FIRST EDITION 3 P. M. , - t -v .; FIRST EDITION 3 P; Mr I I l0uraal mt 3b. XVIII iTTEMPf ON SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 517, 100H. NO. IVM, EOFRl SSAN E MPRESS REYFUS GASE INVOLVED IN STEINHE1L MURDER SENSATION MUCH lOING FOR WILHELM ters NERVOUS BREAKDOWN united Press Leased Wlro.) rllo, Nov. 27. Emporor Wll 'i III today nnd tho roport In circles Is that his physical down Is directly attributed to arrylne ovir rocont political nf- tbat have upsot tho empire. gh his recent cold 1b cured, hen from olmlnato insomnia anu bercd with hla old troublo In elective ear. Tho doctors hnvr a complete roQt for their roy- itlent, and It hns been planned end the knlsor to uorru, ttie Island In tho Ionian boo, JI after tho Christinas fostlvl- of the court. go away cnrllor, It Is roared, Continued on nage eight.) POISONED . HUSBAND ANDJAURE MME. STEINHEIL IS SUSPECTED (United Press Loasod Wlro.) Paris. Franco, Nov. 27. Minister of Justice Drlan lato this afternoon withdrew the proceedings In tho Btilnhell ccbo. which throntonc to become tho greatest oonnatlon Perls boa soon In years, from Magistrate Bouchard and dotalled examining maglotrato Andro to conduct tho further Investigations. Tho caaji was taken heforo Magls- trnto Lcydctto this morning but was transferred to Bouchnrd on tho ground that Loydctto Is closely af filiated with Mmo. Stolnhcll, who h charged with, poisoning her bus- 4 band nnd suspected of poisoning former Prcsldont Fnuro, of Franci, ANTLERED HERD HAS 600DTIME ENTER TAIN VISITING OFFICERS (Continued on pngo 8.) Thanksgiving Day was most suit ably obsorved by Salem Lodgo No.. 33G, B. P. O. Elks and tho mom; hers of Albany LodgeN o. 300, In the templo of tho Salem organiza tion, tho celebrntlon botng for tho purposo of oxtondlng grcotlng to tho visiting grand officers, of tho order, Grand Exaltod Rulor Hush L. Hol land, Grand Secrotnry P. C. Robin son nnd Grand Trustee A. P. Holly, who visited Salem InBt evinlng jn their tour of tho Pacific coaat lodgos. Tho distinguished visitors arrived In Salem on tho Oregon Electric lino onrly In tho evening and woro enter tained at dlnnor at tho Hotol WIN DAMAGING FERGUSON (Continued on Pane 5.) San Silk Dull i!c tO-yd Spool of t-olton , ...tic tflO-j'd Heat Spool Silk c He Ihoo Lrc s 2 for . .lo mrl Bi'oiih Dozen tic Children's $5.00 Coats, now $U.on Drcnn Sklrtn from $U.n up. J 1.50 Good I'm brollns II.V. Woman's $7.G0 Rain Coats now The People's Choice frlhrf- fVifzzcfn Qftfvr A,M tUvy l,l,V4' l,m,u' ""' lk'st n",,cl' L.Jil'C. J. A. JLd. 3 V kJfLKJM. C? Salem when It comes to Honest His Low PiJci's anil Square Dealing. Fioin the hIo of u dry goods liov have gnmn to our pre- F pronrrl'iiis In a few years. You cannot Mop the People' Choice they me with us. DRES$. GOOD. . r & i . - v- a 'v - t?j,,A..r . jz ir&u &? ei-atHvAlal. A'.&XSX afev 'ress Goods and Silks Sletll g Silk nnH nnuo flnn,i cn. nn ol.r.u vmi Wnndnrful Bar- t"J?. tll08e departments. Tho nowost and tho best Is hero and rd i i u I0r you to mak0 yur choice from. Prices tho utwesi. " W, ti.V, a.1c. -10. ttlir. TKn anil mi. w l -.f UW V. J- K Women's Suits and Coats Wo are here with the Best and Nowest In the market and the Low eat Prices you can get an whore. Tho Suits are long Jackets and sheath skirts trimmed with silk bands and large buttons. SUITS 36.SO, $8.SO, $10.50 J$12.SOandup COATS 495, 7.SO, $9.SO and up Table Linens Tho Gioatest Values In Salem and tho Lowest Trices. Ynrd 25c, 35c, 49c and up Net . Waists WE JUST RKORIVED a Beau tiful Lino of Eoru nnd Black Not Waists handsomely trimmed with Silk Gnloons and Medallions. Prices Small. &45, $3.95, H50and up EVIDENCE ISGVEN AGAINST KING OF GRAFTERS (Unltod Pross Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Nov. 27. For tho first time in tho history of tho graft trials of former boss Abraham Huof on n cbargo of attempting to brlbo Supervisor John J. Puroy for hi vote, on the passage of a trolloy or dlnaoco, tho curtain veiling Huof's absoluto dominance of tho supervis orial board was drawn today. Androw M Wilson, n former su pervisor, Inter a Ruof railroad com missioner, told tho story 'of tho tu ner workings of tho graft machine, on the witness stand, under thu questions of tho volunteer assistant of District .Attorney Langdon and In aplto of tho objections of Henry Ach, Ituof counsel. WIJflOiiConco Indicted aftor being, proinl0(lslnintinlty bocnuso his testi mony In tho 'trlnl of Tlroy L. Ford, chlo' cnunool for tho United Hall road h, was unsatisfactory, today con trovortod the rlnlm of Ituof that not hlmsoir but "Big Jim" Onllnghor, his lieutenant and go-brtweon. was tho master of the boodllug hoard. I Wilson recounted a conversation w'th Ituof In which tho fnllon bos-, I then nt tho height of hh power, l told him, ho afisertod, that shoul I ' BIk Tim nttnln tho covefd place of siinerlor jmlgo ho, (Huat; desired Wl'sou to surreed to the vacant 1 plnco of lhMitenant. Wilson snld h i dec'lned lluof's offor. On th night of Ituof's sulzuro f the oftlco o' district nttornoy an I the mibsoquent ousting of Frnual J. i IlPiioy from tho position of nsslstant district attorney, Ituof ronHiiltod with Henry Ach nnd Gnllnghor After tho inovo had been drcldod m oii, Charles Hoggnrty, UucPh ofllce bov was sont with a moisago notiry i lug Honey of his removnl. Wilson until Honey's reply, accord ing to Hoggnrty was: i "Til Ituof to go to holll" I Wilson dcclnred that Ituof wine to him and to other supervisor with ! a demand that thoy should Cach con I tribute 100 toward a defenso fund I 'or him after Ruof 8 first Indlctm-nt I in connection with tho French res taurant extortion charges. I Wll'on said that tho fluporvlsoi-s succoosfully convinced Ruff that thev should not be made to sub scrllio to n fund In dofonso of acts committed before they had becomo upervlsors. RESTAURANT IS JOBBED $150 TAKEN FROM THE TILL Tho restaurant belonging to Scott Forgunon on Stato street, was en tered by some unknown partlen last night who cnrrlod nway tho contents of tho monoy till, amounting to $150. Mr. Ferguson has not tbo slightest Idea as to who could havo committed tho burglary, but ho offcrj a reward of $50 for tho capturo of tho criminal. Tho robbor. or robbers, ontored tho build Inc through a window ovl dently, as thoro woro no brokoi doors or any other disturbances In dicating an ontranco. The monoy drawer was in no wny damaged, but bad boon oponcjl and tho ontijo con tontH romoved. Nothing olso was stolen. Sovornl other depredations, .it Is rumored todny, woro comm'ttod up on residences In dlrforont parts of tho city. A roport circulating thnt Jeff Bo hanon's resldoucr in South Salem was entored last night, hut so fnr it Iiiih not been roported nt polio headquarters. Tho homo of Monto Leslie wnB on tored at somo hour early last ovon Ing nml a solid gold was stol pu This It anothor myntory which Is uiiBolvable. Thero whi no ono at home at tho time or tho theft, nnJ unon going away for tho pvon'ng, tho doors woro all seouroly hiokcd. Noth ing wan tnmpored with apparently, alUiough a probablo ontranco was gained through a window. Nothing further wns carried off by. tho thloves. Tho homo of Rov. II. O. Hondor- son on North Seventeenth stront, wun nlo ald to havo been ransacked, hut tho ca-o has bb yet not been ro ported to tho police. Chief of Police Gibson enn hardly understand why n thorough ropoit of a robbery occurring in thin city ib not always Immediately handed to tho police In order to onnblo tho of ficers to look nftpr tho cnes. During a business vMt In East Salem this morning In connection with his of flco, tho chlof Bald probably a half dozen residents made Inquiries re garding robberies committed Inst night, but tho chlof had no know ledge of nnv of those crlmoj with tho exception of tho Ferguson robbery. ATTEMPTS TO SHOOT EMPRESS RUSSIAN DOWAGER HAS CLOSE CALL 0 0 0 0 OOOO 00 0000000000 o o SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS. 500 Doren Boys' and Girls' Double Thread Armor Plato Hebo hqw on sale. This is tho Best 26c Iloso you have seen for a long time. All black In nil sizes. Our Prlco will be only 15c 3Q0 Extra Large Cut Corner IThlte Bod Spreads for iron beds. .Regular f9 00 values. Our Price $1 .5 We show tho Best Values iu Salem In Blankets, Comforts, Towels, 8UeeU and Pillowcases. O O (O 0 O Prcsldont Van Cleave of tho Manufacturers Association makes O O an nftnqk on tho tariff committee, claiming that thoy do not give all 0 O interests an equal hearing. O O Ray Lnmphoro hns been found guilty of arson, but acquitted of tho O O murder of Mrs. Gunnoss nnd her children. O O Wngner, In IiIb Flat car, won tho 02 mllo ruco In Georgia yestor- O O day. O O Prcsldont Roosevolt eulogized tho work of tho colored Y. M. C A. O , O In an address at tho laying of tho cornerstone of ono of their O , O buildings nt Washington, D. C. O fjOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO LAMPHERE BEGINS HIS SENTENCE to alow tho sontenco to stand, hoping to freo Lnmphoro nt tho end of tvo yenra. (United Press Leaded Wire.) Lamphero tho hired man employed by Belle aunness, convicted of firing tho Gunness' homestead In the rulnr it which several bodios woro found vas taken today to Michigan City to oegln his sentence. Tho punishment in posed by tho court wan an tnde rmlnnto sentence of from two to twenty-one years in prison and a tine of $5000. The defense apparently has. decldol not to make a motion for a new trial When the minimum of the Indeter minato sentence bos been served, the prisoner may ask for parole. It U believed tfjat MuU dMed THANKSGMNG IS OVER The Tumult and the Hlioutlng Dies The CaptnliM and Their Teaini Depart. So let us now get down to busi ness. First of all go down to tin Capital Journal oftlco. Ask for Mr Clark, tho Kalrport man. 'Ask bin all (he 'questions you like about th property. TJien wlcct a lot or two I Falrport subject to your aproval aft er personally Inspecting same Mr Clark will then meet you In Portlant Sunday or Monday tako you to Fair port and show you your selection' Then you will thanK your lucky t for having started youon the road to prosperity Mr, Clark will leave fa' Portland on Satdrday at, 3 p ;a. fiu him before h ;oi Seo ad, yagu i jwojMu.-mnnM-v - ,-'-.w- (Unlted Press Loaned Wire.) Amsterdam, Nov. 27. Advice ro colvcd horo today doclaro that tho attempt on tho life of tho Russian ompioss dowager yosterday fallod only by a narrow margin and that she has since boon so ovcrcomo by tho shock that oho has been undor the caro of physicians. Tho anarch ist, who mado tho attack on her, actually reached tho royal carriage, eluding tho guards. Ho was seized Just as ho was attempting to flro nit Her Majesty. London, Nov. 27. Much mystery surrounds the attempted assaslna tlon of tho dowagor empress of Rmwla yesterdny. Tho gtnoral feel luii horo Ib thnt thoro Is somothlng iipcullrtr abottt" (h.lt5doHtr twHw, 1 Ainjosiy was ruiuniiiiK irum vim with her family nt Coponhngon whou sho had her thrilling oxporlonco. Tho London papers printed tho notice or tho affair InrnnspleuoiiMy, nnd It Is hinted thnt UiIb wns doiw nt tho request of high ofllolnla who desired to have tho Incident covered nip. Th news or uitnuompiou as sassination nnd ilia killing or u po dlcemiiii when ho was overpowered, wai nil telegraphed before tho con-hoi-hIiIi! wik ostabllshel. Hlnco then no detalla hnve h,een allowod to como through from Europe. wholesalF russia (United Press Leased Wlro.) St. Petersburg, n". 27. Tho present year drawing to n close In Russia Is ono ofjhu blnckost In tho (ilstory or tho nation. A report, mado publlo today, shows a record of H81 death sentences and C81 ox eeutloii'. If the purcoutago of ox editions Is mnlntuliitd. for tho rent or the voar. tho numbor will run well over 600. Tbo authorities disguise the nv ' turn or tho crimes ror which whole sale dteth contonous havo been dealt out, Mmuiy Miylna Uiiit most of them woro for' ordinary crimes. It It Bhown, however, thwt at least 7Ii per cent or the crimes wore poli tlpal offenses or crluics growing out or politics. 'ii' i - GOVERNOR COSGROVE IS WORSE (United Pross Loasod Wlro.) Paso nobles, Cal , Nov 27 - Gov-jrnor-ttlect Cosgrove. or Washington, ylll no' bo able to leave horo buforo th mlddleor January. His condition Is slightly worse to day, but accurate roporlM uro hard to obtain. Tho doctors and Mrs. Cos grovo refuse to give out any Informa tion for publication, rurther than to ay that thoy aro confident of his re covery. Tho fnnt thnt ho Is. much butter ono day and worse tho next has given the case an air or mystery unu cniismi continuous conflicting reports. Thero can be no doubt, however, that he Is In n serious condition at present. Treasury Statement. (United Press Leased Wlro,) WMttlnKtoo, D. C , JTdv 27 Tbo treasury statuinent today, sbowui Recli)ts. 12. 850.43. -JHbWtm 3IM2l