DAttT CAFU Ai TOCTtNAi,, 8AM8M, OnBOOK, TTOBSPAY. NOVEMBEB 24, 10IM, THE CAPITAL JOURNAL R IIOFKR, Ed. and Pron Independent Newspaper Devoted to American Principles nnd the rronroM unit Dovolopcmont of All Oregon. rubllMiod Hvery livening Bxcopt Sunday, Salem, Ore. subscription rates. (Invariably In Advance) Dally, by carrier, per year JO.OO Per month 0c Dally, by mall, per year- 4.00 Per month Mc Weekly, by mall, per venr- 1.00 Six months 60c Sfe WOOD STILL PRINCIPAL MATERIAL UNIONJ>ABEL PROVES TO BE WOMAN (United Press Leased Wire.) Anncontln, Mont., Nov. 21. Slt 'tlng in one of the cells of Anncon da's Jnll today is a woman giving the namo of Lonnio Soarlight, a beauti ful mulatto, who Is accused of play ing the rolo of footpad in man's at tire. Tho woman enmo to grief a few minutes after a man was hold up and searched in tho glare of an elec tric light laBt night. Tho victim's ring was oven taken from him. Tho police suspected tho mulatto woman of committing tho crlmo and ar rcBted her. HENEY MUST '"' UNDERGO OPERATION San Francisco, Nov. 2-i. Francis J Ilonoy's condition is roportcd today not to ho as satisfactory as his physi cians would wish, nnd It is planned to purform another operation on him hoforo nightfall in tho hopo of reliev ing Ills system of tho offect of tho anesthetic which was administered to him during tho oporation for tho ro moval or tho bullot fired by MoitIb HnnB. Tho prosecutor's condition is not considered gravo. Ills doctors declare howovor, that, only for his iron constitution nnd indomltnblo spirit, ho would liavo boon much worso in tho reaction following his injury. PORTLAND WOMAN SHOOTS AT BURGLAR (United ProBs Lcnsod Wire.) Portland. Or.. Nov. 21. To tho pluck of Mrs. J. F. Kimball is to day attributed tho failure of at least ( on burglary In Portland at an early hour thin morning. Aroused by tho nolso occasioned by ho raising or a window, Mrs. Kimball, who was alono In her homo sprang out of bod Just In time to fioo tho bond and shoulders of n man . crawling through a window". Mrs, Kimball solzed a revolver and ilrod. Tho burglar droppod to tho ground and disappeared. Mrs. Kimball Is cortaln tho bullot hit him. RHEUMATISM IS NOW OVERCOME BY THIS MIXTURE ANYONE CAN MIX THIS SIMPLE PRESCRIPTION WHICH PROMPT LY RELIEVES THIS DREAD DISEASE. Recent hospital reports bIiow that the dread disease, rheumatism, Is steadily increasing throughout the country. All known means of relief nro being suggested to save the grpat amount of suffering thl3 win ter, especially among thoso who art not in a position to pack up and visit tho noted health resorts to bo treat ed. Recent tests prove rheumatism not exactly a disease in Itself, but a severe symptom of kidney trouble, a condition caused by clogged up pores of tho ellmlnatlve tissues in tho kidneys which fall to filter the poisonous waste matter and uric acid from tho blood, permitting thoso substances to remain In the veins and decompose, usually sett ing about tho joints and muscles, cnuslng tho intense pain , swelling nnd stiffness of rheumatism. Tho following slmplo homo treat ment will euro Rheumatism and Is harmless and Inexpensive and so slmplo thnt anybody can mix It nt homo, Tho Ingrcdlonts are: Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Knrgon, ono orunco; Com Syrup Sarsnparllla, thrco ounces. Go to any good proscription pharmacy nnd got these thrco harmless Ingrc dlonts and mix them by shaking In n bottlo, taking as n dose a tcapoon f nl after each meal and again nt bcdtlmo. Thcro Is nothing better In tho world for n backache, kidney nnd hladdor trouble, too. Such symptoms as froquont and painful urination, soreness, wenknlcss, general and nervous debility are eauied by cor taln nclds and pohonous waste mat tor, decayed tissue, etc, In tho blood, which tho kldnoyB will clear and purify nrtcr a few doses of this prescription. -o-- Lane a Family medicine- cannot savo nil doctor bills, but can savo n good sharo of thorn, Ono two-shll ling pnekago has kopt a wholo family In good health for a year. PAYS $5 FOR GIVING v- i CUSSING TO ATTORNEY (Unltod Press Leased WIro.) arms Valley, Cal Nov. 24. Congressman Englehrlght is Just $.5 poorer to day as n result of a care losflly worded epithet which ho ap plied to Lloyd Liimo, a ylung at torney, in an nltorcatlon nt tho Na tional hotol yesterday. Instead of giving Englehrlght any retort, Ln ruo sworo out a warrant charging tho statesman with disturbing hi peaco. Englobrlght, having cooled down, pleaded guilty and paid a $5 flno. Tho quarrol hotwoo ntho two mon grow out or a dispute ovor a suit which tho congressman had brought against C. H. Dnrkor. a ronl oatato man, Tor commlssloni alleged to bo duo. Lunio rouresoutod Dnrkor and Jmndlod his client's ens; so nggres ulvoly that tho congrossiunn lost his tamper. FALLS FROM CLIFF MISTAKING TRAIL Wouvorvtllo. Cnl., Ntiv. M --ANer falling from a precipice and crawling Hovoral mllos with n broken log. O. W. Whlto, court roportor of Trinity county, is in a precarious condition Iwn-rt Inilnv frntii OYnnmiio. Hn wan found slowly making his way along a mountain inni yestoraay uy hubs Mucnlo Dlgolow who rodo four miles fnr nlil. Whlto was walking along tho mountain sldo last nlgnt wiion the nccldont hnpponod. Tho path was dark and mistaking a shadow for a log, ho stopped off n cliff. Ho fell into tho shallow wutors of Drovvn's Creok breaking his log. In his crippled condition ho strug gled along. Tho rain was falling in ono of tho heaviest gales of the yonr. All night long Whlto crawled until found at 11 o'clock lit tho morning nonrly exhausted. Miss Dlgolow was unable to glvu him lmmedlnto aid but riding to Illachard's Flat she got aid and Whlto was brought horo. Ho will recover. EX-OREGONIANS HOLD REUNIONS Mrs. C. L. Wntt, of this city, now visiting Artisan lodges or California, entortalned n party or frlonda at tho St. Paul hotol in Oakland last Mon day evening. Tho time was Bpont with music nnd games and thoso present, mnny of whom lmvo onjoyed tho hospitality or tho Watt homo In Snlom expressed themselves ns having n most delight ful tlmo. Tho Impromptu program rendered consisted of plnno solos, rondlngs and vocal numbers which would havo been entertaining to any audlonco. Mrs. Edna ParrlBh-Lowls with sovornl impersonations con vinced thoso presont of hor raro dra matic ability while Messrs. II. II. Market, Luther Whltunmu, Ralph Mntthows and Ivan O. Martin mndo tho time more enjoyable with collogo glee club songs. A luncheon was sorvod during tho ovenlng. Tho following Orogoninns wore prosont; Mossrs. Curtis Miller, Fred Dowor. H. II. Markol, D. II. Mnokol, Luther Whltomnn, Ralph Matthews and Ivan G. Martin nnd Misses Zulu Fftwk. Dortha Othorstedt and Mrs. Edna Parrlsh-Lowls. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rlddoll, former ly or this city, now or Derkoloy, Cnl., royally entortalned n party or friends at their homo last Saturday ovenlng. Tho rooms woro prettily decorntod fo rtho occasion with bluo and gold ponnants and flowers artistically ar ranged to represent California's unl vorslty. An elaborato dlnnor was sorvod In n brilliantly lighted dining room which was made still more nt tractico by tho color-schomo of gold and bluo. A massive U. C, ponuant formod tho contor pleco or tho tnblo ladon with delicious pabulum whllo a small pennant was placo at each plate. Tho Oregonlans presont woro Mr. and Mrs. Horbert Junk. nnd Messrs. Ralph Mntthows nnd Ivan G. Martin Great nB tho ndvanco In flro-proor construction has boon during tho Inst ton years thero has beon no lot-up In tho use or lumbar ,nnd both archi tects and builders find themselves so dependent on wood today that they aro compelled to admit that tho tor ests or tho country nro likely to bo tho chler sourco of building material for many years to come. "Tho uso of cement, terra cotta, brick and stone, with a framework or steel, will make it possible soon to do away with wood entirely," Is a re mark often heard, and, Indeed, when one stands on lower Drondwny and looks up nt tho towering skyscrapers, tho stntoment seems to contain much truth. As a matter of fact, however, tho popular Idea that fire-proof ma terials will do awny with tho need of using lumber In n comparatively few years is a vory erroneous one. All of tho various flro-proof materials going Into tho approved construction of tho more substantial buildings aro used In grentor quantities now than tho world dreamed or a row years ago, yet tho heavy demand ror lumber continues. That wood prodomlnntos Is shown by tho annual building records. Or tho permits used Tor buildings erect ed last year approximately Gl per cont woro constructed of wood, nnd tho romnlnlng 39 por cont of lire re slstng material, according to a re port IsBued by tho Geological Survey on operations In forty-nlno loading cities of tho country. TI1980 figures nro tho more slgnlllcnnt when It is realized that they only represent the building nctvltlcs In tho largest cit ies; they do not take Into account the construction of dwellings, stores and other buildings In tho thousands or smnll cities nnd towns scattered over nnd not Included in tho rorty- nino cities on which tho reckoning Is made. In town nnd smnll cities wood is usually tho predominating building material nnd it is safe to say that If tho statistics had Included figures for all places or whatever size, tho por centngo of wooden construction would havo boon much grentor. Thoso figures, ns a rule, aro only for the corporate limits, nnd tho suburbs or theso cities hnvo ench vory largo amounts to bo added. Tho cost, also, Is relatively higher In theso cities than In towns nearer tho huso of tho supply. flEADAG "Myfthirhitbeeti anHrorfrnm tlckliomladir for Hie Jn Iwonty Are yirnrt ami noror found any relief until lis licifnn tnkliiit your Onoroti. Slneo bflliki begun tnklnir UntcnreU lio lui nner linl tho henJoclio. Tlioy liiuo entirely cured lilui. CMCurett On nlint yon rccuminond lliem to do. I will ulrs you tho jrjvllcti or uliiir Mi name.' E.U.IHcknon JlSOKonliiorHt., W.Iudlonopolli.lnil. Best for CANDY CATrUnTIC PleMknt rltabl, Potent, TMtsOnod.nofirioa, Merer Sicken, Weken nrUrfpe, 10a. He, SOa. Never old In bulk. Tho genuine tablet lumped OOO. Qutrantoed to euro or your money baok. Sterllns Remedy Co., Chlcaco or N.Y. 593 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES COFFEE Why do we drink so much poor coffee? Because good coffee is so good. Your crocrr rcturni your money II you don't 111 Schilling'' ft: wr pav him. PRIVILEGED GUEST AT THE WILLAMETTE A very distinguished guest is reg istered nt tho Hotol Willamette by tho namo of Edwin S. Pish, and In splto or tho fact that tho gentleman will not rccolvo nowspnpor reporters or othor visitors Is a "good baby." Tho following Information was round on tho register below tho aristocrat's slgnnture: "No buggnge. Kicks about ovorythlng. Always yolllng ror warm milk. Raised caln all day. Claims tho rood given causes stomach ncho. Claims that ho has a stand-in. Stays in his room nil tiny." This gontlomnn or such notorlotory has only beon In tho city for a short tlmo, but has mado lire-long frlonds bo far. Mr. Fred Fish, whose Inst nnmo Is similar to that of Edwin Fish Is vory much attracted to the new guest nnd his only plensuro seems centered in this ono of Snlom's products. Pecullnr Wrench or the root or nnk'e may produce 0 vory serious sprnln. A sprain 's moro painful tbnn n break. In nil sprains, cuts, burns nnd scalds Bal lard's Snow Liniment is tho best thlngto uso. Itellove1 tho pnln n stantly, reducos swelling, Is n per foct nutle,tii- and heals rnpldly. Price 25c, 50e nnd $1.00. For sale ue of ibis syr p Thl remedy is for Bale nt Dr. Stone's drug store, o Throo towns wont "dry' f yostordny. , o In Ohio Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves tho bowels gently. Contains no polntc3. It U pleasant to take nnd children especially like the tasts, 'so nenrlv like innnle Bucnr. Sold b 'ull dnuggisu. Oklahoma finds she has loglsluted bo strngently that railroads And it lmpoBslple to build In tho state's borders. BIG SUMS APPROPRIATED Washington D. C, Nov. 23. The Division of Militia Affairs of tho War Department hns announced tho al lowance of ammunition for tho pres ont fiscal year mndo to tho National Guard under tho net of May 27, 1908, being GO por cent of tho allowance to ho regular army. Tho total sot nsldo for this purpose U $G43,124, divided nmong tho states according to tho enlisted strength or their Na tion Guard. Now York lends with nn enlisted strength or 13,800 nnd $80, 135 ror ammunition. Now Mexico, which has tho smallest National Guard, gets $1035, Tor its 243 on listed mon. Tno stntes In ordor of their strength, rank as follews: Now York 13,800 $80,135 Pennsylvania u,J4& Illinois 0,813 Ohio 5,009 Massachusetts 5,102 Now Jersey 3,982 Alabama 3,010 Wisconsin 2,825 Missouri 2,811 Georgia 2,800 .Michigan 2,018 Minnesota 2,012 Connecticut 2,520 Iowa 2,1 A 5 Indiana 2,121 Cnlirorniu 2,082 Tonus 2,032 North Carolina 1,835 Virginia 1,803 Maryland 1,7-11 South Carolina 1,7 11 Kentucky 1,500 Tonnusseo 1,130 New Hampshire .... 11,113 Oregon 1,3-13 Nebraska 1,299 Kansas 1,275 District or Columbia. 1,203 Arkansas 1,171 Malno 1.17.1 Florida 1.1 CO Louisiana 1,1-12 Mississippi 1,083 West Virginia Rhode Island Vormont Oklahoma . . . Colorado Washington North Dakota South Dakota Idaho Hawaii 452 Wyoming 439 98G 9G1 781 GG0 Gil G39- G39 5G2 4G9 00,285 37,284 32.2SG 31.502 25,052 17,081 1S.097 1G.88G 17.G59 1G.837 10,018 13,439 16 ... 1 12 501 14,005 13.C113 12.032 10. Gil 11,093 11,718 10.250 9.595 9 238 7.999 S 048 8.1 10 7.831! 7,941 7,940 7,7 f 3 7,179 7,315 G.0J1G 0,312 4,528 4,383 4,037 4,357 3,989 3,772 3,423 2.77G 2,871 2.55G 2,300 2,415 1,912 1.G35 Tnrc Tirt-r Mn ' cr ! FAMILY KVEK HAD Can bo obtained from our prim? tondor and Juicy boot, mutton o pork. All our moats are solectcj from tho choicest, and prepared fo tho tnblo to suit tho demands of the fastidious. Our prices aro lowor tor quality than you can find at any placo In Salum. E. O. GROSS, Phone 201. 870 Stnto St. TORRID ZONE FUNARCE V ."--Sw 11)08.' SutVw 0. 12.---J 11 M( scnuur. p' Rntti, O 1 l n.. U press. ' P m'' fotiy Touniii Pumi.kj 'n. 222.-5 Q T" ta. :'rreSr1&MUJ No ,n,7"f". -ht k imssonger. a' "-IW Nn 17.... " PnBsongor. P' tt-JUm No. 1Ko.fi. . nrn ' P' 'HUb, No. 13-3:31 a m . co express. n'rnm frolht J a' -Port!Z Time Card E, Z ' R Fer: "-"-W.HJ Portland nnd Inlcrmedlat. Local ie' Portland-HIHsbo'rV'and'ii tormodlntc, Local,..,,.,. w '" u"u "ucrmetJitu. d,ihii...i .. . .' . 11:11 1 ...im mm intermedlatt, Locnl . bill Tho .nbova cut ropiunuM 01 brick lined Torrid Zone Furnao. Guaranteed gas, smoko and da roof, Economical and durable A. L. FRASER 208 STATE STREET. Esttmatoi furnlsued on heating O C T. Co. Steamers Oregna nud Poniou;' lonvo for Portlund Monday, Wcda- dny nnd Fndny nt 10 n. 111. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a.m. Fare 50 cents. Leave for Corvullls. Tuesdny, Thursday nnd Saturday nbout 7 p. m. SI. IN IIAIjDWIX, Agl. Portland-Tualatin r,a u'm.' bom, Limited ,.,. Portland-Hlllsbora r.i .. ' tormodlatc, Ioca! ... j:H, i-uriiunu ana intermeduti, ,....... . ' :1 rorunnu ana Intermedlit. jocai 1,1. l).Hlln...l , ,. " . ui uuim mm inicrmeaiatt, 'ocu' Illi Portlnnd-Hlllsboro nd i. , tormodlntc, Local .. M)h; llnH(ln...l lllll.l.. "1 uKiuiiu, uiiisuoro itj Ttinlatln. Limits . u.u.l Portland nnd Intermedin. J I'Ocnl ,. nJA Portlnnd-IUHsboro and la. 1 tormedlnto. LomI in,.' Portland nnd Intermedin, I'OCUl J Portland nnd Intermediate, Locnl ti,4 Portlnnd nnd Intermediate, Locnl M It Is bettor to euro tho little cough than to tnko chances of consump tion. The best cough euro Is Kerap'ii FJnlsnm. Druggists sell it at 25c nud 50c a bottle. o-A.aoniaL.. nsWItt'. Llttlo Early Risers, tto ,'Iwiti. imium iwmnHMnowiii famous llttlo llrr pills. Sold by nil PlgMtw. IK , ST-j-JU Lurdlraa Cookery, Horseless carriages, wireless telegra- nliv. mill now l.-lrrllpQC rnrL'rl T nrt has, from time immemorial, held swayt in tnc Kitcncn, out it nas one tatai ob I jection it is indigestible. Nine-tenths v.. ...v. u.tavot,ui mill niliv.il UIC lllicr- ican nation is afflicted is due to the use of pork and its by-product lard. Recognizing this, The N, K. Fair bank Company, Chicago, have placed on the market a vegetable oil cooking fat, Cottolene, which can be used in every way that lard or butter can, and which makes delicious, digestible and nourish ing food. It is recommended by physi- rinnc vn fr inv.nlirle "ami 1i 2c .qn Uwa lard, ooc-tfurd ka being required. .Montana 38G Dolawaro 349 Arizona 340 Utah 330 Now Mexico 243 In pursunnco of tho plan to on- courngo tho teaching of tho uso or tho military rllle in educational Insti tutions and rlflo practice nmong tho students, tho war department has re vised tho orders governing tho al lowance of smnll arm ammunition to Institutions nt which o Ulcers or tho rmy nro detailed as Instructors. Under tho now regulations $2)1,000 hns been sot nsldo for tho ono hun dred such Institutions, to include rlllo-bnll cartridges, blank nmmuul-i tlon, 22-caUbro ball cartridges for gallery practice, and target supplies.1 Ibsuos will be mado on requisitions certified to by tho professors of mil! tary sclonce and tacMcs .specifylns1 tho actual facilities ror the galler and rnnge prnctlco. the time allotted' by th Institution, nnd the number a, students enrolled In tho military de pnrtmont to whom opportunity Is at forded by the authorities of tho In stitutlon to participate In gallery o rnngo prnctlco or both The War Department specifies tlu maximum allowance for each studen nt forty rounds or rifle-ball cartrldg for onch rnngo tho totnl not to e' ceed 120 rounds per student. Whon gnllory prnctlco is held In addition to rnngo practice, sixty rounds of 22 caliber ball cartridges aro allowed per student. Where there Is gallery prac tice but uo facilities for rango prac tice, 120 rounds of 22-callbor aro allowed por student. Each Institu tion is nlso nllo'y'd ten rounds of rlflo blnnk cartridges. Should such an Institution dep'.re target supplies tney may do obtained rrom tho War Department but only In lieu of n cor responding monetary reduction or tlu ammunition allowance ror that Instl tution. o Try Kodol today on our guarantee Tako it for a llttlo while, as that ' all you will need to take. Kodol di gests what you eat and makes th? stomach Bwoot. Sold by all drug gists. HICKORY BARK Cough Remedy Aitotvrrir rvit Coughs, Colds CROUP Whooptnf Couch HorirnfM BfncMll SORC THROAT I IMHPWMldU. TIIIOATfiU'NCS w(iM)emiiM(Dt((i. MirM.OTroN,U S.A. rnu: Itrt4ir ti a. P. MASON HOX CO. 247 Miller St., South Snlom, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer accessories. I'liou 808. I 'ft ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF IIIQII GRADE WORK IATIS AS 10W AS IASTEII HOUSIS i f i n 1 1 tn nn s VHI FRENCH FSHLE JUiUMUMI it PILLS. A Sir, Cone buu k tamxtm XmiiBirw. tli.oorvu. innKuaui.vMii6 -kBrUeT4. WuupW.l'rw. I(jour4ruaU iMM ktit iktui k4 iwiinlin I (U UHITKD MCPICAtCO..oT'4UUHCrjrf. ScW in Sakm hv Dr. S. C SiCC Now is the Time to visit California When summer fci) pudied In tbeie north era states, (be tun U only mild under ttt bright blue iklei ot Snjthern Cal.fornl. This U one of niUrt'J happy proiuioni etornal summer lor thoso who cannot endure- a more Kfi climate. California n ceea called the "Mkci ' tho winter tourW" Us hoteM and itof plug p'aces are vnrlod as tbwe of ill well rogulated clil Visitors can ilJ nnd suitable iccob modntlons. toW companions and nf led, pleasing recitations. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. I Will beglad toauppl' v-V attractive J descrioing i ",," ,,-n ! any delfts of Iter J .... r.l I 1 Tho rai from IMJJ, Angeles and return s I mil s'x iiiuu.-.. stonovors In ether ,,on. Similar excur ,-e in effect to all CaW" points. .... .inii!ii' For full informal.- '1 ins ana " gj, or write 8S"""- ". .- ft W.M.M'.MUItHA;. portii - reservntlo telegrapa V. 4 a nf FM pf EF COMPAQ T b.wau: