DITION 3 P. M. -.,. SECOND EDITION-H- P. ML Ii0nraal 8ALKM, OIIEGON THURSDAY, DKCKMlllClt 21, 1008. NO. BH7. .. - . m .. L B v , U hr dm In -6aki4n a v " till F Hinifflihlif MiWilll'iTMI'M nWi i i n MOBCONTROLS STREETS OF CARACAS USANDS OF TELEGRAMS TO ROOSEVELT AND GOMPERS ,GAS' STREETS ARE LlEFFRIES i FILLED WITH RIOTERS wes Castro and Wrecks His Home Armed Onlv Rones It Clashes with Remnant of Castro's Armv. kTwo More than a Hundred Injured. Dec. 24. Two anti- vero killed and a hundred lured In tho course of a afternoon betweon sup- 1 Gomez nnd tho remnant party. A demonstration I'of CnHtro wan In progress, notiBnnds of people pnrtic- (ile of CnrnciiH commenced In the public squares sur- fctho government buildings hour. Many pcoplo from districts, augmented tho Id by noon a tromondous 'racing up and down the wllng dorlslon at tho men- 'their formor president's Sporty of Castro's aides njid of the formor president py dnmnged by tho mob. The romnants of Castro's nrmy In this vicinity gnthcred in a remote portion of the ulty and tried to stnrt a counter demonstration In favor of the deposed president. This was tho slgnnl for a wild outburst of frenzy on tho part of Gomez sympathizers nnd a pitched battlo resulted. The Cnstro support ors for the most part were armed with revolvors and rlflos, while tho Gomez party for the most part had to resort to the use of stones and clubs. It was In this clash that the two nutl-Cnstrolsts wore killed. The few regularly organized troops of Persldunt (joinoz wore called into action, but It was some time before any soinblanco of order waH restored. Tho-olty is compnra- ( Continued on pngo 4.) TO MEET B WINNER FAMOUS SLUGS R R TO FIGHT AGAIN (Continued from pngo 1) Los Angeles, Cnl., Dec. 24, Antic Ipatlng a rumor that James J. Jeff rlos, retired champion heavyweight llghtor of the world, would re-enter tho roped nronn, Jeffs-leu declared lat night that ho would moot tho wlnnor of tho Johnson-Hums light, which Is scheduled to occur in Aus tralia soon. Ho Bald thnt ho rentlzed that there would bo a tromondous de mand for suoli a match, especially should tho negro cojno out- of tho fight victorious. Whon n.kod If ho would meet n-Hnnnf mioif hhh ieii 4-4fo4i ' ! ONLY TODAY DO YOUR XMAS SHOPPING J I eliminate all trnco of their piirtlelpu T lion in mo griming. I 12 very effort will hu mado to glvo J! the nine defendants an airly trial. It lit bollovod that District Attorney -t- Hlakoly will proiunt the oases to tho ? grand Jury early next month. b are now doing the biggest business in the history of our store, Tho banner day ie Chicago Store will be tomorrow, as we have put the p'rigos.on'all our Xmas Is that will move them quick, No reserve on Xmas goods; out they must go, below cost,. Later on we will let you know -the reason vhy we are offering Igoods at such small prices, l ices Sliced Away Down On the Following Goods Nies,' Misses nad Children's Coats and Suits, Ladies Misses and Children's Fine ; Dolls, Toys, Games, Books, etc, All our fancy hosiery and Glove, Ladies' lev Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, hemstitched from 2c up, Fine Dress Goods from f-tre yard and up, Dress and Waistlng Silks from 25c yard nnd up, $1,50 Silk Irellas now 95c; Better Silk Umbrellas, all rrmrksd out on sale .Men's Furnish- aid Clothing, all markecj down, Ladles' and Men's Slippers and Shoes going at rir,i prices, Muslins at mill prices, Full-sized sheets for double beds, only 35c. Iw Cases only 9c, and so along the line, COME EARLY Johnson In en ho ho defeated all com ers, Jeffries hesitated a momoiit and roplled: 'I "I might. If Johnson cornea !, round looking for trouble ho will J bo accommodated In short ordor " ii here Mhi With rKMMU and t"t Price. Jfir fWff&yffflA CtJ ff&fM pTTJjJj a l'.f in ii-i-F-nnr Waloii lint t'HICAOO sreiti: flOIII MOW on It will I'm You. PITTSBURG 6RAFTERS INDICTED 'FRISCO MUST SING SMALL (United Press Leased Wlro.) I'llsburg, Pa., Doc 21. Humors of wholesnlo arrests to bo mado in tho Hruft case, In which soven council men and two formei bankers htivo aVoady boon arrested, and arranged In coitw aro iniront today. r ! Olio report, which cannot bo con llrmod. In that tho Voters' Louguo bus preparing 22 warrants, and Hint they will affect many business men who aro wild to havo ugocyUioJr lullu nco lucorruptlng tho city couuoL One of tho probers nunounced today that quick work in gutting to tho bottom of tho scandal must bo done, as there are Indications thnt somo of tho guilty oites aro endeavoring to LABOR OFFERS SUPPORT DENOUNGES DEOISION Thousands of telegrams from All Parts of tho Country Cheer Gompers; White House Also Flooded with Dispatches Pro testing Against Judge Wright's Ruling Mass Meeting to Bo Held Sunday, WOULD. KEEP OFFICERS WITH THEIR COMMANDS ! (United Press Leased Wlro.) Wellington, Dec. 24. Tho mot I urgent uoeds of the United States i army nt present lu an adequuto reme dyX for tho ovIIh resulting from do taolnd sorvlco of olueors. says Major Cwiornl J. Franklin Hull, chief of staff, lu his annual report, made pub lic today. He nlso says that tho time bus nralvod whon the United States run no longer afford to iniilntalii an Inadequate army for peace nods, nor nji army with an autlquatod.or Kitniiation. HEIRS ASK DIVISION OF LINN COUNTY ESTATE 5 Albany, Or., Doc. 24. One of tho J largest w.ilts on record in Linn oounty was brought in last evening when puptfru asking for the division of tho largo Ilaokluman estate wore (lied by T I Winona Joiephluo Wnlloma and hutv- f I band, I'uullno Price and husband, T. P. Maeklemait nnd wife and Frank ilacklomaii and wife. Tho suit Involve 12 full I)1ockh and 41 lots In Albany. 160 aoros in the suburbs of Albany. 400 acrfm two miles from tho city, 240 acres at Try station, over 000 ncros In all, of th value of ovor $100,000. Haoh of tha five heln will reoolvo nt least $20, 000 worth of projxirty. Tri-d to Kill liuhy. Qhloago, Dee. 24. Afttvr hUernpt ItiK to kill her 1 1-m jriths-old lbjr toy with poison, Mrs. Joyh JCrntx ner. wife or an artist ltvlg n tho Florence Hotel. foshloHsUle apart- 2 nint liou. swallowed corrfxi'v m,. S Hriio'o It- I, r roi.m rx!.v Hnth h- mother ' child ar ih ii.,r of dtah Mflancholla is tho inly caus tho woman's huband and ho mtln-r who In vlttlflnv tifr im niiulirn trw tfiu i - pe ( v (United I'rca Leased Wlro.) Vnahlngton, Dec. 24. Bamuol aompers, president of tho American Federation or Labor, who, with Johu Mitchell and Frank Morrison, war seuteced to Jail for violating an in junction, did not appear at his oflU'J early today to rend tho thouunndu of telogrnum thnt arrived over night from all parts or tho country. All of tho moBsugcH offered Biippurt, and de nounced In mild terms tho decision of Juotlco Wright ordering the labor leadors to Jail. Tho Whlto Iloniso la also Hooded to day with telegrams of protest" from tho loading labor unions In ' the United States. No ou familiar with tho attitude of tho oillclals or tha Duck Stove ft lluugo Company, which secured the Injunction, which wnJ said to havo boon violated, doubts but that the caw will ovontually roach tho United States supremo e'ourX for final decision. Presldout Oompem and his colleagues oxprcxs conlldouco thnt tho court of nppoals will rovorso Justlco Wright's decision Many mus meotlrigs to formally protest against the decision aro plan ned for Sunday lu nil the big eltlei. Deliver, Dee. 24.W. D. Hay wood, formor secretary of tho West ern Federation of Minors, in dis cussing Justlco Wrlght'B decision yesterday Imprisoning Gompers, Morrison nnd Mitchell for tho al leged violation of an injunction In boycotting tho Hack Stove und Hun go company, snld: "Tho decision or Justlco Wright will bo ono of tho greatest factors lu tho history of this country In nmnlgntnntlng tho forces of organ ised labor." President Uoosovolt wns notified today that Attorney-General llona pnrto has oxpresaod u desire to re view with him tho proceedings lu tho contempt case. Ponding tho con-fortuii-u tho president will not dis cuss any phaso of tho matter. H Pronlucnt labor loaders today da clared that they, believed If tho do clslon waa-upheld President Uooso volt would pardon tho defendants. They itolutod to tho political ad- -vnntagi of this action. It is nlno statod tluu Taft would pardon tho dofondnntn if tho rnso la brought be fore him. PACKING COMPANY MUST DIG UP BOOKS Chicago, Dec. 24. United States District Attorney Sims today demand ed that tho Nelson-Morris Packing Company be compelled to produce curtain private hooks and other doc uments nueded as evidence to pre sent to the grand jury In oonueotloii with rebating cases. The company has steadfastly refused to allow this uvldencu to leave their possession, on advice or oounsel. Sims Issued an ultimatum this morning that If thu books and other documents wore not produued by noon that summary action would fol low, but at that hour the packing company hud mado no effort to com ply with his demands. STOCK GAMBLERS TO TAKE TWO DAYS' REST New York. Dee. 24. Tho stock inarkei opoued btendr around ytetter riay's cloeliiK quotation. While trad ing was fairly animated, the mar ket praotloally from start to flnfah was profcwwtoHttl, the commission huiisiw and the sp.oulitflvo publte being merely onlookers. Bvonlng up of iwofeMlonul bheote over tho holidays oaused much Irregularity and meaningless fluctuations. The closQ was Irregular, some Is me i showing small gulns other fraotlosal deollnos from yesterday's close. Union doted I SI, Bout hern Paci fic 110. Northern Paslflo, 141 8U Patil 148. Iteadiug 139?d, Copper 141 4. HiiittHor 81. Th ttak oxshango will he alosod both Friday tho 21th and Saturday tbe 26th. . o Klllcl by IIxploMoii. Seattle. Deq. 24 Tjiwrenco Car roll, Injured yesterday by an ox plo sion whkh blew to Atoms evon thing in the office of the Montana Tab & Carriage Co s stables, died lost nigh' at the hospital without regaining cm Bclousncss The ouku of tho exnl , INHERITS A FORTUNE BUT GOES TO GALLOWS Portland, Or., Dec. 24. Frank linrkar, who Is awaiting tho death Noutonco lu tho county jntl hero or tho murder of Ira Messlngor at Mod leal lalte, Waah., last July, luu bean It ft a largo fortune by tho doath nf his father lu Illinois. Ilnrkar was convicted a woek ago of murder lu tho llrst degree. Ho beat .Mosoluger'H head to a pulp with an Iron pipe, near thu shoro of Mtdlonl lnko, bucauso Mosslngor chlded him fo. annoying a young lady, llarkar had just denortod from Fort aeorgo Wright, at Spokane, nnd was In uniform at tho time of tho crime. .MooHlngor was uu old man with a dependent family. NW4 or the father's death reached the profceuiitlug attorney 4oday In n letter from Ilarkar's grandfather, (loorge Craig, Stono Fort, Illinois. It Is expected that Ilnrkar will ho soutesced to the gallows today. Hho Found tin llrothi-r, tlpoknuo, Wash., Dee. 24. After wmr ehlng for Abiur Kdor, alias J. D Hanks, her deceased husband's broth er, Mrs. Xora W. Kder. Knst 1400 Sixth Avenue, Topeka, Kails., locMcxt Kdor hero today thereby fulfilling the promlso mado to her h unburn! on th Utter's deathbed. Abner Kiler's whereabouts woro uu known to his relatives for 20 years. Just before his death, several months ago, at Toptka. (leorgo lMor exacted the promise from Ills wife to find his brother, Abner. The woman has sought all ovor tho extant usd Middle West. 'flUookum Cllllrk.,, Two Indian boys from the Glioma vm Indian Training School were tak en from tho city jail by Chemnwa of tlelaU th'a aftiriifioii back to th school After being permitted by tho ofllfois of tho lwol o come to this s-'rrday flft'rnooo to look uU '-ri'i rhrlsttuai clipping tho two It'ltanj proceeded to flit up on flro wtn'-r. rMiiMlntj lu thi?!