JM1LY CAPITAL JQUrvat, m OREGOI? WEDNESDAY, DKCKMnzm 2, 1008. 5 OUR ORIGINAL herry City CUSHION TOPS Iium J i, t received 12 dozen cushion Uis made especially for Sun one who lo interested In boosting tuul advertising Salem k,iM in. only own ono incmsoivos uttt should sund thorn to their t,(i,n r. lends for Chrlsttnnn gifts. The doslgn Is a cherry bough . . . t ... df J v.i'h cherries, wun uto inscription "Salem, Oregon, The Cherry City" BIGGY Continued From Page I.) Price 50 U. Football Cushion Tops THE BEST DESIGNS EVER SHOWN IN SALEM" Price 50 I lantity Is Limited Come Early L. STOCKTON THE WHITE CORNER IM UGKY OUTWITS THE ESPEE W A I'll s Leased Wlro.) Mort Ky., Dec. 2. The ky b' ito fiscal court has dl- Ithf r.i.ito board of valuation si-jmnt to ronssomblo and Ithc It.t.inglblo nronorty of iillu.i Pacific railroad. This (icau that tho board must as- property ut $175,000,000 of $1 uoo as has boon tho for ( ars. It moniiB, thon," Ic nllioud coniminv will nnv st '( treasury taxes nggro- ;M dOn 000, bJ ? thern Pacific Ib a Kon- forinu Hon, Its homo offices fl Uitchnient, a suburb of Louslvlllo, the caso cannot bo taken to tho United States supremo court. Tho railroad has no track In tho state and It has always takon tho position that tho assessment of Its Intangible proporty should bo nom inal. Tho decision of tho state su premo court, It Is predicted, will drive the eompnny out of Kentucky. TEA Schilling's Best is in packages; never comes out of a bin or canister. Your crocr return jour moiiir II ro don't like It; we py him Tho Orogon nnd Washington Lum bunion's Association, on a ploce of fir, has petitioned conr,roe to -authorize tho Interstate Commission to suspend Increased tariffs until thoy nro Investigated, ) YE LIBERTY Laughter. .I'KA'ITKK Home of Refined Entertainment i i - ii. i PROGRAM FOR TODAY. "THE CHILI) SLAVE." "I'll VICKEHS DISTUHHKD." Kull of Ti itr Tur- env uiimt i i i Lm ruA i iuiv 1 1 "THE FISHKIOIA.VK Ll'CK." run! Kim! Fun! "ENCHANTED HAT." ILLISTHATEI) SO.Vfl ENTITLED: "Always .Me." ;) Our Populur Sweet SInuur. Miss Kwlyn WootR f'M ! N T 12 l. M. KVK.VI.VliS AT 8 I'. M. " Mill K Ol'H HOME IS HEATED IIV KUUXACK. niiHPXBflHMHKnHBHHHHHHNHHHMHHIHHMM l-flliKI-Htf IH OIIH f f ! MADE BY THE ictric Fixtures Supply Co; ; 245 N. Liberty St (Copper or Brush Brass Gas, Electric or Combination i resignation as chief, In Kell's hands. Uerore leaving for Uelvedore, Chi f Ulgg.v prepared the resignation In Ills own handwriting, it set forth tho rensons for his dulttlng tho do partmont, and contained n denial of nny charges of neglect of duty. The chlof told Ke'l that ho feared both tho police commission and May or Edward P. Taylor wore being om bnrraTsed by tho frequency and bit terness of the attacks upon his ad ministration of tho pollco depart ment, and that, to save his friend, ho was willing to sacrifice himself. Kell Hlggy that tho pollco commission vas satlsllod with his ad ministration, and advhed him not to withdraw under Are. Kell nrgruoJ with H'ggy for p.n hour and n hnl'. nnd refused to allow him to depatt for San Francisco In his Jespondon4 condition. After awhile DIggy ap peared to regain his usual cheerful mood, and departed on tho Jourttey which ended so tragically. In tho face of Indications of tho conflict raging In tho chief's mind, and in splto of his Intorvlow wKh DIggy, Kell wlir not as yet say that ho believed tho chief was accidental ly drowned, but lntlmnted tho plausi bility of suicide. Tho resignation of tho chief was given to Mayor Taylor by Koll. It sots forth In detail tho motives that Inspired htm In tho administration of his office, defends tho probity of his acts, and scores his critics for1 their injustice. Tho attacks upon his character and criticism of his administration of tho police department preyed upor. tho mind of Chief DIggy on tho oc casion preceding Ills dlsappoaranco according to Congressman . Julius Kahn, who lsnvos for Washington today. Kahn said that ho mot DIggy on Monday afternoon nenr pollco head quarters and had a fow mlnrulon convoisp.tlon with tho chlof. Tho first romnrk of DIggy was a question nB to whothor Kahn had Boon th newspaper "toasts" about, him. "Ho then spoko of being persecut ed by nowjpapor In this city," con tinued Kahn, "nnd said that ho wan subjected lo tho nnnoynnccH becriuco ho refused to do politics with tholr favorites. "DIggy said, 'It will como out r.ll right, howovor, finally. This busi ness can't last forever nnd I will evontunlly ho vindicated. Thoy put m In ofllco nnd thon thought that I would do Just as thoy dictated.' " 'Thlc Ib a long Btory nnd It would tnko some tlmo to explain tho mutter In Its ontlroty," ho ennttnuod, 'Iwt como- to hoo mo whon you ii in ni from Washington nnd I will bo ready to toll you everything.' "We parted nt tho cornor and thatj Is the Inst I row of tho chlof," Drheii Wild. San Francisco, Dec. 2. Following an exposition of tho InBUlllclont n-a-sons -glvou by tho pollco commlsHlon for the strange dlsappoaranco and pro"bublo suicide of Chlof of Pollco William J. Mggy. who was lost from the patrol boat un tho bny Monday night, tho Dally News this afternoon Bays: "Thoro has boon n big ctTort on Mio part of Missy's friends and the mombors of lao pollco commission to deny the sturios of tho chlof's ,'sca ptuiOB prior lo his disappearance 'I he public Is entitled to know the tiuth "Dlgsy had boon drinking Juavly for Bovoral wanks prior to IiIb death. I On nuwwotiB occnslons ho licanK mixed In night orglos. which b"iiji.. known nil ovor town. Ho Imagined ' tlmt evory man ho saw on tha tn th I nftor dark was a hold-up limn, 'nl on numerous occasions, on jln homo In his automobile, nftor n. "inlu f drinking in down-Uiwn saloon. n" ould liHlt his machlno, roughly itu.. Innocent pedestrians, nnd inicai.i thorn with arrest on tho suspUioii thai wore footpads. He was given to making speeU u lar raids sJngls-htmded, and at tinis the peculiar things thnt ho did could be attributed oiily to drink rM mluulnnur IjiL'L'ltt was oomilld many occasions to go to the chut office and remain thure with him "n I these occasions Ulggy would prompt I io mond his ways and quit foolish things, bnt as noon as lw m gun drinking again he would break out anew. "DIggy was never ncoimod of being dishonest, bO far as money was con cerned. He appeared to his friends to be trying In tho main to do what was risht, but he did not worn to accomplish much." "To Be Or Not to Be?" That Is the Question Shall we live on In the same narrow gtoove,or shall we try to improve our financial standing, Remember, the Lord helps themselves that helps themselves, You can help yourself If you will just call in at The Capital Journal office, where you can get our book which will tell you all about Fairport, and the great movement on the Peninsula at Portland, Our representative, Mr, Clark, will be there until Saturday, So call In and see him or ring up 82, and ask him to call on you, ' Eft I , Lots are $250.00 $10.00 Down $10.00 a monlh L I w J VjPHHHA mV'Hkl bbm bHbbb bbsV bbhl bbv IbbhbbbW bbb y2y3HEk mPbM1bjbjibskbsjbbbbjbj t I , i BB1 'A 1 I II mtriwJi- I. I iy US wJULUUUljWbJ t I mw I MM IJUM JM il, , . ... I L.UJYJJ9Kw k 4tkX$r 'I I r-,. . . n i TBB.i33'i t rn n- r Ui J UUUU lJU U U U LTpa-Ui jjj PJM L UU 1 1 ''Ml II II 11 II I nnDlJUDollL PUTTING (Continued from page 1) prosecution should he permit tho emperor to Involve tho nation in u situation that will bring dlborudlU upon It. The Liberals offer "a similar plan MIKKELSEN 301-2 Corbett Building HHHbbHHHbWWbMMHMHHHHI & Ti TtOirrro general a X.MM. AGENTS I fifth and Morrison Streets JU but modified the criminal prosecu tion featuro. The Centrists want the legislation responsibility of the chancellor fixed. Tho speakers while making strong points, wefo mild In their references to the kaiser. REFUTES GALLAGHER TESTIMONY Han Francisco, Dec, 2. Thomas Uurus, csshior of the mint, was the principal wltucss today la the trial of Abraham Ituef, charged with at tempting to bribe btiporvisor J. J Furo. Hums' testimony contra dicted that of Ituof's former go-bo-twoen, James J. Gallagher, In refer ence to the amount of money Galla gher Hitid he had In his possession t give to the supervisors. Gallagher previously testified that he had eight thousand to ten thou sand In bills In u safe deposit box. This box was shown to have a capaci ty of G18 cubic luohes and tlmt 6000 bills tilled 6S0 cubic Inches. Attor ney Ach, for Ituef, showed from this that Gallagher had made a mis statement of the number of bills he held for the supervisors. PHILIPPINE WARRIORS ARE KILLED Manila, P. I., Doc 2. Rcporta from Mindanao today say thnt live natlvo chlofs and tunny warriors have boon killed In clashes with the constabulary, Tho ".campaign of pacification" Is on In earnest, utnl tho troops nro endeavoring .to forco tho natives into orderly behavior I lilllllflt ! !