T'AILY QArn h JOURNAL, BALKM, ORHQOK, WEDNESDAY, DKOEMBKU 9, 1B08. rmBZS , ji t r vu iXrm m )'iiim A IWVI3 k W-l I !. 2., if . rfir- ; ' rA -&m Sr . A (W ' "Si 'nHManiunMtUf ffiiMmm 'ra P?iP to 11; I JL. i IB Is t j h -'few fci JKM1 Coyf. ' fi j 013 ristmas Shopping Made Easy IT IS DIFFICULT TO CONCEIVE OF A SITUATION DE- MANDING A CHRISTMAS PRESENT THAT CAN NOT BE SUPPLIED FROM OUR STOCK; NO OTHER CLASS OF PRESENTS IS SO UNIFORMLY WELCOME AS THOSE JUDICIOUSLY SELECTED FROM A MODERN FURNI TURE STORE; WE ARE ALL VERY MUCH ALIKE WHEN IT COMES TO RECEIVING PRESENTS, WE APPRECIATE MOST THAT WHICH IS USEFUL AND BECOMES A PART , OF OUR EVERY DAY LIFE SINCE RECEIVING MANY I. M.T ! I .. . . .. . ., III. ' ! -' UK SHIPMENTS BOUGHT EXPRESSLY FOR HOLIDAY BUSINESS, WE ARE FULLY PREPARED TO INTEREST - i YOU AT THIS PARTICULAR TIME, MAKE SELECTIONS EARLYAND HAVE THEM DELIVERED AT THE PROPER TIME. MORMON CHURCH FOR SALEM Salem Is to havo a Mormon colony, according to tho plans of four oldors of tho cluurch. who havo beon holl- lng nicotines In this city for tnd latti icw wooks, with a viow to securing convert to add to a congregation, though small, which Is already formed. Auothor oldor arrived this morning, and dollnlto plans for tho building of a tomplo nro to bo under taken at once. -o- COMPEL VACCINATION OF EXCHANGE GIRLS (United Pross Leased Wire.) v San Francisco, Dee. 9. A force of doctors, working under tho di rection of Health Olllcor It. 0. Brod crlck la engaged In wielding scnpels over tho girls In tho vnrlous tele phone exchanges. All tho gunrdlans of the wires woro not vaccinated on the arm and that Is tho reason why many of them aro limping sllghtiy. Tho vncclnntlon order wiib Issued by tho board of health after tho dis covery that Miss Ida Pankow, an oporator In tho West Exchango has contracted smallpox. Tho doctors began operations Sunday aftornoon and will bo finished somo tlmo today. In tho monntlmo tho girls nro ad mirably preserving their tempers over tho Hues dctiplto tho discomfort caused by tho vaccination. o TKSTKI) AND PItOVKN. Tlicro Ir a Hoop of Solnco In llelng Ablo to Depend Upon n Well. ICnrned Iteputntlon. ' IlllPilPlll 1 I 3U C a I. 1 D ti,c Keeps Frost Off Windows Don't you dislike to leave the warm living room and undress in a cold bedroom where the frost is thick on the windows? No need to any longer a PERFECTION Oil Heater (Eqalpftd wlla $atokdM Bettet) makes any cold room cheerful and cozy in a trice and keep it so. It has a smokeless device that means no smoke no hmK ho bother just direct intense heat. Finished in japan and ntckaL Brass font holds 4 quarts, burn 9 hours. Easily car ried about. Every heater warranted. ie House Furnishing Company 177 LIBERTY STREET For months Salem readers hnvo seen tho constant expression of prnlso for Doan'B Kidney rills, and road about tho good work thoy havo dono In this locality. Not another romady ever produced such convincing proof of ii'u.i A. J. Wood, 250 Cottngo utrcot, Salem, Oro, says: "Kldnoy and bladder trouhlo b ctuu lo bad In my enso about tw months ngo that I was obliged to do something to ontw my Bufferings. Tho trouhlo bothered no most In tho morning for two or thrco hours after gotthv up, tho frequent pnusnges of tho kidney secretions being tho most dlulrult. I know of pooplo who had rocolved tho best of rosults from noan's Kldnoy Pllla. nnd I llnally procured a box nt Dr. Stone's drug Btoro. Iloforo I had usod ono box I was completely free from tho trouhlo nnd my gonornl honlth was goiter, i "ran hardly express, tho good opinion I have of Doan'a Kldnoy Pills." For Halo by all donlers. Prlco HO cents. (lostor-Mllburn Co., Iluffalo. New York, solo agents for tho united States Kcmombor tho namo Doan's and tnko no other. Cflra HMM MAKE CAMPAIGN AGAINST PARASITE ENEMY OF FRUITS Press Leased Wlro.) 5ton, D. C. Dee. 9 A ' against the pear thrlpB in f h to bo conducted next ttlio Santa Clarn, San Lea- nraento and San Joaquin tho bureau of otomology. ' department of agrlcul- kir men havo already boon Mlfornla to be on tho scene troublesome llttlo lnct of tho crounil and fnstons Ihr blossoms of tho uprlcot. r nnd pruno Troos. I'o-tcr Is to bd In ohnrgo of tat San Ramon, assisted by paon Drudley Moulton is tha-go of tho work In the ra vaU"y, nsalstcd by Y. R rk a to begin In a system- lfrn of spraying tho treos inn ns soon ns the thilp , at pcaranco In tho oarly (d Miey will mr-ko oxpert- It rmine the host way to lesoct thnt Is threatening igr to the fruit crop of the 1st led derives Its name, "paar ecauso It was first notod in Bxtnt on tho blossoms of but It nttacks all tho fruit i'lfornla with Impartiality. Jinn Ita worBt damago now ol For gestion Guarantee Coupon to tho chorry and aiirlcot treos. ac cording to tho exports who havo been sent to California to investigate. Spraying has been found to bo an Ineffective method of attacking the post, becau." It attaches Itsolf to tho blossoms of the trees ns soon ns It hatches out, and a Bpray solution Btrong enough to kill tho In&oct usu ally kills tho blossom. But, tho lnsct ontors tho ground during tho last two weeks of March nnd apparently stays thoro the great er part of the year. It Is hore thai the sclontlsts, who havo been wnt to California, hope to do their bot work rgalnst tno poaw. u wa learned hore today that additional appropriations of $1 5.000 will lw asked for at this saaslon of ooagrew for the expresa purpose of ngntlag the thrlpa In California. The congroaamon from Orogon will also aak for nn appropriation of $10 -000 to be exponded In fighting th oflillliiK moth In Southeastern Or-gon. ACTRESSES NAMED IN GOULD DIVORCE ACCUSED OF THRIATENING YOUNG LADY A dnuiugo suit was filed in the ell- cult court yostordny aftornoon bvj Fred Fogel, of Alt. Angel, ulloglngj tnat tho city marslial, Anfono I'oop ping, arrested him nnd caused bis confinement In tho city Jail for a porlod of 29 l.onrs without Justifiable cause. Kogol demands that tho mim of J5000 bo decreed htm for tho uu warrnntod arreat. From Information racolvod from Mt. Angol It npjxmrs that Kogol foi inorly resided In Portland with his paronta, nnd came to Mt. Augel sev oral months ngo During his "Uv In Mt. Angol lie became infutuatcj with Anna Heekormatu n young lady residing thoro. upon a rotusai i; huvo auythlng to do with him Fogel Ir alleged to navo mauo tnreas agaiuw nir wnicn wor a-wiicim-i srlous to warrant th marshal ar reting him. Fifty-four head or Jorsoy 'cmttlo and nluo horsoa woro burnud In tho barn of (1. II. Ilurkert at Woodburu Miuked for Dentil "Throo years ngo I was marko.l for (loath. A grave-yard cough was tearing my lungs to plocos. Doctors failed to holp mo, and hopo had fled, whon my hunbiiiul got Dr. Klng'a Now DL'covory." ayfl Mrs. A C. Wil liams, of Dae Ky. Tho flrat dose holpcd mo and Improvement kept on until I -lind ira nod 08 pountiB in weight nnd my honlth wna fully r- stored. This modlcino noios mo world b healmg record for cougriB anJ colds and lung nnd throat disomies It provontn pnenimonln. Sold under gunrantco at J. C. Perry's drug store. T50e nnd ?1.00. Trial bouio iroo. i ' r A 10-year-old boy of Seattle. WnBhlngton. will live though part of IiIm brain wna shot way with a 33 callbro bulloL Tillamook City baa voted to take in tho suburb. In orde rto secure a tetter chanao to gut an linpnivad harbor. o Tlin Alhunv unhrinl niitlHIIH uhoWS a gain of 4 over last year's rcwrt. or ij boitla o( KodoL 70a ' J It Iim not bnfitf d 100, tait xaoatr. Try Kodol todr a . rulgul sad slis tbo follow U lo tba dtiltr l lo Urn of tf It (tilt to tatlifT too rctnro lb( dealer frota whom to betu it. utmiMu;. tITkUOo. EsWhatYouEat it (h Steaach Swc ITT Co7. Chtcjie XII. IJY ALL DEALERS. (Unltad Press Leased Wire.) New York, Dec. 9. Miss Ma- Jorle Stevens and Mlw Hose Winter. tho latter an English actress, whoso husband Is Percy Winter, wero named today ai c'ro1',ondo1'?.t8Mr'n the suit for divorce Hied by Mrs. T,.f" Kelly Gould against rrank J Tho plaintiff alleges that, during the fall and winter of 1906 nnd 1907 Gould and Mlsa Stevens oc cupied adjoining rooms at tho Grand Hotel In Paris and that, aftorwards. h frquntv visited the young woman at hor Nw York realden' Mr" GoSld charges her husband with pirylng court to Miss Winter a this city, meeting her at a well known rttauraat In 100C and after wards lavishing eoetly presents and sums of money oa Vvr i Portland has bn admitted to the Northwest baseball league r. n,n, 1 h n li.n elected mayor' of Hood River on the Tax j payers' ticket HAD QUIT WORK READY TO GIVE UP IN DESPAIR KoBtorod to Health By Vlnol "I was sick, ran-down and finally bad to give up work. After trying a number of remedies and several phy sicians, I was Just about ready to giro up In despair. I taw Vlnol ad vertised and decided to try Jt and It has done more good for me than all other means combined. It has built me up and restored my strength until I now feel twenty years younger, and am able to attend to my work again as usual." Job Jeavons, 1036 IJnd street. Wheeling, W. Va. The reason Vlnol la to successful in such cates Is because it contains tonlo Iron .and all of the strengthening blood-making and body-bulldlng ele ments of cod liver oil, but no oil, Vlnol is unexcelled as a strength 'rcator for old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after sickness-and Is the best known rem tdy for coughs, colds nnd bronchitis. We return your money IX Vinol falls to give aatlsfactioa 0. W. PUT.VA5I CO. Barrfs JEWELERS " WATCHES FOR GIFTS For presentation occa sions a watch is always ex pressive of charming senti ment and at the same time it is a gift of real value, With Christmas not far away, why not come in and make a selection? The watch stock is absolutely complete, the prices wore never lower, and the line is truly elegant, We confidently believe you will make a mistake not to inspect our stock and store, Bail's JEWELERS jt?36Ly& Lamp I vn;!i?,lcd S-r r foritsbrilkant. steady light, simple construction and absolute safety, Equipped with the best central draft burner. Mnde of brass, nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer docs hot handle the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil Heater wika our nearest agency for descriptive circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) Trans-Atlantic Fire Insurance Com pny, of Hamburg, Germany, (In Liquidation,) Notlco is horcby glvon that nil pot ley holdors, crodltors or other claim- nntH In tho United States nnd Alaska of and ngalnst tho said Insurance company (oxcopt such ns havo ap peared In itho action horotnhaforo ra forrod to) aro dlroctod nnd roqutrod to profit tholr claims against said Innuranco company on or boforo tho 9th day of January, 1000, to Edgar M. Doughty, Esq., at room No. 401, No. 25 llroad utroot, II o rough of Man hattan, City of Now York, tho Itoforoo horotoforo nppolnted undor an ordor of tho Supremo Court of the Stnto of Now York, In an action brought by tho United Statofl Trustee of tho snld Insurance Company to account for and dlstrlbulo tho truBt fund hold by tho Bald TmiBtoo and tho Suporlu tondont of Insurance of tho Stnto ot Now York for tho bonollt of tho said policy holdum and creditor within tho United Statofl. Dated, Now York City, Novomber 24, 1008. PAUL LICIITKNSTKIN, EDWARD T. HULBT, JOSEPH ANDItEWS, Truatcoa. Undorwood, Van Vorst h Hoyt, Attor neys for said Trust oo, 25 llroad Street, Now York City. 12-2-wod-tf ARE YOU SICKPrr Do You Wish to Get Cured? iu iir?-.smm fSMTi t"Li mriWm WkXfte CAPITAL UAKIJIIY 439 Court street, Nowklrk llroo, Props. Dread, Cakes, Plos and all kinds of Pastries, Cookloa, etc. Wntch for our wngou. Phono 0fi4. Special ordora delivered on short notlco. ll-10tf. llUTTKimUT llllKAD. It U worth more than any othn -read yot the prlco la no hlaher 'or saitt at your grocers'. CALtl'XJItNIA IIAKKUY, T'ioiiimh CKilcy, I'rnun, (irnit Cliliieso Doctor L. M. If U M Mnb medlclnu which will cure ar.y known disease. IIo makes a spi-ctai ty of, and guarantees to ouro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Ithoumatlsm. nobility, Stomach, Ltvor. Kldnoy Troubles; also any blackened o. swollen soreness, broken limbs; Smallpox; fCpldomlc; nil kinds ol Hulls, Lent Manhood, Fomalo Wttak noss, Hernu Troubles and Paralyeli Consultation free. Caro of Ylck Bo Tong Co., Chlnoso drugs and herb IDS High St. upstairs. Balem, Or. Aftor you bavi tried tho othor) doctors, como nnd noo tho old rellabld Chlnoso doctor, IIo guarnntoos to euro nttor ovorythlsg else hns failed. Dr. Kum has lived over 20 year In Snlom, nnd has cured n great majr of Bnlom'a well-known mon and we mon, nnd has scores of testimonials, from thankful patlonts whom ho has curod in tlio past. IIo guaranteei to euro whom tbt knlfo scorns the last resort. IIo trontn all chronlo and norvoua dlsonsoB, catarrh, asthma, lung nnd throat troubles, stomach, llvor, kldnoy nnd honrt trouble, rheu mntlsm, gall Btonos, tnpo worms, lost vlUvllty, gonornl debility, rupture an all kinds of fomalo complaints. Ex amination nnd consultation free. It you cannot call wrllo for symptom blnnk to tho Dr. Kum Ilow Wo Drug Co., 107 South High street, Salem, Oregon. OKItMAN IIAKKUY AND CONKKCTIONRHV Now undor now management HriUiKUKT HOIINKIIIKll ProprletorH Completo lino of fresh nnd up-to-date bakers goods dollvorod to all parts of the city froe. Wo nro proud of our party nnd wedding cakos, delivered on short notlco. (live us a trial In all wo nsk. Storo cornor Twelfth and Che mokota BU. Phone Main 001 yvzr PWM7?? V 223 S. COWWtHCIAL Sf Hoc'xy Mountain Ibp Muyg. A Si. r MidUat K..y rr' Bnai 'jvJ Ht.;u fcU I " i.' V'f,' A fH:ilt.i f -I CiuKilu1' ' . U "C im l.t. iti'l KMu-. Tr ii r. T'li.pt ' K fin", Iniu ifec Ill llrMil. Hlmr-f.i i'-. '- l 1VI.I ,ml luriulf Ii t K nv !.... .im I , . Vt fottn S iv-u'k n In '! ' "H i'.iuIh (' tlQU-t KH !'! l iHKiVV, ! W'. nn or, i - r . If fl A 1 tfi Tffl A VHfl FRMCH FHULE mumiumt pills. 4 lira, Outtr-i tuiu hf SvrruAMfTMitM. smiiiB'dM Ta Mil. ; str4'" "; UllWMlUl. r l r4 m irtl, m U lui lA mn'mi. Hm?ttn. I(juu4-Aulai t4 t - Mt f f rl4' M Ut IIMITCOMCOICAICO , 0T. UMM.Tlm. f. pmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmm ..Jd In Salem bv Di, 5. C. St TIIK 1IBOT ROAST THK iUMIfiY KVKII HAD Can oo obtained from our prima tondur mid Ju'oy beef, mutton o pork. All our meats nro soleoto'i from' tho choicest, and prepared for the table to suit tho domcuds of the fastidious Our prices arc lower for quality than you can find at any place lu Haltiin. I.. V. L II () fl H, Pboae Ml. S7Q RUie Bt, Gold Bust Flour JLilc by THK BYD.VKY I'OW. KP COMPANY, Hldney, Ortw go. , Mudo for fuiully ue. Ask your grocer for it. Ilran and Mhorts always on lutml. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. fiHICHCsTEft s hLLS VJ-SV .TUB UlASfUMW UKANaT A :mtj rwn .uiiiki Atn A., ,n:. ji, S(HDP.VD(H'CCI5rinTPrK U.,CT AT B