daily ctrrr a journal, samem. orbgon, Saturday, December ia, looa. Si J r f '' ? fi . .MS N s (if: J rffiV Ms iiltt 'fl UTt I IM) JG3 HO JlFJKUMP MP BtoiuMn oa I or oroor, urer tiareitn, lioweii u ciojgou up, nd yon hare thai U-cona-tlrl-out-feellncl Take an NR Tablet Td-njtght. Tou wilt begin to feel better t once. Tholr aellon ti different from other I.I re r and Stomach nedleni no crlplnc, no llcVonlng or weakening lematlonf. They Biako yon feel good. BETTER THAU PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS. 'Watnre' RemeJjr" (NR TabUta) U the very bef pro acrlptlon for aonr Stomach, Blck Iloailaeho, Lou of Appo tits, Ballotr Complexion, Conitlpatlon, Llror Complaint. Bkln DUoaaei, Chllla, Malaria, Ullounesi, Dropiy, Pirn plot and niionmatlim. All of theis dlieaaea ara eauted by atoppaira and comoquont derajr and fermentation In aomo Oral! of tho dlsoitlro orgam, Gt a too Ba. Said Cverywhar. ' IfdMeMmechf ill ggg os pat otqcc Jr a P whim" For Salo by Capital Drag Co., Z. T. Ulggs, Bnlcm. Oregon. 1PAVING FEVER HAS TAKEN THE DALLES (Dallos Chronicle) Tho Btrcot paving ball has com . menccd to roll nlcoly and tho Indlcn tlonB nro that by a year from tho present dato it will luivo rolled bo 'well that all tho mud on the streets -of tho city below tho bluff will bo rolled up with It. Everything points to tho fact that every thoroughfare In Tho Dalles bo- 'low.tho bluff will bo paved next yoar. Tho' commltteo composed of promi nent business men nud property hold- crs nppolnted to Investlgato the prop 'bsltion by Mayor 12. M. WIngnto, hold nnother mooting at ilio council cham bers last night. The sessions was a 'most enthusiastic ono. Tho mombors "of tho commltteo nro moro ohthusl t astlcnlly In favor ot thd improvement of tho atroots than over boforo. ' It was docldcd at tho mooting last night not1 to clroulato tho potltion 1 among tho proporty holders, asking ' thai tho strcots bo pavod, .;ntll the 'matter was moro fully looked Into. Tho commltteo Is considering two klndc of paving for tho thoroughfares hero, bitullthlc and hnssam. Tho mombors of tho commltteo ngrood to write to tho Oregon Hnssam Paving Company and tho Warren Brothers Construction Company, nsklng that ( exports bo sont horo to cstlmnto tho cost of tho dlfforout kinds of pave ment. It Is practically assurod that olthor bitullthlc or hnssam paving will bo used In this city for tho Improvement of tho stroots. Tho Orogon Hnssam Paving Company guarantees that tho cost of Its paving will not bo moro than $2 por square yard. In Tho Dalles tho oxponso of this pavement would ho still less, duo to tho fact that tho thoroughfares nl ready havo a sultablo foundation for tho con struction of pavonionts. Ono of tho hoavlost proporty hold ors of tflo city, In spunking of tho matter of tho Improvomont of tho stroots or tho city, said this after after after neon: "Tho strongost argument in favor of paving nil of tho thoroughfares of Tho Dalles below tho bluff is to point out tho mlsornblo condition of tho atroots today after a llttlo rain. Whon a man notices how bad the condition of thorn really Is now, and ono could not holp noticing tho poor streets, I dt "riot seo how ho could bo opposed to tho proposed improvo mont. It roully Is something fiorco. Tho time has surely como to pave and I sny, lmprovo nil of tho thorough fares below tho bluff at tho samo tlmo. It can bo done a wholo lot cheaper that way and it really Is tho only thing to do. Dy bonding tho proporty tho ownors will havo a num ber of years, If thoy like, to pay ryo cost, and this method should not bo hnrd on any ono. "A yenr from now I think ovory street In tho city below tho hill will bo nlcoly Improved and then wo will not bo nshamed to havo tho prosldoht himself visit tho city. Stroot pnvlrig will do moro for this city in its up building nnd progress than anything olso that might bo suggested. COFJREE Our name on the pack age gives us the credit, arid puts on us the money-, ba'ck burden it 'isn't a burden I fr tractr r tu'rni yaor nr M J 4Wt HkablMaf'aB.it: we.payki . '. . ezra meeker to live old Life again Ezra Meeker, pioneer of tho fif ties, who In 18C2 drovo nn ox toam to tho far northwest over tho Orogon trail, will glvo an oxncl reproduction of homo life during tho early history of tho northwest ou tho grounds of tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition In Scnttlo next yonr. ' FIvo cabins -will bo erected on tho fnlr slto without tho uso of lumber or nails and ash pits bo built at con venient places on Mcokor's aero on tho exposition grounds, n vcgotable gardon will bo planted, nnd by noxt spring thoro will bo n flourishing ploneor colony on tho enmpus of tho stato university. A pnrt of this exhibit will bo nn old block houso built In 1855 which still stands nt Soupovlllo, flays tho Soattlo Times. Thoro Is to bo a re production of tho school houso of fifty yonra ago, and John V. Mookor, olghty-four yonrs old and known as "Undo John" among tho ptonoors, will bo in chnrgo of tho building. In oarly dnys John Mookor taught school and many of tho toxt-book of that poriod havo boon preserved by tho Meokors. Ezra Meokor will try to Interest tho nowBpnpors of, Oregon in his pio neer exhibit nnd -hopes to receive many rollcs, of oarly days from old Oregon families. Theso rollcswlll bo exhibited In tho cabliiB and at tho Moso of tho exposition roturnod to their ownors. In tho cnb'lns will bo shown how cloth wnB spun nnd wovon, nnd sovornl old- tlmo spinning whcols and looms will bo in oporntlon. Ono cabin will bo called tho music hall, whoro sovornl old molodeons will bo used. Theso Instruments woro among tho first to bo taken to this coast. In early days tho Oregon country comprised tho vast torrltory of what aro now tho states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and a part, of Wyoming nnd Montana. From all of these states will como rollcs of onrly pioneer llfo for the Meokor exhibit. Mookor plans n mttnbor of special features during tho llfo of tho expo sition, nnd ovory fow weeks thoro will bo a big barbecub In which exposi tion visitors will bo asked to talco a part. Thoro will also bo clam bakes, and Meokor expects to Borvo thou sands of potatoes baked In tho nsh pits. Oxon will bo roastod for th i benefit of tho visitors, nnd it 1b pos sible that many pioneers from tho old Oregon country will bo In nttondnnco to participate In tho spcclnl dnys plan nod by Meokor. Whon this part of tho country was undor provincial govornment as far back as 1843 tho soat of government was in n cabin. Thoro is to bo a re production of this samo cnbin, and thc-dotnlls of its construction will bo gathered from old Orogon plo ncors. Over all tho cabins will fly tho American flag containing only twenty-six stars, tho number of ottitos in tho Union at that period of tho coun try's history. Meokor has boon glvon a location Just south of tho music pavilion, and ho expects to commonco tho task of building tho cabins within a vory fow wooks, About tho cabins will bo plantod flowors, and in ono part will be n hop yard. Poultry nnd cnt tlo will bo oxhlbltod in ono portion of tho ncro sot nsido as a ploneor Btockyard. 01IU11CII SB11VIGES. First' Christian. Cornor of High nnd Center Btroots. D. Errott, mlnlstor. Dlblo school at 10 a. in.; Dr. II. C. Eploy, superin tendent. Preaching at 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. m.; respectlvo themes, "Tho Church nt Work," nnd "Faith and Conviction." Christian Endeavor at C:30 p. m. Mr. Frank Watson wilt sing specials at both services, and tho Christian church chorus will bo present to nsslBt lu tho worship. Tho Small-Shaffer nicotines closed Wednesday evening with 200 and moro additions. Tho cvnngollst is ono of tho most gifted nnd spiritual of men, and won till henrts In his appeals to peoplo to Uvo tho hlghor life. Tho church through which Mr. Small labored, feels grateful for his coming, nnd for his wonderful Borv Ico to nil who gavo him tholr prcs enco and a hearing. Tho minister feels that a great responsibility hns been added to IiIb already largo con stituency, nnd that together thoy will find much to do to kcop tho church In tho lino of duty and opportunity. IIo Is also gratoful for tho gonoroiiB spirit of tho city press, nnd tho co loration of many outsldo of tho com munion to which ho bolongs. Tho city of Snlom hnB had a great spirit ual feast, and tho hopo Is expressed that it will bo lasting. D. ERIIETT, Mlnlstor. Good Cough MMJcIno for Children. Tho ooatfon for coughs and colds li now at hand and too much caro can not bo used to protoct tho chlldron, A child la much more llkoly to con tract dlpthorla or scarlet fovor whon ho has n cold. Tho quicker you euro his cold tho loss tho risk. Chnmbor lnln'o Cough Remedy In the solo roll anco of many motbors, and few of those who havo pvor tried It nro will ing to uao nny othor. Mrs. F. F. Starchor, of Rlploy, W. Vn., snya: "I havo novor used anything othir than Chamborlnln's Cough Romody for my ch'ldron and It has always given good satisfaction," This rom cdy contains no opium or othor nar cotic and may bo givon os confident ly to a child as to an adult. For salo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. iigff t t !! fmnsmtii mi iim BARR'S JEWELERS!! The Mecca of I -Christonas Shoppers nAd why? Why do men and women go into ecsta cies over our jewelry and other gift goods ? Because it's a perfectly splendid stock, wide and varied, with a touch of the best art in every article at modern, common sense prices with a noticeable lift in culture behind the counter, Don't be over-indulgent in your suppositions, Come in, BARR'S JEWELERS MEDFORD TO HAVEI GOOD SOCIAL CLUB Tho nowost now font nro of Mod ford's tnotTopolltnn notions is a Busi ness Men's Soclul club. For several dnyu pnst T. C. Kellogg has been circulating a potition among tho busi ness men of tho city nnd nsklng that each of thorn subeerlbo tho amount of $30, for which thoy aro to recolvo ono sharo in tho abovo named asso ciation. IIo started out with tho nvowod Intention of securing 100 signers or no club. Yesterday i. announced ho had reached tho goal tho ono hundredth nnmo hid beon secured. Tho purpose nnd object of the club Is to sccuro a dcslrnblo building site, oroct n flno building thorcon, nr.d to Install thoreln nil (ho nmuBomenU J' nnd ploasnnt features which aro us ually found In places of this sort In 'largo cltlos. Thoro will bo a gym nnBlum room, hllllnrd nnd pool mom. o lounging room nnd u reading mum .. --but thoro will bo no drinking or ! ! gambling pormlttod. It vlll bo n J gentlemen's soclnl club renin--a pmco 10 wnicn nny mombo may In vito a frlond, smoko a clgur. piny a I gamo of billiards or pool, alt down t and discuss business and its oppor tunities or reclto renilnlBconntti. I Tho members, or signers, will moot ? i.oxt weok for tho purpose of effect j Ing nn organization. l ; Catarrh Cannot bo Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, ns mey cannot reach tho soat of tho dls ouso. Catarrh 1b a blood or consti tutional dlseaso , and In order to euro It you must tako Internnl remedies. HoII'b Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, and nets directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medlclno. It was prescribed by ono of tho best physic I inns In this country for years and is a roguiar prescription, it is com posed of tho best tonics known, com bined with tho best blood purlflors, noting directly on tho mucous sur faces. Tho perfect combination of tho two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results in curing Ca tarrh. Sond for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price1 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con-stlpatlon. Haptist. Sunday school moots In tho morn ing at 10 o'clock. Tho school Ib in tensely interesting at tho prcsont time. At 11 a. m., tho tlmo of tho roguiar morning sorvlco, thoro will bo snoclnl music. Mies UuBhnolI will sing n boIo, thoro will bo othor buo clal numbors and good chorus sing ing. Dr. Comor's topic will bo "Tho Truo Dlsclploshlp of tho Christian." Young People's sorvlco nt C:30. ami at 7:30. tho Tiooplo's sorvlco. Tho subject of Dr. Comer's address will bo "Shall Wo Emphaslro-tho Proach ing of Po'tor or tho Pronching 'of Jo BU8?" Flno chorus singing nnd every body invited. Flrxt Presbyterian. Church streot, cornor Chemokotn. Rov. Honry T. Dabcock, piiBtor. Morn ing sorvlco at 10:30. Preaching by tho pastor; thomo, "Tho Blblo." An nual offering for tho American Dlblo Society. Sunday school nt 12 in.; Junior C. E. nt 3:30 p. in.; Senior C. E. nt 0:30 p. m.; ovouing sorvlco at 7:30. Preaching by tho pastor; thomo, "What Shall 1 Rondcr Unto God"; Psalms 11G:12. Tho church orchestra will play Sncred Heart" (voluntary) and "Fair Ulooms tho Roso," by CInyton Johns. Mid-week prayer mooting Thurtday at 7:30 p. in. Public cordially Invited to all of theso services. Christian Hclence. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 410 Chomokotn street. Services Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Sub ject of lesson sormon, "God tho Pro sorvor of Man." Sunday school at 12:05 p. in. Tho Wodnosday even ing moot is hold nt 7:30. Rending room In tho church open each nftor noon oxcopt Sunday. All aro cordial ly Invited to nttond tho sorviccs and tho rending room. First Methodist. Stato and Church stroots. Rov. W. II. Bollock will preach at 10:30 on "Tho Potter nnd tho Clay." At 7:30 p. m. tho topic will ba "Overcoming or Overcome" A musical program of special quality will bo rondorod by tho choir undor tho direction of Profossor Mondonhall. Strangers spe cially welcomed. IV. C. T. U. Rov. Waymlro, pastor of tho Gos pel Chaplo church on FIftoonth St., will spoak at tho W. C. T. U. hall Sundny at 4 p. m. Special music. Como, nnd bring your frlonds. German Evangelical Lutheran. Christ Church, East Stato streot, botwoon Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.; roguiar sorvlco at 10:30 a. m. C. Hopf, pastor. For Stomach Tftulfe rN rlUtrncu nt ..., rtnncn't tuntl " ,1 -i!--..!"-1 .""e 0T AtUU.. to bf toned nnd ireSA Sj'SffltoS . can bo J Rg JS vvuiIrkS ' " JSeechom &m nnd use them according in thn :mni. .u . Acuteinc1lfrp-ilnn.tBli...i. n...., CllnsPrirtcdonf!w 1 :omfortabe and distressing 'X!l S" J Are Wonderfully Effect!,. Ia boxes 10c and 26c, with fau Mtttt NOTICE OP IYrrvr! n nous, u i pjm Common CounS J l n, Oregon. dl.Wf WILLAMETE IN TRI-ANGULAR DEBATE Plans for tho triangular debnto be twoon Whitman, Wlllnmotto nnd Pa cific nro practically completed. The question will bo that of tho commis sion form of city government, ami each Institution will bo glvon an on-' portunlty to dobato both Bides of tho quostlon. This year Pacific will send a toam to Walla Walla, and Wltman will sond ono to Snlom to meot Wll lnmotto on hor homo platform. Whit man won tho triangular dobato Inst yoar, and bb Intorest In dobnto is very koon this year tho outlook Is bright for a repetition of Inst yenr'B work. Tho dato for tho dobato has been sot for Fobrunry 20. PAINS IN STOMACH CaufiCil by Gas and Foul Odors Speedily Homov dc liystmtHu'(UN Speedily Removed by Stuart's Cliarcoal lozenge. Trial Pnckngn by Mall, 1-Yce. Pyrocls (Gastric pnln), gastritU and many other stomnch and bowel troubles caused by formation of gas, nro almost Instaly romovod by a gon- orous uso of Stuart's Charcoal Loz ongos. Thoso llttlo lozonges kill bad breath and stop gas making by oxi dizing tho odors nnd gnsscs. Chat- coal absorbs ono hundred times ltsolf In gas. Thoy turn foul fmmos and gases Into oxygon, which sweotoln tho system. Thoy aro mado from puro willow and sweot honey nnd aro a dollghtfiil aid to tho mouth, stom achs and bowols. Tho Japancso use charcoal for a tooth wash, and an old Chlnoso proverb runs thus: "Sweet Is tho breath of a Nlpponeso" (Jap ancso). Tho mouth fluids nro alkaline, thus waBto food hold by tooth cavities If attackod and decays rapidly, caiulng foul odors to nrlfio. Charconl rondors tho saliva swoot by oxidizing It and docs away with foul fortnontntlom nnd decay. Every druggist cnrrlos Stuart's charcoal lozongcn, and many thou sand of sufferers from gas, f u breath, etc., uso theso llttlo lozongos, thus proving their popularity naJ tholr morlt Charcoal Is ono of tho best all-around cleansers tho system may pcrtako of and too much of it cannot bo taken. An ontlro box of Stuart's Charcoal Lozongcs may bo oaten with freedom, nnd only good will rosult. Go to your druggist, Immediately, buy a box of Stuart's Charcoal Loz enges and.provo thoso facts yourself; It will cost you but 25 cents, or sond ua your namo and addrCss and wo will sond you n trial package frco. Ts this not fair? Addross F. A Stiart Co., Stuart Dldg., Marshall, Mich. lmnrovn0.;',"011 nuu umnnti i. anu proposes to hJif street with wJmFES1' ilthlc WatcrpSfJ&l tho north nroiwrt. h .V$ aarrtsssas ( (In nf lh li. .. .7 "Bli trkwni: "iV. and Power CompMiT extend i. :iV."i tM...MlS. "?? In Afmrrifih.. -In. ,i . BTinptni.Bfln. .J...... Wl Anz.:,Au?VM u Tn' AT'" "w ... . niu umce OKU Qjl lt l 1 .11- " uemonstrancei intotuj provement iM7 b tiled hh J nor nnd rrllhln iv. ii...1 Date of the flrtt HMklit Dy order of OoaooaCH4 WHecd iz-8-iltd qtri XOTIOB OP ISTOTjOll PROVE STATE tm Notlco Is hereby rimi Common Council ot t. Qtrj lem, Oregon, dcemi It rail ImproTo and proow t nroro state itrt vci 1 Urothora' Dltulltble Water inont between the ?ect tn of Commercial street i:l i curb lino 6f Front itrtttkM except tho tpace belrwiid nnd ono foot outald tai rn H street rnllwey trauioltltr Hallwny, Light and PoroCi whereyer tho tracluof Ha extend alonz or oponaul) M street; said InprontrfM innrfn In accordance .ll tWjl nnd sncclflcatlom tdopteHfl rnunrll for said iBOtoniU now on do In the oBcii1 nprorder of said cHr Remonstrance raltrt M provement may be flW vvt nor nnd witnin me b . Mm hnrtfr of laid tltT Dato of the Art poJWK nnlliui nMmlir 1. If 01. ny order of CommosCc W A 12-8-1 ltd Cttjl OJBTOTlU BvntU "m, Vw ' ''Th HIHHH Grater H -o-.. " For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I havo usod Chamberlain's Stom ach and LIvor Tablets for some time, and can testify that they havo done uso moro good than any tablets I havo over used. My troublo was a heavy dull feeling nfter eating. David Freeman, Kompt, Nova Scotia, Theso tablots strengthen tho stom nch and improve tho digestion. They also rogulato tho liver and bowols Thoy aro far superior to pills but cost no moro, Get a free snmplo at Dr. Stono's drug store and seo what a splendid medlclno it Is. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. fhi Kind You Kavs Always Doughl &SS?M& Bears tao Hlgna'.utc w Notice. Tho regular annual mooting of the shareholders of tho Capital National Bank of Salem, for tho election o! directors, will bo held at Its bank ing houso, In Salem, Orogon, Tuos day, January 12, 1909, at 3 o'cIocK p m. JOS. H. ALBERT, 19-m.oni Cashier O. C. T. Co, Steamors Orogonn and Po0"0 leave for Portland Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at i n.m Faro 50 cents. m . LQaVo for Corvallls, Tuosdn Thursday and Saturday about 7 P m M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. BUIE WING SANG CO. ALL KINDS HOLIDAY GOODS Silk Handkerchiefs, Chlnaware Ornaments, Curios, Gents' and Ln dies' Furnishing Goods, Silks Waists, Klmonas, Wrappers, Under wear, Coats, Pants, Blankets, Hose. Shoes, Night Gowns, etc. Now All Goods Sale At Cost. 320 N. Commercial St, 1st Store N. flASHM win eite nroapt I .. ..ATt foinsttt ' work to give ulbj! to be up to ue pi- ard, wr WILL nn P51 to (iivE isn ON OOM? Call at oorinoPe,J street. hk of Pr Store. Phono " I Kqtf LW1 MT lttg croHL P?5, -r:.u TM?ilSii "". "' wIS5, 1 .i 01 U If n ViU I1 V e k - ff