7 ,. ! i 1(1. M to !'4. ,1, lf I l ! r DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, BATUHDAV, DKCKMllHK 10, 100. iMWMMBiJ.wyyrniJguiriWinwnFnilWWIlWWWBWWMBBHM iH H H HR IH h! H h MBMHKAM 3wi Holiday Gifts That Are Useful As Well As Ornament 1847 Rogers Bros. Silverware Mjg -ighl4i'lM BEmw i J" J f MkMMDB I lWffWBgw1 ggjyrggfgg Knives and Forks in Sets Salad Sets Oyster Forks in Sets A few sets of Sterling Silver Pearl Handle Knives and Forks, Fruit Knives, Carvers, &c, at great reductions. zzxm naii.inmnrsi(Mn-i , r iii ftgsgggi I r 7 - vtyii 3w -".vrimZ.l.ij mm k J, .lima Nut Cracks and Picks . Set of Picks .... 25c 10c W lMfiij mi., Mi ji .MjifijBJliffiL No. 180. Square Point. RAZORS and STROPS A good assortment of the old and new fashioned Razors and strops per set from 70c up Strops from . . 25c up Hones from . . . 25c up Sfik . W JfflTT aiie5?-- JC35fc$S? itxEfc. raraMcK i 3E.v jhffisaSft &a. ? sei Tcnupnons from -."!i up. ,'- Solid Aliiinlnuni percolators, with solid obony handles $:).no N'lcklo-pliitod cofToo and toapotB from : up. Wo huvo a flnoiiHHort niont to Bolcct from. i ItOAKTKItK. Hokk'iu' fiOc .:."( UoKUlnr $1.25 85c Itesulnr $2.50 2.00 POOKHT KXIVKS. Wood, HtnK, Iron, aluminum, com poaltion nnd poarl handles; prico from Be up. S1IKAUH AND SOISSOHS Straight nnd boat, Jnpannod. n I ole I o and gold handles. Plain nnd fancy styloB, Lnco, emhroldory, hut-ton-holo nnd innlncuro. dri-' - " "7ifci'j-f''-jat'--''-'M'BiEi GILLETTE SAEETY RAZORS-No stropping or honing. 4 other makes ' BERRY SPOONS, CREAM LADLES, SUGAR LADLK AND PIE KNIVES I . n ii. .... , ii ,., .,mIM OLIVE SPOONS PICKLE PORKS jvmnss CARVERS Sets and pairs still left to select from J ii L 1 wtfMcbjtil ' IRON iPWTr'' -JWA SF " r' COLD 'ANDLE Asbestos Sets '. $200 Mrs. Potts' Sets $1.00 COMMON IR0NSThe Good Old Fashioned Kind Regular 25c. . 15c Regular 30c. . 20c Tea Kettles Tin, Reg. 25c . . 1 5c No. 9, Enamelled, Reg. 90c . . . 65c Nickle-plated from . . . 65c up Iff IP 4&l1 '" K K Regular $1.00 Regular $1.25 Regular $3.00 Regular $3.50 Boilers . . 65c ,85c . $2.20 . $2.70 -r- TOOLS OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN AND BOYS HWTJ Buck 4X Bros tm rino Clilsols, lu slnglo nml sots. ""fr" Bl ' A rsasiifiiiWJilli4. Curving Tools, $1 set, now 70c. Saws, from 50c up. Draw Knlu's. sUl Mdtf" Spencer Heurdware Company i- 1 Mtf I '