JMgMT CAPITAL SOimXAL, HXUM. WCTOOy, SATURDAY, DKCKMBHR 8, iM .t hi mi'i'iJha 2E2!S9RSB&V paulding Logging Co. If you are one of Salem's 500 who will build houses this coming year we want to give you estimates I Largest Stock and Best Fir Lumber In Willamette Valley to elect From OFFICES FERRY AND FRONT TELEPHONE MAIN 88 kMata REAL PANAMA AND THE CANAL jm "Tho Real Panama and Its oplo," by Eleanor Yorko Doll In lio Dccombor Metropolitan Maga- Ino.) Helthcr havo the vast, undovot- resources of tho Republic of una boon estimated, nor Its great nty revealed to many. Dottor Iwn by 111 roputo are tho towns atcl along tho lino of tho mil whoso thatch and mud hum, urned with linen of horrid buz- Rs, strngglo Irregularly' along tho y, unpavod stroots, surrounding the Btrotchos of malaria-breeding eh, and wnshod only by tho rains heaven. This was certainly truo, tho wondorful work of tho crlcan sanitary offlcors nnd to In chargo fo construction has ransformod this loast attractive of tho Isthmus that such co mil ls are now senrcoly moro than u nory. Aftor nil, this is but a III part of tho pic turo, ovorshnd- k! , figuratively and lltorally, by Irloua chains of hills, molting off beautiful distant vnlloys burIi which flow rivers still rich Bold according to roport, by vnRt, Btcrbus jungles; by lovoly bays Ilsaiulo nil unspoiled by Bit thero tho necessities of life como too easily, and boyond a certain world-wide shrewdness of the small merchants in overtaxing tho Btrangor along tho path of travel for his temporary noods, tho rest of tho country romalna as It has been for centuries unawnkoncd, sparso'ly settled, and in many parts uonil-sav-ngo, or in fact, actually savage. Mcdlclno Tliat In Medicine. I havo suffered a good deal with malaria and stomach complaints, but I havo now found a remedy that kcops mo well, nnd that romcdy I Electric Dittero; a mcdlclno that is mcdlclno for stomach and liver troubles, nnd for run down condi tions," says W. 0. Klcstlor, of Halll day, Ark. Electric Dlttors purify and enrich tho blood, tone up tho nerves, nnd impnrt vigor and enorgy to tho weak. Your monoy will bo refunded If It falls to help you. 50c at J. C. Perry's drug storo. Tho civil sorvico commission of Los Angoles has put tho ban on nny omployo who In tho futuro "plays tho ponies." WAR WITH JAPAN could not possibly mnko so many cripplos ns rhoumntlsm does every year. And yot there Is no rcajon why this dlscnso should crlpplo any ono, If all Btifforohs will rub tho af focted parti night nnd moring with Ballard's Snow Llnlmont. Curos all nchrs and pains. Sold by nil donl-i ors.. Economy of Gorman Locomotive. Although tho flrBt ton montlyi of tho year point to .1 decrease In Qor mnn exports, iu keeping with tho ex iting unlvoreat trade doprosslon, a rcmarkablo Incroaso In tho number of German locomotives oxportcd has to bo noted. This development, which hai boon a stondy ono for a year paat, shows a phenomenal (ncrcaso for tho current yonr. Mont remarkable, per haps, Is tho sudden I ncrcaso In tho number of locomotives oxportcd to Franco. Prom about 1481 tons tho sales hnvo rlBen this yen,r to somo 8G33 tons, showing an Increased val ue of nt lea.lL $3,000,000 marks. Lat terly moro than 300 locomotives havo been constructed In Germany for Fronch irnallway companies. Tho numbor of German engines oxportcd to Italy shows tho same Batlofnctory dovo'opmout. Jnpnn, too, continue to linyport Gorman locomotives In cvor Increasing numbors, nnd tho still uusottlcd tariff dleputo botwecn Gormany and Cnnadn hoo not prevent od tho latter country from ordering from us lntoly. Thero is ovory rea son to bollovo that this Incrano will prove a lading ono. Up to tho pron out nearly all ordorH havo boon con fined to quedruplo expansion ougluoii of tho hind built In otlior couutrlot for yonrs past. All tho onglnos with which wo have supplied Franco havo beo nof this pattern. Gormnny' chlof superiority In tho construction of locomotives lloa, howovor, In tho domain of tho Buporhoated steam on clno. Thoso locomotives, which, thanks to tho goniuB and poraovor anco of a Gorman onglnoor, havo bo quickly reached a stago of norfoctlon, aro, it Is conceded on nil sides, much lighter nnd chenpor than tho flnost makes of qundruplo-oxpanslon on glno, at iho oamo tlmo having nn equal working capacity. It has also boon provM on tho Prussian rnll wnys that thoy bfurn considerably loss coal. Tho authorities of tho ntnto railways aro, consequently, intending to introduco ouporhoatcd steam on glues for tholr goods trains. Conti nental Corrospondonco For Hint Dull Feeling After Eating. I havo usod Chamberlain's Stom nch nnd Llvor Tnblots for somo tlmo, and can testify that thoy havo dono 11 ho rnoru good than nny tnblots I hnvo over used. My troublo was n hoavy dull fooling ntter eating. David Froomnn, Kempt, Nova Scotln, Thcsu tnblots strengthen tho stom ach nnd huprovo tho digestion. Thoy also rogulnto tho liver and bowels. Thoy aro far superior to pills but cost no moro. Got 11 freo samplo at Dr. Stono's drug storo nnd sou what a splondld modlclno It Is. Dan P. Dohorty, convicted of tho murder of Oscar Allen in a snloon, and subsequently sentenced for life, wont violently Insauo yesterday and nttomptod to hang hlmsolf in tho Heppner, Ore., Jail. Preparations to rccolvo 800 nre being mado nt Baker City for 'the Irrigation congress Dccombor 15. Hcwaro of Frequent Colds. A Buccewlon of col' or a pro tracted coll Is almost cortaln to end In chronic catarrh, from which fow persons over wholly recover. Glvo ovory cold tho nttontlon It deserves nnd you mny avoid thin dlsagrecablo disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Romody? It Is highly recommondod. Mra. M Whlto, of Uutlor, Tonn., says: "Sovoral yenrn ngo I was bothorod with my throat and lungs. Bomo ono told mo of Ohnmborlntn'a Cough Rom ody. I began fusing It nnd it rolloviil mo nt onco. Now my throat and lungs aro sound nnd woll." For Rnlo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. Ono of tho Inst mossagos of tho Chinese emperor was ono thanking Prcsldont Uoosevolt and tho Ameri can pcoplo for tho return of tho lloxer Indemnity. Don't lio Hopeless, nbout yoursolf whon you'ro crippled with rhoumntlBin or stiff Joints of courso you'vo tried lots of things nnd thoy fnlled. Try Unllard's Snow Llnlmont It will drlvo nwny all aches, palnn and stiffness and leavo you as woll as you woro boforo. Sold by all doalors. Presldont-oloet Tnft will not give out tho mimes or any of his pros poetlvo nppolntoes, saying that ho will nnmo thom nil at ono tlmo. Friends and foea of liquor had a hot, dobnte .down in Portland last night. Goo1 Cough IVfNHrlne for CWKferew, Tha eeaaon for eotigafe a4. Mfl J now at hand and too ranch care can not bo used to protect tho children. A child Is much moro llkoly to con tract dlpthorln or scarlet fever whon ho ban a cold. Tho quicker you cura hlo cold tho leas tho risk. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy is tho sole roll anco of many mothors, and few of thooo who havo ovor tried It aro will ing to uoo any other. Mra. F. F. Stnrohor, of Rlploy, W. Va., aayas "I havo novor uood anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Komody for my ch'ldron and It has always given good satisfaction." This rem edy contnlns no opium or othor nar cotic and may bo glvon ob confident' ly to n child an to an adult. For Mlt nt Dr. Stono's drug storo. Govorumont oxports nro planning tho building of a fort botwoon Ft. Stovons nt Astoria nnd Tillamook. Loo F. Zollnsky, of 08 Gibson stroot, Uuffnlo, N. Y Bays: "I eured tho most annoying cold soro I ovor had, with Ilucklon's Arnica Salvo. I nppllod this salvo onco n day for two "days, whon ovory trnco of tho sore was gono." Heals all sores. Sold undor gunrantco at J. C. Porry'o drug storo. 2 Go. OASTOH1A. Enter the Christmas Jewelry TO THE PUBLIC KT US EXPLAIN TIIK IJAltK IDKA TWENTY-THREE YEARS .AGO VK ESTARLISHED TIIIH HUSINKHH IN SALEM. AMKNTAL PRINCIPLES OF WHICH WERE TO RAISE THE STANDARD OF QUALITY IN DIAMONDS, WATCHES THE FUND AND JEW- ROINO IT WAS THE THING. QUALITY, STORK SERVICE, ITS INCEPTION, WITH A THESE LINES ITS HISTORY 1 Li 1 NR TO SELL THEM AT LOWER PRICES THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN SALEM. II UT My IT EMIIRACED SEVERAL SALIENT POINTS, EACH DEPENDENT UPON THE OTHER. PRICE, CLEAN STOCKS, AND PERSONAL EXPERIENCE THAT HAD NEVER KNOWN FAILURE. FROM SMALL GATHERING OF OKJEOT8 TO ITS PRESENT IMPORTANCE AS A WIDELY KNOWN FACTOR IN HAS IIKKN MARKED RY STEADY IMPROVEMENT AND El Ell INCREASING SUCCESS. WE NOW ENTER UPON OUR SITU YEAR WITH GREATER CONFIDENCE THAN EVER. WHY? THE ANSWER IS IN THE STORE, AND THE SECRET IS ONLY GUARDED IJY YOIR CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND AND ASSIMILATE THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE RAHR IDEA. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON OPENS WITH GLORIOUS PROMISE, AND WE HAVE FOR YOUR INSPECTION THOU SANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PRETTY THINGS OF Till EST QUALITY. THINGS TO GRATIFY YOUR PERSONAL DESIRES AND TO GRACE THE ODD NICHES IN THE HOME. IT IS NOT OIR PURPOSE IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO ITEMIZE OR DESCRIUH THE DIVERSIFIED ATTRACTIONS IN THE STORE, RUT TO EXTEND A CORDIAL INVITATION TO YOU TO VISIT US. THOSE WHO HAVE NEVER FAVORED US WITH THEIR PATRONAGE SHOULD ENLIGHTEN THEMSELVES, IIECAUSE PERSONAL INSPECTION IS THE ONLY CORRECT .MEANS OF VERIFICATION. TO THOSE WHO HAVE TRADED HERE WE MERELY SAY WE HAVE ADDED TO THE PREVIOUS EXCELLENCE AND EFFICIENCY OF OUR LINES A WEAII'll OF IDEAS, A RICHNESS OF STOCK, HOUGHT IN AM PLE TIME TO GET THE PICK OF THE MARKET. AND NOW AjJOUT EARLY SELECTIONS. WE ASK AS A SPECIAL FAVOR THAT YOU COME IN NOW. YOU WILL GET THE FIRST CHOICE (WHICH WE WILL GLADLY RESERVE) AND AT THE SAME TIME HELP US TO PROPERLY CARE FOR Ol'R INCREASING H US I NESS. THE GREATEST AND REST MARK OF MODERN PROGRESS IS A THOROUGH REALIZATION OF THE IMMEASURARLE AND PRICELESS VALUE OF TIME. DELAY CAN NEVER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ANYTHING. CAESAR'S RELAY TO REAR A MESSAGE COST HIM HIS LIFE WHEN HE REACHED THE SENATE HOUSE. NAPOLEON LAID GREAT STRESS ON THE SUPREME MOMENT, AND YHT RV THE LOSS OF A FEW MINUTES WAS DEFEATED AT WATERLOO AND CONDEMNED TO DEATH AT ST. HELENA. TOMORROW IS A VoRD WHICH IS ONLY FOUND IN THE FOOL'S CALENDAR, AND STANDS FOR NOTHING THAT IS REAL AND TANGIRLE JUST THE RASELESS STUFF OF WHICH DREAMS ARE .MADE. LET US GLEAN A PRACTICAL LESSON FROM THE STARS: IF ONE OF THEM DELAYED A .MOMENT IT WOULD THROW THE WHOLE UNIVERSE INTO CHAOS. RARR'S JEWELRY STORE Is now In nil the inugiilfltciur and hplciidor of It Holiday maturity. To m Is to wonder mill 1I0 lioniage. H0 JOHN G. BARR CO., Jewelry m