DAttT OlPITAli JOtmHAL. BALBM. OniMOK. FRIDAY, HK01OHIKB 18, 008. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL fc. UOFEIt, Ed. and Pi-op. Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principle! and the Progress nmt Devclopcmcnt of All Oregon. PubllnhoJ Bvery Kvenln? Kxccpt Sunday, Salem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. (Invariably In Advance.) iDally, by carrier, per year M.OO Per month- .Mc iDallv. by mail, per year .... 4.00 Per month c UYeekly, by mall, per vcar-.... . 1.00 Six month! Wc U Nt O Fll-A BE L WAS THK BIBLE WRITTEN ' "on. Grant Dlmmlok of Orogoa Bl LAWVEKS? City, prominent In Clackamas coun- , ty and north state politics, la said o Thore Is ovldonce all the way, bo a candidate for the nomination through that tho Dlblo If not written for govornor of Oregon on the R? by lawyers WAS W1UTTE.V HI .MEN LEARNED IX THE LAW. This later. is a tavlng clauso, for it would be putting a slam on tho Hlblo to say it emanated from the l al profession. But it was tho first book of laws mid it contains MORE SOUND LAW THAN ANY ONE LAW BOOK IN EXISTENCE TODAY. Tho Dlblo contains enough moral law to Govern tho world today if all -other lew books wcro destroyed. Take (this message from Psalma and boo how beautifully It applies moral law AS THE BASIS OP SAV ING INTELLIGENCE TO PRE SERVE A MAX FROM FOLLY. "When wisdom entcrcth Into thlno heart, and knowledge Is pleasant unto thy ooul, discretion shall pre sorvo thee, understanding shall KEEP THEE FROM THE WAY OF THE EVIL MAX." Tho Bible should be more read than It Is by bankers, business men rnd politicians IT IS A GOOD GUIDE TO FOL LOW IX THE ABSEXCE OF A COR RUPT PRACTICES ACT. It would bo a good thing to re qulro men who want to bo admitted to proctlco law to pass an examina tion on their kuowlodgo of tho logal principle lrld dawn in the Bible. THERE WOULD BE FEWER MEX LIKE FIXCII ADMITTED TO PRACTICE. Tho whole teaching of tho BIb'e Is that God Is a Qod of rlghtoousnM and that there Is no escape for a wrong-doing. God la not a God of wlckoduoss, and ovll hath no sojourn with Il'm. THE ARROOAXT WORKER OF IN IQUITY OAXNOT STAXI) IX THE LIGHT OF TRUTn. Read following passage and soe if tho Blblo was not written by very able 'awyera: "Tho Lord loveth judgment and f.rsnkoth not the rlghtoous. They are preserve! forovor but the sca.1 of the wlcl.ed shall bo cut off. Ho layoth up "ound wisdom for tho righteous and Is a buckler to thorn that walk uprightly. TH EX SHALL THEY rXDERSTAXD RIGHTEOUS NESS AXD JUDGMENT AXI) INIQUITY. nubllcan tlckoL It Is further stated that hlo friends have alroady mappjd out a vigorous campaign to land th nomination for the Oregon City mn Cottago Grove Leader. CRYING FOR HELP. Lot of it in Salem, but Daily Grow ing Less. Tho kidneys ory for help. Not an organ in tho whole body so delicately constructed. Not'ono so Important to health. Tho kldnoys nre the filters of tho blood. When they fail tho blood becomes foul and poisonous. Thero can bo. no hoalth whoro is poisoned blood. Backache is ono of tho first indi cations of kidney trouble. It is tho kidneys' ory for help. Heed It. Doan's Kidney Pills nro what is wanted. Aro Just what ovorworkod kid neys need. They strengthen and invigorate kldnoys; help them to do their work; never fall to cure any caso of kidney disease. Rond the tho proof from a Salem cltlzen: O. W. Vaughn, 3 Stato St., Salem, Oro., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills, proeurod nt Dr. Stone's drug store, proved In our family to bo a reliable romody for backache and nil forms of kldnoy complaint. I obtnlnod tho ANOTHER FINE MINING PROPERTY PLACED OJUHE MARKET As announced In this paper, the I and located within n mile of the North Snntiam Mining company has "mine. The owners nre prepared to plncod Its properties on tho market, make good to anyone Interested with Mr. A. W. Dawes is president and estlmntoa or mining engineers as to general manager and John J. Fischer the value and accessibility of tho socrotarv and troasuror. Fred W. i oro, which is largely copper and Barber Ib vico-presldont, and Ranch I gold and runs as high ns $50 to tho & Sonn logal representatives. Theso j ton. The odltor of this paper hns tnon aro all well known Marlon ' visited those mines nnd can vouch countv citizens and enjoy tho conn- for the statements made by the own donee of all our people. Their mine, ers In the pamphlet put out by thorn is located on the famous Little and they win bo addressed at o2'4 North Fork of the Santlnm, in a dis- North Sixth street. Portland, Ore. trlct that has enlisted capital on a Further announcements of their large scale, and the establishment plans will be made In this paper of a smelter which is being planned I from time to time. PROPOSED BUDGET EOR09 The report of Councllmnn Grcenebaum, chairman of tho finance com mltee for 1909 Is ns follows. ... To the mayor nnd ceuncil: Gentlemen: I herein report, .to you tho condition of tho separato funds and subdivisions of the" same at this date, which are us follows, to-wit: General Fund Estlmnted Expense 1908 ' Recorder's salary $ 1,200 Clerk hire for recorder's ofllce.... 100 Stationery for recorder 150 City treasurer's salary 360 Stationery for treasurer 75 City attorney's salary . COO Stenographic work for city attornej . . '120 Stationery for city attorney 25 Mnrshal's salary ...... 1,200 Salaries of two pollco (four In 1909) . . 1,800 Pay of extra policemen 250 Expenses of city Jail 150 Chief of Are dopartment, salary 9G0 Chief engineer of flro dopnrtm't, sal.. . 9C0 Salaries of 2 drivers flro dept 1,440 Salary engineer chemical -engine 720 Salarios of 10 hosemen 1,200 For extra horse, harnoss and 3rd hitch for chemical Horse food for fire department..'.. Coke for flro dopartment Horse shooing and sundrlos for lire dopt Houlth officer, salary Incidental expense of hoalth officer. Public parks, care and mnlntennnuo Water Lighting 5,700 Interest on city bonds, 1009, $12,000. . 10,800 Engineering nnd surveying 1,500 500 500 100 200 25 S00 1,800 TOiilttlt llKnt mnlnlnnnnnn nt 1 Ortrt best results from their use. and our I InloroBt on w'rmnt and deficit for 19O7.-L00O child, who hud boen nffilctod with i Purchase of street donning machinery and forry bont 1,000 Elections, expenses of 275 Maintonnnce of public buildings.... -100 Public printing 400 Fuel for qlty hall ........,. .-$i . 500 incidental expenses or city 1909 dog catcher or day pollco IT'S ALL IN THE SPECIFICATION Ask any honoet contrator to bid on "fixed" specifications and ho will say "oxouso mo." Tho man who "flxoa" tho specifi cations oontrols tho profits of any Job. Tho oxporU reported on the 28th treot stoel brldgo at Portland! AT THE SPECIFICATIONS HAD BEEN "FIXED." It I recalled that the North Com mercial street brlJgo was "Axed" in tho run" way In the Interest of the contractors. IT'S ALL IX THIS SPKCIPICA- TIOXS Why should there tie any oompll catlonn about a wooden bridge, or .even plain concrete or siool work? Aro wood, stcol and content any moro "oeranllcsUal" THAX SUGAR, SALT AXD FIOint? Is H not ponlble for a elty to buy such things without boisg buncoed? It might bo observed that the school board 4 ran sets a lame vol ume of publle business and 1-as no thouble in cottlng results. LET THE CITY COUXCIL IMI-' TATE SOMK OF THK WAYS OF, Tlllamoo papers wont a roumv DOING BUSIXESS EMPLOYED BY ,,ur0 foci' inspector. THE SPIIOL HOARD. , An liralv f.Yntulnnt Inn nf cnndl. w. ... j - -. ........ ( Hon iu South Snlern an engineer rs- ports that a sr wor systom ever the: .- ( would cost tho property ownors $70. 000 or $80,000. DON'T WE ALL KXOW THAT IS BUNCOMBE? A ton-inch sower pip would carry all tho logltlmato drainage of Soui Salem If th- council will require prjp orty owners to put In soptlc tsnki and ALLOW NO OXE TO COXXIXT AXYTIUXO WITH THE SEWER 3UT SEITIO TAXES. kldnoy complaint was made woll In a short tlmo by thorn. We rocom mend Doan's Kldnoy Pills to par onts who havo chlldron troubled In any way by disordered kldnoys." For sale by all doalors. Price 50 oents. Foster-MilbuTn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. tee 150 Xoticc. Tho regular annuul meeting of tho shareholders of tho Capital National Bank of Salem, for the oloctlon of directors, will be hold at Its bank ing houio, in Salem, Oregon, Tues day, January 12, 1909, at 3 o'clock p. m. J03. H. ALBERT, 14-lm Cashier. o Mayor Rodgers says tho Intention of tho corrupt practice act is good but It can't make men honest. Stivet FiiiiiI. City barn Salary of streot commlsslouor 900 Salarios of two assistants to street commissioner . 1,200 Improvement of Uppor State stroot (1909 Ctfurt streot) 0,037 Making and reparlng streets G.100 Actual Expenses 1908. $ 1,100.00 203.40 172.43 330.00 52.50 550.00 100.00 22.00 1,100.00 1,044.94 2G4.84 245.85 880.00 880.00 1,320.00 GC0.00 844.15 421.53 50G.59 G7.75' GC1.37 TS3.3G 11.50 800.00 "1.5 9 CM 5,733.35 10,581.45 2,132.20 1,233.73 4,272.00 4SS.75 2 12. OS 22G.91 G 7 6.5 7 f GlO.Si 1.25G.77 454.50 1,113.00 825 00 1,100.00 15,093.57 S.276.17 Estlmnted Expense 1909. $ 1.200 300 75 GOO 25 900 120 25 1,200 3, GOO 250 300 9G0 9G0 1,440 720 1,200 400 550 100 700 400 25 1,000 1.G76 11.850 -12,900 2,750 1.SG9 550 250 70p 000 1.200 720 H0( 1,200 G.000 8,770 $G3,t75 Totals 155,847 $59,507.54 Rospootfully submitted. 1SADORE GREENBAUM, Chairman Aooounts nnd current expense committee. , Receipts Since " " " Jnn. 1908 Saloons $7,000.00 Wholosnle liquor licenses ...... Catarrh Cannot In Cureil. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns thoy onnnot roach tho sont of tho dis ease. Catarrh Isa blood or consti tutional dlsoaso , and In ordor to euro It you must take Intornnl remodlos. Uall's Catarrh Curo Is tnkon internnl ly. and acts directly on tho blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of 'ho best physic ians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous sur faces. The perfect oomblnatlon of the two ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca-' tarrh. Send for testimonials frea. ! F. J. CHHNRY & CO., Props.. To-) ledo. O. ; Sold by Druggists, price 75e. ! Take Hall's Famll Pills for con- j stlpallon. Shows Insurnnco Telegraph and telephone and express.-,! Roal estate dealers ,' Dog . ; . ; . .w Hawkors .' Miscellaneous .". , Finos Foos Poll tax General Uxas , IV eeetett J f 3G0.00 G30.00 350-00 4G0.00 G29.00 ,118.00 2,377.52 933,50 28.G0 984.00 39.872J7 Estimated Receipts 1909. $ 9. GOO. 00 200.00 3G0.00 G30.00 350.0( 4G0.00 G50.0Q 125.00 1,350.00 1,000.00 30.00 Total iV,, J53;743.99 Cash on hand 5,017.91 Grand tots,) .'......, ..'., ,fS.7G1.90 1 HAW) t seeeeeee esse sj'f rtngliiuering and survoylug . .. ..v,v, Interest on streot Improvement , General Fund Street fund . Total 29,213.30 1.250.0ft 2.200.5O 47.41S.96 10.870.00 $04,288.95 Hmy'sMJsmSmm Health EXCURSION FARES ACCOUNT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS! For tho nbovo occnslon round I trip tickets will bo sold to all points In Oregon, on the O. R. N. or S. P compnny ONE AND ONE-THIRD FARE. Snlo dates; December 18 I 19. 23. 24 and 25. Limit, contln-, uous passage In both directions; final return limit, Jnnunry 4, 1909. WM. McMURRAYi 12-15-10t General Pass. Agent Old People Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long- ithas been gray ously Yet a sever with properly "fixed" 0f healthy hair. Stops Us falling out, upcclflcat'ons might cost $70,000 or aad sltlvcly remsves D-bh-$80,000. It's all in vho makes the rmlf. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re- iuc ui ctuusiiiuiwa. n mucs as mucu In $1.00 as 50c. size. Is N4 m. Dye. flaalMe. bettles.ait drf;gUt Scad 2c (or free book "The Caraol tbe lUlr." Pblto Hay Spec. Ca, Newark, N.J. , Hay's Marflsia Sapcure riopte, ep akin ttua and aoft. ISc. dnuvUta. Foley s Orlno Laxative cures citron ' constipation and stimulates the liv r. Orlno regulates the bowels po they will act naturally, and you do! not have to take purgatives continu- J. C, Perry. t SBBSBBMBBBmiBeBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ESKkHr SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW epeclflcatlonB. CASTOR I A Kor Infants and Children. Weed "VTNOL it strengthens and vitalizes o sWratlta ffiaatan Itu RinJ foa Hat? Alftajs Bosgtf IK . zitt. -eSlWJ&. 7&&dtk red, rough and chapped hand, and all akin dia- um. Keeps akin nae and aolt. lie. drufvuta. 8ead3cfor (tm book "TtoCaxa Utha Llin." VinoJ to.ies top the digestive organs, ilds nssimilRtlon, enriches tho blood, uid rejuvenates every organ in ta n.. vt j i .. i it n li oouy. in mis natural manner Vinol lill Kmd YOU liaY8 AlWayS BOUgM ' replaces weakness with strength. t... .. 7 -- ! AVear positive It will benefit every Bears the s-Jf .$?, Z? olA Person who will give It a trial. Slgnauie.i tjaL'ictJt ' " t don't wo will rof una tbelr money. O. V. PUTNAM CO. Bungalow Theatre Umpire Theater Co., (Inc.) LeSM. GKO. L. 1IAKKH, General MnS 1'ortland, Oregon, JiitI, u n, hon streets. ' Portland's Fashionable P0puiar Prlco Playhouse; Home of the n comparable Baker Stock companj Second nnd last week of tho Krc t Uolnsco success about which 'i-w-ono 1b talking. The Rose of the Raiicho Commencing Sunday Mating I), comber 13, 1908. With full stn-ngih nno,C.0mi).nny n,Ul Broat,y nuBinenU-d cast; all tho gorgeous sconerv r()i tumos and effects. If you ssw'u last week you will like It oven better il. second time. It's n beautiful pictur. mm it. t,iut on jou 'w.T Uall. FASiirnt .!, ... HI till traij KvcnltiK Prices: 2T an, r.Oc; Mat- . bo obWnd Inee Sntnrday, JBC, l!T,c. tenler end j r Ul WCCK ilOV'tB "A MI.1..I..I.. DOfV. Ill . " ,n wiiriii - oar Ehit . irom the eholt .., "' thaUbletottiMw.."! " ...... "WHSii. ".?."; "iTiu . i. t i. . . iuaiiLT inan - iiupusai- invueu ior supplies for place In fui SU uiu wiugon aiaio l'onitontlary fr ' 1'rot.iosnls Invitel. Proposal- TORRID ZOnJ PUNARCE tho period ending Juno 30, 1909. cR0Si Sonled proposals for drugs, drv- me 29, k, goous, groceries, buttor, leather an1 findings, hnrdvmre, Hour and moat, will bo received at tho ofllco of the superintendent of tho State Ponltn tlary until Monday, December 21, at 2 o'clock p. m., nt which time they will bo" publicly opened. A deposit of $200 In cash or certi fied check, made payable to the su perintendent, must accompany each bid for meat and flour, and all other b!ds muBt bo accompanied by m amount cqunl to 10 per cent of tc amount of tho bid. Samples must accompany all bids whero practicable. Thet right Is re served to reject any pnd all bids and to accept or reject any portion of a bid. On each onvolopo should bo In scribed tho words "Proposals " Goods of Oregon manufacturo or production will rrcelvo preference, other things being cqunl. All goods end supplies must bo de- llvoroil in flin nnnllnnflnrv wllhln twenty (20) days after tho contract . . ? "e J1," Is awarded. "" ' u, """"1" 'Schedules of tho various lines of GuarDt ; goods to bo bid on will bo furnished 'upon application to the superintend ent. Vouchors wllll bo Issued for pay ment on tho first of tho month fol lowing tho completion of contract, nnd mon'.hly on continuous con tracts. C. W. JAMES, Superintendent Orogon. Stato Pon;- tontlnry. Salem, Orogon, Dec. 1, 1D0S. Dec. 10-17-ls SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSmSoBin fl SBSBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVBBBBBf I H ' sbsbbbMbbbbbbbbbbsIsbbbbLsbbbbI roof. Economlal ui tvii A. L. FRASB M STATE 8TMR, Eitimitti tutDiiBM n Vat Itcform School Supplies. Sonled proposals aro horeby In vited for furnishing tho Oregon Stato Hofortn school with supplies Grfat CblsMt Dectv I;. M. HUK (iBk ratdlclno Thlti intmi known dliraie. Hecitnu y of, aud guaracttMtoaiC sthma, Lung, Tbrott, lb Oebllltr, Stomtcb, Urn, Troubles; also snr swollen sureness, tKl'J Smallpox; Epidemic; 3 l Stato Ilofortn scliool wun supplies .. . . i,inn6oi p for tho six months ending Juno soth. ! Du",'.r,f,,1 T"v ,Sh lone Cnl.l Ui....,1l,.a mtialatln nt neSS, Herni T'OOB fi lJ grocorlos. flour, monts and leather Consultation free. CtrtriW and findings. Lists with specifics- Tone Co.. Chines &np uiW tlons will bo furnlshod by nppllcn- l53 mgn SLj piUln. Sa'a. Ot. lion to mo Hiiiuriiiiuiiuuiik. jh bids must bo In by Docembcr 27th, 190S, nnd the goods dollverod by successful bidders uy January idiu r iauy. uoous must uo in sinci no cordnnco with sample In original pnekages when possible. N. I. LOONEY, 12-lCto27-0S. Suporlntondcnt XOTICE OP INTENTION TO 1M PROVE IiinEHTV STIIEI7T Notice Is hereby given that tho Common Council of tho City of Sa 'cm. OreKon. deems It expedient to ) Improve and proiiose to Improve land proposes to Improvo Liberty sirret wun warren uromeru u lithlc Watorproof Pavement from tho north property line of Stato 8trw, to tho sfiuth property line of Court street In said city, except the pac between tho rails and one foot out-i sldo of tho rails of tho street railway Gold Dust Flm Moit ir hie srwrarwi- EH COMPAXT, BMMfi go. . Made for Mf Ask oar grocr for and sJiorts 17 M UtL P.B. WAIXACE, mPiTALDAKEBf .. ,.... .irt. Newtek l ",k : ;:cM :r,r ;'Ii n--i:i nViiTo.. t.k.i. Prons. Breaa, w .- , and Power Compnny whero the sum kinds of PastriM. vw extends along said portion of sail f0r our wagon. PW"" orders aemcs street: snd Imnrjvemont to be mad In accordance with the plans and specifications adopted by said Corn ell for said Improvement and now on file In the office of tho City Recorder of snU city. ' Remonstrance against said im provement mn- be flllod In tho man ner and within the time Umltod i I the charter of said city. Date e: the nrst puuncauou ui". notice, December 8, 1908. By order of Common Counell. W. A. MOORES. 12-8-lltd City Recorder !H.l Caiom Fpnce Wfl ,-'u, .. ttmrt Hcadqo"'" w " KencbS. ... PtrkjU. Prvultry .illfc;' o a ..ShnH Roofing. P , WKS,1S- C11AS. D. MULLK1S CnfsMMOf -TrcK w1: n tm - 250 Court St u UUTTERXW .. . th mors w It M """" ' u t3 ..read yet the prt-J ror aai- at jf Thnmll " ' NOTICE OF INTENTION TO I.M PROVE STATE STREET Notice l hereby given tltat the Common Council of the City of Sn lem, Oregon, deems It expedient to Jmprove and proposes to im prove Stato street with Warren, Drothors' Bltullthlc Waterproof Pav meat between tho west property 1 ne of Comn erclal street and the easi curb lino of Front street In said city. except the space between the rails and ono foot outside the rails of tne street railway tracks of the Portland Railway, Light aud Power Company. ...i .. tt. I...V. nf on iii romnar nucicYcr niw uv - ., - extend along or upon said poruou tilil citrnal. en Id ImnrOVCmOnt tO f.,U uv.ww., v. " -... .. .,,... made In accordance w'th tne i"; ,ine .j..n.in.nHnnn ntirni(n iiv bm mi i kiimii.i iiv - tm council for said improvement and huu dEeicW now on file in the office of the Cit Silk tf Recorder of said city. oraameu. Romonstrances against said im d(e9 Furnumns A provement may oe uieq i","'" 'V; I Waists. Kllnou, ,j .i ...i,ii Iia iim Hm ted In aisw r,..u.Viii the charter of said city. wear. w GowBj.e Date-of the fir publication of this shoe3, Mght uo notice December 8. 1908 .. g-gj i By order of Common Council NoW.AJI sc I-' 12-8-lltd ' City Records