DAtl, CAttAIi JOURNAL, BALKM. OrUMMM. WEDNESDAY. PKCEMBBil 0, 100. it I DE SAGAN GETS A NEW LAWYER (United Press Leased Wire.) HALE MAOF Santa Claus Says: Next year If this keeps up I'll have to hire a stenogra pher an da private Becrolary, and a few things like that. I wish somebody could help me any way, we've been working hard getting ready one of the finest Xmns displays wo have over shown. Come and pick out the many plonsant gifts you want Santa to tuck Into you r friends' stockings on Christmas morning. a, J IflDB! Ml Paris, Dec. 9. Prlnco Hellp e Sagan, 'who recently married Anna Gould-Do Castojlane, angered at the gered at the ' .AVnited prej. , In which hlsl,.anhinoiuS7lK alleged clumsy manner caso waB presented todaj uiiBo niio iiiuauuiuu umay practical-1 . """"w cneB, ... H i ly withdraw tno caso from the hands a'- senator HT of Maltro Clemenceau at the re l"80 nlch nrtaiti ' sumption oi the suit of Count Hnn J Jruy loader ido cnsioiinnc for the custody of his lBe ioa 0f cniiuron. " aeiogj -1 Fine Silk Wnsh Ribbon, No 1. the colora are White, Light M. juiio .Mior appeared as chhf Tu W Vlcrw counsol for do Sagan. Ty lncludtd th Z2 F Dine and Pink. A grand Holiday offer, special o , I.. ..... .!... I (. .... .. Ktalo Ik.. J. " ton M fltf i'15 rf '. Br it u; Kl'!T Lt ' f it i' . 4. A V" , ' ' II I I Hi Grand For Bargains Tho largo pieces of Opossum and Fox, Boob, Four-ln-Hands, Scarfs, Stoics, otc. This Is a timely Xmas offer and you havo tho largest assortment horo to chooso from In tho Willamette Valley. Special ?0.00 values, now $419 17.60 and $8.00 values, now. . . $5 95 $100 values, now $7 95 12t)0 values, now .Q oc $20.00 values, now $-A Qg SHOP IN THE MORNINGS; tho store is not so crowded and you get bettor sorvco. HANDKERCHIEFS We've spread ourselves this year, as to quality and quantity and are now ready to show you tho host lino of Handkorchiefs nt tho low est prices. HANDKERCHIEF BOOTH Hemlnway's' Spool Silk 5c 1 spool of 100 yards All Colors O O oooooooo CITY NEWS o o o.. o o o p o o Wi'uthcr l'ort'ciiHt o o o o o Fair tonight und Thursduy. WlK-n In rortUnd Visit Hall's rostaurant, 330 Wash ington street. o-o-d W. T. Hlgdon, Undertake Always progressive, up-to-date Full equipment, largest stock. 10-21-ood-tf. Gllson's Place Eleven barbor chairs. Everything Electrical Can be had at 484 Court St. Cap ital Electrical Supply Co., E. W. rirco, Prop. 17-eod-4f. Three reasons for buying Clovoland'a Baking Pewder: Superior Quality (Puro Cream of Tartar). Neatest Package (Screw top can). Boat Price (3 lbs. ?1; 6 lbs. U&5) After January 1, 1000 Tho home of Wm. Brown, 578 Stato street, will bo for rent, Far particulars inquire at residence, 57ff Stato street, or at office, 129 Com mercial street, 1 2-5-1 w Eve? Day A bargain day at Farrlngton'a gro cery nnd mnrkot. Today smqlte4, shouldrs lie; potatoes, fluo flagon, $1.00 pot- 10,0 poundB. FJiif Country Tun G. W. Paulson and wlfo arp run ning tho Monmouth hotol, and giving tho public a very good service. Mr Paulson Is chof. and his wlfo is in charge of tho dining room Griflltli Child Hurled Tho remains of Courtney Griffith wero laid to rest this morning at 11 o'clock In tho I. O. O. F cemetery He died at tho Salem Hospital Mpn day. Decembor 7. 1908. at tho age ef 3 years, 6 months. Deceased was xm&xjR, r fr W p KnrXF ' --m M Bg3 tho son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Griffith, of Salem. ItiHt Clmnco Get your lots in Falrport now. You an save $50 by buying before Xmas. Mr. Clarke, tho Falrport man, will be tho Wlllamotto hotel for two days. Ho will tell you about the great peninsu lar movement. Tho Latest Novelties In fancy work, center pieces, fancy bags, card cases and plnholdors, at St Paul's bazaar, Docomhor 10 Last CIuum Get your lots in Falrport now. You can save $50 by buying bofore Xmas. Mr. Clarke, tho Falrport man, will be tho wlllamotto hotoi for two days. He will toll you about tho great peninsu lar movomont. Dainty Aproni Working aprons and hand-bags of ovory description at St. Paul's bo taar, Decomher 10, afternoon and ovenlng. Ijist Clinneo Get your lots In Falrport now. You can save J50 by buying before Xmas. Mr, Clarke, tho Falrport man. will bo tho Wlllamotto hotel for two days. Ho will tell you about tho great peninsu lar movomont. IIoincMiuh' Candy And ilum pudding, December 10. at St. Paul's bazaar, afternoon and ovenlng. Hoard, oj Tnul Mooting Tho Board of Trade will hold meeting at 8 o'clock tonight, membors should bo present. a AH You Will Find Very nlco comforts for grown folks and babys at St. Paul's? bazaar, Decembor 10. Another Ilonrde Sheriff Uobort Stovons, of Multuo mah county, yesterday morning brought Harry Clark, alias "Pluncy Lewis," from tho Multnomah county jail to tho penitentiary, where he will servo a term of two years for obtaining money under false pretenses. 10 yards for . . . GOO pleqos all silk Taffeta nnd loussollno Ribbons, all col ora to chooso from; an Ideal Xmas gift, 5V6 and C In. wide, tho best valuo over offered. Those Ribbons usually sold for 40c and DOc a yard, from now until Bold, tho special price is Yard All Bilk Taffeta Rlbb6ns, In vory special .Yard Holiday Footery We are now ready with tho swollcst lino of Shoes, Slippers, Moccasins, etc., ever shown In Salem for mon, women and chil dren. Now shipments Juat rccolvod Including advanco spring stylos. Today Only Wo offer Dressed DoIIb, regu lar SOc values for 28c, on palo nt 8:30. No telophone orders re ceived. TOY SECTION. Second Floor Kimonas Long nnd short. The materials nro beautifully colored In many pretty patterns. They would mako a plou.ilng gift. See Court Street Window iMUtruMTeo ffo PROSECUTE BRUTAL DRIVER Judgo Moorca received Information yesterday to tho effect that a team ster in charge of a span of mulos, hauling gravel out of a pit near the Southern Pacific depot, unmerciful ly beat tho animals for a halt hour, A woman observed tho outrageous act, while In her homo near by, It cannot bo learned as yot the name of tho brutal driver, but tho city officials havo heon Instructed to locato him if posslblo, after which Judgo Moores will Issue a warrant for his arrest. From tho testimony of several persons who witnessed tho outrageous proceedings, tho driver was attempting o force the animals to iPull an overloaded wagon throuRh tho mire, nnd upon their inability to continued to beat them In a manner disgusting and beyond even common decency, until they wero hardly able to move. In giving his view on the matter this morning, Judge Moores state 1 that ho would punish tho driver to tho fmllest extent of the law. if ho can be brought before him. In order that the unfeeling person alleged to hnvo taken undue ad vantage of his team can be Informed of the state law covering this crime, tho following Insertions are taken from section 1943, lawB of Oregon, as follews: "Whoever overdrives, overloads drlvoi whon overloaded, overworks, torments or deprives of necessavy rustennnco, cruelly beats, mutilate, either as owner or have in his cu tody. a dumb animal, shnll be pun ished by Imprisonment In the coitntv Jail not exceeding CO day or a fine of "$100. or both fine and Imprison ment." . M. W. A. Take Notice Important business and election of officers, Thursday evening. By or- der of manager. 12-9-2t v 25c 23c nil colon?, Nob. 1C to 40 width, 10c Wo'vo gathered together a mighty lot of wearlngs that will mako pleasing presents for mon. A visit to tho mon's section will bo appreciated by us, and may bo a help to you in solocting gifts. Hart, Schaffner and Marx flno clothos. Holiday Smoking Jackets Holiday Fancy Hosiery. Holiday Fancy Suspcndoru Holiday Fancy Neckwear. Holiday Fancy Shirts. Holiday Fancy Bath Hobss. t Pajamas, Underwear, Hats, q(c, Top Coats, Overcoats nnd Umbrollas, Handkerchiefs and Nepk, Mu fliers. If thoro Isn't any thing In this list, Buy a Glove Certificate . and let Him Choose . his own present. Mechanical Toys Real Electric Cars Steam Engines Fire Engines, Etc. (Second Floor) SALEM EXPRESS ! BUSINESS 6R0WS Ono of tho substantial evidences of tho city's continual growth Is show . In ' tho Increasing exnress business. O. J. .Gould, tho local agont, stateB that lor tho past two months th business has been lamer than for any corresponding month In previous years. A now additional wagon has Just been received from Los Angolos, and tho two old wagonB are In local repair shops being repainted and undergoing general repairs, and will probably bo out for tho holiday rUah, which Is expected to be unusually large. Mr, Gould moved his family here about a month ago and has located in ono of tho new Babcock cottages on South Commercial street. o- OOOOOOOOOOO 0 COURT HOUSE NEWS OOOOOOOOOOOO Another divorce suit, charging cruelty and non-support, has been filed In tho county clerk's office by Josephine Landru against her hus band, Conrad Landru. The firt marriage license Issued for ono week was handed out todpy by County Clerk Allrn to Geo. W. Ramsden, aged 23, and Maud W'lr son, aged 23. Both parties reside Iu tho town .of Macleay, whoro they are well known. DIED. Mrs. Olive. Henderson, wife of Rev; H. O. Henderson, pastor of the Cho'mekota street Evangelical church, of thl9 city, died of heart failure at the parsonage, Wednes day morn'ng at 12:50 o'clock Th deceased leaves a husband, ono dRugh ter, her father, two brotherjj'twosls- ter and many other relatives nnd frlen.ds. Tho funeral services will he Msnnouctea ny uev. K waurer at m !lnurcn corner or unemeKeia ana venimm greets, ai iu ju otiock Thursday. Tho body will then he I taken to Lents, Oregon, for burial. tho divorce trial of Bonl and th th an(1 t.ie ttM.J; M Countess Anna. Ho contended that !n!,M1 ol WUIwm t do Sagan -was too gentleman!) to lM,n of the ,( uriig imu uiu no ine names if ,i ' " '"waUtd ru women dishonorably Involved with . .credntlli cf Lt? Mm xhimi. "f that itflin -v.. rvbl Mini nt'nffnl ftint Hmm !.. !...... "" ..... ...v. .v... v.kk. viiviu linn utrfll -ft nothing morally wrong In the life bf rnilI1 do Sagan prior to his marriage. H I IAH TA Ono of tho letters referred to was!LLIJH J ruuu oy .uiur. ii whs auorosseu to "Doftr Zlzzlo," do Sagan's alleged mistress ami said: "I know nothing positive let. Shej is a hard harted bollo. I need nionoy at onco and want you to go to the! notary who lent me monoy before 1 on tho Vlnconnes house. I will be oncouraged by tho thought of the' bag of gold 1 will got." . Another letter Booking a loan of 100.00 francs on ton nor cent lntir. Inr? that , m. .."" Ml eat contained the werds: After the i marrlago with Anna.' A thircj misslvo declared "every thing progressing satisfactorily at tho Avonuo Mnlakoff," roforrlng to the resldenv of the countess. O O ooooooooo .PERSONAL MENTION ooooooooo est contained tho werds: "Aftnr lio ! llmmnn ..j .'."Pi J. II. Mcrryman left last night fori gist stubborn'lr. If laSi Manon- Hce. There li HtlU i-I Mrs. B. m. LnForc Is pending th- rpcorer)' of PitrolauiH uu iu luiuui. OLTficani viars. TM t Ft. II. Huthorford Is in Marlon on buslnoss for tho day. A. O. Magors was In Woodburn yesterday on business. W. M. Wolch, of tho firm of Wolcu Bros., Is in Portland on business. J. F. McDonald loft today for Ma rlon for a two days' business trip. C. S. Darling loft Inst night for Portland after transacting business horo. Mrs. T. Tyfona of Eugene Is the guest of Mrs. Robert Eakin for a fow days. Mrs, Leo Hydo is in Newport, at tho bed8ldo of her father, W. A. Bridges, who Is 111. J. W. Blackburn, who has boon hero on business, has returned to his homo In Albany. Mrs. J. T. Smith, who has been In tho city shopping, has returned to hpr homo In Gervnls. M. IlniiBon and T. 0. Qronback, of Sjllvorton .wore In tho city on l;uslnoss yesterday. Mrs. Frank Waro .left Inst night for Portland whoro alio frJojidB fpr,(i.fuw days, D. J. Copucrnf The Dalle, who. '.. ,hfl, Attoreer 1L'3I has boon hero- wvbuliiOivrtiirnel n ..J whlsnered "tiffi to his home yctttordny. - ahan Tb1. man Jcb I j xtoy xiuAuiuxur .rviuriivii iuuuj iw his homo l slTIoronco. iiftor. visiting ! at tho honio pf Ut F. Nye. 1 .1 w .. . ...! ln.tn In r. -- ...i... r T m I.nn1.f. uilm hoc hOAIl s.- .j,. kiM Jin tho city visiting friends, has ro- ,'the urjrlberTW fiimorl in linr linmn In Wnuooilda. ..r..:. Mr. and Mrs. J . Harnlng, of : M"'r other mIJ Mtdford, who wero In the city 'inft8i0g weroeiamlBM"0 UUSinotH, leu yoaiornuy ior ' was adjournw oniu w oatorday for ;" jg with Mr 1,nK- .l ru. viiu .nun; i iv ; Orocon City nftor visiting S. O. Long nnd family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Smnrt loft thtr morning for Detroit., Oregon, to be tho guests of relatives for a few days Mr. and Mrs. H R. Crawford, who havo beon In tho city on buslnoss, loft this morning for their homo In Tumor. W. H. Wilson, of Tho Dalles, who was arguing a case in the supreme court yesterday, returned to his hom last night. . , . .Tosie Morr's. who ha? beon visit ing Mrs. C. M. Andenon for the past several months, has gone to her home In Corvallls. , , , Mrs. M. E. Rydor left today for csnin tn tnUft r.Aro of her daughter, Mr.' O. A. Bates, who Is ill at that place. , , Mrs, Mary E. Thomas, of Port land, who was here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Gibson. left this morning for Turner to visit her moth er, Mrs. C. G. Henllno. Judgo H. H. Northup, of ho firm of Northup & Northup, of Portland, who had business In tho supreme court yosterday, returned homo last nlohl Mrs. L. Moore and Mrs. . V. Cor nol'us, who wore spending the arter noon In tho city yesterday, havo ro turned to their homes. Mrs. Sherman Miles, of PorUww. who was spending the day with Ml" Kittle Moores, left last night for anon to visit her tamer, " All Per Mies Ina Maynard has returned to th mute school, where she b qt' ient. after vMtlng her Parents. Mr and Mrs. M. W. Maynard. for a few dttJ8 H. Brewer. Jr.. the druggist of "tavton. 1- vlsltlnc: his parents. nd Mrs J. H. Brewer for J davs Ho then leavos for Portiana and Seattle on a business trip ah-8 NMle Morrow. Mrs ,0PU Leffler nnd Jim Hunt, of, woort wore tho .nip-tn of Miss ri0 and Mrs. Lefiler's Bister. Mrs. Mo nw Tslle.yenrday.pfa2 attending tne funornr orwipv TC' 7n yes- C W Yannke was m ""-',hp ne"' l "UxrU:,. Of Wood- ff B-Af ra vJ-.SS cemeiey, j. a. " from here. do m (United Pre, J Kfln pit. m. . , ' I him, In snlio of d,jL? --"", uu aeiiiMit. heauitalne.l.Loulij! "i, oiu?e"HolrlULa today, aj the rrtnliWiia killed and Ihrw nj In,n OI,-.- .i. .. ) "lf..V..BL"fl""W j iuii, mu noi Da Mga I rnl men nf iv. .XtI O I poarcd, and It U MtM joineo snarp, who in when Probation Oflttft orded to take chirp eft ilrc n In ioeMlonoftii ers" who were cosdjrtji meeting. HENEY IN (United PreitlMH San Franclao, Dct I.- Heney, umcarrcdlrtpLVi waB escorted to Uwt Judco JIurcsky loiuMi on tho wltnei iUm tii acalnst Attorney Fail J. 1 of Abe Ruefa wauelaii nllogod bribery pu j1""' . ... i . ... Hency testlDM w ui wl" UM In Judge LawJrt'iWng'J preached the coarVtoWl" temptel Dnoerj , Judge l-awicr ; PRESIDENT HIS API (United Pr W' Washington, p. l" jdent today Jeot'MW Lmtments to the , 1 vice Governor M !- V Cameron ForM rs-awsa miaiw ..- - . ,k, n-ai Palms oi J ' ciilraa F 1 (United wyiLi v... Dee. H?- -S-JftTSr'W! in? statutory o.siM of hlsfe yUtl r. nlleses that n w of Chicago, 1(- sjUirUl "tTbnt tie PJ conn I -.-.-t.TT-tor. NorwK- .-( 'rSSS' Office w- ' .uL mmmerdal -, v - -rz II OnKlFY TO i' 1 -ning.K.rtfJ .l IlnittT B - ...!. Over Ladd w :i n Ot) 0 0 o v' '10 o . tf: ' - n 0 1 !L.Lit-QfVZ 1 "'Tar-ow r;fj DB"" .-a IW.if spring T'fjtj jIorniB""- ,