"nwEsj AiLoArrr al journal, bat, oawxnr. TUESDAY, DKCTOrnEn 1. 1908. Ribbons 'i Hair Combs Tho vnrloty wo have to show you Is great nml wo gunrauteu tho lowest prices. Salo In full blast, Ench 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and up VXMaW'' I V. .ftV fi A III I if. ' Coats Thousands of yards of ribbons In (ill rnlnrn nnrl , If you nro looking for bnr galns in chil li r o n 's Conts coino lo the Chi cago Store. Wo li n v o the m. grades now on sale. If you want ribbon bar gains come to The Chicago Store. Yard 1c, 2c, 31 -2c, 8 1 -2c 10c, and up jj.a price $& $1.50, $1.95. v ;$ $2.50, $2.95; WSW sfSiViU c lr ,4 ' WI ClV' 'z.vv 2& """ "K n HWi i""J. -. - I ,uSBg Children's KSmm A lit I ..li V iUAWCV Vh W ew m1m&& mJa nii:rjwz7jim l. Ar-i ffWttVWKW Q TTMm."i- jtXl J i..-l J ll&L&fWmf'! SfSiViUVM M& Gloves 'lire oliowlng a splendid nssort- nllnlit wo nro showing Is the Mil 1 110 IIHUKUl. uuu mo imiv-v mmll A pair- c, 35c, 49c, 75c 98c and up WE DON'T WORRY MUCH thbP nUnc CfhnoPt,tlon we,are ffi aga!lst in Sa,em- TheV wi" have t0 90 some to keep up with our pace. We have hniflS? arl eiE n a,1n credlt 900,d ,clou a" over America to do a million dollars worth of business, so you see a!2i i1- ?u wonSerful buymg Power has given us a prestige in the manufacturing circles that we SQo naX Set pn5es that. maller consurs cannot get next to. That is the reason our business grows. Our prices and our goods are right. GKEAT HOSIERY llAUGAINS THIS WEEK . Hosiery values tho best nnd prices tho smnllcst. Shoes Vi soil intH of Lndlcs. Misses, nnd i.irnn'a Shoes nnd tho reason Is quality and stylo Is tho best nnd t prices tho lowest, special Halo cs, pair L49, $1.98, $2.50 and up VM Children's Hosiery GOO dozon of Misses' nnd Chil dren's Hoslory now on sale. They nro tho greatest values you havo over scon for n long time. They nro mnde for wear nnd sorvlco. Doublo knee nnd foot In nil sizes from -1 up to 9. Hero Is n chnnco to got hoBlory vnlucs thnt you will remombor. Pair DC, 10c, 11! l-2c, lHc, 25c nnd up. I1EST QUALITY AT LOWEST PKICES VALUES THAT YOU WILL HE MEMilEH IF YOU IJUY NOW. "m?---HaL2HBKm i k ill 1 jV I M ill Vv uliHlL SUii'lii lnii( flJUk t ISIfl II jus w 111 HL 1 f 'H h ilivL'S7 Sir We lire Mumlng wonderful values In IjuIU's' l)rtsH HkirtH. The nmte rials are the hext and newest nnd our prices art always the lowest. fi 'l V nil l$SxV Dress Goods Thousands of yards of tho newest Dress Goods In Snlotn now on snlo. Any lndy of good tnsto will toll you thnt wo show tho best lino of Dress Goods In Salem. Ynrd 25c, 35c, 49c and up Bmvy Newest Dress Skirts 300 Now Dross Skirts Just roeolvod by express. Thoy nro Dlrectolro and Sheath effects nnd tho materials nnd shndes tho vory latest. Wo nro al- wnys horo with tho goodb If you want lnonoy saving values, dot an early choice Prices each (12.00, 92.no, $2.nf, $:i.no and up. Our variety of Lnctvt 1m great Iiares of every deNcriptlon at small prices Thousands of ynrds of dnlnty trim- Dress and Waisting Silks If you want vnlucti In flno dross nnd wnlstlng silks conio to tho Chi cago Store. Wo take no back sont from tho boat houoo on tho Pnclflo coast. Ynrd 2!c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up Women's Tailored Suits Milliners i ft'e Mr showing protty trlmmod k 03rldi plumes and fnncy wings (very I n prices. It will pay you 6-l "HI IMIl'UH Ull II1UHU huuuh. uunoo iiivio 1.50, $2.95, $3.50 and up m ; Umbrellas t'e Ju! received n splendid nssort 'i oi rino silk innbrollna with all BJld and root handles. Thoy Hrca alues. fc, $1 .25, $1 .49, and up Ladies' Hosiery 1000 dozen pairs Lndles' Iloso now on salo In black nnd colors. They nro tho best standard brands. Tlioy como In cotton, wool nnd silk. The vnrloty Is gront, which inukos choos ing oit8y. Pair l()c, 12 l-2c, lrtc, 25c and up Wo a io showing tho best vnluos In Salem in tho latost nnd new ost gnrmonts, nil tnllor made long jackets, uhealh skirts, silk lined and tho materials and shades nro the latost shown. If you want to see high clnss gnrmonts sold at low prices, como to tho CHICAGO STORE. Wo havo thorn coming ovory day by uxpross. Wo could novor keep up our stock only for this plan. If you want values that will appeal to you at a glnnco como to our store. L'rlaus n suit: $H.m, tjtH.oo, $i).i)o, in lo.oo, s12.no ami up. Valenciennes laces mlng Ihcoh now on salo. Wo hnvo Just received mimo big values In prot ty laces. It will, pay you well to look this stock over and boo our small prlcos. Yard le, 2c, !lc, no, (I 1-lc, H 1-ilu and up INDIsRWEAR Domestics Heat Standard Apron Gingham, yd 5c 7 l-2c Standard Outing Flannel, in dark and light colors, now only 4)c Dost 10c Outing Flannel now sell ing for 14 yards for $1.00 100 dozen of white Huck and Plain Towels. Tho best valuo In Salem. Now each 4c, 5c, 61s4c, 813c and up. 3z Women's and Misses' COATS Wo are soiling thorn fast nnd It Is on account of tho high class quality of tho coats and th vory low prices wo nro usking. Don't bo paying two prlcos for your coats. Como to our store and wo will givo you values thnt you will romembor. Wo havo six Indies soiling them all tho tlmo. You will boo stylo and Individuality in ovory coat you boo In our store Wo are not looking for long profits. It's the quantity wo want to sell. WOMEN'S COATS $3.75, $4.90, $5.90, $8.50, $0 00 $16 !tf nnrl fin C858 T ' ' T v Chicago Store People's Bargain House BLANKETS Now is tho tlmo for warm blank eta. Keep yoursolf sung and warm during these chilly days of winter. Wo hnvo those soft, downy blnnkots that will keep you happy nnd com forntblo and at vory small prices, nnd you will suy so whon you see them. Pair 49c 75c 98c $1.25 iid up. SiIl Linen Laces and Embroideries Thousands of yards of Linen Laces and Em broideries now on salo. You will find great values in this lot. Yard 4c,6 1-4c, 8 1-3, 10c and up Neckwear Handsome neck wonr now on sale. They are tho newest shown In tho Into Dlrec tolro effects In fifty dlfforont styles. They are dainty and prett Prlco each 10c, 15c, 25c and up MoutitnliiH of Mon'a Women's, Misses', and Chlldron'H Underwear now on salo. Thoy nro going llko hot unkes. That shows you tho prices nro rigiu. wnon 10c, I5c, 25c, 35c and up FURS There Is nothing nicer than a pret ty fur on u cold day. Wo havo lots of them here and at small prices. Each 98c, $1.49, $1.98, $2.50, $3.51 and up Uandkerch'fs S00 doz of Ladles' Hundkor chiefs now on sale Thoy com prise a grout variety of protty stylos and de signs trimmed with dainty laces, etc. We can show you any kind you ask for Each 3c, 4c, 5c, 6 1-4,8 1-3 10c op I i fe ' Shirtwaists Wo Just recoived a splendid lino of pretty luce Hhlrt Wulsts. The nro the newest shown. Wo are selling them at vory small prlcos. Kaoli $2.95, $3.45, $3.90 and up 9