8 DA1UY OAPITAB JOURNAL? BALKAN OREGON, SATURDAY. DKOPUiim ..-. ADEQUATE POLICE SYSTEM DEMAND OF CAPITAL an After organizing n police forco in tho Capital City with results most flattering in driving out tho crimin al class and bringing pcaco and qulotudo out of a reign of dread, causod by tho many depredations committed almost overy night n month ago, tho city council is said to bo planning changes on the pres ent polico forco. Any radical moves taken by tho council can hardl bo accounted for by Chief of Police Gibson. Tho two additional men plnccd on tho forco by tho council at tho time crime was rampant, had an electric effect on tho conditions. Within four days after tho forco was strengthened, hold-upo, housc-broaking and other petty depredations ceased, and tho suBplcious looking characters who had froquentod tho city tit tho titno, and who woro hore for no good pur poso, disappeared and hnvo not been back. Prom an article in "Tho Dotcc tlvo," ono of tho most widely known papors of criminal information pub lished In tho United States, it hns bpon Ioarncd that tho men amliated with tho thiovlng and robbing cir cles aro oach and all porfcctlv fam iliar with polico and law conditions in ovory stato and city in Amorlca. Thoy aro tho oamo as ono band of criminals, although not continually associated with each othor. Talc- For Xmas Dinner Tho solcctlng of raro goods of oxcoptlonal choico quality should receive first consideration! S. & WJ CANNED .GOODS; toat for quality, by actual competi tive teat, than any brand on tho market. '8 & W" PEACHES, in cardi nal, aro largo, thoroughly ripened, hand packed. 8. & W. PINEAPPLES, aro packed in tho orchard whero grown, in natural Julco. bet tor than tho fresh fruit. 8. & W. CORN, Peas,. Hoots, Succotash and String Deans, aro tondor, molting vogo tables, matured for flavor. 8. & W. TOMATOES aro packed in sanitary, onamol llnod cans, from rich rod rlpo fruit, solid packed. "B. & W." SALAD DRESSING something now and dollc iousl 8. & W. ASPARAGUS TIPS, simply molt In ones mouth! Horo aro a fow of tho nmny soasonnblo novoltles that should bo on ovory table! CHUTNEY; "MAJOR GRAY." MANGOES; STUFFED. PIEM1ENTOS; MARCONNI:.1 Choice Mixed Nuts OUR PRICE I lbs for . . S JOHN HUGHES COMPANY 446-474 Stale Street Phone 99 lng theso facts into consideration, n poorly-policed city Is at tho meiey of tho criminals who make it tholi particular business to select Mie richest nnd most prosperous cities, with tho least danger of being caught In tho tolls ns n place in which to ply their peculiar trade. Within flvo or six hours nftor any change has been effected by tho city coun cil as now Intended, tho Information will bo common talk imamr crlm- I and, as has been tho case in other cities, according to reports given by police- chlofn, tho tlmo after reduc ing n polico forco will not bo long boforo tho trains will unload tho mon who do tho crimes. At tho tlmo tho council appointed tho two additional pollcomen, Ohlof Gibson formulated a plan by which tho incoming and outgoing trains could bo thoroughly watched at the Southern Pacific passonger depot. At this point tho traveling hobo class can enter tho city, nnd by thlH way only. Tho chlof Instructed his train men to keep careful wntch for tho bronkbeatn riders, nnd If thoy could not bo persuadpd to again board tho train, bring thein to tho city jail for investigation, and In this manner potty thlovery hns boon cut down considerably, and alsj tho presence of tho undesirable:?. In ordor to accomplish theso results (he two policemen wore necessary. To put tho responsibility of caring for tho trains on tho shouldors of ono man only, would be a wnsto of tlmo and energy, ns ono man enn only watch ono sldo of n train nt a tlmo thus rendorlng access to tho city an ensy matter for tho hoboes who could sneak off In tho darkness with no ono to molest them on tho oppo site Bldo from whoro ono olllcer is situated. To placo two men nt tho dopot with n total of thrco mon on tho forco would work a hardship on ho city in tho meantime as it Is an established fnct, having been proven heretofore, that a lono oillcor is very lnndcquato to look out for a city of this size. Tho uniforming of tho polico as directed by an ordinance rocontly pnsscd by tho council, Is another vital matter In polico protection, to bo consldorod. To compel an of ficer who Is on duty to wade through mud to his shoe-tops, down back al loys and bohlnd unkept storos, In or der that thoy may attend to tho back door fastonlugs, and at tho same tlmo don n $10 polico uniform and keep his shoos shlned nnd look neat and tidy nt nil times, Is rather an Impos ition and n, dotrimont to itho polico forco In gonornl. With n night forco of four men, notwithstanding tho proposed reduction, It Is an nbso luto necessity for theso mon to koop a sharp look-out In tho rear of tho storos, and In doing so, tho oillcor Is compelled, to disregard nppearanco and net nccordlng to rules. It Is very noccossnry nnd convenient for polico ofllccrs to bo drossod In tho uniform ns provided by tho uniform ordlnnnco In largo cltlos, whoro tho polico hnvo nothing to do but pn rado tho main Btroots, but n night ofllcor In Salem is un nltogothor dif ferent mnttor. Anothor phnso of tho uniforming ordlnnnco, bolng of groat lmportanco to tho forco, Is that of recognition of tho ofllcers drossod In bluo conts nnd holmots by tho ovndors of tho law. A small handful of pollcomon can not frlghton tho IuwIosh trlho Into Btnylng awRy. it Is very woll and good for a largo polico dopnrt mont to wear uniforms ns tholr num ber Is significant of dangor, but a mombor of n small forco is com pelled .to lny hands on tho criminal bofoio ho can accomplish results. A unlformod pollcomnu cnu bo Identi fied by u orook as an oillcor of tho law flvo blocks away and can keep constantly posted regarding his notions nnd positions during tho night and do the underhanded work nt tho same tlmo unmolstod. For that Dull FVulIng After Eating. 1 havo used Chnraborlnlu's Stom ach and Llvor Tablets for some tlmo, nnd can testify that thoy havo dono uso moro good than any tablots I havo over used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling aftor eating. David Frooman, Kompt, Nova Scotia. Thoso tablets strengthen tho atom ach and Improvo tho dlgostlon. They also rogulato tho llvor nnd bowols. Thoy aro far superior to pills but cost no moro. Got a freo sample at Dr. Stone's drug store and aoo what a splendid medicine It Is. Dig Land Opening. On Jnnuary 20, ,1909, at Roseburg, Orogou, 91,500 acres uio to bo with drawn ftom the Umpqun forost ro Hoi'vo. This embraces somo of tho U turn t dairy and tlmbor lands iu Don ton, Lnuo, Douglas and Coos coun ties. Not all of this land la subject to entry, For J2.5Q wo will send you piopald 18 largo llthogruphlc town ship maps with above vncnut lands colored thereon. Also full Instruc tions as to dates, manner of fillug, &c. &o. Tho Douglas County Abstract Co., successor to Frank E. Alley, Rose burg, Oregon. 11-18-ood-tf. Reform School Supplies. Sealed proposals aro horoby in vited for furnishing tho Oregon State Roform school with supplies for tho six months ondlng Juuo 30th. , 1908. Said supplies consisting of grocorles, flour, meats and leather , and findings. Lists with speciflcn- tlons will bo furnished by applica tion to tho superintendent. All bids must bo iu by December 27th, 1908. and the goods dollvored by successful blddors by Jnnuary 15th, 1909. Goods must bo in strict ac cordance with samplo, in original packages when possible. N. H. LOONBY. COTTAGE GROVE EDITOR IS CALLED UPON Tho editor of this pnpor callod anothor nowspnpor man to ordor for referring to tho Gorman-American Voroln ns tho Sauerkraut socloty. Tho practlco of slurring tho Gorman American In somo newspaper Is based on a misapprehension, becauso snuerkraut Is no longer nn article tiBod exclusively by tho Gormnns, but haB become a unlvorsal article of diet among Americans thomsolvcs. Salem has a factory whoro It Is Bold and quite iih much of It Is rotnllod among Amorlcans us among tho Gormnns themselves. Wo copy what tho editor at Cottago Grove haB to sny in Justice to that paper for apollglzlng, not because wo caro any thing about the matter ourselves. Hero it Is: (Western Oregon, Dec. 18, 1908.) E. Hofor, of tho Snlom Capital Journal, tnkes exception to an arti cle published In UiIb paper last Fri day under tho head of "Sauorkraut Socloty Elect Him," nnd rushes into print, declaring that Tho WeBtom Oregon hna not only insulted him but ovory Gorman-American citizen In Lnno county. Tho Item tho colonol gets so riled over was clipped from a Salem paper, printed under a Sa lom data lino of December 8th, nnd if his foollngs wero so badly hurt, why didn't ho begin at homo with hla hammer? Tho Horn cast no reflec tion on Mr. Hofer or tho Gorman American citizens in Salem, Lane county or unywhoro elso, but wna Intended as a compliment to him foi being olected nn nlderman of tho Cnpltal City without his knowlodgo or consent. No "InBult" waf in tended to tho German-Amorlcan cit izens, nnd Mr. Hofor knows It. Wo aro carrying around a Httlo Gorman Amcrlcnn blood In our own system, and wo havo an Idea "on tho quiet" that thoy aro nmong tho best pcoplo on enrthf and if thoy should olect us nldormnn of Salem, without our knowlcdgo or consent, wo would not got hot under tho collar, even If our contemporary should sny that tho "Suucrkrairt Society" did it. This wlrter has oxamlnod tho flics of tho Salem papors and cannot And that any Salem paper used tho of-' fenslvo expressions, "Tho Snuor kraut Socloty." Unless tho Cottago Grove editor can tell from what nowspnpor ho copied that expression, ho must stand convlctod of having invented it nnd used it himself. Not oven tho Snlom Prohibition pnpor ucscd that hcadllno or expression. We do not bellove thoro Is n nows papermnn in Snlom who would wrlto thus disrespectfully about tho German-Amorlcnns of this city. Tho Snlom nowspnpor writers at prosont aro all men who do not drink, nnd cortnlnly no Bobor, nolf-rcspectlng American citizen would try to Insult tho nationality of'hlB nolghbora in tho snmo community whoro ho ex pects to mnko his living. Tho Cot tago Grove editor should toll us whoro ho copied tho hoadllno from or stand convlctod oi tho offonslvo oxprosslon hlmsolf. o- WAR WITH JAPAN could not possibly mako so many cripples as rhoumatlsm does ovory yonr. And yot thoro lo no rccwon why this dlsonso should cripplo any ono, If nil BUfforoha will rub tho af fected parta night and morlng with Dnllnrd'8 Snow Llnlmont. Curoa all aches and pains. Sold by all doal-ra.. Notice. Tho regular annual mooting of tho shareholders of tho Capital National Bank of Salem, for tho election of directors, will bo hold nt Its bank ing houao, in Salora, Oregon, Tues day, January 12, 1909, at 3 o'clock P. m. J03. H. ALBERT, 11 -Iip Cashier, o .. . A lie and a drink always call for Just ono more. This Is Worth Rending. Leo F. ZollnBky, of 68 GlbBon street, Buffalo, N. Y says: "I cured tho most annoying cold sore I over had, with Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. I applied this salvo onco a day for two days, when ovory trace of the sore was gone." Heals all sores. Sold under guarantee at J. C. Porry'a drug storo. 25c. Tho hatred wo feel toward our troubles Incroasea tho lovo wo bear orar b''ss!ng3. -o Dou't He Hopeless, about yourself whon you'ro crippled with rheumatism or stiff Joints of course you'vo tried lota of things and thoy failed. Try Ballard's Snow Llnlmont it will drlvo away ail aches, pains and stiffness and leave persons over wholly recovor. Give you as wo 1 as you woro before, Sold by all dealers. o . Don't lot people impose upon you at least not until you can .collect about 50 por c-nt of what Is Involved. Ono hes to bo not only choorful, but bravOj to amllo In tho face of disappointment. Tho best you can give assistance the Stomach, Llvor and Bowels Is oh-, talned by using Hio Hitters. Try a, bottle today for Headache, Indigestion, Colds and Grlppo. Get a freo pnnv I I r I l- 1-. .... xAv-ciiLii tiuvv many would give fortunes to enjoy the greatest of nature's gifts and to be able to give A Smile All the While Ailing tots cause nitv fretful vnnn(T ..i i , . . ., - , ,K i'v.uuie cause wonderment irritable men and women cause sur To enjoy perfect health the body must be built uT and the mind invigorated by perfect food. Ghirarde lire Cocoa is the perfect food drink -its use will bring qujet to breaking nerves strength to the weak and contentment to the strong besides it is delicious and appetizing. 30 cups of a delicious drink 25c wm i, " . it Old Dutch Dunkards X2 made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH KEMCUy iui - ftmB . hb L- ouie uy on utsaicia - No Alcohol Nor Alkaloi of our 1800 12-16to27-08. Sunorintondont. nt