- " - - ' .94." CAPITAL JOdtNAL, SALKM, OR OH. WKDXKSDAY, DKOfttKIt 0, 10O. s HHW f ''HHllW08nM(as)B Our Policy is to give our customers every benefit of our inn- fnn it es. e are interested in every one who wishes to build . legitimate Business ana we otter careful and teous attention to those who give us their banking ness. OUR PURPOSE Is to make this institution a material benefit to the ? Amunuy ,an aavaniage xo every man and woman toil tin particular, , ( g fjp. nfffir Gverv facility consistnnt with pnncorwnii.m 5 king. It is our pleasure as well as our business to J jmmuuaie uiu peupici j e invite you to join our growing list of satisfied de- J Ntors, . IITED STATES NATIONAL BANK I SALEM, OREGON Mlf tat ! IQ 101018 llliftHHfrH THE MARKETS When You Arc Dry WHY NOT BUY I, puro and wholosomo bovcraga that Is sold In all tho cities restorn Orogon and Northorn California. ide of the Choicest Malt and Hops Grown m Marion County blade of Filtered Water and strictly In Accordance with tho Food Law Balom Door Is tho host mild bovorago offered tho He. t Wado by sclontlflo procosses and guaranteed puro and whole- f. No adulteration. No drugs or chomlcals and undor tho most et sanitary conditions. Address all orders to Jem Brewery Association THE LENOX Portland's now and most modcrnly furnished hotol, Third and Main strcots, fronting on tho boautlful City Plaza and ndjacont to builnos cuntor. Free bus to and from trains Up-to-dato grill. Exce"nt culfllno Telophone In ovory room. Prlvat bnths. lCuiopcim Plan, $1 to ?2.B0 Per I)aj American Plmi, 92.50 to 91 Per Day O. II. RPRNCKK, Manager toe yorng pooplo for TiortWrrro, tcro?7"leru and general ofllc . Tho '' volopipcnt of the Northwest xr. I f ord oponlngs for wnds la tno nox fow years. Trtfara now. Bend for. catalogue. -I. STALEY. PRINCIPAL SALEM. O.RKGOM """V 1 Wwm Clft ' FIIlSSIDIi FANCIES. fill ona with pleasure when tho our roundlngo aro satisfactory Nothing looks nofttor or mnro horao-llko than a fancy hardwood flnlih all round tho room from mantol to walscot Ing. Wo do tho best kin I of mill work In a varlot yof styles for Inter iors and exteriors. Opr lumber Is of the host and most thoroughly sea soned filnu. A. M. II A N 8 E N, Phono Main 344 SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 9. WheatNo. 1 California club, por contal, $1.67 V4 1.70; California whlto milling, $1.75 1.80; north orn bluestem, J1.72& 1.774; oft grades wheat, S1.60O1.60; Reds, $1.024 0.1.67. Unrloy Feod barley, $1.42 1:46; common to fair, $1.35 1.40; browing at San Francisco nominal at $1.45 1.55; Chovallor, $1.50 3 1.60 according to quality. tiggs Por dozen, California fresh, Including enses, extras, 45o; firsts, lOconts; seconds, 35c; thirds, 29c; California storage extra, 35c? ilrsts. 32c; Beconds. 26 c: East- orn storngo extrn, 30c; firsts, 27c; seconds, 2Gc. Butter Por pound, Callfornlu fresh, extras, 32c; firsts, 29 c; seconds, 23c; thirds, 20c; pickled No. 1, i!34c; storngo, California ex tra, 29c; packing No. 1, 21 c; ladles extras, 22 c. Now cheese Per pound, Callfornlu lints, fancy, 15 c; firsts, 14c; sec onds, 11; California Young-America fnncy, 17c; tli-sts, lCc; Eastern Now York Cheddars, fancy, 17c; Oro gon flats, fancy, 14c; do. Young America, fancy, 16 c; California storngo, fnncy flats, 13c; Orogon flats, fnncy, 14c; do. Young Amorl ca, 15c Potatoes Por contal, Rlvor Whites, (sacks) fnncy, 70 86c, poor, 45 65; Salinas Durbanks. $1.401.50; Orogon BurbnnkB $1.20 1. 30 V Enrly Roso (for food) $1.25 1.30; swoot pqtatocB por'carto, $1.36; sack, $11.25. Onions Por Back, 75 86c. Oranges Por box, Navels, stand ard, $1.252; cholco, $22.50; fancy lnrgo sizes, $3 4; Tangerines crates, 85c $1; halt orango boxes, $2; Mnndorlncs, por crato, 65 80c. PORTLAND MARKETS flrnln, Flour, Feed, Etc. Portland, Oregon, Dccombor 9. Wheat Diuestem, 90D7o; club, 91c; flfo, 90 91c; rod Russian, 88c; 40-fold, 91c; valloy, 91c. Darloy Producers prices: Food, $26,50 por ton; browing, $27. Oats Producers' prices: No. 1 whlto, $31 31.50 per ton. Flour Pntonts, $6.00 por barrol; straights, $4.05; oxporta, $3.70; Val loy; $4.65; U-sack graham, $4.40; wholo wheat, $4.65; ryo, $5.50. Mlllstuffs Bran, $26.50 por ton; middlings, $33; Bharts, country, $30; city, $30; U. S. mill chop, $22; rollod bnrlov $28 29. liny Timothy. Wlllnmotto Val loy, $14 por ton; Enstorn Orogon timothy, $16 17; clover. $12; alfalfa, $13; grain hny, $12.50 $13. Vegetables nml Fruit. Fresh Fruits Applos, 00o$1.50 box; ponrs, $11.25 pr box; grapes $0.60 08.00 por barrol; hucklebvr 1.25 por box; crauborrlos, $13.50 Qrt 14 por bbl.; Spanish Malaga grapos, $6.50&8.00 per barrol; huoklober rlos, lOeiBc por pound; por Sim mons, $101.25. Potntoofi Buying prlco, 7fiftHGc por hundrod; swoot potntoos. 'Hi 2 Vic por pound; onions, $101.10 por 100 pounds. Dairy and Country Produce. Buttor City cronmory, extras, 3637c; fancy outsldo croamory, 32 035c por pound; storo, 17 20c. Eggs Orogon Bolects, 42 045c; Enstorn 300 35c por dozon . Poultry Hons, 1213c por lb; spring, 12 13c; small, 13 014c; mlxod ducks, 14015c; geoso, 90 10c; turkoys, 16 17c; dressed tur keys, nominal. Cheeso Fancy cream twins, 15c per pound; full croam triplets, 16c; full cronm Young America, lCc Veal Extra, 909 c por pound; ordlnnry, 78c; hoavy, 5c Pork Fancy, 7 8c por pound; largo, 67o. Save Sickness The prompt and suro relief given in acute stomach, bowel and liver complaints, has created an annual sale of over six million boxes of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Emtw-'. n hexes lOe. and 25c Flour Valley. $1.2B por sack; hard wheat, $1.50. Bran 95c por sack, $31 per ton; Jihorts, $1.35 por stick. Livestock. Stock hogs $3.40. Dressed, fat, 56c. St'crs 3. Veal 5 7c. Cows $3 3.50. Troplcnl Fruits. Banannn $6.00. Lomons $4.50. Oranges $3.00. n ! I 1 1 What to Buy for Xmas ! A Dangvrous Operation. Is tho removal of tho appendix by a surgeon. No one who tnkos Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills is over sub jected to this frightful ordonl. Thoy work so qulotly you don't fool them Thoy euro constlpntlon, hondacho. bil iousness and malaria. 25c at J. O. Porry'B drug store. DATES OF COMING EVENTS. Monday Dccombor 6. Registra tion closes for city olectlon. Docombor 7. City oloctlon. Dccombor 1-5. Fruitgrowers' mooting, Portland. Tho Orogon Stnto Dairy Associa tion moots at Snlom Dccombor 11 and 1.1. Stnto convention of Y. M. C. A. at McMlnnvlllo Docombor 4-6. National Wool Growers' Associa tion at Pocatollo January 14-16, National Livestock Association, Loo Angeles January 26-28. . o J Late Books of Fiction $1.35 1 Reprint Editions 50c r-ancy Bound Editions, ;; Poems in Various Bindings. ;; Purses , Handbags and ;; Music Rolls, Traveling Sots, Mlitarv $ Brushes and numerous other Leather eoods, Waterman Ideal Fountant Pens with Gold and Silver t Mountings, Gold Pens with Fancy Pearl J Holders In Plush Boxes, ? Ca endars, etc, f nest cma- tlons In Art, All prices, t BIBLES Wo have a large ? line to select from, and these make an elegant I present, JUVINILE BOOKS. Albums, Post Card Albums, etc, $ See our linos, IThe Commercial Book Store;! 163 Commercial Street mf f!iiiiiii8iiiiimi!f ti wwf final iii!miiii-0HHHfiit StoH- rWfcrmcto ELASTIC BOOKCASE. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store 1-4 Commercial St. Free Delivery J We Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White Skirts Just Right. We guarantee xo. All of our shirtwaists are car ful'y washed with a special neutral soap, starched Jmt whero they should be starched and ironed by experts whn h. m. ,lrtwalit Ironing a special suidy. tWe are pleaslag tho most careful dresgera In the city with our riwalat work and are euro we can please you. May we nave a SALEM Telc 15 LAUNDRY COMPANY IS 6-168 B. Liberty Sf Ho, Wool, Hides, Etc. IlnnH 1008. eholco. 7'8c; prlmo, 67c; medium, SGc par lb 307, zric; jyuo, kuivsc. Wnnl Knntfrn OrfTffon. averORO best, 10 lie per pound, according to ihrlnknBo; vnlley, laiynic. Mnhnlr Cholco. 18o ner naund. Hides Dry hldofl. No. 1. 13 15c pound; dry kip, No. 1, 13c pound, dry calf, lCc peund: salted hide. 1 t; 8c pound; naltcd calfskin, l'-ii 13c pound; green, lc less. SATiKM MAWvKT. IichI Wholesale Market. Cheoso Fanoy cream twins, 16c per pound; full oream triplets 15s'1 full cream young America, 16c Val Extra, S'Oc per pound, ordinary, 707c; heavy, B Pork Fancy, 7c per pound, large. 6 G Cc. OaU 43 46c. narley J26.00. Flour Hard wheat. $6; valler Hay Cheat. $12; olovr. $10 per ton; timothy. $15; grain hay. $12 Onions $1.25 cwt. Hops 1907 orop, 5?6c. Cascara Hark 2A W2c. Mohair 18c Sweet Potatoes, $2 por cwt. Itetai! Market. 1 Oats $1.60. Whf-at $1.05. Eggs 40c. Butter Country, 35c; creamery Oc. Live Chickens, 14c; dressed 22c 45c Fbn '', USEFULi CONVENIENT.1 HELPFUL. IATTRACTIVEI Appreciated by ihQ enitrei TAmuy. ilt'iAsystcm lot units and lfirow5 with i your UbrAry.l ntted with PERFECTION ROLLER-BEARING PDUST-PROOFDl An idai DooK'Ctttft for ihe HorMi i I NEW ROAD NEW TRAINS SCENIC ROUTE ;; LOW ROUND TRIP EXCURSION FARES II Via tho Spokane-Portland & Seattle Ry, "The North ;; Bank Road I! For the Spokane National Apple Show 1 ! Dates of Sale! Doc. 6th and 7th and 1 1th. !! Return Limit! Dec ,15th. Special Excursion From Portland. Friday, kc. lit!., i i 5:35 p. m., Returning Sunday, Dec. 13th, 5:3$ p. m. If DAYLIGHT RIDE DOWN THE COLUMBIA. Pnrlor Observation Cnr, Dining Curs; All Now Equipment. For rosorvntlon ot sloopliiK cur spnen, nddrons; J City Ticket Office, S. P. & S. Railway, 255 Morrison St. 122 Third St., or H. M. ADAMS, (loti'l KrolKht & rnsBoiiKor At. I Portland Ore. 2 f lliif-fllflff ? ntmtnnmttn-Kiimw ; A LARGE STOCK i J j DK WAHM HLIITKIIH TOU LADIKH AND GIIIMHIH.V; JUKT TI1K ;; rillN'a POK A OIIKIHTMAH I'ltliHIiNTl ALSO A HIIOKKN' IX)T j; OI' II)IKM' HIIOKS AT LOW THICKS. I JACOB VOGT, 345 State Jtreet II wn mmif immwiiunmnnnii Wttltf I llf-tlgtiff !! CAU, Am WKITC SwovuaV UL " ' mt' i i n i w IB H ONE C MANY COLORS H Wi ! AQJf T FACILITIES H Wi IN TUB WliST I'OrI J THE PRODUCTION OP H Hi HIGH ORADE WORKS H tATit ai iiw ai fitriii Hum m Wire Fencing Builders' Hardware 1 Paint and Oil ii ?& SALEM HARDWARE CO. !! l120Comnicrcia!St. Phone 172 iilliillf lf li0l81OKtg itnuummw DON'T LIJT VOUH FAMILY plead for u talking muohluo Klvo them a Joyful aurprlso by purchns lutt an Edison nnd ordering it sent homo at onco; no other musical in strument is half no wonderful as tho Hdlson. You aro Invited to call; wo will trout you to tho best music In tho house. Ju I 8AVAOH 2-17 Commercial St. Salem, 0. -y Santa Claus Has Arrived at the Golden Rule Bazaar KiiKlues ... .50. 7 Be. Jl-76 Air Ouns .ue, l,'M AutomobiloH,. . . yn, no, ohc Drums. Halls. Tops. NEW LOCATJON, 217 Commercial St Mrs. B. T. Swart, Prop. Doll Fans Tin Doll Hweators . .HOc Doll Huts ... IB, 'Ma Dotl Parasols . . .'Mc Doll Heads, fie and up Magic Lanterns (Wc, $1.00 ') ' HSii V