,. $ ,'9WIMWWIW BWKP ' 1 ;. our Stomach "I tiled Caittreti nd fl like newmn, IhixTO been n tnfTerer from dytpepsla and lour itomach for the lull two rera. 1 liars been taking medl tine and other driiet, but could find no relief only ror ft anon time, i ithi rocnmmena uaicareu 10 01 r frlenda an the onljr thine for Indleeitlon and our (tomach and to keep the bowels (n good eon ditlon lho are Terr nice to eat." Ilarrr Hluokler. Wauch Chunk, Pa. Best For CANDY CATHARTIC Fleananl anans l niiunuia. l o,n. i m.n mimi, nvtiuvui r Hletieti, Weaken or (irln. IPe. Me. New ..--. -L M..-.-t tk fl &J1 old In hulk The cannlne tablet atampei UUC. Oaaianteeit to cure or jronr mnnjr ba!s. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago of N.Y. 599 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES Ills Choice. Tho Landlady What part of the chicken will you have, Mr. Newcom er. ' Mr. Newcomer A little of tho putshlo, plonso. Puck. o Good Cough Medicine for Children. Tho season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much caro can not be used to protect the children. A child Is much morG llkoly to con tract dlpthorla or scarlet fevor rhon ho has a cold. The quicker you euro h'io cold tho less tho risk. Chnmbor laln's Cough nemody Is tho solo roll anco of mony mothors, and few of tlioBo who have ovor tried it are wi'I Ing to uoo any other. Mra. P. P. Starchor, of Ripley, W. Va., saya: ;.'I hnvo never tioed anything othir than Chamborlnln's Cough RcmoJy for my ch'Idrcn nnd it has nlway given good satisfaction." This rem edy contains no opium or other nar cotic and may bo glvon os confident ly to a child en to an adult. For sale at Dr. Stono'a drug storo. Not for Willie. "Willie, do you boliovo In Santa Glaus?" "You bet! I ain't no chump tryin' to piny Rinnrty." Exchange. THE WANT ADS ARE READ BY EVE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT I lirCC UllCS. TlirCO Insertions. 25C. ' FOR BALE For Bale A first-class 1$ horso powor Mltcholl gasollno engine, with auto spnrkor, both In good condition. Also 2 horse power wnter motor. Enquire at Journal ofneo Immediately, If you wish a bnrgaln. 10-20-tf Fop BnHJ Sovon-room hoiiBO, nil ; mo lorn convonloncos, ono-lmlf1 block Innd. For furthor pnrtlcu-! lara call o. mo mornings nt my rosidonco, ond of car lino, south. Mtb. G"co. II. Jones Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. For Snlc Ton sharot of Hickory Br.rk proforrcd stock. Addroiis Drnwor 518, Snlom, Oregon. 9-25-tf For Snlo SevornI housos In Snlom, nnd farm lands nt n bargain. Cap ital National Bank. G-l-cod ROME SPECIAL IIARGAIXS IN REAL ESTATE. Fifteen noros, nil In cultivation, good house, barn, outbuildings, Ann wator, fruit, etc, on good road, near school, This Is a splendid homo. For a few days only nt $3, 000. 200-aoro farm, good now houso, 2 barns, all kinds of fmilt, 1G5 aero In cultivation, valuable tlmbor, line wator, flno land, on good rond; n snap, $10,500, Lots, good ones, good location, will soil choap for few days on Install ments, small paymont down; also havo somo special bnrgnlns In goort houios; nlo havo somo of th best lots In Salem. closo In; houses to rent. If you wnnt anything bok A. C. SMITH CO., Room 9, ovor Unltod Stntes Nation il Unnk, Snlom, Orogon. For SjiIo Modern five-room Colon 11 A . .1 lA. flnl.in.alltl nA ini COlUlgO UUU nil. uuiiniou; "- ditlon. Would soil on Installment plnn. Inquire room 1 Gray build ing. No ngonta' fees. 11-23-lmo RnwiniU Rito for Sale Located ono mllo from 8. P. railroad between Wnpato and Gaston. Twelve mil lion feet of logs available Ad dress W.'II. Egan, Rt. 2 GorvaU. 11-25-tf Bwlno for Sale Brood bows and feedors for butcher stock . Apply to Wm. II, Egnn. Rt. 2, GorvnU, Orogon. 11-25-tf For Sale Slab wood; phono 52, Curtlss Lumber Co. ll-24-lm For Sulc Cherry trees; Royal Ann, Ring nnd Lnmbort, top grafted. Now and socond-hnnd goods for salo. C. Dlllmnn, 447 Stnto St. "Wood for Sale Second growth fir ',5 wood In 12-Inch and 10-inch u length, delivered to nny part of tho cjty. Phono 74, or call at Salem Truck & Dray Co., office GO Stnto street. Salem, Orogon. 12-12tf a. P. MASON BOX CO. 2.47 Miller St , South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, cratos and fruit dryer accessories. Phono I0 J FOOD WAS FUL-b OF DISEASE GERMS (United PreBS Leased Wlro.) Vnllojo, Crl., Doc. 22. George Wlldaoon, r. innrltio hoipltal stownul at Maro Inland nnvy yard, announced today tlat ho had completed a bnc terologlcal examination of the beef Borvcd nt tho mcmorablo launching of tho coll'or Prometheus, and, as n result of that work, he found tho food full of thoso norms which are common to decomposed meat. No matter how long It has been (jray Wildnson's testimony will probably orfaded. Promotes a luxuriant growth bo mod In tho coroner's Inquest into of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, tho death of .Trineo Roynoldn, n wait-! and positively removes Dart er at the luncrcrn, who nto como of droll. Keeps hairsoft and glossy. Re tho polconod food, and died a fcvi fue a substitutes. 2K times an much dayo lator In San Francisco. Tho In quest will bo hold In San Franclsio tomorrow morning, and n largo num ber of I'ovcrnciont olllclnls, city of ftrinlB of Vallojo and guosts at tho lunc'icon will apponr as wltno scs. Leon Cohn, tho caterer for tho 111 fatod liuncheon, will also give his tes timony. A Personal Apppenl. If wo could talk to you personal ly about tho groat merit of Foley's Honov nnd Tar. for courrhn. nnldn nmi lung trouble, you novor could, bo In duced to experiment with unknown preparations that may contain somo harmful drugs. Foley's Honoy and Tar costs yoni no more, nnd hns it .record of 40 years of ourcs. J. C. Perry. 3 Alarming. " " . Mrs. IllghnniK I hco from tho fashion plates thnt gowns are not to be worn so long next year. .Mrs. rncuiitch Gracious! My husband will hnvo a fit. I novor wear a gown moro than onco or twice oven now! Chicago Tribune. Moro people nro taking Foley's Kldnoy Romcdy every year. It in considered to bo the most effective remedy for kidney nnd bladder trou bles thnt med'cnl science can dovltsp. Foloy's Kidney Remedy corrects li rogularitles, builds up worn out tls Btio nnd rotoros lost vltnlltv. It will mako you look well and foul well. J. C. Porrv Auto fur Sale $3500 mnchino ror $850, -10 horso powor, glnss front, ion. lamps, magneto and ens tnnk In porfcet running onlor. oraoa-j niiiiiiuii kivuii 111 i-uriiiiuu. 1 III) Oregon Co., 305 Wolls-Fnrgo Bldg; Portland, Orogon. 12-15-lwk For Salo My buggy horso, harness, doublo nnd olngle, snddles and brldlos. For particulars cnll nt tho city hall. D. W. Gibson. 12-15-3t For Sale A steam wood saw, 10 horso bollor, 8-horo onglno, new truck. Ono reglstorod Jorsoy bull, 5 years old, 3-14 Stnto stroat. Phono 401. 12-8-tf A Inrgo farm, 8' inllos south of Sa lorn, $30 nor aero; a snap. House and two lots on Marion street, ( $1400. 10 ncros lnsldo tho corpornto lim it) of Snlom $2000. GO HcroH 11 miles north of Snltun, mile from station on tho Ore gon Iflloetrlc, for $5,000. JOHN KXIttllT, Real Estate. Th Murp'iy Blk. cor. Com. nnd Stnto FOR SALE $5500 40 ncros, nil in cultivation, 2 ncros mixed fruit, nil bearing. Black rich loam, IVj story, 7 room houso, 3 mllos from Sa eom, vory near school. A raro bar gain. $5200 110 nnros, 23 ncros In cul tivation, now houso nnd barn, 8G ncros of fir tlmbors, will cut 5 to G thousand cords of wood. Only 3 miles from Salem. Profits on tho wood will pay for tho farm. This will soil quick. Sco boforo you buy. $2100 Now nearly completed olo gnnt rosidonco, ono nnd ono-half lots, bath, toilet, soptlc tank, near Capitol building, good surround ings. Ono of tho host buys in tho city. Closo In. $1550 Now G-room houso, bath nnd tollot, Boptlc so worn ge, ologant homo surroundings. A bargain If tnkon soon. FERGUSON & FISHER. "' DON'T Over-look this snup: 9 ncros closo In, with new modern G-room house, bath, tollot, pantry, flroplnro and mnntlo; now barn, hen houso, wovon wlro fonco, young orchard; would bo cheap nt $3000, but if sold boforo Decombor 25th, will take $2500; $1800 cash, bnlanco, tlino. 22 ACRES, NEAR LIBERTY Tho vory best prune or cherry land In tho stnto; every foot of ltun dor cultivation; need tho monoy, will sncrlflco if sold soon. FOR LAND ON HOWELL PRAIRIE SEE US. 40 acres, $3000, worth $4000; Biiap. . HOUSES. $1G50 Houso, 8 rooms, plastered, electric lights, good woll and city water; barn, two blocks of busi ness section. Houses nnd vacant rots sold on in stallments; small payments down. EXCHANGE. Wo can oxchnngo your proporty sat isfactorily. HOUSES FOR RENT. nECIITEL & MINTON, 341 State street, Bayno Bldg., Sa eom. Oregon DRAYMEN Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work dono Furnlturo and planoa boxed ready for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Id our motto. Stand and offlco at 263 South Commercial street Phono 210. Residence Phone t DAILY CAPITAL JOCTVAL. SALEM, PRECOX. jj u i.i lifi. ...1(1 1 ' ; H estlth Never Falls to Restore Gray Daflr to Its Natural lOlOr &I1C1 tSe&Uiy in l.W as avu. one. w iwi a ut. flandSOc. bottles at druafllBts Stnil 2c for free book "The Care of the 11 air. " 1'hllo Hay Spec Co., Newark, N. J. a Hay's Harilna Soap cures Ptmpie, red, rough and chapped hand, and all akin ilia aaacs. Keep skin flno and soft. 25c. drupirlata. Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." Tho Difference. "A rosea to tnlo may bo easily cap italized for a million dollars." "Well?" "But it's hard to realize ovor 5 conts on n hard luck story." Louis villo Courlor-Journnl. -n- Mrs. MeRnncy's Experience. Mrs. M. McRanoy, Prentiss, Miss., writes: "I was confined to my boi for threo months with kidney and bladder troublo, and was treated by two physlc'nns, but failed to got re. lief. No humnn tongue enn toll how I suffered, nnc I had given up hope of ovor gottlng well until I began tnklng Foloy's Kldnc-y Remedy. Aftir taxing two hottlcB j rolt Ilka a now person, nnd fool It my duty to toll suffering women what Foley's Kldnoy Remedy did for mo." J. C. Perry. A Dimerous Operation. Is the removal of tho appendix bv a surgeon. No ono who tnkos Dr. King's New Llfo Pills is ovor Bub Jerted to this frightful ordeal. Thoy work so quietly you don't feol them Thy cure constlpntlon, hendacho. bil iousness nnd malaria. 2Gc at J. C Porrv's drug storo .MISrKMiANItiJl'H Cement Work Concrete walks, sop tic tanks, comont doors nnd foun dations. Esiimntos furnished and all work gunrnntecd. J. P. Votch, 328 Marlon street. Phono 008. 0-10-tf Concieto Work Got my prices on sidewalk, curbs, spotlc tanks nnd comont work of any kind. All work guarantoed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Avo.. Highland. Phono CGO. Mny 24-00 Voget Lumber nnd Fuel Co. Lunv bor, shingles, building materia!, wood nnd conl, Low prices and vonipt dollvorlos. Ono block ono' of S. P. passonger dopot. Phono 198. 7-2-tf. ButJo ii Wt'ndoroth Flno wlnos liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho colobratod Kollog and Castla whiakies. Cool and rofreshlng boer constantly on drnught. Snutn Commerclnl stroet 9-3-lyr. Bring Your Magazine Subscription To EIbIo L. Goodh'ie, 1590 Forry st, Snlom, I tnk subscription for nil magnzlnos. Every order will ro celvo prompt nttontlnu. Phono 7G8. U-141mo. For Choice Meats And right prices call ut tho Highland Meat market. Carl Arthur, Prop. . Dr. D. I). Keeler, Veterlnnrlan Ex port Obslotrlcnn In nil kinds of ani mate. Oinco nt F. G. Haas drug storo. Phono Mnln 3G7. Home Phono Maine 517. 11-19-lmo Millinery School Young Indies taught various branches of thifc monoy-mnklng nrt In six wook3' time. Terms moderate Mr. AdamB, 505 N. Summer street. 11-25-lmo. Hydo Bros. Electric Co TClorfH; .,! ... : niipiMiun nu uiirsi-ciRHs wiring nt reasonable prices. Call at our ofllco for estimates, Phono 451. 143 N. Liberty street. 12-2-lm Dahlias nnd Peonies My Speclnl tles, wore prlzo-wlnners at tho Stato fair. Havo host and lnrgest variety of any grown on tho const. Send for my catnlog. Geo. 1 1. Allen, Lebnnnn, Oro. 12-9-lin Havo You Monoy to loan? If so wo can loan It out on tho best Bucurltles. Thomas & Smith, 478 Stato street. 12-8-tf Wengcr & Cherrlngton Pianos and organs sold on easy terms; tole phono 1187; 247 Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon tf Basket Social And entertainment at tho West Salem school houso, Sat urday ovonlng, Docombor 19. Ad mission freo 12-lG-3t For Sale A Jorsoy cow, niio a full blood Plymouth Rock rooster and six Plymouth Ro.k hens Inquire nt this oHlce. 12-17-3t SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL ( For tater sorvlco apply at office ( Bills payable monthly in advancd TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1008. I PromntJoll. "Dicky." snld ",B niothor, "whon ou divided thoso flvo caramolo with your slstor, did you glvo hor threo?" "No ,11111. I thought thoy wouldn't pome out oven, so I nto one 'foro I began to dlvldo." Tho United Pioh ) torlan. Mcdlclno Thnt Is Medicine. I hnvo Buffered a good donl with malaria and Btomach complaints, but I hnvo now found a remedy that keeps mo well, and that remedy I Electric Hitters; n mcdiclno thnt la mcdlclno for stomnch and liver L troubles, and for run down condi tions," snys W. C. Klestlor, or Hnlll da, Ark. Electric Blttora purify ana enrich tho blood, tone up tho nerves, nnd impart vigor nnd energy to tho weak. Yo ir money will bo refunded if It falls to help you. 50c at J. ( . Perry's drug Btoro. ltM To It. Mr. .lustlntroduced Who Is that awfully homely man over there In tho corner, Mrs. Hobson? Mrs. Hobson That Is Mr. Hob son. Mr. J. Ah, how truo It is thnt tho homeliest men always mnrry tho prettiest wives. Puck. o This Is Worth Rending. Leo F. Zollnsky. of 08 Cllboon street, Buffalo, N. Y., sayB! "I oured tho most nnnoylng cold sore I over had, with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. I applied this Balvo onco n day for tw.) dnys, when every trace of tho son wns gone." Ilenls all soros. Sold under guaranteo ut J. C. Perry's drug store. 25 c. International Criticism. Pat Sure, nnd in Scotland thoy murder tho Btyles entirely. Bridget Sure, and how do they do it? Pat Why, thoy'ro kilt entirely. Baltimore American. o Iloarso coughs nnd Btuffy colds that may dovolon Into nnoumonln ovor night nro quickly cured by Fo-' ley's Honoy nnd Tnr, as it sooths In flamed mombranes, hcalB tho lunge and expels tho cold from tho system ' J. 0. Perry LODGES Cnrpenteif, Union N. jo5 Local Union No. 1005 of Carpenters nua Joiners of America moot ovor Snt .urdny evening at 7:30 p. m. in Hearst hall, 420 State Street A. W. Donnls, Rec. Sue. Fore.sieis of America Court Slior wood, Foresters, No. 19. Moot3 Saturday night In Uolmnn hall, Stoto Btreot, Geo. F. Patterson, C. R.; J. C. Perry, flnnnclnl secretary CViilnil Lodge No. JH, 1C. of P. Cn tlo hnll in Holmnn block, cor ner Stnto and L'brty stroots. Tuesday of ench wouk ot 7:30 p. in. Oscar Johti'on, C. C; E. B Anderson. K. of It, nnd S. Modern Woodmen of AniericH Ore gon Cednr Cnmp No. 524 G. Moots overy Thursdny ovonlng nt 8 o'clock In Holmnn hnll. W. W. Hill. V C.j P. A. Tumor, clork Woodmen of World Moot overy Frl dny night at 7'30, In Holmnn hnll. 13. Lupton, C. C.j I . Frnzlor, Clerk Lincoln Annuity Union Sick, acci dent and ponslon Jnsurnnco; $2, 000,000 plodged; ovory claim paid, Good agents wanted. J. H. C, Montgomery, supremo organizer, Box 432' Salem, Orogon. R. R. Rynn Bocrotnry. 54G State street. WANTED 'HELP WANTED." Wnntcd Manogor for branch ofllco wo wish to locate bore In Salem Address, Tho Morris WhoJosalo Houso, Clnclnnnti, Ohio. 11-18-lmo . Wo Wmit your Poultry, Dressed Veal ond Hogs; can always got you top market prlco and pay you ovory wook. W. T. Tumor & Co., 141 Front street, Portland Oro gon. Referonco, Lndd & Tllton bnnk 11-19-lmo. Wnntcd Information regarding farm or business tor salo; not particular about location; wish to hear from owner only, who will sell direct to buyer; glvo prlco description, and stnto when pos session can bo hud. Address L. Darbyshlre Box 2030, Rochester, , N. Y. A woman of mature years wants to work at housekeeping, flno Bow ing or ombroldery. Mrs. R Main 846. 12-21-3t Wanted To buy 50 or 100 . good Angora goats and nlso Cotswolds sheep; will pay spot cash, Ad dress S. H. F., caro Journal, Wanted Will do excavating, gardn plowing, nnd all klndi of team work. W. E. Bunn, 1720 Leo st , phono 1628. 12-21-tf FOR RENT For Rent A now 5-room house, woll flntehod. Call at 1145 North Fifth street. 12-19-3t For Rent 5-room house, household goodB for sale. Enquire 1GG0 Second street, Salem. 12-19-lwk Livery and Feed Stable Old PoJt ofllco Stables, at 254 Forry Btreot. between Commercial nnd Front v streets. Tolophono 188. Somo of tho finest liveries In tho city cun ho found hero. Wstacott & John son tf mm SC J:'M Ar0,!V!1,L,u,i-Nr-llr 3 Uic Siomatlis aiidDcrlsof IVoraolcsDififslioiiflitnfir iK'5san(lItest.Contalnsiiciihfr Oj)hiin.Mor)hlnc norMincral OTNACOTIC. JittfafffOlJUrSWlUmm du - mn Jitnia 5rrd" A'.fTtmin si '. SttJ WWW. I 35.,'"'.ii iH b J! r Ml' i&anZ i tiH I Apjrfrcl Remedy fbrCcmsflpa-i llr.i C?t.H Clnt..lt nipplwl luawouui oiuiiKauiLiuiiim wonns,i.oMiistoiis,tcvcrisir ness flndLoss orSLLEi'. Facsimile Sitniurz of NEW YORK. 52' mw. RfXaaMJuaaAJMwi "VT ' I KS&JO llnnrantccitundcrtltti-owaii Exact Copy of Wrapper. BUY TODAY House of 8 rooms nnd I ncros hind, ItiKldo city limits; good barn, plonty fruit, $1025.00. 0 ncros, good 8-room 1ioiihi, 3 acres orchard, good barn, 2 springs: Price, $1750. Lnrgo list of farm, roaldenco and business properties. Olmstead Land Co. 373 State Strce H I II I I I I I I 1 1 I I !"."H"M"H-ri 4 I! firaber Bros. PLUMBINfi AND GAS FITTING Will glvo prompt nttentlon J -il 1 ,...nMMnnn Alir A lo an oruoro, kuhhiuivo j wnrit to civo satisfaction and I to bo up to tho sanitary stsnd- t ani. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO QIVE ESTIMATES 4-H ON CONTRACTS ; Call at our shop on Libert street, bnck of Barr's Jowelr I Storo. Phono 550. 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i44 Just Arrived Carloud of Harney valloy horsoo, consisting of tho fol fel fol eowing: Pair of goldlngs, 7 and yonrs, weight, 3000, good worker, will stand votlnnry exnmluatlou. Pair black goldlngs, 8 yoars, wol broke to all harness, sound ami truo to work single and double, weight 2300. Bargain, old team, horso and mare, weight 2&5U, Bound ?nd re?dy to work, bran now Mollno wagon, h truck, wae tiro, now sot heavy breeching ban top harncs harness, all for $-, will sell separate Somo nlco di ,w ers and saddlers, Bomo good deliv ery horses at the right prices. Five-year-old Clyde mare, welgw 1500, none bettor. Como and see this stuff If you think of buying i can sa'o you money. At t ?"ier street feed stable, near brhlge ii,rnERS Tlico. M. Barr Plumbing, hot wnte and steam beating nnd tinning 164 Commercial street. Pnonf Mnln 192. S''M- M. .7. Pefzcl Plumblns, steam and gas fitting. Success tp Knox ";:- MurtiM. 226 Onnimoromi '",rjJ SOUTH SALEM ME T MA.IKBT- Ac.ora fiom brhk -toio ;-n ( j -merclal street Fresh and ' " meats General deller G.v a trial Huffiimn Morgan. 12 21-lmo " l pi The KM jj Always Bears the Signature of TMCtaUtfMtlttlt IIOTKI.S AM) I "s wiiwii While House For i Pf 25c Dinner M! ThfjcuUK Prcfrirtn MEALS li Cnll and try t Board per wt U' nlslied roomi " ' ATIHI U Fi Thirl) I CASTl RYBO Salem Resla ssocorRin! Comer Berra' Portland's W Hotel. KaWJ'r up. Euror' WRICHT'WCW8 phoo i " cw.vi rjiaf ! Prfrt" iTHHUSBOl IctotriVl ' (SSSISS A.M !"- ' . --. ti": lfNIT IllSIt ttTciI liu '" '" la yui. ift"j Dr , .nT'i mn .iui r S230- ri ' i,. cooa "- ..nmsll iralibrn..v)tlJ,! "?LSgi "X.n ri-i '.stati"8111 I