I k w She axmal '" in SALEM, OKKGON THURSDAY, UtiCKMIlKIl 17, 100H. NO. 1148. NEZUELA DECLARES WAR ON HOLLAND GON ELECTRIC EARNED W IN FIRST SIX MONTHS LIMIT IPINOS FREEDOM IT SVSTfM A AIUJRE Press Loasod WIro.) Clotwoithy, Steft Corrs- i of tbo United Press.) I., Dec, 17. That tfio alter, which has markod i of th insular admluls- yard tho natlvo political er slnco tho clvjl govorn rstabllshcd in tho Philip- bo roplncod by a policy mint Immediately follow uigurntlon of Proaldont n tho contention of thoso . clo30 touch with Insular rotccquo falluro has ro- tho post efforts of tho lnucd on pago two,) MEASURE iCOUNTRY WAS AIMED ATJENEY IN SECRET SERVICE RESOLUTION (United Press Leased WIro.) Lou Angolcs, Cal., Dec. 17. "Thoro la a distinct belief hero that Frnncla J. Honey la paid from tho secret servlco furid-i of tho govern ment for his work In San Francisco," says Henry C. Cnrr, Washington cor respondent of Tho Times, In an ar ticle printed horo today. "Ah a Boquol of tho Aldrlch reso lution, Introduced lu tho sonnto, the secret sorvlco system will bo thor oughly Investigated, nnd various dark mystorles laid baro. Tho reso lution ha special reforenco to 'spa clal atttornoya' employed In tho 'In vestigation of poaslblo crimes.' (Continued on pago 4.) 15 READY fORWAR STATE DEPARTMENT IS ADVISED (United Preoa Loasod WIro.) Washington, D. C Dec. 17. Ven ezuela has declared war against Hol land, according to ndvlcca received at tho state dopartmont today from Socrotnry Paxton Hybben, secretary of tho Amorlcan legation at Bogota, Colombia. Tho message from Hybben eaya that tho Colomhla'i minister of for eign affairs has received tho follow ing itologrnm from Caracas, under dnto of Dccomhor 14: "In view of tho blockudo ostab United and tho capture by tho block ading vessels of Vonczuola vcnsoln, tho bond of tho government of Vcno zuola, nftor nssumlng extraordinary powors for tho dofonso of.tho coun try, hns declared war." CROWDS AT WILLAMETTE CEREMONY LAY EATON HALL CORNER STONE iiick Selling Prices All Our Christmas Goods will ho no inert-y shown to goods or prices until Xinas. Out they must go as (hero are going to islvo alterations In our Htoro nflcr A'nias mid we don't want to have tho goods In our way.. So is for PIUCE CUTTING. 1 15.-,!-. x -7f. M IB m DRES3 GOOD. rt7Ar.n, - . sj wimt. .-. .. v- 'vy. vwrtjji.r vv SCJ4- DRESS GOODS AND SILK Now selling tit Itargaln Prices, Tin lllggcst mid llest Values thus was ever offered In Haleiu. Keiueuiher when you buy your goods lit the ClUCACiO KTOKK ) on, gel the llcst mid New est (,'ooiU shown. Come and get our prices mid we for your selves.. We mean business. Dress Goods noil Silks, yard i!5r, H5c, IDe, (15c mid up. Tho corner ntono of thnr now Sclenco Wall, of Wlllamctto .Unlvor- sliy, donated by Hon. A. K. Eaton, of Union, Oregon, was laid with ap propriate coromonles yestorday nf tornoon, under tho auspices of tbo Independent Ordor of Odd Follow, Chwnokota Lodge, No. 1. It was one of tlio most significant of any stinllar observnncoa In tho history of tho Invitation, mm king tho opening of n now era for tho dovolopmont of u greater nnd more progrosBlvo Wtl lamctto, It was significant that tho now Institution of lenrning should uo dedicated under ho nusplcos or tho I. O. O. F lodgo, as thoy woro tho first fraternal organization formed west of tho Uocky Mountains, whllo tlio univenuiy wns mo nrsi to oo tabllBhod on Jho PiiSlHc coast, Tho members of tho lodgo nttonded In a i.mW. .iriuurwl In thnlr uniforms. R Is eHtlmatod tnnt noout luuu peoplo woro gathered .on tlio enmpus, and K.iper-struoturo of alio building to wltui'ft tho ceremonies, which woro begun by President Fletcher lloinun calling the nMoinhUge to ordor at 2 .in n'cluelc. Dr. II. L. Under, of Portland, dollvorod the Invocation, whli h was followed by iho formal presentation of tho building by Hon. REOPENING OF TURKISH PARLIAMENT FOR FIRST TIME IN 30 YEARS (United Pr Leased Wire.) Conataallnoplo, Dee 17 Tho Sul tan loft Ylldlk Kiosk at 11:30 o'clock this morning to open tho TMrklsh parliament, tho fli-rt, ono of Its kind In this country for tho last 30 year J. Abdul Harold was cheered by tho populaco whon his coach was drlvon through tho streets. School ohlldron lined tho routo singing patriotic hymnu and waving flags. Tho SuVtan was accompanied by Alldjovnd Iloy, tho drat nocrotry of tho chancellory. In honor of tho Sultan nil tho troopB voro drawn up for rovlow. Congratulatory moonagos poured Into Constantinople. Most of thorn woro nddreoBcd to tho Sultnu person ally, but ninny wore sent to tho par liament. Tho lCugllohv French nnd Russian intnlslora sunt official mes siigeii. Engluud'o lnwmnkora cont tho following cnblegium: "From tho oldest of pnrllntnoutB to tho youngoot." A Tho wholo city burned IWolfto tho plea-ant tank of celobrntlng the oc casion, tho establishment of a Turk- I h couRtltutloucl monarchy, livery body look n holiday, and tho strcotu woro gay with decorations jtnd until u ntftstlr crowds. RAILWAY PAID OUT BIGSUMS REPORT FILED WITH COMMISSION Tho annual roport of tho Oregon Hloctrlo railway company waa hand ed In lu tho Hiillroad Commission to day, Hhowlng expense accounts nnd earnings from tho first of, January to Juno 30th, 1908 on tholr linos bo twuou this city nnd Portland. Tho gross earnings of tho com pany for tho six monthr. was 105, 3 10.08; operating expenses, $48, 805.77; taxes, $3000 nnd not earn ings, (13,530.21. From urn not uarnliiKH account as above, tho Or egon Kloctrlc lino bcon doing an enormous business, anil tlteso earn ings woro mostly derived from pawion ger trade iilouo owing to tho fuct that during tho time which this ro port covers, thoro was no freight service outside of express transpor tation of tho Wolls-Fnrgo Kxprona Co. 1 tin Juno 30th thivroiwrt.pacM,LU ft numbur of employes ut 113, but 'the proBnnt "forco which Iho company enjployos.. aggregates a much larger , miuhtr,Ml)d freight uildlflmi nccoH-. sltntlng m. ire hands nnd tho 'faster pawongci service reiiulrlug further help. Tho actual cost of thu iionHtruo ttou of tho road liwtween huro and Portland Is glron nt $2,522,020. C. I Women's, Misses' and Children's Suits and Coats We r now offering the Greatest Vulues in the history of our store In Ladles,' Misses' nd Children' Suits nnd Coats. After Xmas Is over they will be only in our way mi out they must go. Don't milt until they arc all gone. Children's Coats from 91.05 up Ladles' CoatH from 551.75 tip Ladles' Sklrtw from 85.00 up Underskirts and Sweaters at the Mime low prices Bargains In the following goods:. l)olls Toys, Oanies, Kid ti loves, Hosiery, Underwear, Tallin Linens, Napkins, Fancy Linens, Umbrellas, Silk, and Linen Handkerchief, Woman's and Children's Shoos, Slippers, l4uvs, Itltibous, I'nncy Lace, Neckwear, Aprons, Men's (Jlmo1 ami Neckties. White lied Spreads, Ix-nther fJoods, Silk Hosiery, Silk Hose Supporters Silk Waists, Pine Fum, Dressing Saijuen, Kiiiionas, Men's mid llo)s' Clothing, Fancy Suspenders, Com forts mid lllaiikets. what 1Wi.i ii n Tin ffi i T' 4 it. VIAiM-"" i f " ft iKalS1" -''SFlR bm jawmtiiFiL irT'i a- kSm!7l5?j iBvTJm ' - tm -m L'M'lffl'l t'mjsass- lifJLllWdU I FC3SSTBBBBSWhBMMBMMjMBfcfcjjj, fc i I !HiBHB3wTBY-NrnBPF7J9 wmKmmmmmfmmmmmimieE&ymmmKrmmmmicKmwwnrwir'imk m " i -t . a. a. -? k mfy.i Blur ijFiiHwi v i j " r VM.w?r xvrHsmi -Lmf MSMKSmWWm Mmk&mJsmUnk wj'rLjumrrriim w-rwiKwmanrraB!r&mmmm "W. - 1 - EwSMSi WmkJ ?" . r HATOX HALL. It will pay ou well lo liMik. throiigli ouit (;ooi)s mid get Ol'H PIUCI-S. Mr Katon. In a fow kindly and appro priate words Hon. Judge George II. Uiirnott then dudlcatod tho building under tho 'Itual of tho Odd Fellows. The pa pers deposited In tho stona woro read and he box Bonled, aftor which Judge Burnett declared the formal co re in on I os coinpletod Tho exarclson were closed with a prayor by Ilv. Davis Errett A progntm then followed la the r-hnpel of tho Unlvorslty. In tho nb s nre of Hon. M- I). Itankin, chair man of tho board of trustees of 4ha University. Prof. Unman Intrmluood the spakers. Thw principal addrM es were made by Hon. A K. Katon and Hon C H Moore'. Mr Eaton poke of tho great plas urc It gave h'ni to give IJutos Hall to WillaineMo Unlvorslty. not Im causf of the applai'ee which h r eif-d from his fellowmen. "but that no ant'clpations and aspirations ar iIimi Mbeu tho building Is comiileUii tirl ldlratd Unt Wll!aH(tt Uni .r .,), and oaeap'ed for the proi' Hon tiwi development of a hlghsr rjiiUtlan education, that tfiore will 1 1 tto rut from Its ronnu and from bi I ; naath its roof many noble young ' inon and women not ou'y of iht prs ert generation, but of georA'lp'ii yot unborn, who will bo thoroughly pr-iHr d aud i ui. ed to giappU vt'th the great pioblems of life fcr tho uplifting of humanity every where, nnd to thu l-onor nnd glory of God, wh eh chould l the olileit and purpose of overy lovor of hu manity." He spok of tho preat strhUs tho ronntry -- mado slnro the lglug of the Doclarntlon of IniUpenden'- 13$ vsri ago. nnd on the opportuni ties that are now c'nn for rloh and poor llk to obtain ei tductitln'i. grl on th oat M)4ilM!ltloH that are availing thorn His add row wiu gr 'ted w Ui prilongd apidausa. and l a. " 'ioiit doubt, the mo t bo lovml person prasont. Hon. W. H. Oil'll's namo did not nppenr on the program, but his pres ence wa' totd by Prof Unman, who li -oil need him as on of the flr.' hawefaetODtf of the Uplvrslty. Mr 0'Dll mad a- slmrt impromptu sihmcIi, which wbi enthliHlasttUy roolvd. Th fddr by Hon C U Moor InVtiwii 'I'lin MalhndlM ohnlr rn- lr'"i w HMtlmth, under the d . reron of Prof. Mentlonhall, of Ui'! Piilnir nt Xfnalf nishnn Ptiarlen W. flm'th delivered a very Interotj Ing and able Ml" i The exer.l tj closed with tho lie.it diction by llov. W. II Bollvok. In tho evening the membtra of tho I. O. O. F. eudored Mr. Kutoj) recoptlou and banquet at tholr hall. AGREE ON DEMAND FOR INFORMATION Senate Committee Completes Report Calling On President To Submit Secret Service Information. (United Proso Loasod Wire.) Washington. I). C, Dee. 17. Th select committee of thu house, up pointed to outline action in Conner Con with the president's Insult to oongrww. today ngrwd upon a re port calling upon tho president to submit to congress tho Information on which ho basod tho Insinuation that members of the house wero nfrald of being Investigated by tho secret nervlco. In this way It Is ex pected that tjte wholo matter may bo i.irini mi it fit tmllavud iho nresldeni has Information on hand ready to submit. . . :." hd