
oarthquako and tidal wave.
' The lowor part of tho city Is 23
feet under water, and tho upper part
is In comploto ruins. The coast lino
is sinking contJnnially, and movcj
I (Coattaue on page 8,)
fUnltod Press Loased Wlro.)
Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 31 Gover
nor WUIboii today rocolvod an urgent
message from tho county judge and
other officials of Jackson county,
asking that ho order troopa to pro
ceed thoro Immediately. Tho mes
sago moroly said that tho presonco of
troops was necessary for tho pro
jection of tho lives of tho c.tlzena
pu additional team at Los Angoles tobut KUV0 no l'"rt!qulaiB.
ii is inougni mat ueach Hargls
recently released on bond, after n
Jury failed to ngreo In his trjal for
tho murder of his father, may havo
caused tho trouble.
Boach Hargls is a membor of tho
family of that name, which' took a
promlnont part In tho recent moun
tain feuds. There wus had fooling;
at his trial.
mufco it a Blx-clAib leaguo. Curtlu
taye the frnuchlBo will bo avaulocl to
Sucrumonto shortly.
A Constitutional Amendment.
Sacramonto, Cal., Dee. 31. Copies
of a proposed constitutional amond
mont to bo submitted to tho noxt
leglrtaturo, rosorvlng to tho poo
plo initiative powers, havo boon sent
to ovory legislator by the Direct
Legislation Leaguo of California
Somo mombors of tho logUlatniro have
promised to support tho measure
when It Is Introduced. George I).
Andoron nnd E. A. Dickson of LoaJ
Angoie.s or tho Loaguo, are coming
hero today In tho interest of the
Will AJj Congress to Aid.
Washington, D. C , Dec. 31.- It
was learned horo authoritatively to
day that Proeldoot Itoosovolt will
send a meseago urging that a liberal
appropriation bo mado Immediately
lor tho Italian earthquake victims a
a eopi$.esM roaassinblos.