4 - 41 - i VAteCTTAL TOURNAIi, SALKM, ORWGOtf, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ",100b. .-r "ft -9 ihmh mMiv9Kiimiiviiim 4&iim jft rnv'r --- il ' ,-! , : EM' , ? i i i r I'i i ;i U i ".t if r ! ' T RBETMATISM CAUSED BY DYSPEPSIA So Claim Many Eminent Doctors Up OH Recent ScIontlHc Investiga tion. A larco sen ol of physicians which Is constantly Increasing, claims that the ontlng of -too much animal fools creates an oversupply of protoidd, which are composed of carbon, hy drogen, nitrogon, oxygen and sulphur and that when such protelds are lm perfectly dlgooted and go into the Mood that creates vast quantities of nitrogon which the oxygen from the lungs cr.nnot neutralize and henco results, uric acid and rheumatism and scores of other disease. Those protelds do not jwrralt th assimilation processes to take place properly and blood poisoning results all through the blood. Horever, of such protelds are per fectly digested they forw a most val uable part of our food and are ab solutely noceecsary to life. The fault tlon rests with the stom ach and the digestive apparatus. Hoace It is clrlmed by these lat ter day authorities that rheumatljm arises through the stomach or through the stomach and not In the kidneys as some medical authorities teach. StuartVs Dyspepsia Tablets core dyspepsia, reduce protelds to their natnr.il condition best taken up by the system, give strength to the blood rest the ctomarh invigorate and re new ho gastric fluids, pancreatic Jalce tnd the digestive organs in gn ernl. Forty thouso.nJ physicians use the little digesters, and every druggist sells them, 50c per box or send in your name and adureas and we will send tou a trial package free. Ad dress F. A Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg. .Marshall, Mich. o OAST ORXA. THE WANT ADS ARE READ BY EVERYB0 CLASSIFIED DErARTMENT rijree Lines, Three Insertions, 25c. FOH BALE -Acre Tracts In 12 mllos of Port land. Fine fruit lund and closo to now electric lino und county road. 1700, G0 cash and $10 per month Horaescokers Information Buroau. 222 N. Commercial St., Salem. Or. lO-S-tf For SuleA flrst-clttBs 1 horse power Mitchell gusollno engine, with auto sparkor, both In good condition. Also 2 horso power water motor. Enqulro nt Journal ofllco Immediately, If you wish n bargain. 10-20-tf For Sale--Sovon-room house, nil molern convonlonco, one-half block Innd. For furthor particu lars call o. 'mo mornings at my rosldonce, ond of car lino, south, llrs. Goo. II. Jonos Phono 1181. 10-27-tf. For Sale Ton shares of Hickory Bark proforred stock. Addrosa Drawor 518, Salem, Oregon. 9-25-tf For Sale Sovernl housos in Salem, and furm lands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. G-l-cod BOMH SPECIAL BARGAINS IN REAL K9TATK. Fifteen acroa, all in cultivation, good houee, barn, outbuildings, flno water, fruit, etc, on good road, near school. This Is a splendid home. For a fow days only at $3, 190. 200-ncre farm, good now house, 2 barns, all kinds of fnult, 1C5 aero In cultivation, valuable timber, fine water, flno land, on good road; a snap, $10,500. Lots, good ones, good location, will soil cheap for fow days on Install ments, small payment down; also havo some special bargains In good houses; also havo Bomo or the best lota In Salem, closo In; houses to rent. If you want anything see A. O. SMITH CO., Room 9, ovor United StnteB Natlonil Bank. Salem, Oregon. For Sale Modern five-room Colon ial cottage and lot. Unlvorslty ad dition. Would sell on Installment nlan. Innulre room 1 Gray build ing. No agents' foos. 11-23-1 mo Sawmill Site for Sale Locatod ono mljo from S. P. rnllroad betwron Wapato and Gnston. Twelvo mil lion foot of logi available. Ad dross W. 11. Egan, RL 2 Gervu'-,. ll-25-tf Bwlne for Bill' Brood sows and fedrs for butcher stock . Apply to Wtn. H. Egan. Rt. 2, GorvaU, Orogon. H-25-tf For Hslo Slab woed: phono 53. Curtlss Lumbor Co. 11-24-lm For Sule Dry wood for salo, $4.50 per eord. Phono 1419 or cnll at 17U0 siato stroot. M. P Donnls. 12-7-3t i Hum for Rale Or rent. 581 North Church street. 12-?-3t For Hale 62 acres, will cut 6000 cords of wood; 3 miles of Salem. r..., . cnld ntilnlr: tnr 13000. See Ferguwa k. Flslisr. 12-7-Jt ' KLEIN'S MOST POPULAR PLAY Henry B. Harris will offer n spe cially choren company In Charles Klein's great American piny, "Tho Lion and the Mouse," at tho Grand opera house on Thursday night, nnd the announcement has provoked as largo nnd Justly-due Interest as has been aroused here In the past for thU deeply drawn play. Those who have seen this drnmn can hardly realize how anyone could becomo wcqry In watching the unfolding of Intrigue surrounding so unmerciful a man ns John Burkett Ryder. Tho fact of the growing popularity, now in its fourth year, tends to prove that It Is ns thor oughly enjoyed at a second or third visit as at the first, and Justly so. The local following seems to bo as keen ns beforo, for many questions havo been put to tho local manage ment In reference to tickets. Reed Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and col da If now at hand and too much caro can not be used to protect tho children. A child la much more likely to con tract dlpthorla or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you euro his cold the less the risk. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy Is tho boIo reli ance of many mothers, nnd few of those who havo ever tried it are will ing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher. of Ripley, W. Vn., says: "I have never used anything oth?r than Chamberlain's Cough Romody for my cb'ldrcn "and it has always given good satisfaction." This rem edy contains no opium or other nar cotic and may bo given oa confident ly to a child as to an adult. For sale at Dr. Stono's drug storo. Veteran Prefers Salem I. C. Sutton has returned from threo months' stay at Astorln, nnd i Is very glad to bo homo again Ho says ho likes Salem bettor than any town In tho stato, and is prepared to arguo tho matter with any mnn who champions some other city. A largo farm, 8 miles south of Sa eom, $30 por ncro; n snap. IIoubo and two lota on Marion street, $1400. Threo good rooms for light house keeping. Property for onlo In all parts of tho city, also farms of all kinds. JOHN KNIGHT, Itenl Estate. Tho Murphy Blk. cor. Com. nnd Stnto FOR SALE $5G00 HO acres, nil In cultivation, 2 acres mixed fruit, all bearing. Blnck rich Ionm, 1 Vi story, 7 room houso, 3 d miles from Sn lom, very nonr school. A rare bar gain. $5200 110 ncrofl, 23 acros In cul tivation, now houso and barn, SG ncrofl of flr tlmbors, will cut C to f. thousnnd cords of wood. Only ZVz miloB from Salem. Profits on tho wood will pny for tho fnrm. This will sell quick. Sco before you buy. 200 acros, IVj mllos of Marlon, $35 por aero. 120 acros undor culti vation, GOO rods now wovon wlro fonco. Improvements all good. Abir. Adolph M. Gins Teacher of snap. $2100 Now nearly complotod olo gant rosldonco, ono and ono-hnlf lots, bath, toilet, soptfe tank, near Capitol building, good surround ings. Ono of tho best buys in the city. Closo In. $1550 Now 6-room house, bath and toilet, septic- soworngo, elegant homo surroundings. A bargain if tnkon Boon. FERGUSON & FISHER. E Z TERMS. Wo hnvo choice vacant lots $50 and up In all parts of the city on Easy terms. Now Is tlmo to buy on tho rlso of market. Own your own homo. Cut out tho rent proposi tion. $1050. For two days only. House, 8 rooms. olectrlc lights, toilet, sowor, wood Blted, bnrn, coment walks, lawn nnd flowers, only two blocks to business section, Real Snap. Farms. $750 Ton aero on Portland Electric car line: ono of tho biggest snaps In the valloy. Another ono of 15 acres; 7 acres In prunes, 8 acres In A No. 1 farm land, only $1200. 40 acros $3000. On Howell Prairie very best of soil. Wo will build you a house on tho In stallment plan, $100 down, bal ance, tonus to suit, sinoo. MlS, LT S? corStorS! cash, bnlauco $20 por mouth. IIHUHTHL H .MI.Vl'ON, 131 Statu Stree. Salem, Or. For Sale Thoroughbrod Roso Comb llhodo Islnnd Rod cockor- ols and pullets. Also eggs for hatching. Watch for display pon in window at Perry's drug store oaiuruay nnu oununy, uecomuen 12 and 13 J. Frod Iddlngs, phono 1316. 1659 Court st. 12-9-3t I For Sale A steam wood saw, 10 horso boiler, 8-horso engine, now truck. Ono registered Jersey bull, 5 years old, 344 State street. Phono 41. 12-8-tf I the BcstCough Cure A half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine, two ounces of Glycorlno nnd a hnlf- pint of WIskoy, mixed, will euro any cough that is curablo nnd break o cold in 21 hours. Takes a teaspoon fill every four hours. Ask your drug gist for tho gonulno Loach's Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared and guaranteed by tho Leach Chem ical Co., Cincinnati, Or. TREMENDOUS PENSION GRAFT IN IRELAND fUnlted Press Leased Wire.) Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 9. Whole sale frauds in tho distribution of old ago pensions In Ireland havo caused such a scandal that, until safe guards can bo plnced on the system, no further pensions will bo pnld. It was supposed that thcro wero only 152,000 persons, over 70 yenrs of ago In tho country, entitled to tHo weekly pension of five shlll--ings, but tho records show that 193,- OOOhnvo applied for tho monoy and that hundreds of additional dam ages nro coming In dnlly. of births was kept In Iroland, and of bitrths was kopt in Ireland, nnd thousands of pcoplo nro not posi tive about their nges. But, al though thcro is a reasonable doubt in many cases, tho authorities hnve found others where dollbornto frntid has been practiced in an effort to tnko advantnko of tho old ngo pen sion grant Many naturalized Irish American, returning to this country, nro nlso nulling to tho confusion by grafting on tho fund. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I havo used Chamberlain's Stom ach and Livor Tablets for oomo tlmo, nnd can testify that they hnvo dono ubo moro good thnn any tablets I have over usod. My troublo was n heavy dull feeling after eating. Dnvld Freeman, Kempt, Novn Scotia. Thcso tablets strongthon tho atom- ach nnd improvo tho digestion. Thoy nlBO regulato tho liver and bowols. Thoy aro far superior to pills but cost no moro. Got n frco snmplo nt Dr. Stono's drug store and soo what a splondld medicine it 1b. UlfKTULIiANEOUH Cement Work Concroto walks, sep tlo tanks, comont floors and foun dations. E3t!mat03 furnished and all work guaranteed. J. P. Vetch, 328 Marlon street. Phono G08. 9-10-tf Concrete Work Oct m prices ou sidewalk, curbs, spotlc tanks and consent work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maple Ave., Highland. Phone GG9. Mny 24-09 Voget IiuiiiImm and Furl C. Lum bor, shingles, building mntorlal, wood a ad coal. Low pricos and prompt deliveries. Ono block oao' of S. P. passenger dopot. Phono 198. 7-3-tf. lluUo Vi Wfiiilerotli Flno wines llquorB nnd clgnrs. We handle tho colobratod Kollog nnd Castle whlskloB. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. Soutn Commercial stroot. 9-3-lyr. langungos, Gorman, Fronch; prl vato lessons; grammar, convorsa tlon. lltoraturo, commercial clasB os. Evening class at Y. M. C. A Call upon Geo. A. Forbes, gon'l secretary Y. M. C. A. or leavo word at Board of Trade- ofllco. 11-1'5-lm. Bring Your Magazine Subscriptions To Elsie L. Goodlwie, 15D0 Ferry st, Snlom. f tako subscrlptfon for all magazines. Every order will ro colvo prompt attention. Phono 7G8. ll-141mo. For Choice Meats And right prices cnll nt the Highland Meat market, Carl Arthur, Prop. Dr. 1). D. Kecler, Veterlnarlnn -Export Obstotricnn in all kinds of ani mals. Oiflco at F. 'G. Hans drug store. Phone Main 367. Home Phono Maine 517. ll-19-lmo Millinery School Young ladles taught various branches of this monoy-maklng art In six weok3' time, Torms moderate Mrs. Adams, 505 N. Summer street. 11-25-lmo. Hyda Bros. Electric Co. Electric supplies an dflrst-class wiring at reasonable prices. Call at our ofllco for estimates. Phone 451. 143 N. Llborty street. 12-2-lm T '," "rt Hotel-Only 25c per moai, beds 25 and 50c. Board nnd lodglnk $4.00 por week. V. J. Lovo, proprietor. 1 2-3-1 w Lost Blue mosaic brooch, sot In sll- I ver band; wedding gift. Please return to Cottane hotel. 12-4-3t ' Wohho Work Day work and pleco work aud Japaneso cook furnish- ,,. Hnll nt aaa Pm.rt of,, . .. wUU1V BV.UUl, ICO- tnurant. 12-5-lmo Dahlias und Peonies My Special ties, were prize-winners at tljo 8tato fair. Havo best and largest variety of any grown on the coast, Send for my catalog. Geo. L. Allen, Lebanon, Oro. 12-9-lm MULE COULD NOT STAND "SCOTTY'S" PACE (United .Press Lensod Wlro.) Reno, Nov., Dec. 0. Scotty's famous mule "Maud" Is dead out on tho. desert, CO miles from Wlnne muccn, n victim of wine and rich food. A Winnomticcn phyBldal hnB diagnosed Maud's ' aliment ns Brlghts dlsenso brought on by high living. Prosperity, which hns played tag with Scotty for several years, hnB played havoc with his faithful beast of burdon. Ever slnco tho "mystery of Denth Valley" took tho innn East on his famous ride over tho Santa Fe and drank champagne out of a bucket sho hns never boon tho snmo. She "went tho pace. "Scotty," through thick nnd thin, hns clung to tho mule, tho compan ion who wns faithful In his poverty nnd convivial In his prosperity. Last week tho two friends set out for tho Blnck Rock desert, where it is said tho "Croesus hns located nnothor fabulously rich mlno. But Maud's sudden death spoiled his plans, stranding him In tho wnBto of sand nnd sago brush, 40 miles from tho nearest spring. Scotty Is in town todny, arrang ing for Maud's funeral and mourn fully looking for another pack nn mal. This timo, snys Scotty, oats and plnln wntor will roplnco pato do folo grnB nnd bubble wntor as his mule's dlot. Bownro of Frequent Colds. A succession of col ' or a pro tracted cold Is almost cortaln to end In chronic catarrh, from which few every cold tho nttontlon It desorfoa and you mny avoid this dlsngrooablo disease. How can you euro a cold? Why not try Chamborlain's Cough Romody? It li highly recommended. Mrs. M Whito, of Butlor, Tenn., sayc: Sovoral yearn ngo I waa bothered with my throat and lungs. Bomo ono told mo of Chamberlain's Cough Rom ody. I began wslng It nnd It rollorol mo at onco. Now' my throat anl Itinera flrn amftitl nnrt wnlt " 1?nn anln I at Dr. Stono's drug store. LODGES Carpenters Union No. 1005 Local Union No. 10G5 of Carpontora nna Joinors of America moot ovor Sat urday ovonlng at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 Stato Strcot A. W. Dennis, Rec. Sec. ForcHtcrs of America Court Sbor wood, Foresters, No. 19. Meots Saturday night In Holmnn hall, Stnto ntrcot, Goo, F. Pattorson, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial secrotnr.v Central Lodge No. JH, K. of I. Cnstlo hall In Holman block, cor ner Stnto and Liberty ntroets. Tuesday of each week nt 7.30 p. m. Oscnr Johnson, C. C; E. B Anderson. K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cednr Camp No. 5246. Moots every Thursday ovenlng at 8 o'clock In Holmnn hall. W. W. 11111, V. C; F. A. Turner, dork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holmnn hall. E. Lupton, C. C; I" Tj. Frazler, Clerk. Lincoln Annuity Union Bialc, ncct- uont and pension insurance; $2, 000,000 plodged; ovory claim paid. Good agents wanted. J. H. C. Montgomery, mipromo organiser, Box 432 Salem. Orogon. R. R. Ryan secretary. 540 State street. WANTED Wanted By students at Willamette, employment for 2 or 3: hours ia aftornoon and all day Saturday. Address E. H., care Journal. 11-T-tf. "HELP WANTT!IT.' Wanted" Manager for branch offlco we wteh to locate here In Salem Address, Tho Morris Wholesale House, Cincinnati, Ohio. 11-18-lmo . We- Want your Poultry, Dressed Veal and Hogar can always got you top markot prlco and pay you every week. W. T. Turner & Co., 141 Front Btreet, Portland Oro gon, Reference, Ladd & Tllton bask 11-19-lmo. Wanted Soino good Jorsey cows. If your cows nro not good and prices reasonable, do not answer. Ed. T. Judd, 22nd and For'ry. 12-5-3t PLUMBERS Theo. M. Harr Plumbing, hot water and stoam heating and tinning, 164 Commercial street. Phone Main 192. 9-1-lyr M, J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Surres-or to Knox Murphy. 226 Commercial street LIVERY AND FEED STABLES" Livery nnd Feed Stables Old PoJt offlco Stables, at 254 Ferry stroot between Commercial and Front streets. Telephone 188, Some of the finest liveries In tho city can be found horo. Wstacott & John son tt Wntctl to Borrow $1000 on city property. New houso, just com pleted, 7 por cent Interest, to run throe years. Address "B," caro of Journal. 12-7-3t Wanted To buy, a gentle riding pony, muBt bo cheap. Adress x Journal office. 12-7-3t. BfrrWli i pim 9ALLLm) ft LroilOLlPEiTcENr- ANcgelablePrennraiionforAs JlngUicSiomachsojulDwlstf m A BtHi RoniolcsDiftcsllonhfafirl ."I, ncss ana iwsLContalnsnefahn Opuim.Morphinc norMncraL m Ml H, k ty" ' l. 1 OT NARCOTIC. "- T- JfoyfeOJJkStMZZmwJl m mWu, -f'. 'Vi " fUrtfJUl StrJ" t'ffC" i " f "n-i , sHx.jmna fiaWtSdtt- tVK&ttt lAhtimwkhJa MctatSttd' Om'mlSumr hatajim llamr. 8ss fl W.O J V mi (W'Jli Aperfect Remedy for Cdntflpa- uon , aour aioinacn.uiarrroa op Sleep. RicSunilc Slgnaaire of NEW YORK. I TTZnV.i SSbift i?.SV U . ii.".M.W.i' &3i! SW , Guaranteed under the rO iA4jHUUHp Exact Copy of Wrapper. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALIC f POR SALE O acres, 'tho bent buy wo have, $2500 ."loom cottage, easy walking dis tance, S1000 7 STATE ST. OLMSTED LAND CO. 378 STATE STREET. FOR SALE. 30 acres 2 milos wost of Salem; 1? acros sot to fruit, 12 acros timber, now nlno-room houso, flvo closets, 'Jni place, 2 porchen wood shod; hoiiso furnished. Xsw bnrn 32x40 team, cow; nil kinds of tools needed for' place, now surry, good light rig, two-horso light wngon, heavy hnrneta, light harness, 5 dozon chickens, now in cubator, broodor. Also .!& acres, half clearr part In orchard; wood will pay for place; both places good soil, no bettor Cherry, Straw borry or Fruno land in the state; no flnor view in state than from both places. Address C. M. Beaver, It. R. No. 2; phono 47x2. 12-2-3t FOR RENT For Rent 6-room, modern houso, at 555 Ferry, tho Wobator Holmes property. Hot and cold water, furnaco heat. See J. A. Cooper. Phono 34. 12-7-31 For Rent Good ofllco room. Phouo 83j. 8-12-3t DRAYSIEN Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done Furniture and pianos boxed ready for shipment. Prompt service 1 our motto. Stand nnd office at 253 South Commercial Btreet Phone 210. Residence Phone Wnmro.. .CV r'lloi-rillirntl- PlnnH3 and m organs sold on easy torms; fj3 poultry ei!l!r?i nhnnn 11R7" 247 Commercial I tf.llhod R00 nrfi Street, Salem, Oregon. " IMIUHU .Wlk ... - - . Huvo You Monoy to loan? If bo we can loan It out on the best securities. Thomas & Smith, 47b State street. 12-8-3t SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office Bills payable monthly In advance. G. P. MASON BOX CO. 247 Miller St, South Salem, manu- haliiFs. n oil Irlnifn nt boxes. CratOS aud fruit dryer accessories. Phon tth. - gorlnfi anUi The Kind Yoi Always Bears the ii Signature of TMf IXI MHn N( HOTELS AND m ( pV Thirty I CAST! - -- " ivirvii-rAiLrjMi White Hotise For i hfk 25c Dinner . . i Ttify mite McGiicWIi Proprit MEALS IS Call nd try " ' Board per wMk IW nlslied rooms Ttrj i AT IO Salem Re 339 COURT hiiiim :: HOTEL 01 ;: CoerST,k,l" :: pwW'sM :: Hotel, mw :: up. Ewfr1 : : WRHJHTW1 Prtf Phoo- 4 ' CW.w prtvp)1 THB FASHWS ,' .. .nrf Liter, J3' Salp.m rWEI ... ! ...-nwiml' Malthold S&'ii" CHAS. i. a.n foorf J aflK FINE u.tS$. L C0S n,i; itK-SPfl Im