PAILT CAPITAL JOOTWAT,. iai.i OBUGO, FRIDAY, DKCEJmKK 4, 1800. CHRISTMAS FIXINGS unter's Green "ECRU" You don't know hats till you have seen this newest conceit for the young fellows. ;The newest in hats men and young ten. From New York, rhere styles originate. teady for "HIM," whether he be father, son or sweetheart. Here you ill find something satisfactory, satisfying and appropriate for "HIM." Lnd, by the way, you will find an early selection advisable, while isortments are complete. Note the following desirable wearables FOR HIM louse Goats Bath Robes Sweater Vests Smoking Rain Coats Hawes Hats "Superba" Cravats "Racso" Suits Stetson fiats New Half Hose K. B. Trousers Crawford Shoes Fownes Gloves Jackets "Racso" Topcoats Suit Cases and Bags flgw Suspenders iclusive Men's Shop 388 State Street Iverything For Men JilglTI Exclusive Men's Shop 388 State Street Everything For Men ,Y TOMORROW AS GOOD AS "COMING THROUGH THE RYE" LAND OF NOD" IS AS GREAT A SUCCESS AS COM- )Y OPERA WHICH MADE SUCH A HIT HERE LAST TOG. a clean wholosomo and onjoy- lentertalumont, "Tho Land of t which comes to the Grand Op- Juso tomorrow afternoon and enjoys a reputation which haj in excelled In tho history of bo In thla cosntry. It is not Mi termed "up to the average" alcal plays, it Is far superior decldod Innovation In amuse- llnoa. Samuel B. Rorlc has the stage anothor play equally m 03 his "Coming Thro' tho 1 which la anothor of Mb attrac- " you want to be taken back lldhood days, attend a nerform- N ' The Land of Nod." Here you will meet tho "Sandman,' "Welsh Rarebit," "The Man In tho Moon," "April Fool," and other strange characters of childhood dreams. Tho story and plot aro well worked out; "Donnle," a little girl, falls osloep In her homo garden an Is transformed to 'Tho Land of Nod whero she meets all sorts of queer creaturos and people. "Tho Sanl man" plots and robs tho "King of Hearts" of all the hearts In tho kingdom. Without these tho Inhabl tants of thla strange country aro powerless to fall In love. 0.f courje, tho hearts aro anally restored and everything onds napplly. Meanwhile .i. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Store H4 Commercial St. Free Delivery and eonio of the most pleasing mus Ical numbors. Tho chorus, which numbers GO, Is drlllod to a standard of offlcloucy thnt Is little short of mnrvolous. Tho sottlngs aro vary olaborate. Ono act shows the enst'o of Cnrde, with Its mushrooms tow ers and a candy brldgo and the pep pormlnt river. Tho oloctrlcnl nnd sconlc effocts make this ono of he most roallstlo ovor seen on any stngo Tho socond act discloses the Nlhl mnro Pnlaco, with Its lildoous crent uros and Is a wondor of stagecraft Among the principals aro such well- known names as Knox Wilson, Ado- laldo Hnrland, Grace Drew and Dor ollioy Webb. Tho organization num bors upwards of 75 pooplo, and It I said to bo an cxtrnordlnury nssem blago of clover comodlans, vocalists dancers nnd specialists. Tho mat Inoo will commence at 2? 30 o'clock. OPPOSES A SECOND FRANCHISE Catarrh Cannot be Cured, with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thoy cannot roach tho Boat of the dis ease Catarrh Is a blood or consti tutional disease , and in order to cure It you must tako Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internal ly, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfacos. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is not a quack modlclno. It was prescribed by ono of the best physic ians In this country for years and Is a regular prescription. It Is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with tho best blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucouH sur faces. Tho porfect combination of tho two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., To ledo, O. Sold by Druggists, prlco 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Haftitiltlt),,ima,ltIiiisiiiifiir)i 'ire Fencing Builders' Hardware Paint and Oil or SALEM HARDWARE CO. Lu Commercal St. Phone 172 DATES OF COMINfl KVBNTS. Mnndnv December 6. Registra tion closos for city election. December 7,-r-uuy election. December 1-5. Fruitgrower' meeting. Portland. The Oregon State Dairy Assools tlon meets at Salem December 1 and 11. Stato convention of Y. M. C. A. at McMInnvillo Decombor 4-C. National Wool Orowors Associa tion at Pocatello January 14-16. National Livestock Association, Los Angeles January 26-28, For Eczema, TeUor and Salt Hlieum. The intense Itching characteristic of these aliments is almost InBtantly allayed by Chamberlain's Balvo. Many sovero cases have been cured by It. For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug store. Alameda Times Says Two Tel ephone Systems Impracticable, Soorotnry Husaell of tho Chamber of Commroco now cIoiiIoh that ho fa vors two tolophono systems for Aln modn, In his now position, Tho Tim oj of tho opinion thnt Mr. Hub soil la taking a utnud for tho host lntoroetA of Alnmeda. As a matter of fact, a doublo tolophono system has provod a nuisance and an ex penso vhorovflr It hnB been Intro duced. Sacramonto, for oxamplo, was for years aflllcted with a doublo sorvlcu which necessitated ovory commercial houso of tho city and In many cases prlvato roldcnces putting In two phones. Porsons wishing to tolephono had to hunt through two tolophono directories, nnd put up with other inconvoneuces which must bo experloncod to bo appreciated. Finally, tho opposition company was purchased by tho Sunset people with tho result thnt tho tolophono sorvloo. In Sacrameuto was Immediately im proved in all ways. Tho oxporlonco of Sncrameto hai been that of other communltl ta whero doublo service has boen In stalled. Santn Clara county suffered from tho effects of' it precisely aa did Sacramento, but long nflo tho two systems woro merged and 8antn Clara rollovod of Its dlffloultloH. Thoro Is no good reason why Ala meda county should bo modo to suf for tho oxperloncos of Sacramonto, Santn Clara and othor communities that havo trlod tho doublo systom. The doublo systom has failed In the oxperlmuntal stage, and from tho naturo of thing always will fall. As has boon sot forth In tho news columns of this paper, tho merchants of Park tttreot are, with two or three exceptions, opposed to tho double the pubtlo opinion of Alameda on this wjbjeot. For tho best Interwto of tho community tho City Counc'i ehould go slow In considering any application for a second telephone franchise. O Sigutsx ITOniA. ,U lei InvinUKin WW US7&ZcZm No. 0021. llcport of tliu Condition of Tho United Stntos National Dank, at Salem, in tho stnto of Oregon, at tho clouo of business, Novombor 27th, 1008, Itufourccs. Dollars. Lonns and Discounts , . ,,', ..180,470.08 Overdrafts, scoured nnd unseourod 433.70 U. S, Honda to secure circulation , , , 12G,000.00 Promlums on U. S, Donds , , . , - 1,031.25 Honda, wtrurltloH, oto 100,104.07 Hanking houso, furniture, and flxturos , 32,730.21 Duo from Stnto Hanks and Ilanko.n 323.59 Duo from npprovod roaorvo ngnnts. ,,,,. , 05,503.81 Chocks an 1 othor cash Itomn ,,, , 1,785.50 Notes of other National Hanks 155,00 Fractional pnpor currency, nickels, and cents 88.03 Bpoclo , , 44,005.16 Redemption fund with U. S, Troasuror (5 por cent clrou- lation) 1,250,00 Total ;..,4J5,390.u4 Liabilities. Dollars. Capital stock paid in . .- ,,..... 100,000.00 BurpluM fund , , ....... i 1,000,00 Undivldod profits, loss expenses and tnxeu paid , 9,071.13 National Hank notes outstanding. , 26,000.0u Duo to Stato Hanks and Hankers ,,.,,. , , 775,03 Individual deposit subject to chocjc,, ,,., .,,., ,, 281,850.42 Demand certificates of deposit , , ,,..', , ,. 7,707.00 Tlmo certificates of deposit , ,., 38,087.23 Certified checkn ,., 234.17 Cashier's checka outstanding , 099.00 Total 1466,390.64 Stato of Oregon, county of Marlon, k; I, E. W. Hazard, cashier of tho abovo-namod bank, do solPinnly Bwear that tho aboro otatemont Is truu to tho host of my knowlodgo and belief, E. W. HA'AItD, Cashlor. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 2nd day of December, 1008, II. H. UADCLIFF, Notary Public Correut Attest: U. 8. PACE. O. W. EYItE, D. W. EYItB, Dlroctori. iii- mmr m MM VUlVJiWK FANCIES. All one with pleasure when tho sur roundlngu aro satisfactory Nothing looks neater or mnro homo-llko than a fancy hardwood finish all round th room from mantol to waUcot lug. Wo do tho best klnl of mill work In a varlot yqf-stylos for Inter iors and exteriors. Opr lumber Is of tho bost and most thoroughly sea soned klnu. A. M. HANSEN, Phono Main 344. 14 i m tf HHW lf iiHHiifill n