DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBOON, WEDNESDAY, nECEMJlEIt 10, 100S vKTMmmmmmmnannmammmKm smmmmmmmmmwmmmmHmmBmmmm 11 1 rnnri im 1 H niamnj I8ll)njlf jnjtH4-9-r-ri-Fe lI-tffil !! If saving money on your Xmas purchases counts with you, this is fche place to save it Our store is full of Xmas Goods and our prices the most reasonabJe s Swell Xma Suspenders Packed one pair In a fancy box Our prlcei a.ric, fiOc and 75c. Fancy Suspender Sets Consisting of ono pair of fancy sur ponders, ono pnlr of mon's gnrtorA, and one pair of sloevoholdors; all packed In a fancy box. Regular Jl 25 value; our price, only 75c. ' Toilet Sets Wo have them In all styles and qual ities, ranging In prlco from $1.00 to $3.75. Reduced Prices on Furs Wo havo marked our ontlro stock of furs at a liberal reduction, as we want to soil ovory fur In tho storo beforo Christmas. Now is your titno to mako your selection. Prices ranging from $1.00 to $6.00 Dolls Our stock of dolls la very Inrgt ami range- Trom dtotsd or undrasHd dolls at Be up to the best. Toys and Games Your money has double buying pow er bore when It conies to buying toys or games becauso prices aro 25 po. cent to 50 per cent less than rogulnr toy Btoros. Our 5c gnmos cost yoj 10c elsewhere Our 10c gome cost you 15c to 23c elsewhere Our 15c games cost you 25c to 35c olaowhoro. Investigate and soo for yoursolf. Fine Ostrich Plumes Hero you will And the largost ns'sort mont In Salem and tho prices most reasonable, ranging from 50o to $15. Silk Petticoats Our regular $5.00 good Bilk taffeta silk petticoats, while they last onlv $3.50. ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 240-246 Commercial Street, Salem BANKER'S NAME TO $300,000 NOTES ked Press Leased Wire.) ra- I co, Dec, 1G. James A la Montana mllllounlro, Is In oday, trying to And oat I7 V mca who aro bolIovwJ 1'ftvo forged his name, on- srr- ,-ory notos nccronntlnir Salt Lake City, and lntertited heav ily In financial projecu In Montana lie fears that the paper, which he I now repudiating, may be scatterod widely so that Innocent pnrtle may now be holding them to their own loss and hi embarrassment. o SALEM Marked for Death "Throe years ago I was mnrku.l . ..co.-o - i ior uenin. a grave-yam cuukii wuj Vr expects to unoarth i toarlng my lungs to pieces. Doctors .. ... -M.l Ul .nA .l l.nn-. t..wt Da.1 Inf nuitlon to maxo an ugly cm !ir Is confldont thnt tho pit ilo could not havo boon v I'hout the aid or co.i- Df line bunk or broker. failed to heln mo. and bono had fled. whon ray husband got Dr. Klng Now Discovery " cays Mrs. A C. Wil liams, of Bac Ky. Tho first doso holped me i.ua improvement Kepi on untP I had Rained 58 pounds In . ... . ' nAliht nnil mv hnnlth Kin fully TJ- . l .even iiim tno oi, - ThU medicine holds the PI .rd several montliB ngj. world's heal'ng record for coughs anJ coias ana lung aim inruui uiswnn. It nrevenU nnaumonla. Sold under guarantee at J, C. Porry'B drug storo 50c and $1.00. Trial Douie iree. o h v hen he was 111, and not t live He says that ho a place whoro promissory fro o have been kept seorec pr Mi - death of a well-known f, '-.hen, with nobody to dls- auMicntlcltv of tlio slgna- f "dorsements. they wou'd fn rushed rlthout dlfllaulty. ns'nnc, tho capitalist heard ft npted swlnd'o, and made rh h evidently brought the 1 JjsMce 3 presldont of ho Amorl- t"oT Dank and Tiust Com- SciMln virn.nroalrinnt nt tho Bank of the Ronubllc, ot t Continued From Page 1.) GOT TROUSSEAU BUT DID NOT PAY FOR IT (United Press Leased Wlro.) Sa.i Francisco. Dee. 1C At tno Instance of Madame Camilla Glm pel. modiste of the Rue St Anna. Doulovard Des aliens. Purl, attor neys In this city today aro preparing an aetlon to recover $194 from II. Jaffray Dustan, a mining man of this city. The sum Is aald to be due on a promissory note given by tho min ing wan for a debt Incurred by his daughter for a wedding trosseau when she married Lieutenant Pease. HER DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER O Tuson, of Uvennore, Cal., 'I nl.l.nJ m j i- i'h. nun up irom my uuur- wne "w '" ...-..- d y a llttlo book In which I v. s. A., shortly before the great ij very mucn interested. f)r Lieutenant Pease an nu w" I R I of are years of age had , " , th- Mhllllimla.,. a ior a long tlrao with , . ,uwu wklck exlnda from P ' to extreme nervousness, o PklliDolae.. brain ''rue she was all run- "" . ., ' ,-u k.., , av.rVn,u 'shortly after the wedding bell nnd 't' a book was very coropre- eeaaed ringing. Unnlnnant Penne 'fa, and told of the new nd his bride had depart tor in 'eX'-actinK the medicinal el a- ' iij- wW ilaw. Olmiwl who ftt It!"' 1 -vl llvor frnnl tho nil . ... v... In tkia lilv. Ur- r -oxlous oil which Is , . . ... TlM, irtbttak :.'u?ren.t..t,5e- ' ...in., murine wmI D- " " s, saim. -for tny mue " 7-7 1 ...kl. m i th i I Immediately went for . uh (oA hla-elf uJ u. mm ij U ' -n 1. u-.. ; .. . ik. irruiu He also found B a has gamed rapidly In that a army olieer's ls l B' "UP h urii cha ilnn inl i. u-ttkaLand attack. six- s -ug b. and she does not Urg enough 10 wlthauml atuck Dustan therefore gae around to their comrade In order to hare the spoils, If any. The chief haa arranged a system by which tho city cannot lie entered do easily. Ollloern, both ulght aad day. are In the vicinity of the iws Hungur depot of tho S. P. at the ar rival of traliiB. Ilolmett who aie tie- Hlrous of stopping off In the city after being ordurod to again ioard the train thoy got off of, aro brought down to tho city Jufl and given atrtci Instructions by either he clue! or Judge Moore thnt to reinalr In rfa luin moans 10 remain In jail, and notwithstanding (he city Iook-u,i lin ing compuratlvoly oomfortablo, tlu will not remain to mince word with tho officials. Theso men are glvon so long a tlmo In whloh to make thomsolvea scarce, nnd If thoy fall to do so, an IndotlnHtt senlonce is iniMeed upon them by the Judgo whon brought beforo him. The polloo have made a rlwin swoop of the suburb hobo oampi, al so, Heretofore it wat a oommon oc currence to puss along In the unset tled districts, and oftentimes wlihl.i 1 few yards of residences, and see from eight to ten hobooa setting around a flro onjoyiag tbemse'ves or roast potatoes, ohlfMon and other delicacies at the oxpnpo of the pub lic After tho chief had roundet up s few of this class rnd ave them 1 fttw days In jail, aftorwanl ordering them to leave the olty, no more camiis ean be seen. 1 he tramp are bol slow la passing the word regard -In, the actions of Uu siikors. .'id the transient hobo e'aee throuab here Just keen on going nun o I'or lCeenm, Totutr and Sa HIkhiiu The Intonso (tolling eharaeterlstti of thane ailments la almost Instantly allayed by Chamberlain's lalve Many severe eases have been eured ay It For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug store. wremeljr grateful for the . lltf UtV ,he aiaounr but th "-ne bar, add I hope other "' , .,. Gtmpl declare p nave weak, delicate or ""u"y" .'"., nMh rincl 'r-n jii be bene? ed by icy that mey ni" -"- - - ; t?4 JU cive Vlnol a trial.- pal nor interest and threaten to ent , . rwxiiH CO. er th0 cjurta to couwi i -.- The Correct Time U steii a cough or cold Is Just as soon as ft start-- thon there wtll be no danger of pneumonia or consump tion J ;t a few dmsas of .Ballard' Horebound Syrup taken at the start wl I ttop the rough If It has been running on for go mo time the treat ment will be longer, but the cure it ure Sold b all dealers. KEPT PAINTING THOUGH STARVING Artist's Daughter Dies from Lack of Food, Though She Has $1000 Picture by Her Fathe . (United Proas Leased Wire.) San Francioco, Dnc 16. A snmli laliiia fioni the brw-h of A. C KodtHmiez. dplotlng a scene at Adams' Point, on Lake Mrrltt, on tltlCHl The Panning Storm.'" today U given addMl value by the -tory of tinged revealed by the death of the artists daughter, Carlotta Hodrlguei Vhn the girl wr.s very younj IlodrlHuet wve her the (minting. Iij Mm;nlon p'ere, now In the handj of Colonel Isaac Trumbo, la vnlu d at $1000. During adversity nnd suf fering, tho girl rofusod to part will her father's gift, and whon reducol to nctu.il want eluug more tennclouR ly xo the heirloom. It was fouim with her when she died of starva tion sornl days ago, and nt hor lal roque-1 will I o sold In Pnrls to pro vide for Iho enro of her ngod grpnd mot'u'r, Maria Rodriguez. Rodriguez, tho artist, wns woll known In Sn Francisco n decade or more bro. He achlovod fnmo with tho bru-'i, when ho was stricken with cotiBumptlou nnd died, leaving Cn lotta, a mothorloss girl, to faco tho world Ho had loft many pnlntlngs, and from time to tlmo theso woro sold to obtain tho uccoraltteo of l'fo. Tho rlrl rofusod to sell tho only momento of hor fnthor thnt alio pos sessed., and hor dostltuto condition wns not discovered until It was too late for friends to nld hor. MARSHAL (Continued from pngo 1.) tordny had put Wood on tho nlort. Just beforo dawn ho saw a man nkulk Ing about tho ontrnnco of tho First National Farmers' Dank. Wood np proached tho man and asked r "What's your busluosit hero?" InRtantly four others emerged from shadown about tho bank nnd "covered" tho mnrshnl with tholr re volvers 1 "Throw up your hands!" com manded the 111 nn Wood had nd droiiflod Tlio mnrahnl had his hand on hU revolver, nnd, as 'io raised his linnrin, as If to obey, ho flrod at tho mnn In fmnt of him Tho robber foil dend In I1I.1 tracks Tho next Instnnt thorn wna n volley from the robbers, and Wood foil Tho mon brutally kicked his body, disfiguring him. nnd lenvlni; him tramplod In tho dual The (IrltiL arounsd the town, and I he robbers bad sot reel y made their way to thilr horsc before the flrtt members of tho posne were starting In pursuit B0NI 1 What to Buy for Xmas I i ? Late Books of Fiction $1.35 g Repiint Editions 50c Fancy Bound Editons, Poems in Various Bindings, Purses, Handbags and Music Rolls, Tiaveling Sets, Military brushes and numerous other Leather goods, Waterman Ideal Fountain J Pens with Gold and Silver 1 Mountings, Gold Pons with Fancy Pearl Holders In Plush Boxes, Calondars, etc, finest crea tions in Art, All Prices, BIBLES We have a largo line to select from, and these mako an elogant present. JUVENILE BOOKS, Albums, J Post Card Albums ,etc, Seo our lines, p-r y-v ft 4 Tt 4t r i it $ I hA i nrnifiiArrifll Kunir fnrA;; J. IflV VUUllllWl Wills JLFVfVli. wivviy;; 163 Commercial Street Bmr)-i-frH-H-rff 4if f IIIIW18IIII1 '' a POUNDS .... eMeub i III SELF "''!, p RISING :):f W PAN- ,i5' U CAKE M FLOUR ICQ compouncT ""tl"D -I Trade Mnrk. oston rown Flour read I Fit BE. Send us ton of our nds, clipped from his papor, nnd wo will send you ono full slco packngo ab solutely FIIKE. AMiKN'H II. It. II. FliOUH CO., Inc. Hun Jose, California. iim)iiiiiiiM)ie)faiiniHf f iimi (Contlnuod from pago 1.) from their mother and her new hus band, the Prince de Hnguu, buonusu be bollevos they hold that "money Is everything and that honor Is noth ing." Ilont's new nttltudo wus nxplalnod by lflH couiiKul who rond a (otter from him nt tho resumption of the hearing of tho suit for oustody of the children. Today's renunciation makes It Im posslblo for lion! to ask for money from Anna In tho future. Tho tot ter was wrltton on Deoambur 12 and In It Honl declares that after reading tho arguments of tho op posing counsels, ho beoame Indlg-1 nnnt nt Prlnoo do Sagnn's notion In ' riroaohlng him for "seoklug dam , ages only and not caring for the ) oblldrou." A LARGE STOCK DF WAHJI SLIPPKHS FOIt IiADIKS AND CIMIiDHKVs .lUHYTHK J rilINd FOIt A CIIUISTMAH PltCSK.NTi ALSO A DUOKKN liOT I)F IiADIKS HirOKS AT LOW PltlOKS. !! JACOB V0GT, 345 Slate Street 1-4-HIf-MH-HI4'ff H-rt-KKH-eH t I 44 1 f iH4 J Wire Fencing Builders, Hardware Paint and Oil $ SALEM HARDWARE CO. ii 1120 Commercial St. Phone 172 ;; 1 1 if ! !! !! Iif lHHl tf lill HANTA OfiAUH. will bo dollghtod when ho discovers tho array of choice und beautiful holiday gfta that wo aro displaying. ChrlatmuH will bo n red letter day to tho man or Moman fortunate enough to receive ouo of the Kdlson or Vic tor machines that wo havo solected for our holiday stock. h. V. HAVAGK 247 Commercial St. Salem. Oi. Mwllclno That Is MMIrlno. I have suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I havo now found a remedy that koeps mo well, and that remedy U Kloctrlc nittera; a medlclno that Is medlolno for stomach and liver troublos, and for run down condi tions," says W. O. Klestlor, of HallJ day. Ark. Kloctrlc Dlttors purify ana enrich tho blood, torn- up the norvoi, and Impart vigor and energy to ths weak. Yo ir money will be refunded if It falls to help you. 50c at J. (' Perr"s drug store J$Z3 mM AN ARISTOCRATIC DUtliigtilklied, vlcguiit upiwurnuco Is attainable only by having jMirfcctly luundcrrd linen. Vour linen If laun dered hero will bo returned to jrou In n perfect condition, for we Iiavu the equipment, really Kklllcd lalxir anil ue only tin lHMt of starch unci mhii. A trial solicited. Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M. i:t(.l(i(l H. Lllwrtty Kt EXCURSION FARES ACCOUNT CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS Fir the above oeeaslon round trip tickets will be sold to all points In 'Oregon, on the O It. N. or 8. P i iiinmny ONB AND ONB-THIItl) KATlK Halo dates December 18, 19 23. 24 and 26 Limit, contln u iil pusHage In both directions final return limit, January 4 1909 WM McMUItUAY. I 12 15-10t General Pass, Agent, f i-frfiMA rfnOfftfT VtCADV TAILORED CLOTHE S FOR WELL DRESSED MEN, PRICE RANGE 20 TO 40