r IN IS AS OLD HIS STOMACH iMolnii Kplgram Is 1I,C Kcal fCtigo of ii Man's Life. pers.ans were a vory snguc- people, notcu nmvus uiu mr the r no-1 uniming on L the things which mako up , alow epigram shows tho wis- kj their tuuuBi. cn a man's stonincn 13 auio 10 n v, material to tno system It 01' U'tcr tliait uio muurni '( nan requires, "n 8"c lives hl3 tulle t and his host. a Mroiuh wrong living or .. ., atniniinll heulllH tn 10 a 1 - ----- L otbc organs and takes frohi hnod Ltnngth which It cannot lack In nourishment taken from i,od. then biglns tlio uentn 01 Un and he decays fast. The ich Ij ttrong, splendidly strong. in stand an untold amount lusc nnd neglect, but when It Iman dies. ctomach gives tons upon tons rich bliod every year to tho and draws only C80 pounds lurlshment for Its own use. If, Ircr, tho food which It receives It bo turucu imu uiuuu wiuuu 10 lc of uso by tho body, then the Ich recelvos no help from the 1 organs. iarts'9 Dyspepsia Tablets con ;he mo t perfect dlgestlvo qunl known to sclonco and at the rtlme the most poworful. They nix with the poisonous Julcos lBIck stomach nnd digest food to of this handicap. y will stop gas making and kroath. They tone up tho norvoi wholo dlgostlvo cnnal, lnclud- bose of tho stomach. single Ingredient contains gth enough to digest 3,000 timos (eight In mixed food. r havo stood tho test of tlma Itoday are moso Bought after jail their Imitators combined. ,oy aro uxd nnd endorsed by (0 physicians. Evory druggist them, price GOc. It costa noth- lo demonstrate their valuo. us you nnmo and address nnd s nd you a trial pacKago by free, Address F. A. Stuart Co , IStuart nidg,, Marshall, Mich. IlKHIVG A SALEM JUV IX LEflLSLATl'RE e Orconlnn today slnndois Hal D Pntton by Intimating he wnn'i promlnenco In tin e orKanbatlon to soli thr pat- an lo- to tho Htat- for a roal for Mir governor. Mr. Pat- as n II'Mr regard for tho cointi- n which forbids n member of K'U'.iHi r to do bus'ness with II ai n iri)reientntlvo of th A Thr T)lllnn linntn nnnlil rttlnft . - ..W, iiwntu LUIIIU wtii.u hocn r d for an executive Inn I tti probably novrr be el M"- Vo n?aln. It Is such 1 ;. 1' "bove of tho Orocoil- tf'tt' ' ' Its political Influ- (n ' - v af Irs, ai It never hoi- ' 1 in ninn. no mntttr ncv Ml honornbH his mo . n n f . light boforo tho pov ri ,n troy his Infill , p p , conies of an hon fatr. -ml has nnvqr boon In Ml rn iA'ore Ho will cor- 't" Ullng 1.1 vote to tho onlan f 1 1 ihte for sonntor, " it r Scott or some r dark I r-" with a sack, and Ii w- M'iii crowd trios to be en Pat'it Hnw Is Vour lVlgfstlon. w. Maty Dowllng of No. 288, 8tb . oan t-rnnclxro recommends a 1)' for tomncti trouble. Sho OrattuJe for the wondorfu' of Fieft-c Dlitera In a case of imiBenn, piompts this testl- I firi fnllv pnnvlniAl Ihnl tOn - rl lvni, rnhAa R. !IT. '"' M, besi romedy on the et oJav ' This great tonic nnd n'.Pi'rino lliviiforains hi ,i,n,r. I"1 n, b,0fl nnd Is espe- ' ' 1 1 nil mrrnn f famnla " V at J C.Perry's drug HOW THE LINE 0FFICERS0PP0SE STEAM irlvnr.fU-th.er ,!1,,8t,aUllB this point of Sntrnt I ;a,g,nB 'I1Cer8 "Coniplutu control, It Is a matti-r of hlstorv ind n!it,ttrKI?Htb,,t ,h,r,ng K n.i m ll!s acc,i'in" of U19 Nn-y, Borlo, for n time turned tho nu ndniln s rotlon over to Admiral r 1 tor. Admlrnl Porter was sail.,,- n tho .trlut etymological wntv of the term, In that ho belluvod thiv wns nothing like sails. Ak soon i," ho was n nu horlty he caused tho fi.ur bludcd propellers of the vessels to bp removed nnd replaced by two b laded ours In order that the ships nUght maneuver better under uil. Tho Inelllclency thereby brought about Is, of course, apparent to utt eiiBlneer, ns the size of the propel). 1 opening was ilxod and the two-bladed screw could not be mndu luru. enough. A few years Inter. In a report to the department, he Rctually clalimj that Hie vrels were faster umlo. steam with tho nut tinted screws. Tin Tacts, of coum, were Just the re verse, nnd when his influence became less, proper propellers were again fit tod. This was when he was still In his prime, nrd his Judgment was, at least, not Impaired by age. About twenty years late, when the Roach cruisers were being built, the denr old man, thou over "', went beforo the Naval Committee nnd said that tho plans of these vessels were wrong, because tlioy had only auxil iary sail power. In his Judgment they should havo been glvon mil sail power, with steam ns an auxiliary. Ho was still n sailor. Tho world had not moved for him. Engineering Magazine. ALJOCItSAh, SAT.KM, ORCOON. PltlDAY, XOYEMPMl 87, 1908. TARIFF COMMISSION IS SEVERELY ROASTED (United Press Leased Wlro.) St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 27. Criticism of tho methods of tho tariff Investi gators on the congressional ways and menns committee, by James W. an Clonve, president of the National VssoclRtion of Manufacturer', in be 1 dlHcjssed by merchants hero to day. "The statement pointing out tho railing of th- congressional lnnulsl- ors, issued yesterday, sajs In part: "Several strange things connect thomsehpR with these hearings. I Vl ''ol(1 t,,at onl' ,lb0llt l0 "t of 250.000 heads of factories in the country received notice to appear be tore the committee. The notice is too short to allow them to present full preimrod statements, although all of th"tn have the privilege of sub mitting briefs at any time prior to D tub, r. The charges which will clDse on December 4 will havo cov ered only about three weeks In the 1 .: iiU-. 3 WORK THAT TELLS. Plenty of It Has Keen Dono Right Hero In Salem. Cures that last are cures that tell. To thoroughly know the virtues of a medicine you mint Investigate the. curoj and see If they prove perma nent. Donn's Kidney Pills stand thh tost, and plenty of proof oxlst3 right hort In Sn'em. People who testified years nso to relief from bnckacho, kidney and urinary disorders, now doclare that rcl'ef was permnnont nnd tho cure porfoct. Ho wenn nny Salem sufferer longer dewbt tho cvl denro? Mrs. 11. Schrolbcr, B00 High St, Salem, Ore., says; "The good 10 porte T hoard concerning Doan's Kid noy Pills Induced me to nrocu.ro a oupply at Dr Stone's drug sto.ro. 1 had boon uufforlng from bnoknche which not jnly troubled mo through tho day but broko my rest at night. I began to fool tho beneficial effects of Doan's Kldnoy Pills after I had taken n few (loos. I soon received a complete euro nnd thero ha"? been 'Mr. Payne's easy confidence In being nblo to make a ro-ndjustmont of tho tnrlft schedules which will bo satisfactory to tho country must mean that he has m-ovlilnil for snl.n. tlfle aiding of the side. I am strength-, no sign of the bnckacho or any othor liTiM 1L M!0lnf by ,th0 fftct tlmt Bymptom of kldnoy complaint since. ne Knows that Germany, ns a pro- , ... , . , , . . . ., limlnnrv to n in.n-f .Vin ii'.. I nm only too ploascd to lot others crented a commission of thirty-two know of BUch a ''' nntl " "i"-' m "" mej guvo uvo years or4V,""" it,,ivi,j ,,a iiiveitigntion to tho subject, many of .Pills." tliem visiting every country on tho globe. Donn's f- Kidney 'Germany was npplylng business For snlo by till donlors. Prlco GO cont9. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. h ns lUHtMT IIIIKAII. 1 urth yn i more thau any othe (he urlco u no hthi ii oiu tcrocera MFOllNW ISAKKlty, "' CM,i.y, .,M. Th, ;Cqt 'fl FRENCH FEMALE BPIL.8. , "k TO f H. F' 8-r.i 8rfr B.IU. 1 ) . cftil. Stat treil 1 . 1 1111. la It ij toi I li-'-an, t... n. ' " "V Ul J. C. 5' KS?""uco 0T4. Uhuitii, p. in yuan. Mi -, nv M iOXFKCTIOXKRY tw management 9fr l'r""r'-,"S la. , 11 an ana up 1 . , I- f the city MARIE CAHILL SCORES A NEW SUCCESS Mario Cahlll and "The Hoys and Hetty" aro sinnslting all attendance records nt Wnllaek'B Theatre, New York City, for tho charming co modlcnno has scored 11 most em phatic lilt. Tho success stands alone for this season for while h'ts of othor ycara may havo equalled that of Miss Cahlll, there has been noth ing within hailing distance of her during tho present Benson. "Tho Arab Lovo Song" Is again proving thnt Miss CuhllPs personal ity Is most effective In tho establish ing of n popular song. No less than half a dozen songs hnvo boon heard in tho pnst ton years which deal with the Ucdouln's lovo, but this Is the first to scoro heavily. The song will, according to indications, beat the popularity of tho "Congo" nnd "Tho Unmboo Tree." Miss Cahlll has two other songs which aro running well up with this one In popularity. Ono Is "Talto Plenty or Shoes," tho other "A Little Farther." If It wer not for Iho overwhelming huccojs of "The Aral Lovo Song" either "of tho songs men tioned above would no jfiwntloii, "Auf WioderHeheii.' is at' the.' of Miss CablU's songs .h!ch li-is, ciiK.ht the public fancy. It U ,1 pl'ilnllvo little lovo song, vory appealing and sympathetic. Ktigouo Cowles song, "Girls. Girls. Girls," In which tin- fir.miM C'.ihlll , "long-skirted" chorus w to i 1.1 oil. Is1 a splendid number, and ' Oce. but 1 You Look Awfully Good to Mo," us sung by Kdgnr Aohlson-ISly, Is n Broadway song of tho quickest tpo Stato of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ttt. Frank J. Chcnoy mnko soath that ho Is Bonlor partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business In the rlty of Toledo, county and stnto aforesaid, and that said firm , will pay tho urn of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY, Sworn to bofore mo ..and sub- scr'bed In my presence, th'a Cth day of De-ember, A. D., 188G. (Seal) A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public. Ha'l's Catarrh Curo Is taken In ternally, nnd acts directly on tho blood and musoui surfaces of the ystem. Snd for te'tlmonlals free. F. J OHSNEY & Co., Toledo, O. Fold by all druggists. 75c. Tk Hall's fmlly Pills for con stlpn'Ion, TRACTION MAGNATE TO RETURN IN 1910 principles to what Is pro-emlnontly Now York, oolo agents for tho United a inisiuens suuject. tho men who.otatcs, nre runnlrtg tho big corporation call ed tho United States know that tho trndo laws of tho Universe will not suspend themselves for their gratification." A Hair's nrendth Kscnpc. Do you know that ovorytlmo you have a cough or cold and lot It run on thlnglnk It will JtiBt curo Itself you aro Inviting pneumonia, con sumption or sotno other pulmonnry troublo? Don't risk It. Put your lungs back In perfect health and stop thnt couth with Dallard's Horo hound Syrup. Prlco 2Gc, JOc nnd $1.00 per bot tle. Sold by nil dealers. ii . Arthur V.8llls the famous cowboy poet, bnfi been arrested In Boiling ham, Wash., on tho chargo of forc ing a K0 check. o- Pleasant, sure, easy, safo little llvor PIUs, aro Do Witt's LIUIo Early Rlsors. For salo all druggists. Hcmomber tho and take no other. name Donn'i Thero Is llttlo Interest In tho city election. Peoplo did want to voto for a permanent Improvement on Sotub Commercial street bridge but tho city council thought thoy had bettor not lot thorn. So vory fow will tnko tho troublo to vote. Tho unknown man who was found dead near Oregon City with $060 Is clnlmod to 1e .tho rolatlvo of two people, who ask for letters of ad ministration. ( o A Broken Rack. Thnt tinln In vour hack causod bv lumbago, stiff muscles or a strain tin nn easy thing to got rid or. uni lard's Snow Llnlmont cures rhoumu tlsm, lumbago, soro nnd stiff miiBclcs Btralns, Bprains, cuts, burns, brulsos, scnlds and all aches and pains. You nocd a bottlo In your houso, Sold by all dcnlors. , Ye Liberty mmmmammmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmwmmmmmmk The Home of Refined Entertainment GUILKLKSS Cf) INTItY LASSIE PEASANT'S IHFI'lt'lLTIES I.N SOCIETY llexcilptlw" Sengs: Miss K. Woods presents, "You Can't Stop Your Heart from Beating for the Girl You Love." FltKXCII AND (JKUMA.V MANEUVERS THUNDER BOLT OX THE MILLS "The Holy City," by MNs II. Holland. Doors open from i! P. M. to 1 ll:.IO P. M. .ff8mfiie)lf iiiaiEiiaiiiiai88iti t THE EVIDENCE OF RETURNING PROSPERITY Thoanks may bo said to bo real baromotors of business. Just as business depression Is roflectod In reducing deposits, so tho Im provement in business conditions finds expression In tho Increasing deposits. When a bank has the roatest numbor of depositors, tho largest total of savings and shows a now nnd deflnlto growth In all branches It Is n vory satisfactory ovldonco thnt the returning pros perity is not confined to any ono class, but Is reaching the masses of tho peoplo; nnd thnt 1b tho chief good. The "Comparative Statements of Deposits" which wo havo been publishing for years, shows 1008 to bo tho bnnner yonr nnd reflects" In no small measure tho growth of Snlom and tho Pacific North west; and ono need not bo much of an optimist to reel thnt this Northwest country or ours has greater growth mid better time's ii1km.i1 than any wo liue yet seen. A gjucrnl Invitation to open nn account with tin Is extended ollk to ttu young man starting in business nnd to tho oldor con cerns already established; to those who havo newly come to mnko a home or build up a business In this Great Northwest and to theso who npproclato tho convenience oT u checking account. ' In the most practical way possible you will thus become familiar V witu ina many advantages which wo aro enabled to extend to depos itors through n system that has bconstendlly developed and perfect ed by tho progressive nnd growing UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, Salem, Oregon, t ia i miiiiiiMt 1 tug i t tt if ieMi 4-S4-4tlllttNH-illll8-HI4-HMK v DON'T MERELY GO TO BATTLE Hih;it r K ids deMvered ; f the city free. MrHi ! 0,," Party sbo ' ,.K'a,es' delivered l It a .".... U1V " flr- .?. . keu s" or1"11 anl Che- GO TO WAR Tacitus, th? Roman historian, writing of the Batuvlans, .said: "Otheis go to battle; theo peoplo go to war." ' With this pwilstent pooplo, a battle was merely n pnrt of the war. of the campaign, no mottor whether it wr won or lost. In modern huslnow llfo tho same Idea prevails. With ihe merchant who Is destined to win, adver tising Is n CAMPAIGN not ii moro "splurge." A big ad Is morly a PAItT of that campaign not u thing upon which succww or fulluro wholly rosts. In a war.'a grant rnnny big bnttlos aro apt to'bo foughtp some or thin costly, somo dlsastroiu but all Inevitable, m iwrt of it winning ohih paigri? In ndverUsloK if '01 many big uds miiHt b tituifl. Some of thwti ) sotm too cwpenslvw yjina also a li of mony But all aro a part of nny winning mpHlgu In liHglnes all art) Incidental to the snow or the campaign. Ami whn a InislnotK oampalgn sho oeeds as ovwy iwrslstwnt nnd wIk one will the COST will seem vary small, lailsnd! ftJnlted Press Loosed Wlro ) New York. Nov. 21. Henry E. Huntington tho multl-mllllonnlre who controls tho traction systems or Los Angoles nnd Southern Caliror nln. nnnouced today his purpose to rotlro rrom active businoss In Febru ary. 1910. at which time h vill have attained, his sixtieth blrthdn-. He proposes to spend Hie ihhi '"nm in his lire on his uenutlr ii con"" v place near Los Angolos. oxworlinntlng In horticulture in tho hope or dlscovor- Inir nnw frilltB which 0IU1 be SUCOOSS- I fully grown in tho southorn part of the state. Huntington has been a busy man ror forty-two ycsirs. over .inee he was seventeen yoara of agr. He has built up n great system of electric roads In southern California and Is a millionaire many times over. Ho sajs that his long yoara or toll should begin to end. and. when 1910 comes, he says his retirement will be genu ine. Be believes that he Is entitled to "somo rost and play time " Huntington Ins p3rfeot orfll-nce that the men wnim ne n w training to succeed him. will be able to carry on his work competently. rn MnrvRviile. Kv.. a deaf muto woman h ruing her husband, also n When You Arc Dry WHY NOT BUY m A ptiro nnd wholosomo bovcrag thnt is sold In all tue cities i of Woatom Oregon and Northom California. Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops Grown in Marion County Mndo of Filtered Water and strictly In nccordanco with the Puro Food Law Snlom Uoor Is tho best mild bovorago offered the public. t Mndo by scientific processes and guaranteed pure and wholo somo, No adulteration. No drugs or chemicals and under tho raoit porect sanitary conditions. Address all orders to 9 I Salem Brewery Association "The Elite" Hold and Cafe J& E. WALLERT. Successor to E. Eckorlln 1 1(1 anil I IN Commercial Street Meals G A...M. to Midnight. Excel lent Merchants' Lunch, 2Cc. Sun lay Family Dinners and Banquets a Specialty, ' r-jmwmt ?3 r lM .- !& ? I SSSSSSv!JIrh tvVVBBSSVSSSSSP ID iWriduSrBH t J SqHii ' sWkwPfWSBJunTSL.' THE 1EN0X Portland's now nnd most modornly furnished hotol, Third and Main streets, fronting on. tho boautlftil City Plaxa and ndjacent lo bunlnoii conter. Fioe bus to nnd rrom tralus. Up-to-dnto grill. Exce"iit culilne. Telephone In ovory room. Prlvatu bnths. European Plan, $1 to $2..10 Per Day American Plan, f2.50 to ft Vet Day. O. II. BPKNCKH. Mnnnger FIRESIDE FANCIES. fill ono with plusHiire when tho aur rniindlngo aro atlHfactory Nothing looks neater or more homo-like thau n fancy hardwood flnMi all round tho room from mnntel to wnlscot lii Wo do the host kin I of mill work In a varlet yuf stylos for Inter iors and extur'oru. Opr lumber Is of the host and most thoroughly sou soiled klnu. A. M. II A N H E N, Phono Main 344 Prepares yor.nf( peoplo o btMUteepcn, -'i lers and 'general oflloa work. T'jo "olopinert o the Northwest t' i aford iijwiiiluge for thou.iuds In tuo nex few year, l'rtpara now. Bend fur catalogue. W. I. STALEY. PRINCIPAL Salem. Oregon E. ECKERLEN Family Liquor Stote 44 Commc:dil Si ; Free Delivery -- -.-v MIU iOl iSSt he cured her with 1,U HnFerV.iWWWW4MWWW , m a- m j i.r-.AA sn ino irrniin i