k ill 111 III" 8 DAILY CAVTYll JOURXAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, DBOEM11EK 10, 1008. i I1 ' I1 ' viVi'i'fT IN ,.t ;. ,'r N wl , SLCLUSi T a-) Jri' SWEIll! W. jt 1JbPweHcs tf BOOKCASE r ?' p - i I IK. j SyBwi75R3ffHa I Here are four floors filled with -the finest stocks of furniture ever gathered under one roof in Salem, And In every section of every floor are gift things Innumerable, Gift pieces of enduring furniture) many of them that cannot be duplicated elsewhere, and some that we cannot duplicate again, So if you are to enjoy the charm of first choice, be warned In time and begin your Chlrstmas shopping now, -A OZ eisl iSatt isJy tp& HRISTMASJluWSTIONS THE HOUSE OF QUALITY forflie Library' for the Boudoir for the Dining R6ono ; M " a . T'iA i jjv ' b& IS SJ ' I . , :, , - fitn1.!Ai5.-..I.L. "Rlnatlr" TlrwiV f ..... .nM . Uctory prices. Furnished In Quartered Oak and Maho(;ny elrht dillercnt (inlviica dull and polish, See our ipec'M holiday display. Ileila: our stock of wood. Iron nnil brass beds 1b complete. They rail, In prlco from :,':i. rp. 1 1 mi An extension tablo for every homo 2 I moans that our Htoclc Ih law. A Alr ood ono, solid oak for 9in.n yj9y'- waiiai i wi i ! -i- u pfe S3fp jaX liypStaf gK tea B3w! w " Royal Morris" CImIi-b. Hie iTTtTTT i iinl tuljiiht.iblo without K'et tint out of the chair, .$11.00 up. Hull-nun liiinlluro In am llnlsli and bI ou may doHlre, oak dre Kfi-8 from $i:i.00; chiffoniers from .SO Chum 1'ltih -ih. u ll.i' .more npprodat d thin Mm HhIhIiob In stock from SI 'i l i i nt' Ml Os I IfI ! JKHt. Bv W- H IHMMHMMMMHHBHMHHMMMaMHiJHnl MHMHMWMWMHI M Library TabloH. lioforn hnvinir ov. amino this extensive lino, a vory iiuibsIvo ono In solid oak at only Sl Minora for any room in the Iioubc. Soo the White Enamol lino. Priced from $1.30 up. !! ' Ki. .Iota un lillVll II it 111 r1 III llll Dt W additions to this lino and our In spoctlon Is Invited. Priced. SI2.no up Hamiton teBHBffiW WW rfj ft piyHIMJlllHrf li) it 'k, i ih nil, ii.. iPi kViBBBHHHHHHHIHBHBHHHHHHHBBHHHBHHHHHHHRHHHHHBHHHHHHHBBiMHii Mm rr . i a r u ), r "'" ' ' ' k p-gg " ' " -" ' I UnLf ' POOk- - sJ i I rLBri. , M