' ,, " - i,ifc,, ..gj,. tfwrwd SALKM, ORKGON WKDXESD V, DKOKJniEU 2, 1008. NO. B3B. H jH Jr RT AD PRINCE IN HANDS OF REBELS SESSED VALUE OF MARION COUNTY INCREASED $437,29? iGY HAD PREPARED TORESIGN IF WOULD SAVe OTHERS tailed Press LcaBcd Wire.) Francisco, Qoc. 2, That Chof llco William J. Dlggy who rnys- sly disappeared from tho pollco boat Monday rllghrofforod o co his position to avert tho at mode upon tho administration hown today with ,tho nubl'cntlon itcment by Police Commission- I) Koll, Dlggy's friend. II told Mayor Taylor ycatcrday noon that tho .purposo of llts- irlslt to Holvcdere. wljere Kell'o It situated, was to place his (Continued on Paro 5.) PUTTING LIMIT ON WILHELM RESP0NSIB1UTY ON CHANCELLOR (United Press Leased Wlro.) Berlin, Dec. 2, Tho Reichstag Indulged In a romarknblo dobato to day when three plans for curbing the kalsor were submitted. .Tho so clKUsts asked that restrictions bo placed on the kaiser making it 1m posslblo for htm to declare war with out tho consent of tho rolchstag and tho federal council. The socialists also want to tnako tho chancollor personally rosponsl bit for what tho kaiser says and does and to hold him llablo to criminal (Continued on Page G.) LOVE THE EMPEROR TOOMUGH 600HURTAND6DIE IN CELEBRATION' (United Press Loacd Wire.) Vienna, Doc. 2. So Jammed "woro tho Vienna stroots today tby tho crowds of people, who wantod to par tlclpato In tho celebration of tho six tieth anniversary of tho reign of Em poror Franz Josef that COO wero la hired and six arc reported killed. In Borao of tho streets tho crowds wore so donso that peoplo wero un ablo to raova all nighty and woro standing this morning in tho samo places In which they stood last ovon Ing, Scores foil from oxhaustlon, and (Continued on pitgo 4.) STRIKERS ATTACK WJARDS WHEN TROOPS ARE RECALLED PEOPLE RUNNING THE CITY TROOPS REFUSE TO FIGHT REAT SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONEY-SAVING BARGAINS offered in every department. mas display. Several lines of goods must be disposed of lins now is your time. Prices less than manufacturer's We must have room for our quickly. So if you want bar-cost. (United Press Loasod Wlro.) Perth Amboy, N. J.,Doc;"2. - A mob at several hundred strlk6 sym pathizers, armed with revolvers, early today charged the plant of the National Fire-Proofing company, fir Ing ft tho guard of 40 special dojMi ties and policemen oa duty ) the works. Tho Gentries returned tho fire and tho battle was about evn unlit tho professional strlko break ers) who woro at work at tho factory were hastily sworn In as doputles nnd glvon orders to Iiad a counter chnruo. Thoy oon eloarocL the groVrfd In front of tho plant. Many- arrests followed- demonstrations .on, tho part-ptn, strlkera. ( ? f Tho troops who havo boon gunM j Ing placo voro sont homo yostorday Tho dpparturo of tho military caused I many 'strlkors who had returned to , tholr placos In tho plant, to dosort onco moro, being persundod by ith.tlr wives, thnt without tho protextlon of tho soldiers, tholr Uvoh would ba In clangor from tho vengeance of their formor comrades. WORTH OF PROPERTY GOING UP AS SHOWN BY TAX REPORT ifc-i mm 111 Women's Suits and Coats This season's garments, priced away down to make quick soiling; no reserve; out thoy must go; wo want tho room. Ladles' $8.50 coats, now $3.73 LaodJes' $10 coats, now $3.00 And so aloug the Hue. Ladles' $12 'suits now, $0.00 Ladles' $15 suits, now. .... ..98.00 Ladles' $18 suits, now $J0.30 Tho same cut on tho higher priced ones. $6.60 lace net shirt waists, now $3.00 $7.60 silk petticoats, now....$JM0 $1.50 black mercerized petti coats one Silks and Dress Goods 011 vr bargains in Silks and Dress Goods, now Is your tlmo, )r'' i are sliced away down. I'J r -h , ... . . - .. t, uiuj-, ynru " vl suitings, now, yard ,0t' r ' r' d wool suitings, now yard c r 'l greatest variety of Drnsa and Walstlne Silks In this tf ' u-ni-1.1 . . . ... j . .... ... jay prices irom soc jaru um uj'. Woman's 20c fust lilnak hose, now ! Ladlos' 25c fast black, extra quality hose 13c Hoy's nnd girls doublo throad fast black hose, 25c quality, now, a pair . IHo Woman's 35c warm wool fleeced un derwear, now on sale for only 2,.lc 1000 yards 7 Ho outing flannel, In dark and light colors, a good quul Ity, yard Mic 1 $7.50 fine furs, now going for $.M0 $1.00 white bedspreads, now going for only 03c 500 honey comb white bedspreads, now going for . .08c, $1.23, $J.H Great vnlues In flannelottes for dross Ing saoques, kimouus and wrap pers, 8 !c, 10r, up Hundreds of artlolos all over the store at reducod price. 'mens kf: ,.ii imryf Jr itumhihxgs BONIS BEHAVIOR NOT THE BEST , (UnltcduPross Loasod Wlro.) Port Au Prince, Haytl, Dop. a.--- Port. An Prince' rose In revolt against- President Nord Alexia today, Tke people seised the city aad os tabllshed a provisional government with General Legitime acting as temporary preetdeat. Tho coup d'etat wan accomplished without the resistance of the gov ernment troop. Tho government troops were Jh comploto sympathy with the revolu tionary raovoment at the eapltal and werf not.ordored to ftve attempt to check tlio ovorthrowof-Alexl, gov rB)pnt ,. . . Jho sontlmont of tho. poopleror tho' capital Is against thacontlnw anco of tho struggle with Gonornl Simon about whom tho rovolutlon contors. It Is believed thnt tho revolt at tho canltal will ond tho revolution. Gonoral Blmon probably will at tompt to becomo tho hoad of tho KovorniiiunU Ho still Ib sovornl iuIIoh from Port An Prlnco today. IIo ban prevloiialy announced that his attack would bo on Jncmol, Instead of on tho onplial, but It Is bollovod that today'a development-, will oud tho lighting. (United Pro-ft Lonsod Wlro.) Paris, Doc. 2. Count Honl do Cnstolalne, nftor hurling chnrges of scnndal, und threatening expose of tho lives of Prlnco Hollo do S-ignn nnd his princess, formerly Anna Gould, was placed on thu court griddle and roasted today for hla own mode of living by Maltro Clcmonconu. Clemenceau, appearing for Prin cess Anna, today answered tho charges brought In Honl's suit for tho pustody of tho chlldron born to IlonI and thu Countess Anna. Ho declared that Honl wanted moro money to spend. Tho stricture on Anna nnd do Sagan, said Clouioncoati, aro laughable considered In the light thrown- on Honl's private- llfo. BURNED TO DEATH AS r HE SEEKS REVENGE (United Prose Leased Wire.) Townsend, Mont., Doc, 2. Hugh Helm, Bon of a rancher living noa hero, was exonerated by a coronor'r Jury today from all blamo In connec tion with tho death of Mark Amne den yoatorday. It developed that Amncoden whllo Intoxicated, at tacked Hahn, and tho lattfir, after shooting him twice, fled. Tho shoUi woro not fatal, and Am nosdon, crnzod with drink nnd with he pain f his wounds, tried to carry out a fiendish plan for revongo When Hahn, accompanied by u nolghbor returned to his house, he found Amnesden standing on guard with a rlfl In hl hand, apparently awaiting Hahn'a roturu. The house was on fire but Atnno-don did not heed the prox'mlty of the flamea. and, beforo tho eyes of Hahn and hlo friends, he was overcome by the beat, fell back Into tho Are and was bi.rnoj to deaths 'County Clork Allen has .now completed tho Marlon county tax roll report andjhas filed It oh rec ord. Tho asBcaH-mout - on property this year shows an Increase of $437,297 over 'that pf 1807. The following table give- tke different articles and valuatlpaa oa saaie: Acres of tillable tM .aoa-tiltakU land, $15,913, 75; lmprovemt8 on deeded patents, $2,118,416: tewa and city lota $3,122,010; Improve ments on town and city Iota, $3, 314,615; Improvements on lands not doedod or.patontel,- $80,115; mllfs of railroad bed, -,e86,68ft; mVlee' of tologrnph and telephono lines, 124,B280; miles of ntroot railway bod, $80,000; .railroad rolling H,toak, $100,035; steamboat, sail boats, stationary ongjnon, oto, $044, 930; merchandise and Htoc'k In trade, $1,170,003; forming ImplomontF, carriages, etc., $101,351; monoy, $1,214,000; hoiiHehold furntturo, watches, Jowolry, otc, $00,830; hornoii and inulm, $530,055; cnttlo, $501,700; sheep and goats, $3fl3r 430; nwlno, $73,002; total valua tion, $31,868,855. - -O-- ' ' ' Now York, Doc. 2. Captain Mc Phorson said today that ho Intended to sail In tho schooner Alyo with arms and ammunition from Long Islnnd for Haytl whoro ho will sell tho cargo to tho limirgonta. Hq declared that tho United States government would bo unablo to In terforo with his doparturo becauoe tho lnurgonts havo captured a port and aro recognized under Interna tional law. .This morning tho mon who plonncrt tho overthrow of Alexis took tholr plooea at various vantage points General Canal, who Is also a soaator, was the prlmo mover of tho plot In which not a shot was fired. Tho central pollco station, outly ing pollco posts, tho arsenal nnd port ofljcoa woro controlled by citi zens. A public committee of safd. ty wan organized to seo thnt no dis order followed tho change. A conferonco of members of the diplomatic corps and tho leaders of thor evolt Is being hold to' seo what disposition shall be made of Aloxls It Is believed that he will bo sont from tho country as quickly as pos sible. Aloxls was mado presldont In 1002 nnd his term would havo end ed noxt year. Ho Is 02 years old. A strong marine guard Is oxpeot ed to land from the United States orulsor Dos Moines to preserve or der where pillaging has already be gun. A butcher In tho market place, en deavoring to protect his goods from looters wa shot dead. Other out rages aro reported but there aro no dotalls concerning them. Nord Alexia has refused to leave tho palace and tho populnco Is gath ering thore threatening him and his family. Troops aro on duty on tho streets but are unablo to keep ordor. -- WIDOW OF DR. RISTIN TESTIFIES .(United Projs Leased Wire.) Omaha, Neb., .Dec. 2. Tho fact that Mrs. Frodorick Huston, widow of tho phyalclnn, for whoso allegod murder-Charles K. Davis Is betng tried, waa testifying thin morning brought a great crowd to the court room. Interest In tho case Is In tense. Mrs. Rustln declared today the finding of hor husband's body on tho pprih uftor hu heard tlib shot which killed him. She said that Dr. Langflold, who was called, made a search of tho pockots and gave her tho contents, which 'consisted of nothing but tho dead man's k ys and his watch: " Dr. Itustln," ""tfffp said, had boon homo only a very lit. 1 tlo for n long time bofore tho shoo ing. , Abbto Itlco was brought In to the court this morning from Dos Moinoa ; and taken to tho nnto-room. Sho- j may not testify today. yi TWO-GENT RATE TO GERMANY i Mountain water will not cost the taxpayers anything. If It Is handled right. Hut even If It does, let us have It. (United Press Loasod Wlro.) Washington. D C. Dec 2. Pout mastor.Gonaral George 1, Von Moy or today' announced tho establish ment of two-cent poitago between tho United Statos and Germany on letters going by direct sea route Tl030 going by way of Prance and Etigland will necessitate Ave cents postage.