PAlMf CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OIUSGON, MONDAY, DBOEMDBR Ss6, 1MB PlL r 3 u 1 Where the Door Opens Constantly You can quickly heal and keep cozy Ihc hall or cold room no mailer w' u Ihc weather conditions arc and il you only knew how much real comfort you can have from a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped ullh Smokeless Device) l.l'l I. a vtfilnmtl nnn ntinthn.. l.ti... M.- it. . 1 1 I yOU WOUIUUt uu i""" " 'ii" num. iuiii wic WICK OS nigil or as low as you please lucres no dannci no smoke no smell j jsl direct intense heal that s because of the smokeless device. H, mlifullv finished in nickel and ianan orna- mcnlal anywhere. The brass font holds 4 quarts, giv ing heal for 9 hours. It is light in weight easily carried from room lo room. Every healer warranted. The VoLamn ra1 meets the need of the Sludcnl a lirinlil. slcady light ideal to read or study by. Made of brass nickel plalcd, latest im proved central draft burner. Every lamp warranlcd. II your dealer docs not carry Pcrfcclion Oil Healer and Rayo Lamp wrile our nearest agency. BTANDAItl) Oil. COMPANY (larcrp.ratod) I U IARION COUNTY GRANGERS FOR LOCKSJND CANAIS lowing Resolutions Were A doptccl Saturday by Salem Grangfc and Recommended f or Similar Action by Pomona Grange. le olvcil, T mt Snlom Grango w'shca to oxproaj Its honrty sympathy Ifuppcrto. ,tho movomont to mako tlio WT'iunette river open to nn.'- tlon, IticluiIlP" freo locks and cant! at Oregon City by co-oporatlon of to end nrtlon . Wo favor su-tnlnln? provisional loglslntlon of this otnto In nppronrl- ogmency to fecuro freo locks nnd canal, and cxtondlng tlio tlmo for appropriation to glvo tho fodorat government all tlio tlmo nocosenry to iliilrc tho locks and cnnul at Oregon City wid maintain them forovor 10 lo tlio peonlo of Oregon. "Wo convinced that the tolld collected by tho prlvnto corporation owning itho iockB and canal nro tho heaviest tax upon tho proaticors Western Oregon. Tho chargo of CO cents por ton on freight nnd 23 nt per passenger Is not only collected from trnfllc on tho river, lwit tddjd as n chargo upon all freight and passengers hnndlcd by itho rnll- tu; 10a motion representatives nnd Con ors from Marlon county woro In- led by fclcm Grango to attond tho n session of Pomona Grange redno-day afternoon. Salem Grange gave dogroo work to number of candidates. After a Bulondld lunch, Borvod by ladles, olllcors woro olootod aa Wows. E. C Armstrong, ninitor. Alex Turnutill, ovorBoor. Ida E. Morris, locturor. I C L, Weaver, steward. j Clarence Armstrong, assistant hnti I Mrs. n P. Dol-o, chaplain. H C Fletcher, treasurer. i Zella R, Fletchor, secretary. & D, Teetor, gato koopor. Mrs, Phocbo Strong, Pomona. Ml us Maud Weaver, Flora. Mrs. P. S. Knight, Cores. Mr Maggie Weaver, lady assistant "steward. After declaring tho rorult of tho oleotlon, tho locturor, Mrs. Davidson, naked for discussion of public mat ters. Wm. M. Hlllonry, of Turner, inado an ablo speech in advocacy of tho appropriation for freo locks and canal at Oregon City. Ho advocated bringing tho nmttor beforo tho Po mona Grango. Mr. Turnbull spoko In favor of froo parcola poBt, nnd tho necessity of In voking tho aid of tho gonornl govern ment. Mrs. Mason niuhop entertained tho Grango with n splendid song. It wns decided ito havo open mat ing of Pomona Grango Wednesday afternoon, January C. ESSE LOONEY, PIONEER, PASSES ON Jesse Walton Loonoy. ono of tho P know, residents of the Wlllaru R valley and brother of N. H. ney superintendent of tho ro- Vm school In this city, died of ty- r" "ver a hi iinm in t Coffee III r . coffee, but perfect Coffee. iSSLi1? Frlnd - oo fini. 8W0aA at home-not son, Friday, Decombor 25, 1908, at 3:30 p. m. Tho deceased was C8 yours of ago. With his father, Josso Loonoy, ho camo to Oregon In 18-13. His fath or aottled in tho valley nonr Jeffer son and many of tho chlldron woro ronred thoro. Tho fathor wns ono of tho most prominent of tho Orogon pioneers who shnpod n now country out of a practical wildornoss and his i sons nnd daughters havo figured largely In tho dovelopmont of tho stat Jesse Walton Loonoy wns a farm- or near Jefferson and had ovor been nctlvoly engaged In tho dovolopmont of his section and of Orogon. Ho Is survived by four brothors, four sisters and throe uhildidn. 'i hw sons are Frod, Frank and Walton Loonoy. Tho sisters nro Mrs. Corn oil of Salem, who Is connected In an officinal capacity with the asylum; Mrs. Fairbanks of Tetaluma, Mrs. Ellen Gaines of Los Angeles und Miss Pauline Loonoy of Jefferson. Tho funeral was held at 12:30 o'clock Sunday from tho Methodist char h at Jefferson and Interment was hud In Jefferson cemetery. Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop luto pneumonia over night are quickly cured bv Fo ley's Honey and Tar. a, It sooths In flamed membranes heals the lunt!- I and expels the cold from tho system I J. 0. Perry, GERMAN VEREIN CELEBRATE ANIOLD FASHIONED 'A CHRISTMAS The Goi-pinn Voroln of thin city celebrated ChristmtiB Sunday aftor noon nt tholr hnll on Stnto Btroot, with speech und song, with rofrosh monts for tho chlldron nnd ludlcs of cakon und boxes of candy for all. The principal address wiib by Rov. Hopf on th Christmas troo and tho German customs connected there with. Ho Bald every Gorman homo had a Christmas trco, and 15 to 20 million trees were cut ench year for this purpose He showed that instead of being a cuBtom dcstructlvo to tho forests, tho ChrlBtmns trees woro cut so as to thin out tho second-growth nnd promote tho growth of tho forests, Dy pruning out trees whoro thoy woro too thick, tho rcBt of tho troeB nindo a bettor growth. Tho evergreen of tho ChrlBtmaB troo told of coming spring amid tho snows and Ico of mld-wlntor. Tho troo was beautifully decorated with emblems representing brotherhood, mercy nnd lovo. When tho gifts were distributed thoro was a very happy crowd of young Gorman Americans. Tho committeo In chargo of tho program woro Messrs. Stollman, Honmburg and Dockabnch. A beau tiful Christmas cako covored with frosting and a heart with roses was Inscribed "Vlvnto Doutschor Voroln." TIiIb masterpiece of baking was a work of art from tho llttlo Gorman Ilakory. Mrs. Koopploln Hung a solo, "Dlo WelnnnchtH Glocko," to piano ac compnnlomont nnd was heartily ap plauded. Tho oxorclscs closod with Blnglng of "Die Wncht Am Rholn," the nudtonco of 200 people Joining' In the singing. , i" " i " i ' I 'I , I J ' ' " " - " IZZlJLlmmmmmtmm pjpBSpSBJBSBJSHBJBJPJBJPjPJSpjPJP SALEM, OREGON W. I. STALEY, Principal School closed during holiday week, Work will be resumed on Monday, January 4th, A number of new students will enter at that time, New class in shorthand will be or ganized then; A good time to begin a practical course of study, Hundreds of Young People Will be required to do the work of stenographers and bookkeepers in the develop ment of the Northwest in the next few years; and there are always openings for those who are well qualified, If you are interested in preparing for a business position we invite you to look into our courses, Send or call for catalogue, THE STOMACH DOES NOT CAUSE DYSPEPSIA Neither Will It Cure It Hecnuso The Lack of Gastric Juices 1'rohlblt Relief. The stomach Is n strong, poworful organ, which Is composed of mus scIcb of groat strength. It Is flllod during digestion with gastric Juices which, when tho stomnch, extend ing nnd compressing the food, dis solve It and separate tho nourish mont from tho wasto mattor. If, howovor, theso gastric Juices aro lacking, the stomnch Is not capablo of digesting Its food bocauso it has not tho tools with which to work successfully. Tho gastric Juices whon In a por fect state do away with all foul odors, fermentation nnd decay, ro duco tho food to a dislntogrntod mass nnd tho stomach thon pressos It Into tho Intestines whoro anothor form of dlgostion tnkos place. Thon tho Intestines tako from this mnss of food all that 1b nourishing and glvo It to tho blood. Tho wasto matter Is thrown from tho systom. If Instead of nourishment tho in testines rocolvo Impure doposlts combined with a poisonous and im porfect gastric Juice, It can bo read ily seen that thoy muBt turn such imporfect nourishment into tho blood. Tho blood thon bolng un nblo to glvo ouch part of tho body that which It requires, becomes Im poverished nnd dlBonso Is spread broadcast. Stuart's Dyepopsla Tablets corr ects such a condition at onco. If tho gastric Juicos nro lacking and Im porfect theso tablets do thoir work just the samo. Thoy build up tho elements In tho Julco which nro luck ing and romovo . thoso olomonta which cnuso disturbance. Meat, grains, fluids, vegetables and dellc teles, in fnct each portion of a laue monl havo boon plucod in a glass vial i.nJ Stuart's nvsunimin (Tablats havo digested them to a porrect fluid Just ns a honlthystom ach would do. A largo complex, honrty moal no terrors for a dyspeptic If Siuait'8 Dyspepsia Tablets are used. Abnormal eating, Into dinners, rich food ouuse ill effects to tho stom nch. but whon Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets pro used ono may oat whon and what ono will without iinnnr of dyspepsia or discomfort. Forty thousand jihyslctans endorse and prescribo Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and every druggist car ries them in stock, prlco 50c. Send us your nnmo and address and we will send you at once by mail a sample package freo. Address, F V. Stourt Co., 150 Stuart BJdg.. .Marshall, Mich. b "ARIZONA" Hollls E. Cooloy's great produc tion of "Arizona" which will bo pro sontod nt tho Grand opera, houso to night is 80 well known that it scorns superfluous to reclto tho Btory again, buiTIco it to say that this charming comedy drama which has rccolved such an anormoun amount of pralso In America, comes to this city this season with a fresh scalp at its bolt, having recently returnod from a triumphant tour of all tho prlncipnl cltloa of England, nnd nnd having rccolved tho personal ondorsoment of King Edwnrd VII. "Arizona" is without doubt tho host play which Mr. Augustus Thomas ban ovor wrltton nnd tho production of tho Biimo company en gaged by Hollls E. Cooloy, aro boc- ond to nono in tho presont theatrical ora. Tho Btory of "Arizona" 1b in teresting throughout tho ontlro four nets, nnd thoro Is not u momont from tho rlso to tho fall of tho curtain whon tho Interest of tho spectator flags. Tho characters aro all taken from llfo nnd nro a corroct portray al of tho peoplo who go to innko up tho InhnbltnntB of tho stngo from which tho play takos Its nnmo. Tho scones and Incldonts nro laid in tho boautlful Travalpa valloy, tho con tor of Interest being tho ranch of n woll-to-do cattlomun and tho homo of Colonel Bonham nnd tho 11th U. S. cavalry at Fort Grant. Tho plc turosquo sconory 1b all painted from skotches mndo on tho spot by tho omlnont pnlntor, Mr. Frodorlck Rem ington, nnd Btich hns boon tho suc coss of tho pnlntor In reproducing tho Bamo that ono can almost fool tho aroma of tho cactus nnd sngo bush. & A Meeting At which your ono dcelro Is to apponr nt your beBt somothlng pos itively Impossible whon your llnon-ls poorly lnundorcd. Your collar, shirt or cuff or th Bhlrt waist, ncckplcco, etc., la Just us lmportnnt In your nppoarance as tho clothes themselves. If you bring them horo thoy will bo perfectly lnundorcd nnd roturnod, In A-l condition. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 25. 130-100 S. Llbcrtty St SSSSSSS ' SSSSSK iMssssssssisssassBsssssssssV Good Line of Slippers For Mon, Woinon and Children, all sylos, all sIzcb. Priced from 75o to $2.00 Supply your Christmas wants now. Carpot slippers COc. Glvo ub n call. Jacob Vogt Ahlt OUT OP SORTS. Huh Volt !IS 2 POUNDS aMevb SELF RISING PAN- U CAKE FLOUR sVj SB . 9 COMPOUND MinmxtD Trndo Mark. B oston rown Flour read I FREE. Bend ub ton of our ads, cllppod from his paper, and wo will Bend you vno full slzo package ab solutely FREE. Any Kiilem Ponton Never That Way. 1 eel all out of Borta? Tlrod, niuo, Irrltablo, Nervous? Jlucl: feol lamo and achyf Tlu-t's tho story of sick kldnoyit Had blood circulating about; I'fJe acid poisoning tho body. Just ono wny to feol right ngaln. Curo tho BjugglBh kldnoya; Do It with Doan'a PnllB. Donii'B havo cured mnny Salem people, Horn's ono enso. N. S .Williams, 239 Liberty street, miiom, urogon, says: "A number of vnnru nrm !. . 1 ... ,,., .., n, uuuiurs ioiu mo mv kldnoya woro in bad Bliapo. I camo Wont on account of tho trouble. nn,fLnf we!!"BO of c,,mnt. wouW i ! H 20 Commercial St. ,. ..., uw V1UB wnB nol lno caa( , j and. In nnWn rst .v .. . .. i ..:.:: t4. romoa ..w uivi, vjii procuring Doan's kidney pills I found them to lift fl 1nol .l !,.. I w..w MVJJi. ninuumu i ovor used. At ALLEN'S II. II. II. FLOUR CO., Inc. San Jose, California. KH4tvHiHKHtiiHf iwiiaiaiammiiKitiait i I Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware Paint and Oil !! ToVSALFM HARDWARE CO. I! Phone 172 ;; -! The Republican inombers of tho Idaho legislature are pledged to local option, and as they are In the maioritv it Is nrnertnil TMntin tuin have a local option law next year. tho tlmo I got them I was Buffering wm an intonso burning nonsntton as If two live coals woro placed dl .uuy over ma kidneys. Tho klrtnm, ! soorotlon n88-,i Irregularly, and woro also unnatural. Aftor using! two boxes of Doan's Kldnoy PUi8 i Ud not havo tho leaBt nnin i. m hack or troublo with tho kidneys Thla excellent remedy can bt pro cured nt Dr. Stone's drug Btoro." For salo by all dealers. Pri m cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., BuffnloJ Now York, solo agents for tho United ' OIUIU3, Remember the and tako no other. SANTA GLAUS. will bo doljghted whon ho dlscovora tho nrray of cholco and beautiful holiday gifts that wo aro displaying. Christmas wUl bo a rod loiter day to tho ipan or woman fortunnto onough to rocolvo one of tho Edison or Vic tor mnchlnos that wo havo solectod for our holiday stock. L. F. SAVAGE 247 Commercial St, Salem. Oi name Doan's It Is now thought tho Farmors & Tradors bank at La, Grande will pay depositors 50 cents on tho dollar Onlltv of (,'ountorfcItlnK. ivnron I..M ...i.....a .. ,n ,r .....- , iiiuuiuung mmp m, known worthless remedv for Folev't Honev and Tnr. the grenf cough and icl remedv that cures tho most oh stlnate coughs and tenia the kinK J C. Perry. w5 READY TAILORED CLOTHES FOR WELL DRESSED IS -r ik 'IblMi -- ' ! Altyri w fjF r PRICE RANGF $ZQ T 40 4 ffl