DAILY CAPHlL JOURNAL, BALKM, OIUBOON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMREIt M IS AS OLD HIS STOMACH" Ln.Mll Eplfi'lllll ,S t,lC llC"1 fjange of n Man's Life. .. ..j, ti vnri Hniriip rpcrs.am "' o ople, noted ainouB oluul cr 'their dc l thinking on tho things wlilcn mono up Love epigram shows tho wis- i their thought. .... otnninrli In nliln in n a "" l" - . n ff makrlal to mo system ;np ftt-tcr than tho natural bf nun requires, then such a tcj his ftulc t nnd his boat. U th.oJjh wrong living or a man's stomach begins to otbei orcaus and tnkes from bed ctmpth which it cannot tck In nourl-hmont taken from then begins tho death of n nnd ho decays fast. The h Is strong, splendidly strong. L nn.l an untold nmouiu (so nnd neglect, but when It fcan dies. . ..I. f.,. tnnn itiinn tnnn SlOIUBCll B'-0 fc" l'u" 'uu rich blood every year to tho and draws only C80 pounds Irlshmcnt for Its own ubo. If, it the food which It receives be turned into blood which Is of use by tho body, thon tho h receives no holp from tho organs. uts'8 Dyspepsia Tablets con- mo ,t per.eet digestive qual- n6wn to sclcnco nnd at tho fcmc the most powerful. They Mr with th" poisonous Juices lick stomach nnd digest food )0fthl3 handicap. will stop gns making nnd Mth They tone up tho norvcj whole dlgcsttvo cnnnl, luclud- e of tho stomach. jtlngh Ingredient contains kn tnoith to digest 3,000 times Isht In mixed food. hv t'ooci tho tost of tlma bJav nro nee sought after ill t'ul- I .i tntors combined. I; ac u cd and ondorsod by phv'clnm Every druggist Ihcm, p"lco fiOr, It costs noth- dc-'on tr.to their vnluo. us vom nnno nnd nddrois nnd II i nd jT-i n trial packago by roe Add i r, A. Stunrt Co , taaH Mdg . Marshall, Mich.. as, IB OB. PREACHER TO BE EXTRADITED qhorVff t S napaPter,1 Wero Granted Sheriff J. a, Spcrlock, of Texas, by Governor Chamborlaln today for a C. Summers, alias a. C. Clarke, on ho charge of forgery In Texas some months ngo. Summers was brought to this city from Gardner, Ore., nt which place ho was arrested. In his plou to the Governor relntivo to the al leged crime held against him, he J1?,16 ' not the man wnntod, and that he resembled another gon tloman to groat exnetness. Ho also said that he wni susplcionod as be- tig the right party In the case par tial y through his marriage with a woman who had th same name a? nnother mnn unmentlonod. The .pri oner is n poacher, and nns been in Oregon representing thi fi""ii-i i'ir suwu iime. Hi; qunlntanee with preachers In gon Is many. a-Ore- i i SPAULDING 'Continued from pngo 1) Tho 01icnpct Vat Reducer Is Jhe JVT9l, Thrv attonthn of n'l who aro half choked and jnnorolh- bedarllod by a., uai'ubb ui ibl wnifii, uy tne way. always seems more excessively ex cessive during the sultry s ason than any other. Is called to Mnrmola Pro "crlptlon Tablets. Sovonty-nve cents secures enough of theie remarkable fat reducers from nny druggist to last you a good while, In fact, It buys an extra largo case. Th's Is enough to rnnko a very desirable change In nlmost any one's weight. Taken one after each meal and at bedtime the lo.i of as much as a pound of fat a day has been nttalned innumerable timet. This Is a royal result that seems nil tho more remarkable when one rcnllzcs theso tablets aro chenner bv a hnlf than anything el'o your drug gist nap. uui ine net loss they brlmr about Ib not tho only good feature of tho tablols. They are pleasant to take; don't disturb tho stomach; ddn't require one to exorcise n particle- or diet a mouthful, and last, but not least, no not ratine wrinkles. They reduce one qu'okly but evenly nntcirnlly. They produce. In short, the Idontlrni results or tho famoiiB Marmoln Prescription, with viilrh they nro Idcntlcnl In composi tion. Try n rase, lf'vour druggist Is soH out thon write tho makers, tho Mnrmola rompnnv of Detroit, to send you one by mnll. lOnMVny clilclc Truffle. itoi Hkr vow Yor. has t nni; "Mon problem. Iluk new street c lmmlsslon Is form- k traffic rulrs on which It 's t" n-Mce of mnstor tenm- exnn? rvui. property owners putDnrhi'i n nnd tries to rnt- helr divergent opinions. Ono al Is to dff rouse tho coneoi- M the ri-o'in'iiR district by lln "i PIU'v op fro trli t nnd f natter to cortalr ; nrrtv - wnnltl conflno trnf- Mcea it railroad stations o ;rcul.e3, and vet nnothor would Jiowirr.lr' vehicles noar tho ; PirU't-i prohibit thorn from ng up o the fldownlk Instead pioaaing from tho Bldo, fojbld S the i'se of street enr trnekn. In'erpos b--s tonos' to make pities turn fquuro corners. Ni have b"en urgod nt tho Ilos- rommiitee henMngs. Doubtless CI 'hem when m mil nnd will Nnd frn Ible, nnt upon oro P'Sn tl'Crp 1b RliliRtnntlnl imnn. -the p'nn of ono-wny vohlcle in mc most crowded ytreoti. 1 a ICIltn n ruin n-o fnm,l In Wc-t and Dromfiold streets rani; B-n'l movo from onnt to in 'ht and rchool streetr eS' ti rnf.t nml In Tnm.ili. both wa- tluro wns UMln nn. pon jNew Yrrk one-wnv traffic had "fi Unit)'." In tlin MnnLo nl.ni.) I" Mrr- vu the devoting of r i-r- MiernDie lengtlis of '0 V I '- nil rnnnlni. I.. 1... dl'Prt'rn ),, nn v00 ,IH hft.'e Brr-iiwnv for the whole B" DC'rn InrtV-BOPOnil Rlrn-I ' Ilattr 'j fhnlfO.l ilnrtmr l.ia. T1 " ilh n nnnfllnMmr ftt'viT far motorcar, trucic "" ru, Mie progress of wouM h llr, -7 at once facilitated ' 'lift arrnnm ftv- I ..- W...J...... w,-- Alcohol III Ocnnuiiy. In Gormanv nlcohol h producH from almost all materials contnlnln; rirbolivdrstP". such ns potatoos, fruits, Including; chprrls, plums, nu.l nMier ilono frultp. berries, grnpos, "urrant. rnHns, wine, wlno loos, frilt and wine enko, rye. barUy, "boat, corn, dnrl or sorghum, otc. Hut Mm creator portion Is mntni fpc'tirr, from potntoos. DurliiT the cnmnalgn venr Just im sod the nuRiitttlos o' the nr'nM nnl ninterlnls uod In tho production of snlrlts wore, In metric tons of 2201.0 pounds, ns follews: Potatoot, '.727. 4 Q.I jborloy, 172,201: rve. "iW, corn and dnrl. 101.U7: othor ""In. 2C.772. Onliens: Cbe rioa, 12.2R1: plums, 01.3CS: othr oii nnd ''ornel fruits, 43.1 1i: nhorrle 202'T, wine leos. 049,1-12: wlno nn' fru,f "nko, 272,207; grapo k"s, (1.7S7.190. As tior wir "2". 4 03 totiR of potntos ( 10O.21.2O4 bushel In tho vnrlon' ''HtPlerp from whloh 78, 44511157 rnlloiiB of nlcohol wero pro. diiTd, o" 77.3 nwr cont or tho total output 101,473,345 gallons tho fol'ovlncr figures concerning tho pro duction of potatoes In Gormnny nro Intnro-tlng. Tho notnto in Germanv has bn brought to n b'oh tnto of perfection by nn elnborae Pfiierne of sdcntlfc frHll7.Ing pnd fii'lvntlon, organized bv tho nurenii of Aer'cnltnre, nndliy continued -exnerlmonts from year to year, until the whole Bvstein of nlnntlng. ciimvnMnr nnd iinrvesnn has ben reduced to cxnr prnctlcnl methods. Consular Report. .' . PD1IS sSot jo iooj uon WnVOthCMU,ckln,m,t0 8t"am be longing to the Spnuldlng Logging CTZmJy' Tl nf,tor th0 t good fort f Wntcir,' ,olBht or iQn m Sv ni?,ro w bp on hand for dollv fin,; Jhnse lols nrp -1uBt i small por cr?mit,J?,mn?.y mm,on fcot wIl Into i.ith,BiC,ty.lind nro converted Into lumber by the Salem mill. The fore gn, or out of town trad , nm. af .".nb0r. hmlwss lm not Gb eon e fairly started as yet, but the regular demand Is predicted by tho lumber men, and possibly a greater jlrmond will he made than last year m,.hiiCH M"Vhp b's saws will bv "vhe(L.to ,tho,r wpnclty night nnd 1J.' T,h0 J.ornl J"nuer output this i,t- r the ,m"t fcw months, has ,? n.0normotM' Aw t0 the man. dwelling and other establishments bring erected. The Spauldlng Logg- ng ronipany also hnve an enormous railroad trade. Ever'- winter cn--arto car of lirlittrn iinni,n. ii. other clasiLi of lumber for repair ami robulldlng purposes Is delivered wwis mo Bouuiorn Pacific lino by the Spauldlng company. It has been generally rumored about tho city that tho Spauldlng people wero planning to movo tholr omcos on the west side of Front strict across to tho corner of Forry nnd Front, and on tho ground whore the ofTice now stnnds, erect a shlnglo mill. When approached In regard to this move, tho Spauldlng company slgnlfllod no Intention of construct Ing a shlnglo mill, and wero Biir pmed to learn that a mill waB pre dicted. In tho second plnco, tho company states that to build a shln glo mill of any scrvlccablo alio, would occupy twico ns much sapco as that on which tho- offlco now stands. Cement Plnnt Abandoned. . Had not the city council oxtondel the fire limit In such a manner ns to take In tho vncated lot which the Spauldlng company owns at the cor ner of Forry nnd Front stroots, a first-class comont block mnchlno wns to havo been Instnllcd on that prop erly for mnklng comont blocks for snlo. Tho proposed comont blorU plnnt wns to hnve been erected on this proporty, nnd a covering In Bhod form built ovor it for tho solo pro tection from tho wet but, owing to the ordlnnnce covorlng tho flro limit prohibiting ovon n temporary shol or building or nny kind to bo con structed lp tho doslgnnted limits, Mr. Spauldlng did not think It ndvliable to proceed wit lithe plant. Had tho plant been Installed nt this cornoi, a lino Inrgo cemont block building would hnvo boon forthcoming within n fow months, but ns It Is, tho prop orty will probably Ho vacant for nn Indefinite spnee of time. WIRE FENCING, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, PAINT AND OIL tjgjjjj Salem Hardware Co. PHONE 172 120 COMMERCIAL ST. Coffee The kind that makes the break fast -real Coffee through and through always the same. Your grocer will grind It better If ground at home not too lino. DATES OF COMING KVKNTS. TEA How little it isl How little it adds to the weight of the ci'p! It has cover ed the sea with ships for a hundred years. Venr rwKit tf'tt. rWf iwner II ou lon't uVg btU..luii;'ii fV.I. h l I a Monday December C. Registra tion closes for city election. December 7. City election. Dccembor 1-5. Fruitgrowers meeting, Portland. Tho Oregon Stnto Dairy Associa tion ifcotB at Salem December 10 and HI. Stnto convention of Y. M. C. A. nt McMlnnvlllo Dccombor 4-6. Nntlonnl Wool Growors' Associa tion nt Pocntollo Jnnunry 14-16. Nntlonnl Livestock Association, Los Angolcs Jnnunry 20-28. o How Is Your IVlgcatlori. Mrs. Mary Dowllng of No. 288, 8th Ave, San Francisco, recommends a romody for stomnch trouble Sho saya: "Gratitude for the wonderful ofTcct ot Electric miters In n caBO of acute Indigestion, prompts this testi monial. I nm fully convinced thnt for stomach nnd liver troubles Elec tric Dlttors Is tho beat remedy on tho mnrkot today." This great tonic nnd nltorntlvo medicine Invlgorntcs tho system, purifies th,o blood nnd Is espe cially holpful In nil forms or fomnlo wenknoss. 50c nt J. C. Porry'a drug store CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The K!nu You Hsyq Always Bough) 8inn-uMi ..i LAy7&2ct44 WORK TTTAT TELLS. Plenty of It Hits Hern Done Right Here -In Snlcm. ' Cures that last nre cures that toll. To thoroughly know tho virtue of a medicine you mint Investigate th euro and see If thoy prove perma nent. Donn's Kidnoy Pills stand this tost, nnd plonty of proof ofclsU right horo In Salem. People who tostlfM yonr ago to relief from backnoho, now deolaro that rol'ef was pormanent nad the cure perfoct. Ho wean nav 3alem suffer 'r longer dciibt tho evl donco? Mrs. D. Sohrolbor. SCO High St , Salem, Ore, save: "The good re "Sine gim carni either to tho'kldnoy and urinary dlsordors. ' ' v Smith nn nrl1fifnnv 0 "a 1-.11 . , ..!-..- .. lUIUtlll III HUH Wt; r M now It Is nrmntt.. y N.VS Vnvlr Tl, - I MMVOi Hv to Cure n Cold. 1 18 Mmf.l .. ii """M hh vnii nnn n.. n.m finally take roid, an dwhen vn i ports T heard concerning Dean's Kid r- UliaPf no n !... il.l.i. - ... ... i i 1 nrn.i.rn a lUUUL'tfU IIIU I" i.MiU.v - Dr Stone's drug Btore I had been uu'ferlng from backaeb' which not nty troub'od mo through e'twiecl'1fi of kown rellnbll- ncv Pills n, a 'V-rtaln to effect a ,.., . " . "";" a med'clne Is "lJ,l1,un' 1 is i',i i-v n,,i it which not 1 a wrrld wide iwiiitaMon the day bu: b.-oko my rest at night nm hl cvres ot this most I b -gan to feo' the beneficial ff- 'rnt, anr' can nlwayi bo of Doan's K'dnoy Pills nftor. I hai fllfA r... . Ill . .-!'. fl b.l... ' 'K' 'r(j re ma boo a r"l linn re i jr n-'j on nature's i... , unna I mnn rrnalvel ' ..MM .. maun ti w . - ------- "nK . nlOR ptnpn. . .. . o f"i i-o .- r.- ':, a comnlote euro ana more hut vb- ' LlLLlUlin llllll .0r P 9Prntlnn nn-4 rlKc thp vinm tn no bIkii of the backache or nny otbe "dltlnn Tt..ii i., i - i.i.in.. .nmnlalnt alnn fS In n.1.1 i "UllUg IUU S)-:i(lOIIl Ol RIUUCJ vj,...H.u...v -... - .. uiiii "4i"T in n'l. -,, '1 hna Itaan In . I ... Ini n.lA f eP ,,., . ." . """ " I am only ton pien m iw i" ,ir iyS Wt1"1,0. know ot rich a va'uable and nf l'B .-ir .' .-?.-1-1)? fcrtlve remedy as Doan's Kldiey '"1 m.J. '" I'UOUIIIUHIS "OBt' II .1 .u" USed Wn'ch r,,,C'- . rn aitT ,.? jht It Is a certain For sale by all dealers. Price SO ' n acT5nr0U3 "seaB- cnU Foster-MIlburn Co.. Buffalo - -n r.. PrRneatnP;,.n; Now York, sole agent- for the Un'U " iif -- . -----w,.v-. ii a.,i, J. KT "v to n babv Stntaa. "or '"-rsJ'ealDr. StonoV Itomerabr h- and tuko no other name Doan's- "Knllvt Now for the War of 1011! Agiiln-f the Liquor Tnilllc" Culls, Our Stnndunl-ltcuivi-. Follow ProhlbltlenlstH: Tho Christian religion on Novem ber 3d wns struck the hardost blow In our country's history. I ProHldont-olect Tnft Is tho lncnriiH- tlon of tho Honor tralllc. Joseph (J. Cannon will reign over tills Houoe of RoiirosentatlvoB for two years more. Tho'LUUeUold bill will not bo passod. Prnctlcnlly ovory man In the no publican and Domocratlc purtk-s who has stood for any tompornnco IobIbIr- tion. hns been bonten or re-elected by. n greatly roducod plurality. The defeat of tho ilopuuiican candi dates for governor In Ohio nnd ln dlnnan beciuiBo they stood for coun ty option" will tench tho politicians h loBson throiiKhoiit tho nation. It will tonch thoni thnt Htandlng for n -local i option" Inw doeB not take tho liquor quostlon out of polities but taken THEM out. This local option uon-pnrtlBitn farce received its donth-blow Novembor 3d ' Practically tho ontlro Htrength of tin liquor tntfllc Iihk gone Into the Re publlran Party, and It will be known from now on tho "Grand Old Whiskey Party." Nothing hotter than trio election oi our ticket could havo happened on oloctlon day than this open alignment of tho liquor intorosts of the countr for tho National Republican candi date. , The Httlo of battlo Is now drawn When tho smoko of this oloctlon i clonrod nwoy, yor will find but two pnrtles lined up for the flniil battle of rJis: aim inoso iwo wm hip Prohlbllton Party and the wniaKey Rojiubllcan Party. God will rulso up u great Problbl ilon loader for us from tho Southland and that people will lead this nation to victory In jl912, mid dcetroy the liquor traffic root and branch. It Is Just sixty years slnc u South ern mun was olocted proaldont. The South Is entltlod to It now. It will never got It till It takes up this toeue. The greatest bnttlo ovor fought and won for tho ccuso of Prohibition waa the 1908 campaign. We havo elected our lssuo. EUGENE W. CHAFIN Chicago. III.. Nov. 9. 1908. -o- JEWELERS Souvenir and Odd Spoons A vurltablo foiiHt for thoso who lovo pretty apuons. Tnko onoh pattern Hupiirately, fuel the weight, nolo tho dollcato traour Urn, tho (IiiIhIi, then rend, the prices, nnd thuro'u magic In them thbt commands Immediate atten tion. A vory protty Idou 1b tho col lectlon of odd spoons, nnd a so lucllou horo mimiiH satisfying otir individual tnste. You get something worth while and do serving of onthiiBlaatlo admira tion. Barr's JEWELERS READY TAILORED .CLOTHES FOR'WELL DRESSED W.EN. Ii lAAW I "S V J2SV 0 7 v PRICE &2D TO RANGE 40 if iaiiiiiiiiiitttii amiif nmn A LARGE STOCK J OF RUI1UKU GOODS AND 8IIOF8 AT LOWE8T TRICES. A GOOD LINK OF 11MAVY WINTER S1IOK8. CALL AND 8KB MB IIKFORIC YOU Illir KliSKWIIKRE. I! JACOB VOGT, m Stot !! litiHlHIIltllllillgllflflllllBl !:-J; IIAPPIXESH FOR SICK OR CONVALESCENT People of sonsltlvo norvos onjoy tho delightful tnualo nnd othor outer tatnmont from tho Edison becnuso It la peculiarly freu fro mtho Bllghtoot ImperfcctloiiH I utono quality. Why multiply words about tho admitted atandrrd of talking mnchlno oxcol lonco? You know nil about It. Como tn and bu them. L. V. SAVAGE Wc Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White Skirts Just Right. Wo gunrantoo to. All of our shlrtwnlstB aro care fully wnnhod with n special noutral soap, starched Juit whore thoy should bo Btniched and Ironod by oxporta who hnvo mado shlrtwnlst Ironing n Bpoclnl BtMdy. Wo nro pleasing tho most careful drossoib In tho city with o-ir Rhlrtwnlst work and aro sure wo ran please you. Mny wo hnvo a trial t SALEM Tol. 2G LAUNDRY COMPANY 13(1-10 8 Llborty Ut ARE YOU SICK? Do You Wish (o Get Cnredf Aftor you hav tried tho othe doctors, como nm seo tho old rollabU Chlnoso doctor. He V3&&1, Pm aaml?iflUkr Grand Opera House Jno, 1 Cordrny, Mgr, ONE WEEK Starting Monday, Nov. 23 OLIVER .1. EUICHARDT, I'n'M'iitM "Eckliardf s Ideals" In u Itfurtolrc of Good Vnyn ...b... 4 . f "Mi V . "l t ! HV Kunraiui-us " euro nxior ovoryiuing ,,..,,,. -., ..- - ,- else has failed. ",c,'h "c ,,nc -nc ,nc Dr. Kuni has Hvtfl ovor 20 ycarj 8uat alo ut box olllco Mondny & A. M. In Salem, and has cured a groat many , of Salem's well-known mon nnd wo-i ' mon, and has scores of testimonials ' from thankful patlonta whom ho hue lnilp.il In till. tina. ltn m.. wm .....am tn . euro whoro tho knlfo spoms tho last " resort. Ho troato all chronlo and.000000000 'nervous dtBonses, catnrrh, asthmn, ' Tho undorslgned horoby nn lung and throat troubles, stomach, nouncos hlnmolf iih uii Indopuudont II vor, kidnoy nnd heart tioublo, rhou- cuiidldnto for tho olllco of City Mar matlsm, gall stones, tapo worms, .out ul. , ,,, . . .. ' Vlfnlllv ennnrnl .Inl.llll'r .nnh,r ml al t tllO COmlllg OloOtlMII. J. L. HICII'TON. CANDIDATES' CARDS. vitality, general debility, rupturo and nil kinds of femnlo complaints. Ex amination and consultation froo. It you cannot call write for symptom blank to tho Or. Kum Dow Wo Drug Co., 1G7 South High street, Balom, Oregon. Colds mid Croup In Children. "My Mttlo girl h subject to cold.' boy has been prevented many iN from having the croup by the timely iave Mrs. Wm. !i. SerU. No. il V ti jtraet. Wheeling. W. Vu. "Last win ter she had u evere speU apfl a ter MM 'ougb, but I cured "her wl'h Cbn.be Iain's Cough Reraefy wltt u '.. n'd of a doctor, aad my Htt oy all dealers. HERMAN IIAKERV AND CONFECTIONERY Now undar new ninnagomunt SCIILKRirr A' HCHNEIDEII I'rdprlcloiH Complete line of f 'sh and up-to-dato baker goods duilvered to all parts of the olty free. We aro proud of our party and wadding rnkou. delivered on short notlw. (live us a trial Is all wo ask Store corner Twelfth and Cho mokefa Sts. Phone Main HO 1 I rr nimmnivun mtu rjiMmWil I FREE. Bend us ten of our differ ent uds. clipped from this paper, and we will nenrt you one full size pack Hg) nlrtolutoly freu. Road carefully; tharo may bo a change of only one word. Our ad. will appear In Oils uaitar during tht nej.1 two v.oolcx 223 S. COMMERCIAL Sf IIUTTKHNUT BREAD. It Is worth more than any otbo with man change- Uo not mlsa a iread yet the price M no blvher fre package. '"' 'or saii at your grocers'. ALLEN'S l. II. II. VU)IH Co., J CALIFORNIA HAKKBY. HAN JOHl- CAL. Tboouu M CIey, Pra. OO 'O OOOOOOO CAPITAL IIAKERV 139 Court stroot, Nowklrk Ilros, Props. IJrwid. ChIuih, PIoh and nil kinds of PiiBtrloH, Cookies, oto. Watch for our wagon. Phomt 964. Hpoolul ordoru dellvurud on short notice, ll-19-tf. iocVy Mount dm Toa Nugyefs Erisfti 'jt4k Hi.tk J Vfwi y"lflr a - -kui ( i , jw ..mi. - I.. MMtiua. Ut i-.l K. h.. Tr...M. Hutlil , l-wni.tailHini L - nt. ' l.i... ufjt il0Tb.jriiaeb4 Iu. li-ieiiuiM Ii . Ki'lry il..'..tK Jmi m.K -t form. ) witii h Uii. (ji. Um mw hy ItuUJkr'-n t u;i fitMxv, l'li'i. IVk. ooldlh NyCdKTc rou wt i r: I'iCPL? (iri-at Cliliifm Ihii'liir L. M. II U M (Hb medtciuu whloh w' cure ai.y kr.ou dlioass. Ho makes a special ty of. and guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma. Lung, Throat. Ktieumatlsm, UnliMiv, Stomach, Liver, Kidnoy Troubles; also any blackoned or swolbm surenos, broken llmbt; Smallpox; Epidemic; nil kinds of Dolls, Lost Manhood, Fomale Weak ness, Hornts Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Cnro of Ylck Bo (Tong Co., Chlneso drugs and herbs, 16S High St., upstairs, Salem, Or.