p0mnt'i EflI Ml i.Iliiti) DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER HO, 100H G h , !i II f vY.tf , Woolon gloves that rcnch to tho oibow aro an echo of tho short bIoto reign. Guilty of Counterfeiting. Passing counterfeit money Is no worso than substituting somo utt known worthless romedy for Poloy Honey and Tar, tho groat cough and cold romedy that cures tho most ob stlnato coughs and hcvnls tho king J. C. Perry. Tho popularity of satin has brought In Us train many now and exquisite weaves. A DnngtroiM Operation. Is tho removal of tho appendix by a surgeon. No one who takes Dr. King's Now Life Pills Is over sub jected to this frightful ordeal. Thoy work so quietly you don't fool thorn They euro constipation, headache, bll lousnoss and malaria. 25c at J. O, Terry's drug store. o Lon-tralllng and tight-fitting gowns aro prominent for elaborate ovonlng functions. -o Cntnrrh Cannot ho Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thoy cannot rcnch tho seat of tho dls caBO. Catarrh Is a blood or consti tutional disease , and In order to euro It you must tako Internnl remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internal ly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack modlclno. It was prescribed by one of tho best physic ians In this country for years and Is a rogular prescription. It Is com posed of tho best tonics known, com blnod with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho iiiucoub sur faces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To lodo, O. Sold by Druggists, prlco 7Gc. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stlpntlon. Did tho Earl of Warwick wlnki when ho was describing tho bongo and nkapl? THE WANT ADS ARE von SALIC l Kor Sale A flrst-clnBs 1 horse power Mitchell gusol.no engine i with auto sparkor, both in good condition. Also 2 horse power I wntor motor. Enqulpo nt Jouma' I olllco Immediately, If you wish a bnrgnln. 10-20-tf f For Sale -sovon-room house, all molern convonlenceB, one-half block land. For furthor partlcu lnrn call o.. mo mornings nt my resldouco, ond of car lino, south. Atrs. Geo. II. Jones Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. For Snlo Ton shnres of Hickory Brk proforred stock. Address Drawer G18, Salem, Oregon. 9-25-tf For Sale Sovoral housos In Salem, and fnrm lands nt a bnrgnln. Cap ital National Hank. fl-l-cod I hicaij kstati:. Good 7-room modern, now houso and ono lot on good stroet, close In; only $2300. 19 acres In city limits; only 5110 per ucre, Tor a fow days; a snap. 1C acres In city limits in 1 aero lots for $200 por noro. Somo flno lots ohonp on Installments ?G down nnd $5 por month. CG noros all In cultivation, good houso, barn, fruit, team, cows; everything goos; flno homo, flno land; n snap. Somo flno lots oloso In from $450. to $1100. ir you aro looking for a homo, farm, houso, lots or business location, or If you wnnt to soil so A. O. SMITH & CO. Thoy havo tho goods and are sailors. Itomn !, over United HtnU.i National lliiuk. For Salt Modorn five-room Colon ial cottage nnd lot. University nd dltlon. Would soil on Installment plan. Inqulro room 1 Cray build Ing. No ngonta' fees. ll-23-lmo Kawmlil Slto for Rale Located ono mllo from S. P. railroad botwen Wnpato and Gnston. Twelve mil lion foot of logs nvnllablo. Ad dress W. H. Egan, Rt. 2 Qorvals. 11-25-tf Kwino for Sail Brood sows and foodorB for uutchor stock . Apn'y to Win. II. Kgnn. Rt. 2, Oorvals, Orogon. 11-25-tf For Sale Slab woed: phono 52, Curtlss Lumber Co. 11-24-lm Wood for Snlo Second growth fir wood In 12-lnoh nnd 16-lnch longth. dollvorod to any part of tho city. Phono 74. or call at Salem Truok & Dray Co.. offlco. 60 Stato stroot. Snlom, Oregon. 12-I2tf For Salo A good, woll-improvod farm; or will trade for small placo. E. A. Thayer, Lyons, Oro. 12-24-tf For Sale Stool safe, cash register, new and second-hand goods. 12-24-31 Very ''heap Homestead Koltnqutsh mont, on ml' from lively town Buqulro or wrlto J. W Boeklcy. 382 North Capital stroet, Salem Oregon. 12-26-3t The roturn of part of tho Chinese Indemnity enmo Just In tlmo to holp pay the expenses of tho Chlnoso em ptier b funeral. o ... - This Ts Worth Rending. Leo F. Zollnsky, of G8 QlbBon Btreet, Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I cured the mo3t annoying cold sore I over had, with Hucklon's Arnica Salvo. 1 applied this salvo once a day for two days, when every traco of tho soro was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guaranteo at J. C. Perry's drug store. 2Gc. o Tho ways and means commlttoo la dlfcovorlng what a painful opera tion It is to Jar looso an Infant In- Medicine Tlint Is Medicine. I havo suffered a good den I with malaria and stomach complaints, but I hnvo now found a romedy that keops mo well, and thnt romedy la Electric Ulttoro; a medicine that is medicine for stomach nnd liver troubles, and for run down condi tions," says W. C. Klestlor, of Hnlll day, Ark. Electric Bitters purify ana onrlch the blood, tone up tho nerves, and Impart vigor and onorgy to the lunnl Vn ik titnnnv will lin rnfnnrlnrl if it fails to holp you. 50c at J. C. Perry's drug Btoro. o dustry from tho bottlo habit. Morgan cays ho has novor boon a pessimist. Optimism is not so dlfll ciiU when ono has vaults bursting with coupon-bearing bonds; Moro peoplo aro taking Foloys Kldnoy Romedy ovory year. It a considered to bo tho most effective remedy for kldnoy nnd bladdor trou bles that medical science can dovise. Foloy's Kldnoy Romedy corrects Ir regularities, builds up worn out tis sue1) nnd restores lost vltnllty. It will innko you look well and fool well. J. C. Porrv o Perhaps Tiny Tim Woodruff heard a nolso liko n steam rollor getting ready for action when ho was seize! by that recent attack of modesty. .MIHCKLIiANROUfl Cement Work Concroto walks, bop tic tanks, comont floors and foun dations. Eaiimntos furnished nnd nil work guaranteed. J. P. Votch, 328 Marlon stroet. Phono 608. 9-10-tf Concrete Worl; Got my prices on sldowalk, curbs, Rpctlc tnnks nnd cement work of any kind. , All work guaranteed first clas3. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Avo., Highland. Phono 5C9. May 24-09 Voget Lumber and Fuel C. Lum ber, shlnglos, building mntorla!, wood nnd coal. Low prices and prompt deliveries. Ono block eaot of S. P. paa8ongor depot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf. llutto d Weiitlorotli Flno wines liquors nnd clgarB, Wo handle tho colobrntod Kellog and Castle whUktos. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. Souln Commercial stroot 9-3-lyr. llrlng Your Magazine Siihscrlptions To Elsie L. Goodhoio, 1590 Ferry st, Salem. I tnke subscription for nil magazines. Every order will ro colvo prompt attention. Phono 768. 11-1 41mo. For Choice MeatH And right prices call at tho Highland Meat market, Carl Arthur, Prop. Dr. I). 1). Keeler, Veterinarian Ex port Obslotricnn in all kinds of ani mals. Oitlco at F. G. Haas drug Btoro. Phono Main 3G7. Home rhono Mnlno 517. 11-19-lmo Hyde Bros. Klectrle Co. Eloctrlc supplloB nn dflrst-class wiring nt reaionnblo prloes. Call at wir odlco tor estlmatofl. Phono 451. 143 N. Liberty streot, 1 2-2-1 m Dahlias and Peonies My Spoolal tlos, wero prlzo-wlnnors nt tho Stato fair. Havo host and largost variety of any grown on tho coast. Sond for my catalog. Goo. L. Allen, Lebanon, Oro. 12-9-lin Havo You Monoy to loan? If so wo can loan It out on tho host securities. Thomas & Smith, 478 Stnto stroet. 12-8-tf WeiiRor & Cherrington Pianos and organs sold on eney tonus; tole phono 1187; 247 Commercial Stroet, Salem. Oregon tf Livery and Feed Stnbhs Old PoJt otllce Stables, at 254 Ferry street tietweon Commercial nnd Front streets, Telephone 18S. Some of the finest liveries In the city can be found hero, Vstacott & John son ti 8A1.KM WATKR COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply nt offlco Bills payablo monthly In advance lK).st A slldo charm from watch oharm, ongravod "L. C. B." Flnd or pleaso. Phono 1496. 12-26-3t For Sale Steel safe and cash reg ister. Now and second-hand goods for salo. C Dlllman, 447 Stato stroot. 12-28-3t Anyway, Presldont Cnstro's" table manners aro just as goou aB nis uooi pnylng manners. Mrs. McKnnoy's Experience. Mrs. M. Mcltanoy, Prentiss, Mlsa., writes: "I was conlluod to my boi for thrco months with klduoy and bladdor troublo, and wan treated by two physicians, bu'. failed to get re lief. No humnn tongue can toll how I suffored, nnc I had glvon up hope of over gotting Well until I bogan taking Foloy'B Kidney Romedy. Aft-ir taking two bottles I felt llko a nov person, and fcol It my duty to tell suffering woman whnt Foloy's Kldnoy For Ecenin, Tetter mid Salt Hlieuni. Thn Ininnnn llnlilntr chnrnctoristic of theso ailments Is almost lnstnntly nllayed by Chamberlain's anivo. Many sovoro cases havo neon curou by It. For snlo by Dr. Stono's Drug storo. Anothor ndvantngo of early Chrlst maB shopping Is that you may pos Blbly buy something sonslblo. i. i - Marked for Death "Throe years ago I was mnrko.l for death. A gravo-yard cough was tearing my lungs to plocos. Doctors failed to holp mo, and hopo had fled, whon my husband got Dr. Klng'j Now Discovery." says Mrs. A C. Wil liams, of Bac Ky. Tho first doso holpcd mo and Improvement lcopt on until I hnd gained 58 pounds in weight nnd my health was fully re stored. This modlclno holds tho world'B healing rocord for coughs nnJ colds and lung nnd thront diseases. It provonta pneumonia. Sold under guaranteo at J. C. Porry'a drug storo. 60c and $1 00. Trial bottlo froo. o If Mr. Rockofollor woro to glvo n, waltor a $2.12 tip somo Now York papore would fcol Impollod to got out an extra edition. Foloy'B Orlno Lnxatlvo euros chron H constipation and stimulates tho liv er. Orlno rogulatos tho bowels so thoy will act naturally, nnd you do not havo to tako purgntlvcs continu ously. J. C. Perry. LODGRS Carpenters Union No. J 005 Local Union No. 10G5 of Carpontors nnd Joiners of Amorlca moot over Sat urday ovenlng at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 Stato Strcot A. W. Donnls, Roc. Sec. Forester of America Court Sher wood, ForPBtorB, No. 19. Mcot3 1 Saturdny night In Holmnn hall, Stato street, Goo. F. Patterson, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial Bocrotnry (Vnti-nl Lodge No. 18, K. of P. ' Cnstlo hall In Holtnan block, cor-1 nor Stnto and Llborty stroots. Tuesday of each week nt 7:30 p. . m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; B. D j Andorson. K. of R. nnd S. . Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. 5246, Meotu ovory Thursday ovenlng nt 8 o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V C; F. A. Turner, clork. Woodmen of World Meot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, in Holmnn hall. K. Lupton, C. C.; I . Frazlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union Sick, ncct dent nnd pension lnsurnnco; $2, 000,000 pledged; ovory claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. 0. Montgomery, nrupromo organizer, Box 432 Snlom. Oregon. R. R. Rynn secretary. 540 State ptreet. WANTKII Wanted Information regarding farm or business tor salo; not particular about location; wish to hoar from owner only, who will soil direct to buyor; glvo prlco description, nnd stato when pos session can ho had. Address L. Darbyshlro, Box 2030, Rochostor, N. Y. Wanted To buy 50 or 100 good I Angora goata and also cotswoiua shoop; will pay spot cash. Ad dross S. II. F., earo Journal. Wanted Will do oxcnvatlng, garden plowing, nnd all lclr.th of team work. W. E, Bunn, 1720 Loo st , phono 1528. 12-21-tf Wiintrrt To ront, a dairy fnrm with overythlng furnished. Address box 58 Routo 7, Snlom Orogon. lw-wkly Wanted An onorgotlc young man to colloct, call at tolophono odlco. 12-28-3t Men Wanted To study nrlthmotic, spelling, grammar, nlgebra, book Kooning, ponmanshlp, psychology, salesmanship, architectural draw ing, business law, Gorman. Our school does not lntorforo with your rogulnr work. Draw your salary .uul study nt tho samo tlmo. This is not a correspondence course whero tho Instructor la two or threa thousand mllos away and you must wait two weoks for holp. Glvo us half tho monoy that Is PNid on unusod corr6pondnco scholarships and wo could estab lish a free school for the young men In Salem and pay them a good salary in tho bargain. If yu are Interested write, phouo or call tlTe Y. M. C. A. night school. 12-29-5t. Experienced salesman to represent old established firm on salary. Permanent position and good op portunity for live man Apply with references. Tho Atlantic Re fining Co., Cleveland, O 12-29-3t SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY VACATION AT PASO ROBLES If comploto rest nnd most perfect conditions imnglnablo for naturo euro aro what you need, Bpond your holidays at Paso RobleB Hot Springs, California. A wook or two, and ovon a few days there will accomp lish moro in tho way of restored energy than a much longer porlod and moro oxponsivo troatmont olso whoro, becauso good old Mother Na turo Is nurso and phyBlclan. Paso Robles 1b taking tho samo rank In Amorlca nnd onjoylng tho Biuno fame for wonderful cures that Carlsbad and Uadon nation do In Europe Tho hotel la a marvel of comfort nnd luxury, and tho bath house built by tho city, froo to all, Is said to bo ono of tho test in tho world. It Is a Btubboru nllmont and a hopoless condition of physical breakdown that tho mlnoral wntors and hot mud bntliB of Paso Robles will not heal In a Bhort tlmo. Call on agent at Salem for do- Bcrlptlvo booklotB oi Paso Roblca, nnd ho will nlso toll you nil nbout rates. Win. Mc MURRAY, 12-24-tf 0. P. A. S. P. Co. A Personal Apppcnl. If wo could talk to you personal ly about tho great merit of Foloy's Honey nnd Tar, for cougliB, coldB and lung troublo, you novor could bo in duced to experiment with unknown preparations thnt may contain somu harmful drugs. Foloy's Honoy nnd Tnr costn yoiu no more, and has a rocord of 40 years of euros. J. C. Perry. Whllo Mr. Roosovolt Is In Africa wo wl3h ho would find out for two whothor a Jnckrabblt can kill a bull 1110030. READ BY EVERYBOD SAM CASTO FAMOUS HOBSn TRAINER. Ib now locnted at Canby Oregon, tho beat winter quarters In the Norln west for training nnd dovoloplng young horaos. Sam has room for a j fow moro proipccts, either for tho road or track and would llko to communlcato with anybody wishing' their hoi-Bo trained. Mr. CaBto Is concided to bo tho boBt colt man in tho Woat and his s'uecoss on tho Sn-J lorn track henra out this Btntomont. ' Terms ronsonablo nnd satisfaction guaranteed. Address SAM CASTO, Canby, Oregon. 208 ncroa 3 Hos from Salem for $50 por aero. Houbo and two lots on Marlon Btroot, ij mllo from station on tno uro gon Eloctrlc. for $5,000. JOHN KNKU1T, Real Instate. Iho Murphy Blk. cor. Coin, p.nd Stato B 4 U BUY Heal Estate. Call on Bechtol ti. Minton, 341 Stato Btroot. Largoat list of city and country property for salo. Sold on ( small paymoma uuwn, Hoiim'h Kohl on IiistiilliiientH. Vacant Lots Cheap. Farms. Two 11-ncro tracts In Llborty dis trict, snap. Vory best of prune and ohorry land for a fow days only. For prlco boo ub today. SNA I' 10 aeies on Howell Prairie. Tho vory best of soil, tho prlco will lntorost you. Call and boo us to day. 36 Oaeros, vory flno fnrm, hnlf undor cultivation, fine grain, dairy or fruit farm. Price for a Bhort whllo only $25 por aero. Timber. Wo hnvo a largo tract of flno tlm bor, closo to Salem, only $45 por aero, worth $100, snap. Cottage for Rent. Evclianges. Wo can exchange your property sat isfactorily. Property lookod nftor for non-residents. Bechtel & Minton, 341 State St, Room 7-8 Just Arrived Carload of Harney valloy hor-soo, consisting of tho fol lowing; Pair of geldings, 7 and 9 years, wolght, 3000, good workers, will stand votlnary examination. Pair black geldings, 8 years, woll broke to all harneso, sound and truo to work singlo and double, wolght 2300. Bargain, old team, horso and mare, weight 2580, sound t.nd ready to work, bran now Mollne wagon, Vi truck, wide tiro, now set honvv brooehlng bull top names harne:s. nil for $225: will sell goparnto. Some nice driv ers and saddleri, some good deliv ery horses nt th right prices. Flvc-yoar-ohl Clyde mare, wolght 1500. none bottor. Come and ssa this stuff If you think of buying. I can :nve you moiry. At Center street feed stable, near bridge. 12-21-3t Ye Is In to colors, ono over the other, aro growing In favor. 5Cho Kind Yoi Havo Always Boueht. nmi ., , . to uso lor (.vcc CO years, hns borno t .TW 2USfc rrsKS5 All Counts '-Its Imitations miajt $, I Experiment. Hut tvlllo with ami C,&1 I Triu n..,l Jll.tl.t-.... T . ,,WICftll0lli-,!il . 1 jiucponmoniH w, uiiio with nntl cinlantroMi , H Infants :mtl Chlron-Expcricnco ngSSt What is CAST0RIA Oii8to.rIa ... i.. .. i. i ..... . trorlu. Tr contains nenliw Opium, Morphine nor otherT 1( 1 8iibsUmr. .Ms ago 1 Ha guaranteo. It destrorsw 4iii u mitiyn i ovoriHiincss. it cures DlnrrliiPahi Co.'ic. It n Jlovca Xoolhlnir Trouble. " n"1 nml rintnirnry. It assimilates tho IfoodTiSBft tfiain. Ii m:.i IJowelH, BlvlMr healthy nnd nnhiSw The ChlhJwm.B Paimoea-Tho Mother's lK. GEWU8KE CASTORIA AIWWJ The Kind You to Always Bof In Use For Over 30 Years. tmi oiNTAun eoMHNV. tt muhra (tkcct. mwtoMcn, L Are you going to buy. mT farm or city proper l ty? Note these: l Houbo, 8 rooniB nnd 4 acroB land liiBldo city HinitH, good barn, plenty fruit, $1025. C acres, 8-rooin Iioubo, 3 acroB orchard, good bam, $1750. Somo snaps In farm property. 328 acreB, woll Improved at $30 por acre. 219 acroB, at $00 per ncro; Umbor will pay for tho placo. 17 acres on 25th streot for $250 por ncro. 16 Gacres In pruno belt, 15 ncrcs young ochard, 12 acroa priiiioa, 162 acroa undor plow, $90i0. 82 ncroa adjoining abovo, $60 por aero. 100 acroa, Waldo Hills, $1C por aero. 100 acroB, Salomn Pralrlo, woll drained, $100 por aero. 80 ncroa nt $00 por aero. 88' acroa at $60 "por aero, a good dairy farm. 90 acres for $3500. 285 acroB in pruno bolt at $45 por aero. Wo havo largo Hat of farms of all Bb.cs and prices nnd it will pay you to investigato boforo buy lug. OLMSTED LAND COMPANY, !J7!J State Ht Salem, Or. FOR RENT For Itont 8-room-hoM80, modern lmprovomonts, oloso to East school Enqulro at 968 Marlon streot. 12-25-3t House f v Itent Clo to Eaat sehool. Enqulro nt 968 Marlon streot. 12-28-tf For Itont Two upstairs flats, throo rooms In oaoh flat; all modorn lm provomonts. Enqulro 1160 E. Stnto Btroot. 12-28-3t Lost On Mill street, nn "Eastorn Star" brooch with "Robekah" pin attachod. Loavo at Journal office for reward. 12-28-3t For Snle A corner lot on 13th adn court streets. Inquire at 1456 Forry stroot. 12-29-3't PLUMBERS Thca. M. Burr Plumbing, hot water and steam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phone Main 192. 9-1 -1r M. J. Perel Plumbing, steam nnd gas fitting. Successor to Knox Ai Murphy, 226 Commnrclal street SOUTH SALEM MEAT MARKET. Across from brick storo on Co u Imorclal stroet. Fresh and eurod ! moats. General dollvory. Give us a tlal. Ilutruuiii & Morgan., Props. 12-21-lmo Phone 847 A Snaii PR'r of black horsei, weigh lug 2630, sound, well matched and good pullora, good roadsters, and ready to work; will glvo good trial for $150. Must sell at one. Como and seo theso horses, If yi are thinking of buying a good work tarn for a little monoy. At Cen ter etreot feed yard, near bridge. 12-25-3t - """fca i"1 ".sess? .:. uurniicHs BiiuBiiuito for Castor fin X, o; nnd Suollilnir Syrups, It hpffl Bo; tho Signaturo of lU'TLLS AM) HEflTACRUH -" i--rnf ft mjh I White House Restart Fr n IlCRuUr 25c Dinner at 21 Tluy can't bo W McGilclirist & Son Proprietor. MEALS 15c Cnll nnd try them, Mali lk Board por week 2 75, ilo fc nUliod rooms very reiioublt AT THE Salem Restaura !JHP fOUIlT STREET. Illlllllllilll HWt uatf:i nDPf Corner Seventh nnd Stk St Portland's New and NfeJen iintri. Rates $ I perls' ud. European plan, f rec Bss. WRIGHT-DIGKINSON IIOTtlCa Proprietors . . IL ti l J C. V. YANNKE ! in. .i-toi ' THE FASHION SWj Cnbsaed Livery, all RU j Rubber Tire . , .WtC0. a. f. sww'-r 947 Miller St., SOUIO e- y, 0 - l,nAYSlB r Cummin. lirw.'Tj-SrfJj A!l kinds of trany tor 8iui""v- , ta i-.-our motto Stand 9fi3 South ro.I"l"N, Pi5' Phone 2X0 n- FOR SAW" 67 acre of finest land J ij, county. t the end of unfler cultivation. 0Te Uop.: good huP house. $200 per kp ,or. fliU tW . choice modern" For rent. 2 chout ,j J.i" in Alln.v eT .tfvfr "kv,;.u,: " "iiimo'""' m L. X4-H-. ftfc4