DAILY CArrr h JOUItNAL, 8ALKM, ORBOOlf, MONDAY, DBOKMBBR 14, 10. HOLIDAY NOVELTIE You'll find our display of Holiday Goods unusually large this season, and the values are better than ever before, Dolls, Games, Picture Books for the Children, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Post Card Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shaving Sets, Military Sets and an endless variety of trinkets suitable for presents, Holiday Slippers for Ladies, Holiday Slippers for Men, Why not make your wife a present of q, Fine Linen Table Cloth, with Napkins to match? Or one of our Fancy Handled Silk Parasols, Practical presents will be appreciated by your friends (because they are use ful, Give your husband or your ,l)oy a good- Suit of Clothes or a Cravenette Rain Coat ,or a Pair of Shoes? You'll find our prices reasonable, because we stick to the Spot Cash Plan and are satisfied with small profits, 0 afsteds, extra fa W IDEA PATTERNS FOR JANUARY NOW READY. The New Idea Quarterly lion Book only 15c, Including one pattern free when purchased In the Store only, PATTERNS 10c; BY MAIL 12c. New Idea Magazine one year with one copy of Kerly Review and one 10c pattern, all for 60c, ooooooooooooooooooooo SflMF IMPORTANT EVENTS. kch warships Jast Saturday seized n Vonezuolan coast guard O under tuo ions, wmen urn noi, uuwuvui, mu uu uu m"M" y i.i... Tnmn..nn itmmlasia Hint If rontrroRH crltlclSGR 111 III for O Lsji in rmrnri! to secret sorvico men. ho will publish Infor- t) In on mon rocommouded by onRrcssmon for nppolntmont O ii Information was securou oy mo socrot uurvigu. attomnt was mado to blow up n coliseum In ChlcaBO, wlioro a O tana being hold. Tho bomb exploded on a nearby slinck, wliicn u ibbl ICramskopf, of Phllndolphln, clefomU divorce, saying that It O nollclnl to mnultlnd not to uop miswmivu tuuinu lido - o o n. o o o o o QOQQQ JO.XL Q--Q. Q 0 0 0 FEDERATION Continued from pago 1.) MitrhcU'A Address. n wnsto of tlmo to dcploro sing of tho Individual ro ll,) between employer and which existed undor tho pr nf nrniliirtlnn. Tho cirsmU' of labor and tho combination fni w tho naturnl and logical o of cruel, wnatoful and ruln- awtmon. Whcthor for woai IVOO. thn nlil nvatnm hnfl conO t, and tho new alignments, with Fr nuont posslbllllies or gooa I. aro hero to Btay, N'nt'onal Civic Federation, In : with tho vmnntbv of thn has declared! 'That at all renresentatlvos of omployors Dr!;cra orcanlipd or unorcan- hrr'jch confrr for the adjust i' rtlffpreinvw op illnnutAfl before aal -tHko Is renched, and thus o rMnimizA thn niimnnr 01 Cr lnWniits Mint mntlinl UeVa ns to tho conditions un P'rn labor Bhall 1 performed l'" fnronrneed nml that, when Kreenenti aro made, the terms n"vild ho nHhnrpri to faith Ibrh In lnttor nnH anlrlt. br artls Jn Mie foregoing It will be knrn organized, declared In f- 'o i-aao agreement as a Of malntfllni nnnrA hnttvGQll Ren and nmnlnvAra nnd It ,9 or-" ion 0f this central Idea po raao asreomont department KICU ,rado agreement Is not a spec tPrAtljtal Irlnn i ft tine ItAnn aMcn In some Industries many lndr-1 it is the ncecpted and I rr math .klAl. nrnrra nHMoni of employment are rlea of our country, and ll'ty. Is no longer que- 'I fed and experienced Ua 'urnces ana its nenencim - pfrecmont H the unmls ro--x-Tnon nf th(J ,mnortan3 ' a-1 ran'tpl: t in the con- X ""r",3slon of fn-nnnrntlvn fiN r'" rI thHl two Hnmlnnnt fn E r Jr Industrial life. It will r.?ir e, prevpnt all strikes. " an nrUouts, but In the past 'educed, and In. the fujuro It j KrcR exienv iuo uum lnnncrt,i ji.....i.. iIii ti. . '"' uiBimien sou mm- Ihelr Intensity." - Bf "Tho moU Important nchlovomonts of tho Kodoratlon during tho year under review was an effort to ob inin nt thn lnat amnion of concross nn amendmont to tho swooping pro visions of tno snorman nntiiru. law. Tho bill of InBt spring wiw based upon tho bMlof that, at that tlmo, It would bo lmpoislblo to chango tho substantive law as em bodied In tho Shorman net. This bo Ing taken for granted, it beenmo ln pos'lblo to moro than proposo a mothod by whloh, wlthcat chnnglng tho law, oortaln restraints of trad, If not disapproved In advance by government nuthorlty, might bo as sured freedom from prosecution. Tho hearing before tho congression al committees mndo It evident that no rol'ef from tho difficulties caused by the anti-Sherman law can be looked along this line of procedure. "The law, as Interpreted by the supromo court, declaros all restraint of Interstate trado lllogal. Unltoa States Judg Lacombo. In tho tobac co trust case, rooently decided in the clroult court of Now York, usoi the I'lustratlon of two oxpress mun who combine forcei Instond of corn noting with each other, as before, and saya that, ovon euch acombna tlon. undor the law would be Ille gal becaMB competition to that ex tont would hnvo been lessoned. To leave a law on the statute bookx. you named, as drastic as this Is to Invito disaster. "Everyone reallzos what nn Instru ment of oppresilon and dwvtruotlon this law can bo, In tho light of m cent Judicial deotilonr ought to bo willing to concede something to se euro Its earlv modifications. Oni thing goos without saying, whatever modification of the law Is mad' to ap- ... a. ni,ln.lnm nf ratiltal rout! Snply equally to comblnstloni of la bor and whatever amnesty as to the na-.t Is given to the capital must be Sfven equally to labor. K all tho el ement concerned approach he quea tlon in this spirit of adjustment. It is possible that some aid " " devised which will cowm-PU suffic Ifint backing to be successful. Hx Spt I- such a spirit I apprehend that nothing can be done. The executive committee of the federation has plaoed thm thore oendcer moTe In the hands of pres ident to carry forward. 1 g' the work already begun. I uik tnis opportunty of asking - P tlon of all your members In this most necessary and difficult under taking." James O'CXmnell. "The days of Individualism In the labor world ate rapidly passing away. No mnn can hopo by hU own effort to Improvo his condition In life, or to Improvo his industrial llfo regardless of whether ho has co-oporatlon of IiIh followman or not. "What chances hns tho Indlvldunl workman to roduco hours of labor, IneroiiBo wnges, Improvo conditions, provont roductlon of wngos, demand fair trontmont, provent unjust dU crimination, duinnnd Bunltnry work shops, provont child labor, compel safeguards for tho protection of llfo nnd limb? Absoiuioiy none. What Is said of tho Individual work mnu mny also bo said of tho Indlvld unl iiinniifuotiiror. Ilnnnolor. nrofuH- Hlonal mnn, luminous man or mer chant becuuso none of tnoflo would mako any marked huccobs or prog ress without associating with and se curing tho nsslstnnco nnd co-operation of othorB engaged In tho same lino of trado or business. "Whntovor auceess hnB boon ho curod or uchlovod by men In tho business world conditions would be directly attributed to trado or othor agroomonts mado by tho associations and organizations of mon In evory walk of life, "Unless comblnod cnpltal con cedes tho sumo rights to labor that capital Itsolf onjoya a trados agroe mont can only bo renchod with dif ficulty. I look forward with ploaB uro to tho dny whon omployors will without hesltntlon or foar of re sult, contract by ugreomont for their labor with tho samo spirit of Justice ns rulei their othor contracts, In suring peace, prosperity and happl nosa to nil concerned." HEALTH SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES rtnv Stnnnnrd Hnkor in tho first of hlB hew series on "Tho Spiritual Unrest" In tho Dccombor American Mugnztne, tolls tho story of "Heal ing tho 8Ick In tho Churches." or iStnniamiel church In Boston, ho says: u "In addition to quiet porsonnl treatment, u largely nttondod moot ing Is held every Wodnosdny ovon ing In the church. It Is In reality nn apotheosis o' tho old Ill-attended proper-meeting: but undor the Im petus of the now work, peoplo cotno by hundreds; thoro nro of ton olght hundred to ono thousand mon nnd women present. After singing nnd Ulblo rending requests for prayer aro road 'A womon who Is to un dergo n serious operation tonight nska your prnyor that sho may bo sustained. 'A mnn struggling with tho demon of drink neks your pray ers. These are merely samples. 1110 people kneel nnd Dr. McComb or rr. Wnwnlnr nrnvH. Aftnrwnrd a short practical address, npplylng tho toachlngs of Christ to human Ills, Is given When this servlco Is ovor ttm iinniiln irn UK to tlin Rncllll rOOItl whero nn hour Is spout In making and ronowmg acquaintances, ainny of thopo who como hnvo hnd great liolp from theso mcotlngs. "It Is difficult to convoy any Idea of tho eagerness with vhlch suffer ing men nnd womon, I'rotoslnnts, Cnthollcs, Jews, non-bollovors, hnvo como to Emmnnuol churcli, in Boarcn of tho now llfo. Whero onco tho ministers woro compollod to go out nnd urge mon to como In, It Is dif ficult now to find room or tlmo for nil who como. Last winter Dr. Wrvrcnntnr urnn nwnknnnd about 4 o'clock ono morning by n ring nt IiIb door-bell. Unit nrotiBod, no uiougni ho hoart a mnn crying or groaning, llo wnnt to his window and looked out. Thoro, sprnwlod on his front stops, lay tuo uouy ot n man. no rushed down ana openou tno uoor nnd found tho man lying In his blood, his wrlata cut In an attempt to commit nuiciuo. ur. worcesior sent for a doctor and after tho noc- c8sary medical troatmont round out that tho poor follow was mirroring from hypochondria, "iiro not worm living," nnd nftor a number of treatments brought him nround nil right. Tho young mnn told Dr. Worccstor that ho had hoard of hlii work and took a last chanco to como from Ilhodo Inland to boo ir ho could not bo holpod. "People hnvo como not only from Doston ,but from nil ovor tho coun try, ono tho othor dny from OlnB gow, Scotland, nnd tho mail ro colvod by. Dr. Worcofltor nnd Dr. MrPmnli In vnrv luwiw. MtlllV min isters and doctors hnvo ' como to Htudy tho work; nnd lust spring, bo great was tho demand, n sort of Bummer school, or course or lec tures, was provided, extending ovor three weekB' tlmo. A hhiiiII feo wub charged, nnd many ministers, doc torH, teachers nnd soclnl workors woro In nttondanco. In fact, tho movomunt has spread like wlldllro. It has boon takon up In churchoB in Now York, Chicago, KansaB City, Huffnlo nnd olHowhere." o This Is Worth Heading. Loo F. Zollnsky, of 08 Olbaon stroot, nuffnlo, N. Y sayB: "I cured the most annoying cold soro I ovor had, with Ilucklon'B Arnica Salvo. 1 applied this salvo onco a day for tw.) dayB, when ovory trnco of tho sore was gone." Ilonls all soros. Sold undor gunrantoo at J. C, I'orry's drug storo. 2Cc. VAN Dl'SHN AND VOK1T. TEA Wc sell tons of poor stuff; but our name isn't on it. Go by the name. ITour crnr riiiiRi -our mane II you doo'l like ScUliiHk '(: r l-". EXAMINER W0RKED- 0N BOTH SIDES Chicago, Deo. H.--Casalus (' Jones, chief state bank oxamlner, as signed to Cook county, has Hiiddcnh roalgnod his placo, rathor than fart the scandal which his superiors say will be stirred up If loiters written to him by certain bankers are pub llshed. Tho charge mado agalnt Jonw i that he was privately employed by those banks us oxamlner while ht waa doing the samo duty for tbf state. Tho banking act says that so employe of a bank shall be appointed as a bank examiner to Inspect the in Ultutlon by which he I employed. It is said that the letters show thut Jones received favors from be bank Is the shape of railroad pawes. as.l that Jones on ono occasion sold report to a bank before that account was formally made public o Brownsville wabUi, a paper mill and a new1 bridge. Van Duson nnd Volgt who nnpeur wlt.t tho alee nnd Mandolin clulm to morrow night nt tho Ornnd oporn house, In tho stunt roloa, aro ontor tnlnora or tho high clnss variety. Thoy nro not Imitators of-choup vnu dovlllo porformorH. Kach ono In thor- miflilv (irlL'liinl 111 Ihlt till ft ha IIBHUVH Van Duson Is clovor. On tlid campus evory ono recognizes him iih tho col logo wit nnd ho carries hU mlrth-pro-voklng ability onto tho stage. Ho has an Inimitable way of Imltntlng others which Is nn accomplishment in tho comedian lino that Is seldom mot with. Volgt Is not what would bo popularly onllod n comodlnn. Ho la a dialect artist, and ns such has goi.uino tnlont. Ho can Imitate tho speech nnd mimic the gMttures of any national typo, but speclullzos tho Dago and Fronch-Cnniidlnn. Volgt oomoH from Canada himself, and gets his knowledge of the tlmbermon from first hand. Doth stuuturs havo monologuos besldos nppuarlng In the dialogues, "Is Ho In?" and "The Tanialo Man." In tho Inttor they In troduno Volgt's original song, "The Hot Tamale Man," which Is booked for ono of tho hits of the program. Professor (Hon Is conlldout of the ability of those two men and fools Hint 4ho stunt positions are botlHr filled thun thoy hnvo been for vearM o Undo John linker Hotter Inlin ItfiWi.r u-ho iiumujI tliM H1tl inlln Htrnwi uiiiin tlimi sun. In tniicli Mnprovod iii hoMlih and on SiiiuIhv had u number of callers, amonx 'horn his daughter, Mrs. N. L. ltone if Hugeno. and son Ilsrley llakttr of Portland, and a number of Sslri" friends. Carry It fro Raem to Roc Early Morning Comfort Open your slccping-room windows lcl in the crisp, ircslt air bul yor:r room need nol be cold while dressing a touch ol a match and the welcome heat is radiating Irom the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Eqatppcd wltM Smokeless Dcvlee) For healing lite lalh-room quickly it's a great convenience, ani vdll make the morning dip os glorious as in the summer. Now it's brcaklnst lime make the room cozy and cheerful your bre-klasl more enjoyable and start Ihe day without a shiver. The Auto matic bmokclcss UcviceprcvcnlsnllsmoKcana s neu ond makes il impossible la turn the wick too high or too low. Cleaned in a minute burns 9 hours with one Idling. Finished in Nickel uul Japan. Lvcry healer guaranteed. The m piiijijlu a Kim jBtW&Lampai', "" KoukIioIJ uie Lilal I uifil 1 in room- in J kllor ill.rounJ Ulctl itnprovnl cr ntril draft tmmer IriaM UaM 1 "U AWulely uli,. All p' dctncJ. MJ ol Wu. nl clttl pbltJ. Eyy Ump wirrjnltd. II jtu enol jtl U Itijo Umrt PhIkIhh QJ UmIw Inm jot dulcr, Ktitt l euf nutwl jfn7 lf dfpti dnubr. STANDARD OH. COMPANY (bcrpratel) il I 6 TitTiTTn i Mi Q"ND. fl'iil m -SELF yVA pan- Si 13 CAKE lM: compouhd l TUIUltP .1 Trado Mnrlc. oston rown Flour read FRBB. Bond us ton of our nds, cllppod from his pnpor, nnd wo will Bond you ono full olzo paokago ab solutely FHE& B AJIiKN'H II. II. 11. KIOUH CO., Inc. Han Jow, Callfornln. tiaiaf iaii"iiitftniiiiiii''V A LARGE STOCK J ; DP AVAHM HUl'I'KUH IX)lt LADIICS AND OIIIMIHICNl .IUHT THK J J ;; rillNfl I'OU A OHIUHTMAH IMUCHUNTj ALSO A imOKICN IX)T ; ; IIP LAIHICfl 8HOKH AT LOW I'lllOKH. ! ! ii I JACOB VOGT, ?Siate Sireet !! ll3HHltltf tH Kt-r4-HllUlloHNI mt8llllllllt iiiiiifii'iiliiii 1 Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware ii T ' - ' w - I Paint and Oil r ii i II $ SALEM HARDWARE CO. 11 20 Commercial St. Phone 172 ;; iftl 1 !! l3illll i iii HANTA JL(UH. will bo dollKbtod whon ho dlucovorn tho nrrny of choice nnd beautiful holiday glfta that wo are dUplaylng. Christmas will bo u red letter duy to tho man or woman fortunnto onouKU to receive ono of tho KdUon or Vlc- fz tor mnohlnos thnt wo hnvo uolcctod L. V, HAVAQH 247 Commercial St. Balom. Of. i i m mj. -4svi& mKFTU WM 'ill A SVff More peopl are taklajc i'olev XldiiMy Homed y every yr. It sonulderod to be the inoit offwt'v--inedy for kidney and b'lddor tro'i 1: that mMl'cal orion f- l Fqloy's Kidney Remedy corrects Ir '0ularItleN. bulhU up worn ou' H' u and retoroe lost vitality. M will make you look well and foci wel. J. O Terry fc:l AN ARISTOCRATIC niHtliiKulxlied, eh'Kunt iippranince . nlv bv liav iik perfectly laundered linen. Your linen If laun dered here will ho returned to you In u perfect condition, for wo liuvi' Hie. equipment, really skilled labor nnd into only the Im'hI of Hlurcli Mint Mup. A trial solicited. alem Laundry Co. Telephone OS, UIO-KIO H. LllxTtty Ht OA1BTOZIXA.I Il9f rm y r . r (, " "u READY TAILORED CLOTHE FOR WELL DRESSED U" W 1 i fSm mis llfW" ' OPT inwrMMWHM PRICE RANGE. 2D T 4) in n up w ' i y