Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 01, 1908, Image 1

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    ', X JA
NO. n3l.
nlted I'rosa Leased Wlro.)
s Francisco, Dec. 1. Dovolop-
today giro Increasing support
theory thnt Chlof of Pollco
J. Blggy. Bmnrtlng under
criticism, and facing an.lnvos-
of his porson&l and official
t, ended his own llfo by throw
mself into tho watora of tho
bt night whllo on tho way from
cro to this city in tho polico
tho shooting of Francis J.
i and tho subsequent sulcldo of
linns, tho would-bo aasassln
ley. Blggy has bean tho target
Icltm. Tho local papers have
ed numerous sforlea to tho
hat Blggy would resign or bo
Jd. Tho chlof of pollco waa In
of unrest for weoks. tho de
bit being a hotbed of plots and
rniots botwoon Jonlous officers
float few days tho local papers
Bubii lied stories of a "nudgy
who ' iiinsouoradcd as Chlof
' In llin tnnilniilnlii nml rn-
It. miv iviiuuuuiili Mill. VII-
in tlirllllng midnight rovou.
le Bo-c i told how tho "pudgy
dcclnT.l in a loud voice thnt
i th- th ef of pollce: demanded
Co to louses, and ovon forced
inti places of extraordinarily
Me One story told how tho
man" ordered tho Inmntos of
iuso Into tho utrrot, Baying ho
icldcd they would hnvo to va
ult o'l rrconsldoratlon. docld-
Ivo them until tho first of tlw
M permitted thorn to return.
nter of tho articles made It
Hat this 1,nudcy mnn" was so
Mn tho ch'of that It was hard
No that It was not ho. It wna
Inlso thnt the "pudgy man"
pi arrest-i or molested by the
tho chnrco of Incomnetoncy
Teasing alienations ntrnlnst tho
lln tie nubile prints. Mayor
was ed into sending a mes-
uissv informing him that h'fl
t won d bo rnncte tho sublect
fllclal Investigation.
no received thin messaco
It orifo tolnohoned to Commis
si, who has been his frlond
pnortor on tho board. It Is
that he did not cot much
"on nnd dee'ded to visit
s'nted nut thnt nieerv did
the usual tacort of two n-
when ho stnrtod on th no.
Plch, but aid thnt li would
"-mnanled, except by Engln-
they reached Belvedere, a
rmmer report adjoining Tl-
rn came down from his iob
nd talked to tho phif at tho
edKO Murnhv did not hear
tlTs Conversation, nnd Kli
rnlng refused to toll whRt
r It la fnlrlv wnll uatnh.
bnwaver. that icnit tnM THi.
uld not take nip his fight bo-
lummiasioners. and, while
."II friendly, ho could not
io aeiena him.
" u tiucK iiiccrv snnr inn
"leSSacO. Whlph orna rnna
y telephone to Kell:
Fuu-av you know a romlnn-
ha It.. ..
" im- io boo you."
nessace wa not aiinA rt
lit POliro ha.lnii..l..i ttiot
ll,. " " " "-""('""cio nmv
' cr lllll lt.nl Ur. nn..n.
f'f -'on ,! -i -f
M- -r- A n"'V. "" "i
' ' Luiiur iih iiiTi
(United, Press Leased Wlro.)
Snn Francisco, Dec. 1.- -Opium Is
to bo barred from nil tho Pacific
coast ports. Collector of Port Strnt
ton hnn Issuod an ordor absolutely
prohibiting tho Importation of tho
drug at San Francisco and other
cltlos on the westorn shoro, taking
this stand, it is understood, nftor
having recolved secret Instructions
to that effect from Dr. II. Wiloy,
chlof food and drug Inspector of tho
Unltod Statos Department of Agrl
culture, who in turn, Is said, to
have reached a tacit understanding
with President Roosovolt nnd mom
bers of the International opium com
mission. Tho now order will havo a wide
spread offect particularly among tho
lurKur nvaivru uiuuts. ouiwdiiub uiii-
lectod by Dr. Wlloy show that In tho
Inst 12 months prior to August,
3500 pounds of opium and 35,000
ounces of morphine woro sold
through California denlors. Im
ported opium soils for $12, tho price
por pound being ?(, ami tlio duty
begin an additional f G, nnd tho duty
eminent, by Its own ordor. will loso
$1,000,000 In duty por yunr, and tho
loss to firms which hnvo mado u
specialty of Importing tho drug, will
bo hundreds of thousands of dollars.
San Francisco and tho Pacific
coast wll soon oxporlouco nn opium
fnmlne, as thoro Is pnly n small
quantity of tho drug In oxlstouco.
Thoro are 85,000 pounds of tho stuff
In tho bonded wnrohousos of this
city, and 800 'pounds woro drawn
from storago yestorday. This is snld
to bo tho complete stock of opium
nvnllnblo for presont consumption.
Opium valued at nearly $400,000
Is on Its way from China at tho pros
ont tlnio, but, nccording to tho now
ordor, It will havo to bo sont back.
Tho sufferings of tho confirmed
"hop" fiends, when thoy nro -finally
doprlvod of tho drug may prove bo
great that wholosalo medical nssls
tunco will hnvo to bo rondored them
In this city, whore opium smoking
has long been ono of tho greatest
cursos of the Orlontal population.
The Chinese consul and member
of tho Six companies expressed plea
sure yestorday that tho importa
tion of opium had been ended. Thoy
said that tho decision would bo
hailed with pleasuro by tho hotter
class of Chinese. Thoy said that
Ambassador Tong Shno VI .now nt
Washington, D. C, had usod his best
Influences In his own country to stop
tho traffic in tho drug..and ho, too,
would Join with thorn In thanking
tho government for Its stand.
tV TattM TCncrlnani fit .
' ame. and ho was ro
., '".'"lane
" Worried.
FT-"-- R'-i TV,.. i ut. .
, " 1IUUI Ul
ii. 'ho wna l08t 'rom tho
- - n mi uiiuuu an ma
neW8paner nttnoka iinnn
n$i;1!!,a,iwd utterly of be-
o (S? .h? dlsappearqd. ac-
imrni. . wn,ent made to the
mmiMi0n today by Cpm-
-y 1IKgy mad0 lue
ntlH ob 2c I.)
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
London, Ky., Dec. 1. Tho Whlt-takor-Burns
feud Is reopened today,
following the killing of Will Morrltt
Barnes, agod CO, and nla stop
daughter, Mrs. Ellen Taylor, aged
30. last Sunday. Members of tho
opposing cIojib are hravly armed to
day and more tragedies are expected.
Barnes was shot by Will Tyree and
Mrs. Taylor by a cousin named
Barnes. Nearly a dozen havo beon
killed in this feud within the past
15 or 20 years, all rolated by blooJ
or by marriage. Three years ago
two of tho Whlttakers wero killed
and the Barnw brothers wero
charged with th- murder. A year
ago a son of Will Merrltt Barnes
killed a WhlttakT In Pulaski coun
ty but was acquitted.
Sunday Tyree and Barnes killed
a Whlttakor In Pulaski county.
Barnea went to tho homo of Mrs. El
Ion Taylor, whore Barn. her fath
er was being shaved When he aros
Ty'roo shot him with a 45-70 Win
chester. Mrs. Taylor ran fora'ahot
gun, and Barnes filled her breast
with buckshot. Both men escaped.
Barnes died at 5 o'clock, and Mrs.
Taylor a llttlo later.
(United Press Lcasod Wlro.)
Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 1. Start
ling details of tho hugo plot to over
throw British rulo ln India and plnco
a Sikh as ruler of tho country, which
Is now seething with sedition, havo
fallon Into tho hands of secret ear
vtco ofllcers working for tho Brltlih
government on tho Pacific coast. Tho
ditto of tho great uprislngnnd ho
plan of tho campaign which was to
havo beon followed out nro also
known to tho authorities
It has long beon sttspoctcd by tho
Indian oftlco In London that the
scheme to throw off tho British yoko,
of which tho outrages that aro dally
tnklng plnco In disturbed India are
part, wbb being workod from Amer'
cn," and for tho last throo months na
tlvo Bples, under two whit cofflcors,
have beon quietly gathering Infor
mation. From Oakland, on tho
south, to Scnttlo, olllcers have probed
ovory Hindoo circle, with tho Btnrt
llng result that It was found tho
hendquortora of tho revolutionary
party was located on tho coftit. Di
rections woro sont to tho minor load
ers In India by an apparently harm
loss codo, through u white man In
California, to n well-known native
linn In Calcutta.
The real loader Is described m a
now Guru Nnnak. Ho Is a Sikh of
oxcpptlonnlly high casto, who, by a
special dispensation, has beon al
lowed to loavo his nntlvo country, In
ordor to propnro hlmsolf n a rulor
whon the tlnio nrrlves. Ho Is still
llttlo more than n youth, yet he Iih
taken IiIb dugroo at Cambridge, and
has followed this up wit ha spuclal
ccjrso at Columbia Unlvoralty. H!fc
hondqunrtor woro for a consider
nblo tlnio In Now York. At tho pn. fl
out tlnio ho Is vory much sought af
ter by eight socrot sorvlco man. but
his local convention, which Is admit
ted to bo on -this sldo of the conti
nent, Is only knqwn to the hlghost
council of tho revolutionists, consist
ing of aovon hlgh-cnsto Sikhs.
FIvo of tho council aro, known io
tho authorities, and, nlthough until
rccontly, several of them wore under
tho British flag In Vnncouvor nnd vi
cinity, they nro all now safely over
tho bordor.
Thoy nro Dernlab Singh, Backresh
Sing, Morcam Sing, Itanjlt Sing and
Kenab Sing. Threo of theso Sikhs
have been employed In local mills. It
was one of thwjo threo who disclosed
tho whole plan 4o a British sccrot
service officer, when Cornered In Van
couver, and promised his freedom as
the price of tho betrayal of tho plot.
His story, told In good English, was
as follews:
"The small outrages that aro now
taking placo In India nro part of the
plan of campaign directed from this
sldo of tho Atlantic. It Is nocessary
to havo disturbances in several places
In order to scatter tho British troops
Tho main uprising Is to tako placo In
April, when tho hot weather sets In,
and white troopi aro at a disadvant
age. The whlto officers, 4oo, will
have gone to tho hills. Amerltsar Is
to bo tho scone of tho main uprising
There Is an arsenal there, which win
be of great sorvlco to us, and the
first skirmish would draw tho troops
from Lahore. That will give an op
portunity to tho natives In Cashmere
to tako Sealkoto and march on La
hore. British reinforcements will
have to bo rushed from Awal PIndl,
and this will leave Peshawar un
guarded and an easy prey to tha
Pathans. who are ready to hum
through the Kyber paw. It will alnji
opon up o 'is a route by which we
can get a new supply of arms. I
"Ono of the men on this "Ide has
control over the train servlc Ah
departments aro now run by Hindoos
and Mohammedans. There Is no j
caste prejudice between in now, and
t has been arranged for all the main ,
lines of communication to be do-
stroyed at a given signal. Tho only t
thing that Is lacking is artillery, and
wo rely on our first victories to get
hie ennB. Offlcer are all detailed ,
off to take the places of the white
(Oatlatt4 ob Pag S.)
(Upltod Proas Lcaaod Wlro.)
Vienna, (via Frontier), Doc. 1.
Tho burning of Emporor William
and 'Franz Josef In effigy, the trampl
ing of tho Gorman flag underfoot
and tho encoring of Aujtrla'it on-t
mlea woro como of -today's scones In
many Austrian cities, whoro blttw
raco fooling has boen developing for
omp tlmo.
lit many towno, the foes of tho
Gorman peoplo aro parading the
strodts, donounclng tho preoont dy
nasty nnd promising to Join -tho In
surgent In tho ovont of a civil war.
Disorders aro general throughout
tho empire, and the situation Is par
ticularly surlous at Prague and Tri
este whoro popular feeling han
reached such a pitch 4hut rioting
hnn boon narrowly avortod.
Tlfp-'govornmont la doing every-,
thing poshHiIo to suppress tho nows
of tho crlsl3 nnd Ib vigorously con
soring tho dispatches which aro
leaving tho country through tho
rogulnr chnnnel.
San Francisco, Doc. 1. MrB. W.
J. Iilggy, divorced wlfo of tho lost
chief of pollco today, guvo out n
statomout In which Hho mild thnt
she bolluvod bur formor huslmud'B
mind had given way under tho
strain of this work. Hor Btutemont
"Mr. Blggy vna too good a Cath
olic to commit nulcldo. Ho wiih not
n drinking man nnd I don't think
thoro is any poHslblliy of his hav
ing boon Intoxicated nt tho tlmo.
In tho light of various ocourronceH
In tho last month or so, I really
think that tho work Imposod on Mr.
Ulggy waB too in uc hfor IiIh nervous
disposition and that ho has boon
mentally dornnged.
"I hnvo heard that tho pollco boat
Is vory prono to rocking and I think
It Is Quito posslblo thnt, 111 aB Mr.
niggy was too much .for his norvous
thrown Into tho water by a suddon
hi robing of tho boat. Murphy could
not have hoard him, owing to tho
nolso of the onglno.
"I think that they wero vory fool
ish to go out on tho bay without
more mon aboard tho launch. I havo
not soon Mr. Blggy nor heard from
him directly bIiico tho nltorratlo'i I
had In hla oftlco on October 27.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 1. Tru
man II. Newberry, of Detroit, be
came secrotary of tho navy today,
succeodlng Victor H. Metcalf, re
signed. Newberry waa promoted
from tho position of assistant secre
tary. Soon aftor he waa sworn In,
ho attended his first cabinet moot
ing. Herbert L. Batterleo, -of New
York, today accepted tho appoint
ment ai assistant secretary of the
navy. Ho was n lieutenant In the
navy during the Spanish war and id
president of tho naval reserve asso
ciation. Batterleo Is a man of
wealth. Ills wlfo was Miss LouUa
Plerpont Morgan. Ho Is a member
of many clubs, Including tho New
York Yacht club.
Butte. Mont., Dec. 1. The Oph
ier mine, famoua as ono of tho re
liable old producers of this dhtrlot,
wero sold yesterday afternoon for
$7500 to Walter Talent, a banker
repre-entlng Butte creditors who de
manded tho satisfaction of claims
aggregating IHQ.QDO
Tho Ophler was the main asset of
tho Butte Central and Boston Cop
per company, a f 16,000,000 cor
poration embracing Boston and Can
adian iMncler.
In tho cu8o of Long v. Portlnnd
tho nupromo court today held,
through an opinion wrltton by Jus
tlco Kakln, that ii city charter must
submit to tho initiative and roforon
dura, whoro thoir provisions conflict.
In thla case a vehicle tax had Veen
Imposed by ordinance, anal the ref
erendum was Invoked agaliMt. the
enactment. Though the elty char
ter of Portland provide that a law
shall go Into ettetit Immediately up
on Its approval by the mayor, the su
premo court hold that no ordinance
can go Into1 effect within 20 days af
tor Its approval by th emayor, if tho
referendum was llablo to be Invoked
against It.
Other DocIhIohh.
Asldo from tho vehicle llconno or
dinance enso, other cmsm wero do
cldod todttyR-(olloW8f -
Jacob L. Bteln vu. A i , vols, cp
poalod from Coos om1)' . kiurt of
Judgo J. W. Ilnmlltiin; Affirmed In
opinion by Commissioner Slitter.
Allen DnvlH vs. II. M. Chamber
lain, appealed from Jackso ncounty;
court of Judgo Hloro K. Hnniin;
modlfiud In opinion by Justice Kakln.
Statu vs. Dan P. Dohorty, uppcnled
from Morrow county; court of Judgo
II. J. Bonn; opinion utllrmed lis opin
ion by Chief uHtlco Bonn.
Ogdon, Utah, Doc. 1. Tho funeral
of Deputy Sheriff Clnrk, who was
murdered by an ambushed nssnHslii
Inst Friday afternoon, was hold to
day, and tho cortogo was two miles
long, wiiiio tno omconr rriunus
woro holding tho last Bad rites In hla
honor, nngry possob woro scouring
tho country Booking for tho mur
derer, but no clow as to his whoro
aboutH has been found. It Is very
probnblo that ho will bo lynched
when ho 1b capturod.
Tho killing of Clark followed tho
discovery by officers of wholesalo box
car robborlea. Tho Investigation re
vealed tho fact that tho Union Pa
cific has been systematically robbed
for ovor a yoar.
Flvo wero arrested In Portland
yofltorday for Indulging In a poker
gamo In -tho Cambridge building.
Tho ring Bent to Cathorlno ISIklns,
and alleged to have como from
D'Abruxzl and to bo a ruby, waa uoth
Ing but a glaso stone, sent as a Joke.
(Unltod Press Loajsod Wire.)
Port Au Prince, Hayll, Dec. 1.
A. battle botweon the rovolntlonrjr
force undor General Antolne'&lwea
and the government treope w w
In progress outside of the eUy(
the Insurants ate expected .( wl
tho. conflict iMtde ot a fw henr. 9h
Wat l within a few 1tall of Pert
Au Prlnee, a ad It t a44 tht He e
template Making a night taefc,
The tepulaUe, terror ntrlekefc. At
this powtBlllty, la In ife iiceateet
eoatitclon. and there le a goneral t-x-odue
from the city.
The Kaytlan government hi de
meralle4. It t rumefed here that
the cabinet of PreldMt Nerd Alex
la la preparing te titwert him. The
slVwation has become e grave that
a proclamation has been IwiHSd eon
voklUK Im ohumhura Ik Wtrgordlu
ary a"tion to tako stops U proeorVT
tin. uvornniout.
It la roportbd that thu JiwuiuenU
havo capturod Loognno, 28 mtlee
west or thu capital. Orrtnd Cavo Is
nlready In tho liuiuh of tho rovolu
tlontsts. Tho Unltod StnteH crulaor
Dos Moines arrived horo early today,
Tho Br'tl h rrulwir Scylla nnd tho
Italian warship FlornmosHn nro ex
pected Bhortly. This will mako n
total of six vohhoIb roprewjiitlng for
olgn lutorostft at tho scono of hoatll
Chicago, Don. 1. Tho doclBlon of
United States CommlHslouor Footo,
which shall not at liberty Christian
Iludovltx, tho Itusiilan exile, or do
liver him to tho authorities for ox
tradition to UuhsIii to faco a chargo
of murder, 1b oxpectod before night.
Kxtrn guardu wero thrown about
tho court room whon tho honrlng bo
gnu today. It was feared that spec
tator muy bo Btlrred to smnmury
action by tho dotatls of tho crimes
minting to Uusslnn atrocities, which
yestorday woro no horrible that many
woro forced to leave tho court room.
Attorney Hlgby, representing tho
IntoroBta of Ilussla In thu cuso. today
said that ho had received a second
threatening lottor. Ho said tho
missive wa slgjiod "An Anarchist."
Tho stgnor threatened to stab him
unless lie withdrew from thu enso
and loft Chicago.
Stato Senator J. P. McNIcol, of
Pennsylvania, has beon Indicted on
tho chargo of llbot.
Washington, D. C, Doc. 1. Dan
lol J. ICeofe, of Detroit, president of
tho Longshoreman's Union, has ac
cepted Uo position of commissioner
gonorul of Immigration.
o .
Tho Canadian Pacific railway Is
making strong efforts to enpturo the
transcontinental freight tratflo for
the Orlont.
Many persons receive seat for a play that tho Manag-
0 ors say is one of the best that will appear at tho Grand
0 this winter,
() The following pitmhih Iiuvi Ih-cm lucky In The Joiii-iiuI'h IIiiiiiuu O
() Iluiuuii lilki-iit'KM Centext:
O Harry AUn-rt, Hrot prUc, out' box; D1 Dliimuore, m-coiu! prlzo O
() four orchestra miiI. TIioim who recelvtnl two M'atu vneh unit Jack O
() ItogerN, Molllu IVarmlne, Jumes McKvoy, Nettle Ithodt'N, Nettle
O Frazler, Max IJurcn, Kd. JJanu'S, uM Walter WIumIow, O
O The manager of tlio show lwn alwi k1v" to Mr. eo. V. Ilodg- O
O rn Mr, Hal Patton, Mr. J. W. WIIImjii and Mr. Ijrrjr Murphy O
) two iM-ttt each.
O Heat for tbi above itaHied vrtliB will lx at (lu box oWre tliU O
O evi'itiHKi wlifitr they will please rail for tliem. (
O o
oo. ooooooooootiooooooooooo