BAITjY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, ORJMOIT, MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1008. 6 f .1 ! I Coffee I M Quality clean perfect I I Your grocer will grind It I bettor if ground at homo nob m H too flno. I 4 I J. F. Flshwood, I. 0.5 J. F. Conrad, O. 0.; Peter Cnrl, trcasuror and Hnrloy Hutton, S. The Woodmen of the World olect od Dort Smith, C. q.; R. 11. Mount, ndvlser; W. S. Jack, banker; D. C. Kinney, clerk; W. B. Loughmlllor, escort; Frank Hubbs, watchman; Grant Davis, sentinel; and manager, A. F. Slmeral. The M. W. A. elected It. L. Wol cott, C. G.; a. I. Marr, advisor; A. L. Snow, clerk; Ed It. Adnms, bank er; Clyde Ramsby, escort; mana gers, A. L. Gregg nnd W. M. Sand ers. J. F. Flshwood, watchman and Ivan Rnmsby, sentinel. Thb Foresters elected L. J. Ad nms, C. It.; Don Rosholm, S. C; It. Dower, R. C; L. Wolfard, It. C; treasurer, Ambroso Brooks, lectur er, F. Bnloo. W. 0. W. Clrclo elected Mrs. J. P. Dunro, G. N.; Mrs. J. S. Young, ndvlsor; Mrs. Win. Ivlo, M.; Mrs. P. L. Dlackborry, clerk; Mrs. A. F. Slmeral, bankor; Mrs. II. Van Epps, attendant; Mrs. Chas. Harwood, O. S.; Miss Allen, musician; Mrs. R. D. Mount, captain of guards. Tfie ifccst Cough fcurc A hnlf-ounco 6f Virgin Oil of Pine, two ounces of Glycorlno and a hnlf plnt of Wlskoy, mixed, will euro any cough that is curablo and break o cold in 2-1 hours. Takes a teaspoon ful ovory four hours. Ask your drug gist for tho gonulno Loach's Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared and guaranteed by tho Leach Chem ical Co., vjinclnnati, Or. SILVERTON FRATERNAL SOCIETY OFFICERS In tho different fraternal societies of Sllvorton officers wero elected dur Ing tho weok to sorvo for tho ensuing year. In tho Mnsonic order A. u. Stcelhnmmor was" ro-eloctod W. M.; Wjn. Town, S. W.; Win. II. Drako, J. W.; Geo. Hubbs, socrotnry; J. G. Wolf, troasurdr, hnd N. C. Lowo, tllor. A big 'installation will bo hold on tho 26th of this month. Tho Odd Follows oloctod W. II. Jones, N O.;, Dr. Wrlghtman, V, G.; Chan. Younggren, sccrotnry; R. G. Allon, F. S., and, T, W, Riches, tr'oaburor. Tho K. of P. Lodgo electod Dr. A. E. Wrlghtman, 0. C; Joo Lodovitz koj. V. C; C. W. Younggron, secre tary; P. W. Potter, F. S. 0. W. Drnko, trcasuror; J. A. Illcko, P.; Good Cough Medlclno for Children. The season for coughB and colds I now at hand and too much caro cau not bo used to protect tho children. A child is much more likely to con tract dlpthorln or scarlot fovor vhon ho. has a cold. Tho quicker you euro hlo cold tho loss tho risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is tho solo roll anco of many mothers, and few of thoso who havo ovor tried It aro will ing to uoo any othor. Mrs. F. PJ Starchor, of Rlpioy, w. va., says; "I havo novor used anything othor than Chamborlaln's Cough Ilomody for my cb'ldron and It has always glvon good satisfaction." This rom- ody contains no opium or othor nar cotic and may bo given os cdnfldont' ly to a child as to an adult. For sale at Dr. Stono's drug storo. OIL DISCOVERED AT SILVERTON (Appeal) Whilo at tho homo of Mr. Don Dav enport recently, ho called our atten tion to a woll from which ho form erly wntercd his stock, nnd stntcd that this well, formerly furnished as good water ns any woll In tho hills, but, somo time ago Mr. Davenport hnd his well dug somo 15 or 20 feet deepor and then crectod a windmill, and sinco that time tho wnter in tho woll has not been good, nnd at times his stock refused to drink it. Upon Investigation by Mr. Davenport and others it was found to contain a largo per cent of oil of somo nature. Mr. Davenport strongly bellovcs ho has found ns good oil ns Is supposed to bo found In tho vicinity of Pratum, and intends making further investi gations nnd will probably Imva It analyzed. Should this provo to bo tronulno oil, Mr. Davenport has r. fortuno at his own door. , DATES OF COMING EVENTS. Aionaay uocomuur o. xiubibuu tion closos for city election. Docombor 7.' City oloctlon. Docombor 1-5, Fruitgrower' mooting, Portland. Tho Orogon Stato Dairy Associa tion moots nt Salem Docombor 10 and 11. . . Stato convention of Y. M. C. A. nl McMlnnvlllo Docombor 4-0. National Wool Growers' Associa tion nt Pocatollo January 14-1G. National Livestock Association, Los Angolcs Jnnuary 2C-28. I i 'I Medicine Thnt Is Medicine I havo suffered a good deal with malnrla nnd stomnch complaints, but I hnvo now found a remedy that keeps mo well, and that remedy la Electric Bitters; a modiclno that la mcdlcino for stomnch and liver troubles, and for run down condi tions," says W. G. Kiestlor, of Halll day, Ark. Electric Bitters purify and onrlch tho blood, tone uptho nerves, and lmpnrt vigor and energy to tha weak. Yo ir monoy will bo refunded If It falls to help you. 50c at J. 0. Perry's drug storo. Governor-elect Coogrovc of Wash ington Is improving steadily at Paso Roblcs Hot Sprln'gs and has again commenced taking baths. F. Dletz hns boon elected com mandor of tho G. A. R. poet nt Hood Rlvor. Marked for IIcaMi "Throo years ago I was marko.1 for death. A grave-yard cough waa tearing my lungs to pieces. Doctors failed to help mo, and hopo had fled, whon my husbnnd got Dr. King'.) Now DIacovory," says MrB. A C. Wil liams, of Bac Ky. Tho first doso holped mo and improvomont kopt on until I, had gained 5JS pounds In woltrht and mv health wait fullv r.v. stored. This mediclno holds tho worm's hoallng record for coughs anJ colds nnd lung and throat disease). It provonts Dnoumonla. Sold under guarantee at J. C. Porry'a drug storo. 50c and 1,00 Trial bottlo froo. HILL POOL ROOM REMODELED. Under tho oxcollont workmnushlp of enrpontors Andy Anderson and w,, Mnuiiniim. thn Hill nool rooms nnd clgnr storo comblnod, has been rcmodoled In a mannor wmcu wm uo a crodlt to its section of tho city, i mi brothers havo onlnrgod their business horo Immensely during tho pnBt yenr, and it has grown so oxton slvoly that tho formor spneo occu pied has bocomo too small. Tho spaco in which Honry Hans, tho Jowolor, was located, hna boon 'tnkon over by tho Hill boys and convortod Into additional cigar Btoro room. Tho storo propor will bo soparatod by a partition from tho pool room with largo swinging doors In tho contor. Two countorH aro botng placod on oach sldo of tho ontrnnco of tho storo which will hold- a larger Btock of ,goods than horotoforo. Tho pool tn blos aro now In placo on tho nowly laid floor and roady for use. -o- Tho big floot ha narrivod at Coy-Ion. BCIio Kiml Yor id. uso lor ov rr?iZT pagsr SSSSfsSki 7, :z. r"is T5rtinrlnwuiu !..,, -li ...... U. UUSt-Ml-i:ool)JP &vm Experiment b Unit trlllo wlthniulS. goo4"'W Infivnta and ChUdrcn-Ipur, - uperis What is CASTORlfl Cnstorla is it linrmlcsa substltwto for Castor nn , gorlc, Drop and Sootliintr Svr.m. tTS!011' coiiUiIim neither Opium, Mornhmo nor oiT'1 substance. I Cm nffo is its guarantee, ItuX mill ulluys Vovorlslmcss. It curcsVarZ, " Coll,'. It roliovoB Teething: TrouScf curnl nmi rmtMiPiirv. it ussiaintH K7 SSS - .. w., .,. . .imu.uv--ijio motnera Friend GENUINE CASTORIA AUK uq the Sifuati The KM You Me Always In Use For Over 30 Ywrs, tt Of NTftUM OOM-AMV, T MUnUtkTBHT. MaVWMn THE WANT ADS ARE READ BY EVERYBOD! CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Ihree Lines, Three Insertions, 25c. FOR 8ALR For 8nlc A first-class 1 horso power Mitchell gaBolino englno. with nuto sparkor, both in good condition. Also 2 horso power water motor. Enqulro nt Journal offlco immediately, if you wlBh a bargain. 10-20-tf For Sale Sovon-room houao, nil mo-lorn conveniences, ono-half block land. For furthor particu lars call o.. mo mornings nt my rcsldonco, ond of car lino, south, Mrs. Geo. II. Jonos Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. For Bnlo Ton Bhnroc of Hickory Dark proforrod stock, Address Drnwor 613, Salem, Oregon. 0-2G-tf I-'or Kale Several houses in Salem, nnd farm lands at a bargain. Cap ital Nntlonal Dnnk. G-l-cod BOMU SPECIAL RARGAINS IN REAL ESTATI3. Fifteen ncros, nil In cultivation, good houso, barn, outbuildings, flno wntor, fruit, etc, on good road, near school. This is a splendid homo. For a fow days only at ?3, 000. 200-acre farm, good now house, 2 barnB, nil kinds of fnult, 165 ncros In cultivation, valuable timber, fine water, flno land, on good road; a snap, $10,500. Lota, good onos, good location, will soil chenp for fow days on Install ments, small pnymont down; also havo somo apodal bargains In bo homes; nUo havo some of thp host lots In Salem, close In; houses to rent. If you wnnt anything boo A. O. SMITH CO., Room 9, over United States Nation x Hank. Salem, Orogon. A largo farm, 8 miles south of Sa eom, 3Q por acre; a snap. Houso and two lots on Marion strwt, $1400. 10 acres insldo tho corporato lim its or Salem $2000. Property for salo In nil parts of tho city, also farms of all kinds. JOHN KNIGHT, Real Estate. Tho Murphy Dlk. cor. Com. and Stato FOR SALE $5500 40 acres, all In cultivation, 2 ncrcs mixed fruit, all bearing. Dlnck rich loam, 1 story, 7 room houso, 3 miles from Sa eom, vory near school. A raro bar gain. $5200 110 acres, 23 acres In cul tivation, now houso nnd barn, 8G1 acres of fir timbers, will cut 5 to G thousand cords of wood. Only 3 mllos from Salem. Profits on MISCELLANEOUS Cement Work Concrete walks, op tlo tanks, comont floors and foun dations. Estimates furnlshoi and all work guaranteed. J. P. Votch, 328 Marlon street. Phono 608. 9-10-tf Concrcto Work Got my prices on sidewalk, curbs, spotlc tanks and coment work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave., Highland. Phono 5G9. May 24-09 Voget Lumber and Fuel Co. Lura bor, shingles, building materia!, wood and conl. Low prices and prompt dellvorlos. Ono block eao. , of S. P. passongor depot. Phono 198. 7-2-tX. LODGES Carpenter Unloa No. 1 008 Local Union No. 1065 of Carpontors ana Joiners of America moot over Sat urday ovonLng at 7:30 p. m.. In Hearst hall, 420 Stato Street A. W. Dennis, Rec. Sue. Foresters of America Court Sher wood, Foresters, No. 19. Meots Saturday night An Holman hall, Stato stroot, Geo. F. Patterson, C. It.; J. C. Pony, financial secretary tho wood will pay for tho farm. Rutto & Wfndorotli Flno wines For Sale Modorn five-room Colon ial cottngo and lot. University ad dition. Would soil on Installment plan. Inqulro room 1 Gray build ing. No ngonts' fees. llS-lrao Sawmill Site for Sale Located one mile from S. P. railroad between Wapato and Gaston. Twelve- mil lion foot of log) available. Ad dress W. H. Egan, Rt. 2 GorvaU. 11-25-tf Swlno for Sale nrood sows and feeders for butcher stock . Apnly to Wm. II. Egan. Rt. 2, Oorvals, Oregon. 11-25-tf This will soil quick. Seo boforo you buy. $2100 Now nearly complotod olo gnnt rosldouco, ono nnd ono-hnlf lots, bath, tollot, septic tank, near Capitol building, good surround ings. Ono of tho best buys In tho city. Closo in. $1550 Now 6-room houso, bath and tollot, soptlc soworago, olegant homo surroundings. A bnrgnln If tnkon soon. PKRGUSON & FISHER. STOP Paying rent. Now Is tho tlmo to buy property. Wo enn sell you a now modorn G-room houso for $500 down, balanco, $15 por month. Just Uko ront. Prlco, only $1300. ANOTHER SNAP. Wo enn soil you n good 8-room, hard-flnlshcd houso, on Stato St., lot 91 feot front, good woll wator, barn, bearing fruit and shado trees, lawn. Only small paymont down, balanco on tonns to suit. 91,000 n-Room Cottngo, Closo In. Sovornl modorn houses, closo in. For Vacant Lots Call On Us. For 5f 10, 20 nnd 40-ncro tracts. Farms, Wo hnvo for salo somo of tho best farms In tho valley; any numbor of ncros to suit. Good Business Chances. Wo can exchango your farms for Salem or Portland property. List with us RECHTEL & MINTON, 341 Stato stroot, Dayno Bide., Sa- .lom. Orogon, liquors nnd cigars. We handle tho colobratod Kollog and Cnstlo whUklcs, Cool and refreshing boer constantly on draught. South Commercial street. 9-3-lyr. Mr. Adolph M. Gins Teacher of languages. Gorman, Fronch; prl vnto lessons; grammar, convorsa tlon, literature, commorcial class-' os. Evening class at Y. M. 0;;,A Call upon Goo. A. Forbes, ,gon'l secretary Y. M. C. A. or loavo word at Board of Trndo office. 11-16-lm. Bring Your Magazine Subscriptions To Elslo L. Goodhcie, 1590 Ferry st, Salem. I take subscription for all magazines. Every order will re colvo prompt nttontlon, Phono 7G8. ll.Hlmo. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of I Cnstlo hall In Holman block, cor nor Stato and Llborty streets. Tuesday of each weok at 7:30 p. in. Oscar Johnson, G. C; E. U Anderson. K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore ! gon Cednr Camp No. 524G. Meets UYUI lUUIOUUy UVUIIMJ UL P o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. Hill, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk. For Choice Meats And right prices call at, the Highland Moat market, Carl Arthur, Prop. For Salc Slab wood; phono 5'J, CurtlBs Lumber Co. 11-2 4-1 in For Salo Chorry troos; Royal Ann, Bing and Lambert, top grafted. Now and second-hand goods for Bnlo. C. DUlmnn. 417 Stato St. PLUMRERS Tlu-o. M, Burr Plumbing, hot water and stoam heating nnd tinning. 164 Commercial street. Phorfe Main 192. 9-1-1r For Salc A carpot loom, ono of tho latest improved factory mndo; call nt tho Blind school for particulars. 12-ll-3t Wood for Sale Second growth fir wood. In 12-inch nnd 16-lnch length, delivered to any part of tho city. Phono 74, or call nt Salem Truck & Dray Co., offlco, 60 Stato stroot. Salem, Orogon. 12-12tf M. J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 226 Commorcial street For Sale A steam wood saw, 10 horso holler, 8-horso onglno, new truck. Ono registered Jersey biull, 5 years old, 344 Stato stroot. Phono 461, 12-8-tt CASTORIA For Infants and Ckildrea. Fhi Kind You Have Always BiygM Bears tho Sijpja'me 'S Dr. I), I). Kccler, Vcterlimrlnn Ex port ObBletrlcan In all kinds of anl mnls. Oiflco at F. G. Hans drug storo. Phono Main 367. Home Phono Malno 517. 11-19-lmo Millinery School Young ladted taught various branches of this money-making art In six weok3' tlmo. Terms moderate. Mn. Adams, 505 N, Summor street. 11-25-lmo. Hyde Ilros. Electric Co. Electric supplies an dflrst-class wiring at' reasonable prices. Call at our ofllco for estimates. Phone 451. 143 N. Liberty street. 12-2-lm Try tho Depot Hotel Only 2Cc por moal, bed3 25 and 50c. Board and lodgink $4.00 por week. V. J. Lovo, proprietor. 12-3-1 w Houso Work Day work and pleco work and Japanese cook furnish ed. Call at 339 Court stroet, res taurant. 12-5-lmo Dahlias and Peonles My Special ties, wore prlzo-wlnnora at tho Stato fair. Havo best and largest variety of any grown on tho coast. Send for my catalog. Geo. I, Allon. Lebanon, Ore, 12-9-lm Have you Monoy to loan? if so wo can loan it out on the best 8ecinitles, Thomas & Smith, 478 Stato street. 12-8-tf Woodmen of World Meot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holman hall. E. Luptou, C. C; I . Frazlor, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union Sick, nccl dont nnd ponslon insurnnco; $2,- 000,000 plodged; ovory claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. C. ferMontgomery, aupromo organizer, Box 432 Salem. Orogon. R. R. Ryan socrotnry, 540 Stato street. WANTED Wanted A horso to wlntor for Its feed, to do light driving. Prlco fc Wright, butchors, North Llborty 'stroot. 12-12-3t Wanted By studonta at Wlllamotte, employment for 2 or 3 hours in afternoon and all day Saturday. Address E. H., caro Journal. 11-7-tf. "HELP WANTED." Wanted Manager for branch ofllco wo wish to locate horo In Salem Address, Tho Morris Wholosalo House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 11-18-lmo Wo Want your Poultry, Dressed Veal and Hogs; can always get you top market prlco and pay you ovory weok. W. T. Turner & Co., 141 Front street, Portland Oro gon. Rofcronco, Ladd &' Tllton bank ll-lSrlmo. BUY TODAY 18 acres, near car lino, a snap at $110 per aero. Houso, 5 rooms, .lot 50x165, on Clio- mokotn street, $1300. Largo list of farm, rosfdonco nnd business proportlcs. Olmstead Land Co. 373 State Street FOR SALE. 30 acres 2 miles west of Salem; 12 acres Bot to fruit, 12 acros timber, now nlno-room houso, flvo elosots, Jjri pUxco, 2 porchos wood shod; hoiiBO furnished. Nsw bnrn 32x40 team, cew: nil kinds of tools neodod for placo, now surry, good light rig, two-horso light wagon, heavy hnrmnis, light harness, fc dozon chickens, now in cubator, broodor. Also '1 8 acres, half clear, part In orchard; wood will pay for placo; both pines good soil, no bottor Chorry, Straw borry or Pruno land In tho stato; no flnor vlow in stato than from both places. Address C. M. Beaver, R. R. No. 2; ifhono 47x2. 12-2-tf I10TKL8 AND 1! "iT-TTlUM White Iloose Fori Rjk 25c Dinner a! $ Thry can't U W . McGilcMsli!) rroprWMt a. F. MASON BOX CO. 247 Mlllor St., South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxeB, crat03 and fruit dryer accessories. Phon to LIVERY AND FEED STABLES Livery nnd Feed Stables Old PoJt ofllco Stables, at 254 Forry stroot. betweon Commercial and Front streets. Telephony 188. Some of tho finest liveries In the city can be found horo. Wstacott & John on U DRAYMEN Cummins Bros Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done Furniture nnd pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt service Id our motto. Stand and offlco at 253 South Commercial street. Phone 210. Residence Phone Wehger & Cherrlngton Pianos and organs sold on easy torms; tola phono 1187; 247 Commercial Street, Salem. Oregon. tf SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office Bill payable monthly la advance CHICHESTER S PILLS C'klbM-Ur'a Uli 1'IIU la Hid tml bokct. idled wiUi Tko no other. Ilur ?';. - DIAMOND IIIIANU rn.l.N.10, sj ttMl. Rife.,. Alwlvt KeLUt ! .SOlDRVDflUGfilST.SEVHERE 1?) $3 I WW tf ruruiiitiiofA Itnond I!rad Uold ntulllcW islua RlUwn. V f(I FRENCH FEMALE 0PIL.LS. i n. fin.... B.u. tat&amamnVvnwiv' RIVII K1BWH TO fAll. Brl Bitt SlJyl 81U forlLOOncrtox. WMMdtt-ul."1,7 !;! DM, intra ttso jiwreto.i. i llWITIPMtDieLC0..0T4. UMeAtTlP. od In Salem bv Dr. 5. C S'" LARGEST PRODUCTK MfALS m Call and try then. Ui lloard per week ltt,i nlslicd roomi Tery rtf AT THE Salem Rcsta 839 COURT STR' : HOTEL ;: Corner SeTeHh1 :: Portland's NewarfJ :: iintri. Rates J I r' :: up. EuroK"' ' r ...-a PropW ::mHf .. Ll.l. fl' Unnn mtmtm prof.'!" THR FASHION ft. ! cabs ard L,Ter HUD"' - 'iQV yiS- VG.VL i - rl I--" -- I Pr,Ce Jt Flne corner i from bui- ,KVER Zll Statesw11""