I 3AILY CAPIT 1L JQURNAIa, 8ALHM, ORBQON. TUESDAY, DKOKMUElt 10, 1008, iANTACLAUS APPRECIATES THE IT SYSTEM. Jbp''tt(BMp 1 .UN i .. M - "tSUJE. J6F TV - . JRV!V':v7- 't,aWli. OH ttl FA TO W W fi." i1Tf.-m :&3rftd9 W- VJ s A ""'' ilk &&aSI ?! K -?? ; T A Vf Vf Wt7 Av crV wr AMrWar i?hu7S!iHvv.?;ij:(pv::vv W V V . - r vw v w v u arMES!!aM''c c.x v TScwiKr . jw-kt xq.v agT" .KUrf.BU-mrO JL H & SkBOIII fejBS22fS;J 1 l2X-STi3J- "" MiMr ii icns5 CASK There is scarcely a home but what will feel the effects, of the annual overflow of books which usually happens about the 25th day of Decem ber, Books, are sold and distributed in this city during the holidays by the thousands, Many of them are rare and expensive publications, with delicate bindings, nearly all of them are worth preserving, if not for their intrinsic merit at least for the sake of association so we seldom throw books away; we cherish them as friends, For that reason we like to see them well housed, If they are left exposed on the table more than a day or so, they soon show evidence of soil, If they are worth protect ing at all, let them have the best protection possible such as is afford ed by The Globe-Wemicke "Elastic" BookCase, We can supply any fin ish to match your woodwork and your purse, I I IT I Mil IT1I I If" 1 I I II' II. ?K8B3-KEFqs i ; ; i ir ' ITf l :: . .; '. . ." SSMSr- -1 iMflSVt--. SVftS r" Wl IH21BS wi) ijaHyMMti.t SSBBS it'iM'' TrlTrmlrffM-J il rSSr" ma m 1 1 . Hi wl- (Pffl ..! STATE FAIR BOARD IN ANNUAL MEETING Hears Reports and Elects Officers For the Ensuing YearA Number of Improvements Will Be Made Blackburn nnd Patterson, who sold boor In Albany, havo boon fined ?G0 and costs, each. Tho Stnto Irrigation congress Is mooting today In Unkor City. The stato fair board moots at 1 p n. Tho annual reports of olllcors, such ns clork and treasurer, will be made, and olllcors for 1909 and ar rniiRenientH for tho annual fair will bo niadt A commltteo of tho Doarl of Trndo presented tho matter of n sower through Highland addition, nnd tho construction of a boulovard from tho state house. Thtwo Present. President W. P. Matlock, of Pen dleton; Prank Ixe and M. D. Wis dom, of Portland; Mark llurlburt, of Albnny, and W. II. Downing, of Ma rlon. Secrotnry Wolch, who Iibb boon holding n position nt the Alaska ox position, has two contostnnts for tho olllco, Earl Ilaco nnd John Ohnso. His salary on tho Oregon board U $100 a month, or ?1200 n year. o o o o o vooQiroUir7y J5oo o o oo o o 0 SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS. o O Mine. Schoff, tho famous prima donnn, hna surprised tho thoatrlc- O O al world by announcing hor wedding to John Pox, Jr. o O According to a description of the- curroncy notes going to nmko up O O tho $2400 received In n nowspnpor by tho wrong man at Ogdon, O O Utah, It is part of tho money stoluti from tho Bast Sldo bank In Port O O land. O O Govornor-olect Cosgrovo, of Washington, has Improved BUITtolontlyO O for plans to bo mndo to bring him north, temporarily, to bo Intuigu- O O rnted. O O President Caatro, of Venezuela, was glvon a remarkable ovation O O In Uorlln yesterday. O O Admiral Evans has ruohed to tho side of tho navy dopartmont, by O O stating thnt our navy Is equal to any In tho world, and that our O O latest shl3 aro bettor than tho English Drcadnnughta. O OOOOOOOOOOO 00 ooooooooooo 'SFJ T-- r 7 fi''SdlSr'a ilKc JbiSI : j2 ImH ' I ! a m ML5UH-UV jJTA i:fcij ir MALEABLE RANGE demonstration every day this week You will be served with three-minute biscuits and de licious hot coffee, and-presented with a cook book and a useful souvenir , WITH EACH RANGE purchased (luring this exhibit we will present a 48- handsomely decorated, somi-por-celain dinner set !po oo MONEY IN MAIL BANDITS' LOOT (Unttod Pross Lcnscd Wire.) Portland, Or., Doc. in. Tho po llco aro working on tho theory thnt tho $2,400 which arrived In a nows pnpor nt tho postoDlco nt Ogdon, Utah, Inst Saturday, and foil Into th hands of tho wrong man Is part of the $ir,000 itolen from tho Kant Side Hank, Portland, by threo bandits n few dayB ago. The currency In the nowspnpor was nddressed to Chnrles Price, imt when Charles Prlco, a plnstoror, called at the poRtofllee tho pnpor was hnnded to him Upon reaching homo ho found two $ri00 bills, 14 $100 bllln nnd ten $1 bills. Ho Immediately re turned the money to tho postal au thorities, as ho felt suro tho money was Intended for nnother ChnrloH Price Later In tho day nnother man arrived, giving tho nnmo or unnrion lrli.(. nil I oil fnr innll. lint boforo tllO clerk'rould return to tho window ho had slipped from tho building. this In Worth 1 tending. Leo P. Kolinsky, of 08 OlbBon stroot. nuffnlo, N. Y., sayB: "I ourod the most annoying cold Bore I ovor had, with Uncklon'B Arnica 8nlvo. I nppllod this Balvo onco a dny for two days, when ovory traco of tho sore va gono." Heals all Boron. Hold undor gunrnntoo at J. 0. Perry's drug Btoro, 2Gr. J. W. Scrlbor, ox-cashlor of tho do funct La Qrnndo bank, In npponrlng boforo tho creditors of tho Institu tion nnd giving them all tho volun tary Information possible. Mrs, McIUnoj's Kxperioncc. Mrn M. Mcltanoy, Prentiss, Mlsn., writes: "I was confined to my boi for threo months with kldnoy nnd blnddor troublo, and was troated by two physicians, but failed to got re llof. No human tonguo can toll how I sufforod, anc I had given up hope of ovor getting woll until I began Inking Foley's Kidney Itomody. Attar tnklng two bottles I felt like a nov porn on, nnd fool It my duty to toll Hufferlug women whnt Foloy'H Kldnoy Homody did for mo." J. 0. Perry. It Is n Wonder. Chamborlnln's Llnltnont Is ono of tho most romarknblo preparations yet produced for tho relief of rhou mntlo pains, nnd for lamo bnck, Bpralns nnd bruises. Tho quick re lief from pnln which It nffords In enso of rhoumatism Is nlono worth many tlmos Its cost. Prlco 25 cents; lnrge 8lzo GO cents. For sain nt Dr. Stono'a drug Btoro. IIAILUOAD TIME TAltLU Timo Oml No. 51, Botithern Paclfto Co., Effective Sunday, Aug. 18, 1008. Tonnrtl Portlnml, Pnssengci. No. 10. 5:18 n. m. Oregon Bx proas. No. ,18 8:40 a. ra. Cottngo Qrov passengor. No. 12. 2:45 p. m. Roseburg pas- songor. No. 14 9:13 p. m., Portland et- pross. Townnl Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p.m. Portland fast frolght. No. 220. 10 1 4 0-11: 28 n. m. WRy frolght. Toward San Francisco, PnMenger No. 11. 11:03 a. m. Itosobiurg passenger. No. 17. 0:4G p. m. Cottage Qrov passongor. No. 15 9:50 p. m. California ex press. . v No. 13 3:31 a. m. San FraBel co express. Toward Ban Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:48 a. m. Portland fart freight. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way freight IA GOLDMAN IS AGAIN IN JAIL l i ! am. Wash., Doc. 15. a ui ininn, ' Qiiton of tue ah pt a'thongh ngaln flndliig Wf m the heuds or tho police, to- n irn fUp Is happy In tn Eh Hint even time she Is taken C4 'rl bj the -police It U a rorj for anarchy. R Itman. selfstylod "king of Irani -j was arrested with her ni-h when an attempt wa ' ' hold an anarchist meetlnv 'to Btonned on authority of InPri States govornment, an ' Police Cade holds that an i ' treason Miss Goldman " ul'l make n flcht thl time. u ,Y had uecldod to overlook W i of the Seattle police In a' E rrr Sunday night. lAT'S THE USE iim-ntliiK with uiikiiouii ineill in cases of Poor Annvtite. Iburn, Indigestion, DysiieiHiu. Ft'Uiss, IlilliiiuiicsH, Insomnia. UN, Colds mul Grlppc when is an absolutely sure remedy. at is HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Iwttle and seo for vonrself :p!so r d uggist for a free copy of F"w Almaiinc You'll find It ''"'ri'llvn nnl nnturtnlnlnL' ve'l worth keenlnc for future nre WARNS STUDENT NOT TO EXPRESS OPINION (bjj.W peii'iKi wojj poiitni nellmgham. Wash., Dc. 15 TJ:e "gag rule" Is today in force at the Uelllnghnin State Normal school be- cause the students have eeu fit u expros their dlsaatisracuon wun con ditions at the big Institution so plain ly that reports of their conversion have found their way Into the col umns of newspapers. Professor Frank . Kpley. vlco prlnolpal, yesterday commanded the studonts not to give out any more now to the papers, doclarlag that If they did the dlsploasure of tho fac ulty would be Incurred This com mand has only Inoreasod the bitter feeling that has existed among the girls of the school. For some time theee young women have been threat ening to strike in a body. If some of the rulo they say are too strict are not changed SALEM HEIGHTHS SCHOOL IS GROWING RAPIDLY The Salem high school now hae an attendance of about 60 pupl s new nrain ha ieen purchased for t e "chool f The res-dent of that section are going to have a large Christmas ?re at the 'fbool bouw the Wednes day before ChrletntM ! the younK peonle will preaent a drama on that Bl,Mri Woorts U b.iMdlog an add t'oa to the Salem HelgWi store an-1 Mr Mr'i-v punbasfd the o'd I E Maitin piare E O Lantz conteinplatfs build ing a i hotogruph gallery on the Lib m road this coming April Catarrh Cannot ho Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns they cannot ronoh tho seat of the dis ease Catarrh la n blood or ooustl tutlomil disease , and In ordor to oure It you must take internal remedlea. Hull b CaUiih Curo Is tnkon internal ly, mid acts directly on tho blond and mucous surfuces. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack modiolno It was proscribed by ono of tho beat physio lans In this country for years and Is a rogular proscription It Is com posed of tho best tonloH known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, aotlng directly on the muoous sur faces. Tho perfect combination of the two ingredlenta Is what produces such wonderful result in curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props.. To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, pr.ee 7Sc. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. o Curd of Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. George Zwlckor arid family wish to ox press their heart felt thankB to their many frieads for their assistance and sympathy during their ro,cont beroaverneut b the doatn of Mr. Zwlcker'a daughter. Mrs It K Townzen. Ilryun Htntea ho will mako no nt tempt nt dictating In tho Nebraska loglslnture, but will Insist upon all party pledge being kopt. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I havo usod Chnmborlnln'B Stom ach and Llvor TablotH for boiiio time, nnd can tostlfy tlmt thoy havo dono ubo moro good than nny tnblota I havo over usod. My tronblo was a heavy dull feeling nnor oniing. - David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. TheBo tablets Btrongthon tho atom ach and Improves tho digestion. Tho also roguh to tho liver and bowels. Thoy aro fat superior to pills but cost no moro. Got a free munplo nt Dr. Stono'a drug Btoro nnd boo whnt a splondld modlclno It Is. ' A Japanese was Instantly killed nt Hood Itlvor yesterday when ho went to Investigate a dolnyod blnst which exploded when he roachod the spot. o Good Cough M-dlrliia for Children. Tho season for coughs and colds u now nt hand nnd too much enre can not be used to protect tho chlldron. A child Is inuoh more likely to con tract dlpthorla or scarlet fever whon he hna a cold The qulckor you curo hln cold the h the risk. Chambor laln's Cough Itomody Is tho solo roll- a nee or many moiuors, nnu mw those who have ever tried It nro will ing to use any othor. Mrs. F. P. Stareher, of Itlploy. W. Va., saya: "I have nover used anything othir than Chamberlain's Cough Hemody for my cl-'ldron nnd It hns alwas glvon good satlnfaotlon." This rem edy contains no opium or othor nar .nti ami mnv iio iflvnii ok confident ly to a chlld-as to an adult. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug storo. Dud lay it. Clnrko has heon chnsnu captain or tho U. of O. football team for moo. Tho Correct Timo to fltop n cough or cold Is just nn soon ns It starts then thoro will bo no dnngor of pneumonia or consump tion. Just a few doBoa of Ilnllard's Horohound Syrup tnkon at tho Btart will Btop tho cough, it it nas noon running on for rximu timo tno iroai mont will bo longor, but tho curo Is suro. Sold bv nil denlors. GRAND OPERA HOUSE .lOIIN l- COHDIIAY, Mgr. TUESDAY, DEC. IS GLEE and MANDOLIN CLUBS of tho University of Oregon A concert full of IiIih, songs thnt pleuflu, mandolin muslo that Is music nnd stunts thnt nro mirth provoking, PUICKS: $1, 75c, GOc, 25o. Sent snlo at box olllco Tuesday SI n in. OREGON KLlSOTIilO RAIMVAY Timo Cnrd Kffcctlvo Nov. 10, 1004. Fer: Leaves Portlnnd nnd Intermodlnto, ' Locnl 0:40 a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro nnd In- tormodlnto, Locnl 8:55 a.m. Portland nnd Intermodlnto, Local 11:16 n.m. Portlnnd nnd lntormodlnto, Locnl 1:40 p.m. Portland-Tunlatln nnd Hilts boro, Limited 3:05 p.m. PortlnMl-Hlllsboro nnd ln tormodlnto, Locnl 4:00 p.m. Portlnnd and lntormodlnto, Locnl 0:20 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, Local R:40 p.m. Prem: Arrive Portlnnd nnd lntormodlnto, Locnl 8:25 n.m. Portlnud-IIIIIsboro nnd ln tormodlnto, I-ocal ....10:00 n.m. Portland, Hlllsboro nnd Tualatin, Limited ....10:50 a.m. Portland nnd intormudlnto, Locnl 1:00 p.m. Portlnud-IIIIIsboro nnd in- tormodluto, Locnl 400 p.m. Portlnnd nnd Intermediate, Local .-. 5:45 p.m. Portlnnd nnd lntormodlnto, Looul S'lii p.m. Portlnnd nnd lntormodlnto, Local 10' 40 p.m. Judsou A Meek, t native of Cal ifornia, but who baa oonduoted a furm far away from all. near As toria, vkus found dead In his cabin yostorday. He has lived In Oiegon 30 years. O Buntl TOIIIJL. ,1U m Ym Kjm UnjttH C&Afifmtki llewaro of Freqiwnt Colds. A succosalon of col ' or a pro tracted coH Is almost certain to end In chronic catarrh, from which few every cold tho attention it deaorfea and yon may avoid this dlsagreeablo disease. How can you curo a cold 7 Why not .ry Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy? It t highly recornmenJed Mra. M White, of Butler, T nn., sayc; "Several yoara ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs Some one told me of Chamberlalu'D Cough Rem cdy. I begrn using It and t rollevjl mo at once. Now my throat anl luugs ' o -! -id " " Ft-r --ale at Dr. Stone's drug store ntk B i'" " Bungalow Theatre Euiplri 'I'licnter Co., (Inn.) lmKfit, GEO. L. IIAKEIt, GrniTiil .MitmiKor, I'orllnud, Oregon, lUlh and Morri SOU htll-CtH. Portlaud'H FuHhlouablo Popular Prh'u PIh house, Home of the In coiupnrnble linker Stock eompany. HhooikI and hist week of the great IIuIhsco hiiguoim! ubout wliluli over' one In talking. The Rose of the Kancho CommenelnK Sunday Matinee De cember 13, 1008. With full strength of company nnd gruatly augmented cast, all the gorgeous Newuery, ioh tumes nnd effects. If you saw It last uouk you will 1 1 k t nveii bettor the second time. It's a beautiful picture and It grows on you Evening I'rlicHi :, an, nOc-j .Mat inee Hntunhty, I Ac, UAc. Next week Hoy'ta "A Midnight Hull." Now is the Time lo visit f lftii ! wi J EARLY POTATOES WANTED We are in (ho market for ull ; varlctlcH of curly wed potu- T ! ! tiwa. !! Will pay good prici'M for Im- . . incdlute del I wry. Ilrlug In . . uhut you huve to mill now. D. L White & Sons f iW5 Coiiiiuerclul HI. Phone HIO Kulciii, Oregon. '-? c&o&zc?-.- California Whan summer ha pnatod In these north ern stntos, tho suu U only mild undor the bright bluo skies of Southern California. This Is ono of naturo'r h a p p y provisions eternal summer for thnso who onnnot on dure a more sovoro oilmnto. Caltfernln haa boon cnllwl the "Mocoa of tho winter tourist" Its hotels and stop ping plucos are us varied aa thoso of all woll regulated oltlos Visitors can always find suitable accom modations, congenial companions and var ied, plcailng recrea tions. SOUTHERN PACIPIC CO. Will bo glad to supply sumo very attractive literature, describing in detail the many delights of winter In California. Tho rate from Salem co Los Angeles and return is $55. Limit six month, allowing stopovers In e'thor direc tion. Similar excursion rates aro In effect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping cor reservations nnd tickets, call on, tolograph or wrlto agents, Salem, or WM, .M'MUllll.W, Gen. Paas. Agt, Portlnnd, Oregon,