DATIiT CAPITAL JOUIINAL. SALKM. QRKOOX, SATURDAY PEOBMDBK 10, 100P. ' ,1 l r l4 i tf ' tiv ' j& iA f.ti tF f V ;4& 1 r- f tM'i ' h ., W-1 ' i I ha:.?,. I !'i Hi,.' i u ', : . fcdHr .SX I f w.- teat lift:.-: & B jaMHnMHHHHMI Fur Scarfs and Muffs Reduced Our entire stock without reserve, . comprising all high grade Mink, Pox, etc., as well as the moder ate priced lines The UseW Stre SHOULD ADVERTISE OUR APPLES (CorvnlllB Times.) "Tho Spoknno Applo Show wtis tho greatest npplo display over made on tho continent," Bay Prof. G. I. LowIb, hood of tho department of hortloulturo at O. A. C. "This show will ho mndo nn nnnunl ovont In tho West," Mild ho, hut noxt yonr n' gront a display will ho mndo In Chi cago. For thnt occasion Oregon, tho Wlllnmotto Vnlloy, and Donton coun ty should begin to prparo now. Or egon had no proper dNplny nt Spo kuno. and outsldo of Hood Rlvor no plnco but Grants n mndo n show ing worth while, yet nonton county could hnvo shown apples m flno a thoso In the district displays. Oio gonlnns missed a grent advertising opportunity nt Spokano, but Bhould not miss tho opportunity nt Chicago next yonr, for It will bo tho grontoat that ovor happonod." Prof. Lowls and Mr. C. A. Colo, of tho 0. A. C, and two students, R TJ. Denny nnd T. It. nrown, wi.ro nt tho Spoknno show nnd havo Jutt returned. Prof. LowIb wont as ono of tho Judges of tho groat exhibit while tho othorn went to glvo n demonstration n applo packing. Thoy pnekej applos ovory day of tho fair, Knowing tho various methods and stylos, and sny tho demonstra tions woro wntchod by thousands of people As an ndvortlsomont for O A. C. this demon 'tnUlon proved n liummor nnd vIH result In tho on rollmont of a numboi of Htudonts In both tho Bhort nnd regular coufuOs at tho collogo. Our Fruit As flood. "Thirty-five thousand dollars In promtumn was offerod nt Spokano," enld Prof. Lowls, "nnd no loss than in carloads of fruit were on display. "Washington, Idaho. Montana nnd British Columbia hod tho gront show ings. Montana had n finer showing thnn Orogon, Hood Illvor falling to mako n worthy display bocauso of n mlpnpprehonslon lnrgoly groundl 6. Howevor, nny section of tho WU'nni etto valloy could havo mndo a very crod'tnblo display. I did not seo mnny flnor apples thnn woro on dls nlay nt tho Albany fair n sho.-t time ngo. Many of tho oxhlblts nt Suoknno wero smnll onos nnd the Wlllnmoto rcxild hnvo moasurod fruit with thoso vory succesDrully. "About 20,000 ieoplo nw thj show ovory day nnd flnnnolnlly this exhibit was n succpsb. It met with piieh favor that there wa n unani mous domnnd for a contlnunnco of tho show oncb succeeding yoar. Ya kima. Hood. Rlvor. Wonntohoo nnd Roguo Rlvor onch iilodgo from two to oluht carloads of fruit, and It Is reasonably cortaln that next year's show will ocllpso tho Spokano exhi bition." Chlcnuo n flmit Omiorliinlty. "Tho Willnmetto vallev should not pass un tho Chicago oxhlbltlon. A half million nonnlo will - tho show thoro nnd thl offers n wondorful ad vertising nnelblllty. It Is from tlu vlc'nlty of Chicago. MlnnenuoUs and St. Pnnl that wo rocoivo tho great est number of Inquiries nbout thl B'otlon. nnd to make a dlsplny thoro will bring us mnny immigrant and tho Investment of much Eastern cap ital. That's what this country neods -peoplo and money. Wo want tho Greatest Holiday Sale Of all Our ladies' Suits, Skirts, Furs, Coais From now until Christmas we offer bargains in ready-to-wear goods that surpass all our former efforts to unload a big stock FUR COATS REDUCED Black Fur Coat lined throughout with Skinner's Satin, $45 value, reduced to $34 Brown Fur Coat lined throughout with satin, regular $25 value for $19 Black Fur Coat lined with high-grade satin, $40 value for $32 Very classy Black Coats, Regular $30 values reduced to $24. J. L. Stockton The White Corner smaller form and intensive cultlva tioa. The show at Spokana resultoi in constant inquiry about th Wil lamette valley desplto tho fact thnt no display from hero was Made. Many thero had heard of the Wlllam otto nnd tho O. A. C. forco was con tinually naked for Information." By-thc-way, Prof. Lewis was made J ml go of tho carload lots, and with tho rivalry between tho soctlons fur nishing tho great displays, It can bo Imagined that his Job was not an un alloyed delight. BAD BREATH FROM TEETH AND STOMACH Quickly iKIIed By Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. ! Trial Pnckngo Hy Mull. Tho tooth secrot much of tho do cay from food and tho nclds from the mouth cnuso such docny to assumo a gaseous state which quickly mnkoa horrlblo odors. Charcoal 1b ono of tho strongest nbsorburs known nnd mtxod with tho saliva of tho mouth it quickly takes away tho bad effects of mouth decay, nclds and odors. Chnrconl will absorb ono hundrod tlmos Its vol u mo In gasea. Charcoal Is used at sea to koop wator sweot. A llttlo placed In a pan keopB n refrigerator sweet and freo from decaying odors, also a sleeping room or foul collar or sink. John Turnbull of Glasgow, Scot land, n faliious chemist, covered two dead dogs with charcoal and plncod thorn In his study without any cov ering whntovor boyond charcoal. In six months' tlmo only tho bones or tho dogs romnlnod. And tho flosh wns entirely gono, yet no odor what ever had pormontod tho study dur ing tho decay of tho animals, not withstanding tho wonthur was high ly comluclvo to decay. Stuart'B Charcoal Lozongos are mndo from willow chnrcoal and hon oy. Willow Is tho most porous char coal obtalnnblo and theroforo ab sorbs quickly nnd in grentor quanti ty than othor chnrcoal. It contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygou and nitro gen. Chnrcoal from tho willow Is free from grit. Stuart's Charcoal Lozon gos euro dlarrhoa and constipation and stop foul bronth from stomach or mouth odors. They contain noth ing but charcoal and honey. Knt two or throo llttlo lozenges aftor onch meal and nt bodtlmo nnd you will soon stop all foul gasa from arising- You will swooton your breath nnd aid your dlgostlon, blood nnd llvor. Evory druggist cnrrlos Stuart's Charcoal Longos In stock, price 25 cents, or send us your muno nnd ad dress and wo will sond you n trial paokago by mall free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 200 Stunrt Uldg., Marshall, Mich. Mrs. Mcltaney's Experience. Mra M. MoRaney, Prentiss, Miss., wrltes: "I was confined to my bod for threo months with kidney aud bladder trouble, and was troatcd by two physicians, but failed to get re lief. No human tongue can toll how I suffered, nuf I had given up hope of over getting well until 1 began taking Foley's Kidney Remedy. Aftir taking two bottles I folt llko a nev person, and fool It my duty to toll suffering womon what Foloy's Kidney Remedy did for me." J. C. Perry. hUL 't&V THE MARKETS SAX VXJlSCIZCO Sau Francisco, Cal Doc. 10. Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, 91.G7M 01.70; California whlto milling, $1.75 3 1.80; north ern bluestem, $1.7GQ1.8G; off grades wheat, J 1.50 1. CO; Rods, tl.02V&1.67)&. Darloy Food barloy, $1.42V60 1:15; common to fair, $1.35(0)1.40; browing nt Snn Francisco nominal at $1.15)1.55; Chevalier, $1.50(TJ1.G0 according to quality. Eggs Por dozon, California fresh, Including cases, extras, 51c; firsts, It; cents; socouds, .15 fonts; thirds, 29c; California storngo, oxtra, 35c: firsts, 32 c; seconds, 2Gc; East ern storngo oxtra, 30c; firsts, 28c; soconds, 2Cc. Duttor Por pound, California froeh, oxtntH, 32 Vie; llrsts. 29c; sec onds, 25c; thirds, 20c; pickled, No. 1, 23o; storngo, California Mrn 29c; packlns Wo. .. 2 1 Vic, hidltrf, oxtrns, 23c. Now cheese Por pound, Callforn'u flats,- fancy, 15c; llrsts, Ho; sec jnds, 11; California Young Amor lea fancy, 16 c; firsts, lGc; Eastern New York Cheddars, fanoy, 17c; Ore gon flats, fancy, He; do. Young America, fancy, 10 c; California storage, fancy, flats, 13c; Orogon flntsf fnncy, He; do. Young Ameri ca, 16c. Potatoes Per cental, Rlvei Whites, (sacks) fancy, 75 90c ()oor, 50 75c; Salinas Ihirbnnks ?1.2501.50; Orogon Durbanks, $1.1001,25; Early Roso, (for sood) $1,25 1.30; sweet potatoos, per crato, $1.25 1.50; sacks, $1 1.25, Onions Por snok, 80 90c. Oranges Per box, Navels, stand ard, $1.25(5' 2; choice, $2 2.50; fancy largo sizes, $3 4; TnngerlnoB crates, $11.25; half orange boxes, $1.601.75. rORTLANl) MARKETS Grain, Flour, Fcel, iJtc, Portland, Orogon, December 18 Wheat Bluestem, 96 97c; club, 91c; fife, 90 91c; rod Russian, 88c; 40-fold, 91c; valley, 91c. Barloy Producers' prices: Foed, $26 por ton; browing, $27. Oats Producors' prlces: No. 1 white, $31 31.50 per ton. Flour Patents, $5.00 por barrol; straights, $4.05; exports, $3.70; Val loy; $4.65; 4-sack graham, $4.40; whole whoat, $4.65; ryo, $5.50. Mlllstuffs Bran, $26.50 per ton; middlings, $33; shorts, country, $30. city, $30; U. S. mill chop, $22; rollod barlov $28 29. Hay Timothy. Wlll.imotto Vnl loy. $14 por ton; Eastern Orogon timothy, $16 17; olovor, $12; alfalfa, $13; grain hay, $12.50 $13. Vegetables and Fruit. Fresh Fruits Apples, 60c $1.50 box; pears, $11.25 pr box; grapes 75Ib50o per crato; quinces, $1.00 1.25 por box; cranberries, $13.60 14 por bbl.; Spanish Malaga grapes, $6.60 8.00 per barrel; hucklebor- jM, b iiBKii&iiiiiiiiiV 'fllirJP The I HofHfoy House uiirmwM. rlos, 1016c por. pound; por Blm mons, $11.25. Potatoo Buying prlco, 75 90c; por hundred; swoot potatoes, 2 2Uc por pound; onions, $1 por 100 pounds. Dairy and Country Produce. Buttor City crcamory, oxtras, 36 37c; fancy outsldo croamory, 32035c por pound; Btoro, 17 20c. Eggs Oregon ranch 40 46c; KnBtorn 30 35c por dozon . Poultry lions, 13c por lb; Bprlng 1213c; rninll, 1314c; mixed, 12 12c;, ducks, 1415 gecso 9 10c; turkoys 1617Mic; droosed turkoye, nominal. fjuoc80 Fancy cream twins, 15c por pound; full cronm trlplots, 15o; full cream Young America, 16c. Veal Extra, 99c por pound; oi'dlnnry, 7 8c; hcaTy, 6c. Pork Fancy, 7 Vic por pound; largo, 6 (Sco llops. Wool, Hideo, Etc. Hops 1908, cholco, 78c; prime, 6 7c; modlum, 5 6c por lb 1907, 24c; 1906, 11C. Wool EnBtorn Orogon, nvorngo host, 10 He por pound, nccordlng to shrinkage; Valloy, 10l0c. Mohair Cholco. 18c por pound. Hideo Dry hides, No. 1, 13 16c pound; dry kip, No. 1, 13c pound; dry calf, 16c pound; ealtod hides 1 8c pound; salted calfskin, 12 13o pound; green, lc lew. Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, per bushel 0c Ooats, por bushel 48 46c Flour, hard wkeat $6.00 Flour, valley i..$4.86 Mill feed, aborts $81. & Mill feed, bras f 81.09 Hops, 1908 rop 7B Heps, 1907 erp 2 08c Cfilttim bark 88 Wee), coarse 18e Woel, nodltiBa - 16c Moaalr 18o Hay, cheat $18.00 Hay, olorer $11.00 PoUUh, buakel 4045e Apples, buakel E0oOfl00 Onloaa, per owt 85 80a Prunoa, per pound 1U04V6 Cranberries, Howe's variety, bbl $18.00 Butter and Vgf. Sees 3 Bo Butter, creamery 40c Buttor fat 87c Cheese, twins 14015o Poultry. Hons 10c Broilers and fryers 10c Turkeys, pound .....' 15c Ducks, pound 10c Geese, pound 8c Livestock. Steors (1100 to 1200 IbB.)....3c Steers, under 1000 lbs 334c Cows 22V6o Hogs, fat 5'c Stock 4c Shoop, wothorB 3c Ewos 224c Spring Iambs 3 V20 Von I, nccordlng to quality. . . ,57c Itctnll Market. Flour, por suck $1.25 Eastern Orogon $1.50 Drnn, por snek. 95c Shorts, por suck $1.35 Whoat, por bu $1.05 Oats, per bu 50c- Cheat, por ton , $14,00 Clovor, por ton $13.00 Itowaro of Frequent Colds. A succession of col ' or a pro traded cold Is almost certain to end In chronic catarrh, from which few every cold tho attention It deserves nnd you may avoid this disagreeable disease How enn you euro a cold? Why not .ry Chamberlain's Cough Remedy7 It ! highly recommended. Mrs. M Whlto, of Dutler, Tonn., saye: "Sovoral ycara ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Somo ono told mo of Chamberlain's Cough Rom edy. I began using it and It rollevol mo at onco. Now my throat anl lungs nro sound and well." For sale at Dr. Stone's drug jitore. o Foley s Orlno Laxatlvo oures chron constipation and stimulates tho llv r. Orlno regulates tho bowels so (hoy will act naturally, and you do not hnvo to tako purgatives continu ously. J. C. Perry. Notice. Tho regular annual mooting of tho shareholders of tho Capital National Dank of Salem, for the election of directors, will bo hold at Its bank ing house, In Salem, Orogon, Tuou dny, January 12, 1909, nt 3 o'clock p. m. JOS. H. ALBERT, 14-lm Cashier WHAT'S THE USE experimenting with unknown medi cines in cases of I'oor Appetite, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Costlveiit'ss, Ulltousness, Insomnia, Female Ills, Colds and Grippe when thoro is an absolutely sure romedy, and that is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Tray n bottlo acd seo for yourself ; also ask your druggist for a free copy of our lOOO Almanac. You'll find It vory instructive and entertaining and well worth keeping for future reference. Holiday Novelties You'll find our display of Holiday Goods m t large this season, and the values are betiJ before, re tetter than cvr Dolls, Games, Picture Books for the Children, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Post Card Alu Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shaving Sets, MllitaryS an endless variety of trinkets suitable for presents. Holiday Slippers for Ladies, Holiday Slippers k I I WJiy not make your wife a present of a Fine Lt aw uiom, wun napKins to match? Or one of 08r Fancy Handled Silk Parasols, Practical presents be appreciated by your friends .because they are ful, Give your husband or your boy a good 'Suit tf Clothes or a Cravenette Rain Coat ,or a Pair of Shml You'll find our prices reasonable, because we sift to the Spot Cash Plan and are satisfied with sicd profits, Ju&yjved'' I 0.3TLXlwv4d', tfak', llari the y e K 1 ' lf,MI lvt kn Bwis ARE YOU SICK? 1)3 Yon Wish to Get Cured? After you hav tried tho othe' doctors, como end seo tho old reliable ChlnoBO doctor. He gunrantoes to euro aftor everything elso has failed. Dr. Kum has lived ovor 20 year In Salem, and has cured a gront many of Salom'8 well-known men and wo men, and has scores o.' testimonial! from thankful patients whom he nac cured In tho past. Ho guarantees to euro whore tho knife seems the las' resort. He treats all chronic and norvous diseases, catarrh, asthma lung and throat troubles, stomach, ltvor lririnnv nnd heart trouble, rheu matlsm, gall Btones, tapo worms, lost vitality, general acuuu, ruiu.u -all kinds of female complaints. Ex-1 amlnation and consultation free. 11 you cannot call write for symptom blank to tho Dr. Kum Bow Wo Drug Co., 167 South High street, Salem,, Oregon. The Secrat of T)...44..1 Warm Ilea In keeping the ikin rro tectedaawellMcleonied. )w waahing la not enough ht orUyleareathodelIcaterfc moreexpoaedtotheMtttlon of duat nd germai to rnercl leaa stucka of aim and weather. Afttrrruhlng, ap ply Robertlne and eipenence Jta delightful rtfreihment. You wUladmlre the llne-le aoftneta It ImparU to face, neck and axma. ?ot kJ .timulatea a radiant glow, but protecu the akin frombecom ing cone. Preventa burn ing, un and frscklea. -, wmm uQwPsiMHRfjt, 1 J9 3kw wxdAa&M THE MX Portland's new and EoitioW furnished hotel, Third ttl M Btreots, fronting oa tbt lH City Plaza and adjacent to lu! center. Free bui to and Ircatrt l'n to-dnto RflH. Exc"t r Te'ephone In every rooa K hntliB. ruroprnnHsn,$noflMffl Amcrlrnn nnii,$2.MtofirI O. II. SI'EXCFJl. HM& IWlS' Dr. Stone' sell aw article, ant ! nttle of patent med it i " . .. V take 01 " 0r ii" tt-rrt . ., than aV cents is ,..hi vertuodbyanr"-' , aa Special Thl8 proposition 6Pec.al cut rate prefer any dar or j- t'JH ' ComP3" OarP I I lSuiillllllllllH iHIIH 1 Hlf A I Standing! Offer