mmmomim muummimmmmuunimuimia. warn itum "m nuMmmmmmmm niLYCArr. i. mi-nxAU oniw:n wbuxesday, December 2a, 100a H w I m l it THE CAPITAL JOURNAL h. nOFKR, Ed. and Pmp SiiHW lli M ainmi Prtmai- UM ITTumu'i M4 DliWiWIl f All 1 1WT SUIISCKIPTIOX KATHS. (limhUr la A4cw.) fr ja. Tm. U m -m i UHON -. YflJB Jom.VAL'5 MffiUir . CHKISTMAS. . . ...L, At BH aeawil or '"' duty to f'SDreM cood will to each tiwr ad the wool world. ' With some tuck food thought In vtow Tb Capital Journal Imm a spaetal RMtobr on Christmas Day. TMa paper has bean gotten ont to udvortlsa tho city of Salem. 8o horo'H to tho good city of Sa lem and It future. Hero's to moro paving, more railroads and mountain wator. Horo'H to a blggor Salem, more harmony and greater progroa. Wo wish thlH olty liottor order mid I) ?r biiBlnoss condltlonH. We cannot nil ho unguis hut let iih 'ermine to bo iih wood as wo cuii. a CITY COUNCIL (Continued From Page 1.) of tho whole vIth Mr. Stolz in the chair. .Mr. Ore' nbaum moved consldoru lion of the budget by Items. When tho question of police wa reached troublu grow out of the ques tion of dog catcher. It was dec'dJd o not have a day policeman at $00 a month, and hlr a dog catcher when he waa nedd. The dobate grew qnlte anlmatixl, and at time was fuany. Mayor Kodcera objected to a doK cgteker acting as policeman. He I wanted to have ono man do nothing 1 but catch dogs. Our doga were not caugkt. They r.,.ro running aronnd town wild without ll-n cs. and this li on I Id not be permitted. Oh the motion to raise the ch'ef nglneer's salary to J10S0 from $900 thfro was a tio, aral Chairman Stolz deotdod In favor of the higher sal ary. The city council seemed to di vide In exact halves on economy. Help Ret Mountain Water. Mayor Itodgers askod that tho eommlttou of tho Capital Water Com mission be kJvou a hearing. ..Ji!Uoni f !hn comrn!Mlo,n' 'n .oHlon Tuesday at the governor's of- In"' Jul" 'f '' ,,0fre lh? .C.lty C?!"'; ell, with a recommondatlon that $1B00 ha allowed for a fund to do- fray expenses of making a w.irvcy o bring In mountain wator. Mr. Oreouhuum movod to grant an Ite n of $1500 In tho budgot to assist In bringing In mountain water. Messra. A. F. Hofor, W. J. Culvornnrl II. W. Moyoro addrossod tho council. Tho council took a groat intorort In tho wholo subject, and asked n groat many ujiotttlonH of Engineer Culver, who Boomcl to bo able to ansvor nil eomoro. AfU r full dlsnuHilon, It waa unnnl motiHly votod to npproprlato $1500 n tho city's part toward tho Bur voyn, Mr. (Iroonhaum asked for $1800 for tho city library Mr. Eldrllgc moved to amend to $2000. Mr, flroon baum said that tho library got $300 from linos, nnd did not nood the $2000. IVut tho $2000 carried. Mr. Kldrhlgo nslso askod on Inercaso to $1200 for parks. Mr. Stockton movod that $000 be appropriated for road to tho fair grounds. Iow seconded. Mr. Kldrldgo objected to this, iih tho oxpenao should be charged to tho abutting property. Mr. U)w sr.Id the road was an In jury to tho biiBlno-'a of tho city, to which tho vord of honor of tho city wna pledged. An ordlnenco was passed to that effect, and tho street comnilttoo waj Instructs! 4o build It. Tho motion waa carried to Bpon.l $000 on tin fnlr groundn road. On motion of Mr. Oroonbaiim H wns propoBod to build only ono ldo of South Commercial street bridge nt a cot of $3000, ItiBtiad of $C00o! Mr. lOldrldgo objected to thlH, and wanted tho wholo brltlgo built at once. Mr. I.ov argued for a full width 200-foot brldgo The Kldrldge amoiidment carried This means that tho South Commercial etroet brldgo will hcv built 00 foot wldo and 100 foet loag. full width. Tho lidgot proiio-os a tax of about r1i mills, not Including tho quartor mill for sinking fund. Knrly In tho ovonlng Mr. Imw iuh m'tted liu'iires for Installing n now (Iro dopartuioft for Bast Salem. a' $4072. ThlH include n $200 build ing. Mr. Monroe and Mr. HMrlik askoil to dofor this to tho end of the budget. When It was takon up again Mr. lAtw and Mr. Millard both spol'e for It. Tho city win growing fust, nnd at no tlmo could tho department bo bettor nrovld'd for than at tho nrosont. Mr. 8tnckton -uniorif.t this move for n moro p"'-p.n jjro ,,ro teeilon. Ho wsb hoarty In favor of lb1 lji Halom tiro station Mr. Mooros said ho would like to ippor thin additional n oqulp. mont. but foarnd Hint the nxnmiyo high ax wouM ho re nlil bv Mi.. ntif Va!iirton and taxea wei ton hi h Vavcn tMrorB snld thin wai i r---t rqMl)in(it but ho hoM.d -N rx n- rou'd be obviated Ho ftnt Mr Low on his fot again. t -jam. ono, OHjM U Ow. Tmmmu - fr mmtk All Physicians i rriusi pruscnuu o Must proscrlbo somo of tho In- , prcdlonta that nro contnlnnd In Hood's Sarsaparllla-for all trou bles of tho blood, stomach, kid noys and livor. They include esrsaparilla, stillingia, yellow dock, gentian, wild cherry bark, mandrake, dandelion, juniper berries, pipsissewa, etc. The combination and proportions are our own formula and give power to euro beyond the reach of any other prescrip tion or substitute. That's why it i wise to get Iioou's and only lioou'e. Itudget Agreed On. Kororder'a salary ?. 1,200 Clerk for rocordor , . 400 Stationery for rocordor .... "3 City troaatiror's aalay 360 Statloney for troasurer .... 25 CHy attorney's snlary .... 900 St -noKropher city attornoy. . 120 Stationery for city attorney 25 Marshal's snlary 1,200 Salaries of four policemen.. 3,000 Pay of extra pollcomon .... 2G0 Exponas of city Jail 300 Chief of firo dopartmont . . 9 CO Chief onglnoor 1.0S0 Salaries of two drivers .... 1.440 ISnalneer of chomioal 720 Saiar'es of ten hosomea .... 1,200 For extra homo 400 Horso feed 550 Coke for department 1,000 Horseshoeing, etc 1,000 Health officer's salary .... 200 Exnen health officer .... 100 pll0C ,,arRl ,'),'.' 1,200 wmar ... 1 700 Minting . . .' '.'.'..'.'... cJsRO rn,P1,., f, ,.i.v bond. 12.0C0 KnK,P(,r!nK an,i wrroylag 3,000 2.000 :tso 100 SnO 000 Public library t Election Public buildings . Public printing . Fuol for olty hall Incidental oxponitos 1,000 Repair st roots and bridges. . 0,000 Sa'ary street commissioner . , 900 Five laborers 3,000 South Commorclal brldgo . . 0,000 Mountain wator fund 1,500 ist Salem flro ilopnrtmont 4,'g72 jewors 1 GOO r Krounds road' '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 'ooo Total $71,227 Tho comnilttoo roferrod 1U report to tho comnilttoo on accounts nnd current expeiisee, and ndjournod to next Monday night 11 11 1. OOO 0000 SMILES. 000 o o o 0000000000 This pnpor Ih 'giving no Bpaco to tho Finch trial. Try him. Convict him. Hung him. He has had moro than his sharo of prominence and publicity. South Salem may not got a now brldgo for 11 fow year, but South Sa eom hftB a moat market, and In ton yoaro may havo moro population than all tho city this Hide of tho bridge now Iibb. Keep your oyo on South Salem, MoBjrs. Politicians. An oxehango ays: "Portland Is to have a now postmuBlor." It mny b olthor tho old poHtina&ter or a Young one, hut not a now ono. Portland Is up-toduto In tho mat tor of orlmoB. Anything from mur der larceny Is kept on tap and fur- ntBhed at all hours. If tho proposed law, paying $25 for coyoto scalps passes, tho business of raising coyotes would bo tho most profitahlo In tho state. An ablo bodlod lady coyoto should produce $300 a year. If ono day's sickness of Harrlman costs onu hundred millions, what would happen If ho died? 1 m San Francisco had .1 Bmall quake Tuesday. It got In her ChriBtmas Knocking. ATTACKING -CORPORATION THROUGH A REPORTER Over the hlgiialuiv V. I). II. ( Ik Itfiluifii.L 1 . tin. tt'iitfiii'. ,iii flu. I ... .............. .... ........... .... - Portland Railway. Light & Power company coiillnucs. It Is not a de- cent tight. 'I he Capital Journal will not engage In coutrovcrxy with n mere ucvpapcr reporter who Is be- worked by other people to at tack a public M'i'vlce corporation, loe Capital Journal believes in a BrainWorkers liavo special need to keep tho diges tion strotifj, in order that tho food may renew, through the stomach and bowels, tho Bupply of nervous energy. Uoo fe)LAB.feL SgrSjW''' Zocceiam'J Miuntv deal for the IiuinbleM cltlcu , and the Inrpe-t corporation, nnd If there arc Salem ieople who- prefer to talhm tin attack" it a mere non-ro.-Mont oh unv of. the Inrpeot employ er of labor will mitor of capital ia thl clt ami county, and one of tit larjsrM taxpayers, tlmt Is their affair. It may Ik good politico, but it H suicidal for the city. The s-nni-bold-HP same wax practiced on tin trnM Kkviric mitil It was tlrlvfi out of this ril) and ha been build ing extension dint lien. ThN kind of game can Ik pla)cd on any large concern by hiring mihh tranHk!!1 .crthWT ami fiuii.-liiitg him will. material t batter wnj at concern-' whow friemllj co-operation N worth , more to the city than a icgliiieiit 01 j enHratIoii-bHter. Tho who are directing Mr. Hancock should Ik- held responsible. The who lm I all invested In Sal in and look foi lt development ai a city cannot hut j uepiore inai im.cii ponciea are en cnHtwavd. At ! giing our city a black eye and a bad reputation ami slight chance for any railroad build ing in nil direction. CASTRO Continued from page one.) raved so loudly that ho frlght-nd the patient? In tho remote parts J)f i;r. i auers sanitarium. In his transports of nngor, he de clared his lntontlon to biro Gorman experts to l.v out a plan of campaign against tho rebels. He swore that he would fit out i. large u'rmy and return at its head in face the s'tuntlon and crush the v ditlon, and he -aid that he stmxl roody to -acrlflce the greater port cf his private- fortune to do this. Castro's big talk ! laughed at hero. His wor'lke Intontlona are d'scrcdited. and It Is common t .ilk that, with large aims of money d' - oted In different Continental I n bank", he ha no Intention of ewr going back to Vnezitcla. V. To his aonoclatos, Castro lini t crlbed his tnlafnrtunes to the alleged Interference of the Unltod State, which, he declare, connived with the Dutch U bring about hi- overthrow I'CJICO III hlLMH. Tho Hague, Dec. 21. An Httnfn- S clnl 'tatemn from a iiiemhor of lir o Dutch fom'gn o 111 no sav t lint ti. lien which Is nov patrolling the VemwiHan coni has boon ordered to suspend hoftllltlcs, and give Act ing Prudent Gomez an opMortunlty of show!nc whether he d" Ired ptf c s I S o New CprpomtioiiH Filed. Oregon Deop Soa Fish Company, principal olllce, Portland; capital stock, $25,000; Incorporators, CIut. M. Hysholl, Richard H. Oboo and Martin Wntrous. Moy III11 Coraimny; princi pal olllce, Portland; capital stock. it $50,000; Incorporators, Moy Ilpck Hln, Moy How Wing nnd Moy York Won. MoDanlol Invostmont Company; principal omco, Poitlcnd; cnpltal stock, $5000; Incorporators, N. M. MoDnnlol, 13. P. McDanlol nnd J. C. Vonzle. Tho Mnrshflold Cigar nnd Tobacco Company; principal olllco, Mnrsh flold; capital atock. $5000: Incornot- ators, Eugcno Crosthrnlt, A. ' I. Housowortli nnd AV. J Conrnd. o For that Dull Feeling After Kntlng, I havo usod Chamborlaln'a Strim. och and Livor Tablets for somo tlmo, and can testify that they havo done ueo moro good than any tablots 1 havo over used. My trotiblo was n hoavy dull fooling after oatlng David Frooman. Komnt. Nova ScoMa. Theso tablots Btrengthon tho atom- acn and improve tho digestion. Tlio) jiIbo rogulate the liver nnd bowuls. Thoy aro far suporlor to pills but cost no moro. Got n free snmplo nt Dr. Stono'a drug atoro nnd seo what.p splendid medlclno It Is. EXCURSION FARES ACCOUNT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS For tho nbovo occasion round trip tickets will uo sold to nil poIntB In Orogon, on the O. H. N. or S. P, company ONB A.NTD ONE-THIRD FARI3. Snlo dateB: December 18 19, 23, 24 nnd 25. Limit, contin uous pnssago In both dlroctloua; llnal return limit, Jnnunry i, 1900. VM. Mc.MURRAY, 12-1 5-1 Ot General Pass. Agent. Reform School .Supplies. Soalod proposals nro horcby in vited for furnishing tho Orogon Stnto Roforiu Buhool with Buppllos for tho bI. months ondlng Juno 30th. . 1908. Said supplies consisting of groceries, flour, meats nnd loathe, and fludlngs. Lists with specifica tions will bo furnished by appllca- ..i. ... .... iiuu in mo sunerintondoni aii uiun lllllttl UO III UV DOCenilinr 07JI, i908, and tho goods daljefed b: aucceHfn! i. t..... "..,,.. A 1909. Goods must bo In strict nc cordanco with sample. In original packages when possible. , . N. II. LOONEY. 12-15to27-08. Superintendent Notice. Tho regular annual meeting of tue BharohoIdorB of tho Capltnl Bank of Salem, for tho olectlon of directors, will bo hold at Its bann tng homo, In Salem, Oregon, Tuo dny, Januniy 12, 1909, nt 3 o'ctoci, I t- J03. H ALBERT H In' - Ca hb Frl-y s O'lno I axn'lve ccire3 c'ro ronotlpation pd s'lnulat g th Mv JF3 MEAT In ihe Right Place At the Riht Time Thais il -wli re you want it when ou w.ait it and il you only Knew hew cr-y it is to carry Irom tooit t rfo -.-7-nml how much cheery t jk.Io.'I you can have u itlt a PERFECTION 03 Heater (Cqulppcit wltli SmokclcKs Device) You would no longer be without "No smoke no smell" this PtritiitN maxim. Drcatisc the smokeless d'icc ' smokeless you can have 1. . 1 . 1 . r oircci. oiowinn lien I irom A ol oil. Brass fonl holds '1 quarts burns 9 hours. An ornament anv where finished in japan and n.chel. Every hcalct warranted. Thci?3)Lamp ? tJ"w Tv . Ppr-il jive a W. 1 iBt. tttiy lilil. Eui'rptii with H la'nl improvcJ nxil Attk Liwn. r Made ol lfii. nithil p'i r I hvcry hmp wirnnld. . r. e t it n'arnl jgency ler ilcKrip'ive circuhr il vw itn I LnJ l!it i'r.-ltt'Kn 0 1 i Inter or Ibjro 1-im? at )0jr dealer 1. STANDARD OIL COA1PANY llncorporatctl) iggrf 1 WJserTrwaa am F.t4mM IS oooi TJ tzEmsmams&gBzxsE&a To reduce our HAND Will make a price of 20 nesc'ay and Thursday, rv'oke your selection early in t'.e city to select from j.yaeawrwta f, tr;t Si J The Commercial Book Store 163 Commercial Street. uOi-g-frO-SH--ffl-f ga)a)aji)Ba)ta)faj ia) t a) i i ag , iwcIMn turesrJ, V B 2 POUNDS etfMerib SELF RISING FLOUR COMPOUND tTdlMICO Trade Marie. B)9aaH44Mfafa)1 Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware f Paint and Oil fTcr SALEM HARDWARE CO. 1120 Commercial St. Phone 172 J waHK-H-fCa)4-H-H-aHaHH-g4Hafa)4Hi-a lsaaaVr ' irSawDlsBVi m in ?3 I 9saVU!aBvlalBr:3P&' tliS. flEkjSw "'"TEr met " '3r35S3 K. J S; rasti &m gKStccj:':()?? 9 Mm one. is Ih every ounce nwmrm WHCefO81 s V- rs ECI AL ammuwMa iwm' .gi stock of Ladies' BAGS per cent discount on Wed- I "f TT as we have the best line I oston rown Flour read FREE, Bend us ton of our ads, clippod from his pnpor, nnd wo will send you ono full sizo packago ab solutely FREE. ALLEN'S 11. II. 11. FLOUR CO., Inc. San, California. SANTA CLAUS. will be dollghtod when ho discovers the array of cholco and beautiful holiday glfto that we aro displaying. Christmas will bo n red lotter day to tho man or woman fortunate onough co receivo ono of tho Edison or Vic tor machines that we havo solected for our holiday stock. L. P. SAVAGE 247 Commercial St. Salem. O' " II AN ARISTOCRATIC elegant nppearnwr .. sk i--- a l.v having iK-rfcctl) j. Curs . - - -" ,..-. u " ti-dflir' ji DistdiguMicd ll iti)l' onlj .nntcmllfnen Vo-.r lliu-n ii f Iu " p,nlW deivl lure will be returned to ou dies ja' in n perfect conditio,,, for HaUK t tho equipment, ivauy """""." ,i wear - ,.' and use cnl the bet of stircli and phoe3.NItC; .J soap. V trial sohchiu- THBi Bt "uuir rt' .... r -ni '- m iv. . Bl h'.:- -..w ttl. TL.toa , "" 1B"TOl04l iiocb 10 bijttj E.I.! Phone si. Torrid; IFURNAQ T - The abort tit .; brick lined TorfJhl D GiarDtM.t m i-4i A. L. Ft m stun rMlmitti ttriumill (irralCliiwfMJ L. M. Stl la mtdlciao ik!dd lou dlifin. fits y ol, auj fjiriitwin o Asthma, Loot, Tkrctt. I! iiDebllltf, StoBiA IK Troubiei; ilw iy (Smallpox, EpMecte; 8 1 Bolls. Lost UiatocJ,! nesi. HerniiTra-Vsri" ConttlUt!on fret. W1 Tong Co., CMnen t 153 High Bt.,3PV Gold Dust MbrTHESTP1 EP COMMXT.Sai Md tx m B. WALLAH (UPIW 439 Court . . j. .p.strlrt.0"11 .::m.f iUrder.deUfeac. Salem (WJ IIc4qartr" '" rtvM Pitrr1trfT! a Mal"" "'j;. Bee' J38UD "- .rlT.TCS JL 850 OwrtS- .rraJTI I MLi !- wil u r-?."S,7H "read 7 "'W. l"'m.' TWW DIE 0 ...iiAlll aii KINDS H HLW .wlX .. .' UV.V rpSuinos the bowels fc l!"'"'"'11 oat. i II- --J , .,