9k I lauraal )L. XVIII SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 80, 1008. NO. 8.13. EBELS MARCHING ON PORT AU PRINCE OMAN AND MONEY IS MISSING AND FOUL PLAY IS FEARED lOMOF :i IN is SOUNDED CALIFORNIA AND WASHINGTON Jnlted Press. Leased Wire) Francisco, Cal., Nov. 30. omlnouB numors of dlro bio obcad" for tho Meadows pcourso at Soattlo, racing Intor- Kn California today aro con ed with tho npparontly well led prediction that "tho sport logs" is uoomei in mis suuo. Rh senators and assemblymen announced tholr support of tho racing measure to Insuro its PUMKO. s Glowing tho antl-rnco track log- 3a In Now York, tho agitation district ot Columbia and the u upon tno sport evom in kicky, tho paBsngo of, an antl- (Contlnuod on Page G.) TROUBLE BREWS IN CONGRESS OVER U. S. JAPAN ALLIANCE (United Press Leased WIro.) Washington, D. 0 Nov. 30. Whllo England, Itussla, and Franco aro expressing tholr satisfaction at tho nlleged "treaty" which Is said to havo been drawn up botween tho United States and Japan, leading sen ators ;iro laying their plans today to ask tho Btato department to oxplnln Ju&t what it lias dono In apparently disregarding tho nation's traditional policy of avoiding foreign alliances and ignoring tho senato's constitu tional right to ratify anything which actually amounts to a troaty botween tho United Statos and anothor power Thoro is somo boliof In diplomatic circles horo that tho prosont ndmln- ( Continued on Page 5.) SERIOUS ILLNESS OFPOPE IS UNABLE TO SEE ANYONE (United Press Leased Wire) Romo.Nov. 30. All audtoncea at tho Vatican were suspended Indefin itely today, owing to a slight change for tho worso in tho condition of Popo Pius X. Tho pontiff's cold Is worso and a slight fovor has devel oped, requiring that ho remain in bod. Tho Vatican physicians assort that tho popo's condition Is not serious, o A fourton elephant, hold captlvo in tho Now York Hippodromo, tooK fright at a pig Sunday, broko looso and dashod down Forty-third otrcot and wrecked n tonomont houeo bo foro ho was caught. San Silk nnll lie fO-yd Spool of otton lie lOO-yd nest Spool Sllk.no boo Lairs 2 for . . . .lc Pearl nuttous Dozen . -2c Children's JG.00 Conts, now JjM.05 UroHB Skirts from $2.50 up. $1.50 Good Um brellas 5e. Woman's 750 Rain Conta now ljM.05. The People's Choice j-j-n Crk, cSt Qfni A,Hl ,l,,,y l,avo n,m,e tl10 u,'Ht Clmln' U1C kXmJLjJJ JKJK C in KuIciii when It cornea to lloncfl mIs, Low Pikes and Square Dealing. From tho hlo of n dry good bo we havo grown to our pivs- proporlioiiM in a few years. You cannot stop the People's Choice lliey are with u. & Irfil rL v11.-. 3rf. -. 3Uf I. xGOOD r1r' f v i (6 P'gV llY (ress Goods and Silks Jem's silk and Dress Goods Store can show in thOSe dnnnrlmonln Thi. nnnnn nnrl f of them for you to mako your cholco from, . 18c, 25c, 5c. -lOc, 05c, 75o and up. item's Silk find nrig nnAo ainn nnn Dhnw vnn Wnnrinrful Bar- ",,n. tuso departments. Tho newest and the boat is hero and Prices the Lowest. mm r I EStf Mr fflk 4p Women's Suits and Coats Wo aro hero with tho Pest and Newest in the markot and tho Low est Prices you can get anywhere. Tho Suits aro long jackots and sheath skirts trimmed with silk bands and large buttons. SUITS $6.50, $8.50, $10.50 $12.SOandup COATS $4.95, $7.50, $9.SO and up Table Linens Tho Groatest Values In Salem nnd tho lowest Prlcos, Yard- 25c, 35c, 49c and up AUGUSTA kruger MISSING LAST SON GETTING ON CAR Augusta Krugor, GO yoars of ago, who recently camo from tho Kaot, is missing -in this city, nnd up to tho present Jttmo no Information can bo gainod by tho authorities of hor whereabouts. Sho has boon missing slnco Thurs day arid considerable worry has arlBon tin sho had qulto a sum of money with hor. Mrs. Krugor arrived In this city two weekB ago from her Eastorn homo, and was stopping at tho homo of Hov. Goofrnoy in North Salem, when last Thursday morn ing sho was escorted to tho atroot car lino by ono of tho Guoffnoy family and was Intending to go to tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Voght, In SoiUh Salem, but after being Informed of her Intended vis It by ttoY. dueffnoy, Mr; VogUwas surprised ns tho lady hnd not showed up at his houso, nor hnd ho seen hor nt nil. Tho officers worn notified of tho myHtorlous dlimpponrnnco of Mrs. Krugor, and nr now Koarchlng In this vicinity for hor. lit Is thought prolmblo by hor friends hero that sho may hnvo departed for Cali fornia, of which place sho had often spoken of ns bolng an oxcollont 1 place to regain her falling health, i hut owing to tho fact a few of her effects aro yet at tho Guoffnoy homo. I It Is hardly prolmblo alio would loavo for the Hoiitli without in some muniicr Informing hor host and host-1 ess In North Salem. Mrs. Krugor ta n rather small built lady, being about GO yearn of ago, and when seen last In this city, woro a black dross and a black hat. Sho hiifl a family In tho East who aro nttundlng hor farm whllo hIio is malting a trip for her health. At tho tiino tho lady left tho Guof fnoy homo, It cannot bo nncortnlnod whethor or not she had any great amount of monoy on her person, but owing to tho fact sho Is traveling alono. sho would be likely to carry a sufllclout sum along with hor for nocossary oxponsos. HAYTIAN REBELS WINNING MARCHING ON PORT AU PRINCE (Unltod Press Leased WIro.) Port Au Prince, Hujti, Nov. 30--Tho advance guard cf General Sim on't army of Mtbol is expected to u tlvo horo today ami tho gretovit exclti-mont provlnls throughout tho city Throo divisions of tko government troops under General Aadree. on cam pod six miles from tho city, bo camo panic-stricken today, having lost faith In the streagt hot tho gov ernment to copo with tho revolu tionists. Many of tho soldlors hnvo fled nnd thoy nro roturntng to tho city. Hun dreds of poroons have loft lioro nnd moat ovoryono Is hiding Jewels nnd vniuablos lu anticipation of tho city being looted. Net Waists WE JUST RECEIVED a Beau tiful Lino of Ecru and Black Not Waists handsomely trimmed with Silk Galoons and Medallious. Prices Small. $3.45, $3.95, $i.50 and up 600 Dozon BoyY d Girls' Double Throad Armor Plate Hose noW on sale. This is the Best 2 Go Hoso you havo seen for a long tlmo. All black In all sizes. Our Price will bo only ISc TOWN MARSHAL TURNS FOOTPAD (Unltod Press Leased WIro.) Paris, Nov. 30. M. Hamard, chlof of tho Parisian dotcctlvo forco an nounced today that ho had been practically assured of tho Idontlty of tho murderers of II. Stoluholl, tho artist who with his mother-in-law, Madamo Japy, was found dead In his stud'o in Paris last May. Hamard declared that they would soon bo j under arreat. ' Two mon havo been under sour- velllanco by the police Tho author I ities aro convinced that Madamt Stelnhell could not havo committed me crimes unaBiBiuu. They claim to have ovldonco .show ing that tho hall clock at tho Stein holi houso had boon stopped at mid- nlKht evidently to rIvo a wrong 1m I presslon as to the tlmo of tho mur dor. WnHhlngtoJiHD. C, Nov. JO. He- ports recolved by tho ntnlo dopnrt- mont today indicate that Gonural Simon Is advancing upon Port Au Prluco with 'i "trong fore. A bat tlo Is expect id with In 2 I bourn Tho government troop? aro inn tlnous and mon havo noun tied to gether during transportation by wa ter to prevent their desortln; tho army. President Aloxln hi firm lu his rcsolvo :o light despite the plead ings of his cabinet. Tho cruiser Trcoma Is ut Port Au Prlnco and tho Dos Molne Is exjuct ed to arrive tndny. A mooting of tho diplomatic) corps ut tho HnvMun nmltul 'iii held .accortltg to tho .Us, vclust, but tho 'ut i i".ui wiih int (Iciiiiut iiuch as to call for action by foreign roproHontu I -j If I ho inriiy.t fits roach tho city thoy will bu warned that pillage, Incendiarism and mas micro will not bo pormlttod, O " POSSES SEARCH FOR MANIAC KNOWS SLAYERS OF STANHEIL 300 Extra Largo Cut Corner Whlto Bed 8proads for iron bods. Rogular J2.00 values. Our Price $ 1 .95 We show the Best Values In Salem in Blankets, Comforts, Towels, Sheets and Pillowcases. (I'nltcd Pros Leased Wire.) Simkane, Nov. 30. Onco a town I marshal and now a footpad, Alfred i Thompson Is todny la the custody of tho Suokano police, to whom ho con- foised. It la said, that ho assumod the rolo of highwayman to procure food for his family. Thompson says for a long tlmo ho was marshal or Buckley, Wash. Ho nays in his confession that ho becamo . tired of seeking employment and dd I cided to turn footpad. Ills only vic tim wan Carl Hewitt, a laundry I wagon driver, who was compelled, to IglVf Thompson f 4 6C Hewitt Imme- dlately summoned the noMoe who I captured Thompson not far from tho scene of the holdup. He had thrown away Ms revolver and auk, which wero fonad, tk o4k ?, Euroka, Cal., Nov. 30. A rollof forco of doputy sho riffs and armed citizens today took up tho search for tho supposod maniac, who s believed to havo wontonly Bhot Bort Portor, of McKlnloyvlllo, and Joo Vlorra, or Glendale. recontly. A sheriff's and cttlxon' poaso lmvd boon out In tho hills for several days slnco tho murder, and tho whole country from Trinidad to Redwood mountain has boon scourod. Nows reached hero today that a stranger, acting suspiciously, had been soon near Blair's ranch, and snoop borders aro In pursuit of him. Thoy roport having hoard wlord moans In tho timber during tho night. Rumors of additional murdors havo reached here, but all so far Investi gated havo proved without founda tion, o- MOTOR CYCLES MAKE RECORDS Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 30. Four new world's records aro established today, as a result of tho motor cycle races at Ascot Park yesterday after noon. Throo of tho records wero brokon by Freddie Iltiyck and ono by Guy Blalock. Tho records mado wore: 2G-milo competition, by Freddlo Huyok, on an Indian, in 24 minutes; old record, 26:05. 10-mllo competition, by Oily Ilia lock, on an Indian, In 0 minutes, 40 seconds; old record, 0:47. 5-nilIo competition, by Freddlo Hiyck. on an Indian, In 4 mlnutos, 38 seconds; old record, 4:43 1-G. "" o Plan for Hot-I Plans nro being drawn for a fine, modern hotel at Salem. It Is In the hands of men who know the needs of tho city In this respect, Tho plan aro bolng made by Fugh k Legg. n i Harrlsburg has rat! $850 for advertising Htrpoa. FISHER WAS VICTIM OF CONSPIRACY SAY THE PORTLAND POLICE (Unltod Press Leasod Wire.) Portland, Or., Nov. 30,-p-That At torney Ralph B. Fisher, who was kilted In his oflce Saturday after noon by Attorney Jkm A. Flash, was probaly tho victim of a foul conspiracy ki ono of today's develop ments In tho investigation b&iag made by detecllveo. The pellee de clare they are certain that ethers be sides Finch were Involved in the threats and hounding of the mur dered attorney which preceded his assassination, from motives of re yengo. Throo daya before his death the attorney mado a statement to hU brother, C. 10. Fisher, In which he charged that a cor tain lawyer was responsible for tho throats and calls ovor tho tolcmhono and that tho snmo person wn salso tho author of (ho numerous nunoymous written threats ho had rocelvod through tho mnlls. Anothor ntnrtllng dovolopment la tho lino or Investigation to bo pur sued by tho oIllclalH. It Is known that certain olllclnla, who will bo charged with tho prosecutlo nof tho caso, are working on tho theory thnt Fisher was tho victim of a conspir acy and aro guarding carefully va rious ploces of ovldonco thoy luivo In their possession. C. Hvttrot Baker, aenior momber of thu laf Unit or which tho mur dorcd attorney was Junior momber, Is confident thnt Mr. Flshor'H death was tho result of a conspiracy. Rel atives of tho dead man hold tho samo opinion. Proceedings against tho murderer will begin at onco. Tho caso will bo presented to tho grand Jury without delay, and an In dictment, according to District At torney Cameron, will bo returned ltn modlatoly. Evory effort will bo mudo by Cameron to havo thu caso tried au soon ns possible. o SATTERLEE SUCCEEDS NEWBERRY (United Press Lt-asod Wire.) Woshlrmton. D. C. Nov 30 I lor. bert L. Battorloo, of Now York, hnf boon tendered tho post of assistant Bocretary of tho navy, which will be mado vacant tomorrow, whon Truraaa H. Now bo try bocomes secretary of the navy. Satterloo Is reputed wealthy, and la a relative of J. Plerpont Morgan. OOOOOOOOOO 0 TREATY HAS BEEN 0 OFFICIALLY SIGNED o o O Washington, Nov. 30. Tho O O Japanese-Aiuorlcan ngroemont O O was signed nt 3:30 o'clock O O this afternoon by Bocretary of O O Btato Root nnd Ambansador O O Takahlra. O O Tho agreement Is In thu form O O of notes which were exchanged O O as soon as tho signatures wero O O olllolally nfllxed. Tho notea O O embody in concroto form tho O O sentiments that havo beon hold O O for a long tlmo by both nations, O O according to a statement mado O O at the stato department. O O It wus found desirable, It O O was explained, to reduce thorn O O to writing because of the or- O O roneous Impressions created re- O O gardlng tho relations between O O tho United States and Japan, O O Tho text of the note will be O O given to tho public elmultan- Q) O eously at Tokio und Wash- O O Ington tomorrow. O OOOOOOOOOO Tho valuo of Clackamas couaty property, as shown by the wwor'd report, Is 122,850,936,