EDITION 3 P. M. SECOND EDITION 4 P. M. 0umm 4 tVIII. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, ORKGON, MOM)U, DKCKMIIliU UH, 1008. NO. 200. " - - - - . winnl 9HI iH& A It III jHflstea .-LW m -fl """ tr II I i I k ii U' ir i I II V i fssil- TBf"Tssai f i n ! i 1 JaaT T n b-- ' ".aiy . fcats'rJflr'' ''spctaswtyjir.. ----i---Ma. -W-. llrmlI4J W T m ITALY 1 TO P ROTECT ALIENS AT EXPENSE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL ON CORES JOIRT IELL DID NOT iEE ARTICLE ipolls, Ind Dec. 28. Thai Ichcll, former head of tho line Workers, at prosont un- biico of ntno inontlia In Jml Mupt of court In publishing rial held contoinptoiiH by a iibtirt, liiwl novor seen tlio nr- did not know that taoh n ling, to tho statement tolny V Sexton, fomor editor of he rkiT8' Journal. said: I editor of tho Mlno Work- mal and wroto tho matter ned of and in referring to umpt sontonco ngalnat Mitch eay that I never wroto any- Itli inoro dollborntlon. I wroto lied contonil for an obscure f a rcmoto region, who do- By trampled unuor root tuo Minimi rlghtft of tree speech. rs, tho right of poncoablo py ami ithe Ino tlmnblo right I'bv Jury. Mitchell never saw Itorlnl until ho was sorvod legal process and knew noth- nut Kh prior nppoarance. dull Ib a resident of llllnoh. he'd in contempt of court at Washington for an offenso of which ! he is cntltely innocent. He was ut torly Ignorant of tho alleged offense committed in tho-Btute of Indiana He wm tried In Washington, contraiy to a decision of the Unltted States Biipremo court In n given case of C. A. Dun, editor of tho Now York S-m In a Bylnbuo, which was a declara tion that offenders must bo tried In the courta under whoso Jurisdiction the Bald offonro wrs committed, TRIED TO MURDER SHAH OF PERSIA (United Press l.ouHod Wlro.) St. Petersburg, Dec. 28. An nt tempt on the lt'e or tho Shah of Per la, which resulted In a narrow oscupo fi'om death of the holr ap parent, took place at Tehoron last Saturday, according to a dispatch t" the "Vleche" today. Two men, disguised as prlotts, on tored the Shah's cabinet chamber of the royal palaco at Tohoron, during a conference of tlf co-incll of mini ten, and attempted to, shoot the Per sian ruler. Detective of the Imporlal police ovorpoworod tho Intrudirs. Revolv ers were drawn by the would-bo ;n- sa?slno, and the guard wore unable to act In tluit to prevent one shot be ing ilrod. Tlie bullet, It Is roported plorced an epaulet on tho uniform of the heir apparent, who was attending the conference. HUNDREDS KILLED AND MANY TOWNS WRECKED Land Along Seashore Subside d and Vast Areas Were Flood ed. Wires Are Down and- Details Cannot Be Had but the Damage Will Be Immense. Tidal Wave Damaged Ships In Sicilian Harbors. Peopj e in Bed When Shake Occurred .Murines flo To Honolulu. YnlloJo, Dec. 2S.--Koiir hundred marines will leave Mare Island navy yard on January 5 for Honolulu to reinforce the garrisons thore. The men will be taken to the Island by the transport lluffalo which pursuant to Instructions from Washington, Is proceeding here from Hremerton and Is expected to arrlvo Wednosdny. r4ff0-f ; ITERATION! SALE ; : i taifiifiit iunmtw(tnii im - SALEM HIGH vs. SILVERTON HIGH I I Monday, Dec. 28, 7:30, Y. N. C. A. Admission 25c ttVf f 1IHHHM !!! f If) I )! flf !! lf V AH Our Cloaks , and Suits at.... alf Price! lllHffl'ftVt"i' Home, Italy, Dec. 25'. Hlght dls trlcts In the province of CnutunznVo. the southern portion of Calabria, were laid waste and probably a doz en towns destroyed with a loss of life that cannot ho estimated ct UiIr time by a series of three hoh'vy earthquake shoaks today. Iloports from tho south say that the llrst shock camo early In the morning, when tho people were iih loop and had no chance to escape from the falling walls. On account of the Interruption of the usual channels of communication tho roports have come through very slowly. Tho damage througnotil tho whole section Is said to bo very heavy. The most serious loss Is said to have been sustained at Stefuunconl, Moz zocasale, Mujerto and Sautnnofrlo, small towns where nearly every structure Is said to have huon dam aged or dosttnyed. KeH)i'tn are so eonlltotlng It Is dllllcult to obtain a definite Idea of the number of dead. It Ik ostlmuted that from ten to BO bodies already have been removed from the ruins. Sovon prisons wore broken open during tho oxcltoment and tho con vict are said to be preying; on the ! victims of tho disaster. ' Messages from Montoleono say j that troops have been dispatched to the districts most seriously affected. to stop the looting. Montoleeuo suffered severely and the death list there Is said to be i heavy. Many other landmarks aro wild to have been ruined, though most of the buildings of Importance were destroyed by the earthquake of 1U05 when the town wna alnioBt de stroyed. The casualties are said to have been heavy at Ilorges, Qenndl, (Ion tracho, Ollvado, Sauvoto, Pomona, .Mloturo and Tropea. Tho land along tho seashore sub sided and vast ureas wero Hooded adding enormously to the property loss, lteseue parties are being rushed into the strluken sections from tho unaffected towns. It Is feared tho death list will be appallug. The shocks were felt distinctly as far north ab Salerno and Pntonzn. Ah far as oau bo learned tho heav ier shocks seom to have followed tho raugo of the Calabrlnii mountains. Tho district has been shuken by earthquakes many Utiles. .Most of tho people have taken ref uge In the country districts out ot danger from tho tottering walls but many are crowding In tho cathed rals where the danger from another shock Is greatest. Olllcors have gouo through tho churches advising tho people to go Into tho open country, but those who aro huddled about the plums) of worship refuse to listen to such ad vice. Many towns in Sicily foil tho (Conllnund on pngo 4.) WOULD GIVE JAPS AND CHINKS BEST OF IT Washington. D. 0., Dec. . A bill making K a folouy twislssmWe ny the federal wthorltlos for "two or I more porsons to conspire to Injur, opress. threaten or Intimidate any allon in his freo exercise or enjoy ment of any right given to him under any treaty of the Unlttd Statue or becauso his having so exercised the I same." and fixing tho punishment ut $5000 fine or ton yoars' Imprison j mont, or both, promlioa to raise con siderable opposition when It Is brought up in the senate shortly nf ' ter the holiday rcoeea. The bill wm passed In the house after a tie vote by Speaker Canaoa which wsi cart after the vote had been recapitulate!. It woe aked for by tho ate dftfMrtmeNi ned hi b n recoiameadwl to rarmm At eery sewlon by every pre'tder tix Hsrrleoa. A general howl al-t xtedlng wurexpMUNMd Ust Ike bill wis rranifMl to onuhlo the United VUlm govgruinat to jwotwil itllei agaliut the ongroaaiimou on right guaran teed thorn by treaties. lie uppIomouUd his Information with u report prepared by the state department sotting forth oases in whloh it was held that federal gov ornment had boon embarrassed bo oqiiso of the Inability of tho fotUrul ofucure to Intorforo with tho police powar of tho state. The letter stated that tho mi promo oourt of the United State had held that such In Utrfvrpnee van unlawful, bwrauB of any lnhJbtory clause oxprosod jr Impllod In the conetltHtloa, but dim ply because coAgro's bud not given the. government euch powera. R1rfontaUve Heiry of Texas led the opinJllon o th measure In a rplrUHt controversy with Hup rmHltiir Jenkins, who champ'oa- furtber the eoBsnlraoj" laws of te," w "'. nenry watxmiui u In ted States brought forth a lett r drew! ont tk Information that from the state departwent dIelo-li.icJhU l oxurewly framed to apply to thi- ral purpose of tho bill, which shcIi cas. as would apply In anothei t is understood It had boon hornsd ntrovfy over school. In. Ban Fran rnlhbt ba kept seort-t Btrretary cl o r, appeared irsonalIi before th" Tho stat , deprrtmont Infornn houBO commute on the Judiciary this houw through Its Judiciary com ciuei. tint they have Immcnso cum- pltcntloiib growing up," declared Jetiklua, In advocating tho bill. Honry aikod' It Japanese went in to court, under tho law, and al leged ii eounplracy against a board of education whether tho law would apply. Jenktim thlcd to evade tho nutation, but Henry pinned hint lo It. Flnnlly Jenkins mild: "I itgp'o with tho gontlemen from ll.UKHM, llllll Ii H.WU l IIIWIU IIUIOUUS flnT'aclty conspired together lt pre- vent one of those ullona going into tho public -schools this law would at)- ply." Tho dobuto on tho bill wan acrlm luouu Several members of the houso vohomontly objected to tho propodtlrn of giving un alien tho protection of the federal government where a citizen of itho United States would not bo untitled to lliut protec tion. It wnn agreed by tho membero of tho houi Judiciary coinmlttt-o and, In fruit,, nil who spoko on tho bill that no treaty ontored Into uetwoon tho United Btaten and Japan ooulJ give Japanese tho right to attend sohooli in any statu with white chil dren. "I contend that tho right of suf frage,, domestic relation, public schools Mid each (luwrtlons should he determined by tho Mat en r.ud not be wrnpped up In some treaty that may 1)0 entered Into with foreign coun tries, and fon'liiit reason my oppoiU ttou la horo Intorposeil to giving Ju rludlutlon to federal courts rights lit this wiy," deolnred Henry In his speech, "and uopeelully where the mum rlgliti nro not on Joyed by ell Izins of th"a country. You will ro- number, to bo perfectly frank, that thore va oomo tiiuHtluu-lii California not long ago, In reference to the Japanese auestlon, nud that stnto was la a court ovorsy wltth tho president and fedornl 'oxi-outlvo futhorltlet) nbout It. 1 think 4ho citizens of Cal ifornia had a right to take tho posi tion lny did on that Isuuu and do not believe congress should put It Into the power of an alien or anyone, else to override the sovereignty of a stuto on tiuuh n question nn thls.,' Tho authorltloa at the itate tin pnrtment openly oxproted tho fear today that the hill would bo killed In tho senate. It is known that Pu- ulfto coast senators r.re opposod to It, besldua ho general opposition there Is In tho tipper house to onlnrglug tho conspiracy Irws. JOHN D. AND CARNEGIE LOVE ALL THE NEEDY (United ProsH l.uasud Wlro.) New York, Due. 28. In nu artlolu pennel by him for tho January Is sue of the "World's Work." Issued today, Andrew Carnegie writes op timistically on the labor question declaring that the problem of capi tal and labor Is rapidly Hearing com pletion He states thut tho laborer and the capitalist are coming to u bettor understanding of each other and predicts thut the two will soon become as one. Carnegie says the position of labor with reference to Capital. Is steadily Improving and will continue to do so. Tho Inaroasod holding of stook of the employer by tho employe and the consequent sharing by the lat ter of the profits of tho former. Is sited by Ournoglu as u reason for the betterment' of tho conditions general ly. "In another article In the muga sine. John f). Hnekefoller. writes In favor of benevolence trust to handle the work of oaring for the needy. He aye In Mrt:" 'I.Mt us orwl h foundation trust and engage directors who will maka Its anew! their life work With our perboiiu) cooperation this i,Hntv--r of bent-volenc" ami projurty can li handled effectively' JOB FOR CARRIE NATION TO DO VAUDEVILLE IN LONDON (United Press l.onsod Wlro.) London, Dec, 28. London muaio hall managers have been drying for several weeks to nccuro tho signature of Cnrrlo Nation, tho tompornnco ad vocate, to n contract to appear In vaudeville, and, according to ono ot them today, thore lu a possibility that the hatchet-wloldor will accept. If tho grog-shop smasher doddos to appear behind the footlights It Is believed that smoking nud drinking In tho ' 'iiIIh" will be forbidden du.' lug the appearance of tho glass-whirl 01. As there have been no moving plc '.'iron of Cnrrlo In action, It Is prob able that alio will confine her tnloutn to lecturing on the vlco of "swim ming" nndf smoking. Mrs. Nation Is reported 4o have given teutntlvo acceptance of tho proposition, hut there Is raid to bo some disagreement ovor tho terms. GOES TO AID MORSE; ARRESTED IN MEXICO Han Diego, Cal , Dee. 28 Aflor appealing to the stuto department at Washington to Inveetlgnto tho ar rest of William II. Morse, son of tho Inventor ot tho telegraph, who It bilug held tu Mexico on a charge of having slain a Mexican at Trinidad. Theodoro V. Johnston of this city Is today dashing ovor tho treucheroriu mountain roads of Iower California In nn ofTort to find and assist tho Im prisoned American. Ilrokeii tologruph wires mid Inter rupted telephone servlco have lott the whereabouts of Morse and the details of ithe alleged killing shroud ed lu mystery. Johnston Is not cer tain where ho will llnd his friend, but In his powerful machine, Is prepared (o Journey all ovor Lower California and Mexico, If necessary, to roscno him. When word wob llrst received of Morse's arrest It was stated that he w- being 4akeu to Hnsndn, a Lownr California. A later report said that he was being held nt Alamo, while the authorities wore awaiting In structions from tho City of Mexico. Johnston Is expected to reach Kn sadu some time today. If Morse U not thero his friend will continue on to Trinidad, about 100 jnllee ttotrh and Inland Thero he will bo able to learn the details of Morso's alleged orlmo and discover the whereabout, of (ho prisoner. Morse is a brother of L L. Mors, tho Kastern financier, and wus a olas? niato at Yale of President-elect Taft. John ton, who s an old Irlond ot Moist Is associated with U. B. Grant. Jr.. In building the Uruud HoIjI here. Ileforo departing on his peril ous atitomohllo Journey Johnston tel egraph 1 to Secretary of Btate Root. aklHK that Hut Pulled fit me., govern ment d- mand of Mexico un exiiltuia Hon regarding Morse. Johnston oonlldeut that spine ml take Has ben made. It was throwing grass at the cor porations to fine them, but tho proposition to put the officers In the pen. Instead. looks like a bit; enough rock to make tho boys coma down A1 i J ' t WfHW'81 riieiiiifiif