Dail .Jh iLflLNHLwu 1 onrttoi XVIII s Liai, precox mqnd w, oi:mhi:u u:, tofts. NO. 1127. MAY TT ll" UNICIPAL GAS PLANT AMBERLA1N TO REPRESENT GOVERNORS AT WASHINGTON ,V SPEND A MILLION TO GET MOUNTAIN WATER est Undertaking That Has Ever Been Before the Capital City of Oregon. i city of Snlenf and stato of Oro- bve united lit thovnrqblom of Ing mountain wntor Inta'thls or the use of tho city ntid tho Itate Institutions located hero. ommlsslon of fifteen men has tformodand It has placed ltsolf disposal of tbo governor of d, as n body of business inon Rg vriinoui compensation 10 ftbe problem and eolvo It right lor tho next fifty years. tdequate supply of mountnln will not be easy to securo, but ft and reports will bo nindo and icUof enulneorlng nnd coat will kid beforo tho commission by ommlttces. Thcso sub-commlt- bve nil been named nnd aro krk. Ire nre the men who havo under- the task of framing up a pro- that will bo laid fully boforc onle at every stop, and will ! city and legislative action when It is fully worked out, but will bo rendy for action by January: Capital Water Commission. Governor Geo. H. Ohnmberlaln. Mayor Geo. F. Rodsora. Sonator T. I). Kny. Ropresontntivo Hal D. Patton. C. K. Spnuldlng, lumbormnn. County Judgo W. H. Dushoy. It. E. Leo Stolitor, suporlntondont or stato insnno usylum. Dr. II. G. Kploy, tnombor Salem school board. A. Huckcstoln, president Duslncss Mon's League C. L. McNnry, doputy district at tornoy. W. J. Culver, ox-shorlff Marlon county. Dr. Willis n. Morso, member stato board of hoalth. Theodoro BarV, plutnbor. B. T. Rarnes, merchnnt. II. W. Meyers, morchnnt. A. P. Hofer, secretnry bdard of trade. HOME OF T. J. KRESS IS JOBBED MONEY AND JEWELS STOLEN Tho rcsldonco of T. J. Krss, cor nor Chomokota and Twontloth Btreots, was entered between 6 and 7 o'clock last night nnd ransacked for valuablos. Tho thlovos socurod a lady's gold watch, a heart-shaped gold lockot and gold fob, and purao with flvo or six dollars. Mr. Kress and daughter Ruth woro at a neigh bor's. About 0 o'clock Mr, Kr39 returned to his houso to got a gold watch ho had loft thoro and forgot to lock tin door. Ills wlfo wni away from home. When ho and his daughter returned to tho hoiuo overy room had boon gonq through. Night police Follard was at tho (Contlnuod on pago 4.) mitiiiiiiiiiiBiaieii8iiii(nnitiainni8fiieiiaiiiciiiii k do the Business. e can af- iford to sell our .goods at small prices M? i.' run. blS &AK SHfrjkb ' ' m .aiBjaja BEJPJQalpB VRE GAIN HOUSE If you want ! 1 to get the ; ; best goods ;; at the lowest i i prices come to the Chi- !! cago Store. ? iALEM'S GREATEST BOOSTER! Is The Chicago Store f A Wo en- ' i tin people Pay thorn god wages. Wo draw inula from all ovor tho states of Orogon, No- f da nnd I! ' 1 and Southern Washington. Wo do tho volume- of business thnt 1b tho ronson wo can afford boot hn fellow thnt does tho buslnoM Is tho chap that can boost your town, ho puts llfo and energy utolt rajirejv rVj Efoff '.'. w ruft n mimm hd TABLE LINENS J tallies In Salem. Yard 25c, 35c, 49c and Up Lsands of Woney-saving Bargains aH over the Store Do Your Trading , At Snlom's Live Store That Doos tho Ruslness. Ladies' Coats worth $8 to $10 now $4.95 Ladies' Fine Tailored Coats Silk LI nod Worth $15 to $18, now $8.90 and $11.90 Ladies' Tailored Suite Silk Lined and tho Latest Matorlals $8.50,$9.90,$11.90,$12.50 $ and up MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PUNT OFF ERED THE CITY President Josselyn Says Company Would Sell on Reasonable Terms. The city of Snloiu should take up the mutter of pulillu ownership of a lighting plant. ..r .T.,.UW,,TAii JUUNAL IS AUTIIOUIZKD TO HAY THAT THK GAS r TH,S ClTX' WIIlIj 1U8 80Ij,) TO T,,K 0,TV OX "KAHO.VA1II.K The present owners arc the Portland Hallway Light nnd Power Co., nnd they want to get out of tho Rns business. The owners will Nithiult an Inventory nntl Hliowing of on nil tics TO ANY AUTH01UZKD 1K)I)Y Oil COMM1TTKK OF CITIZENS. Hero Is tho opportunity tlint nny city ought to 1m glad to nvnll Itself of, nnd have u chance to conduct u competitive nnd rcirulntho llghtliiti plant. THIS IS A 8TIIAIGHT HUSINKSS PHOPOS1TION AND THOSE WHO WANT CHKAPKIl GAH SHOULD AVAIL THEMSELVES OP IT. The Capital Journal believes this city can by public ownership ccurt cheaiHr ganf and cheaper Iluhta nil nroitnd. nils matter should bo taken up by the city council and submitted to n vote of tho Koplo nt tho coniiiiff election IP THAT CAN UK DONK ACCORDING TO TIIH OIIAKTKll. ) Tlioro Hliould Iw no delay In getting authority to purclinto tho Salem Ki plant at a ranumablo prlco. The Capital JoHrnal bellovoN In public ownership of water, nnd there nro many wlio believe It would In? beneficial TO 1IAVK THK CITY OWN A LIGHTING PLANT. Thin offer li mnilo dlroct ti thU city by President JosNcIyn tliruuKli Tho Capital Journal. THIS CITY HAS A IUOIIT TO KNOW WHAT THK VliAST CAN IIK HAD FOlt AND TllliRK SHOULD K LMMKDIATK ACTION TO AS CKHTAIN THK PA(TTS. Publlr ownerlilp if water ami llKht would In h groat Ntop of proxrosM and would probably onablo tho pooilo to net not only cheaper but hotter water and llfltt. . itiiifisiimitimimmimaiia STATEMENT IS MADE BY F. J. HENEY APPEALS TO GOOD CITIZENSHIP it ! Silk Petticoats Tho Greatest $7.50 Silk Petticoats bhown Special Prlco $3.90 Great Millinery Bargains This Week Thanksgiving The peoplo of Salem and Marlon County will havo MUCH to thnnl; "God" for, on Nov. 20th but thoy don't wnnt to forgot to than lllin" for tho dovoloiuuent or tho SANTIAM. FOR Thla is tho GKKATKST .MATKItlAL IILKSSING that linn como to TIIIXM hIiicu STATKHOOD. Kvory Kood oltlzon In thlu County should not only thnnk "Illm" hut thoy should lend ovory aid and aHBlatnuao posulblo In dovulp lug tholr greatest resource wliloh "III:" saw lilt to so Douutlfully Hlcsfl thom. Don't you know thoro nro those who nro QUANDKHING as to whothur this Santiam mining project Is going to bo n success. Hut lot mo toll you! You had bettor bo SANTIAM-1 NO around to my oftlco nnd buy Stock in tho KLKGTIUC MINIO whllo you havo u CHANCK to got It at 20c Per Share ni IT DeuniiBo It la going to bo rulsod to 30c in a fow days. Investors If you aro looking for nn IVVKST.MK.NT that will bring you In LAKGK ItKTL'HNS. What's the use of looking further? This is tho HI 1ST opportunity VOL' ovor had and no doubt It Is tho host ono that you'll ovor hnvo again to MA KM MONKY, Act on your own Initiative. Don't tnko anyone's ndvluo but do us your confidence directs. I havo known people to bo knocked out of splondld Invost monts by tho ndvloe of somo old fogy thnt uovor mado u succoss at anything and wouldn't know an Investment If ho wus to sou It DltKSSKI) UP IN SUNDAY TOGS. So don't bo ducolvod b ihu peoplo that tiro THINKING this PHOJKOT A PAILUHK. Hut come to my olllce at onco and securo u'.l thu Stoc4 jou can HKFOlti: tho h.visi:. D.K.MAY X (United Pross leased Wire.) San Pranclcco, Nov. 23. Francis J. Honey, tho graft prosecutor, who Is recovering from tho shot fired by itorrla Haas, tho would-bo-nnwinaln, today Issued tho following statomont to tho public: "I humbly thank almighty Ood for my miraculous oscapo from death. It was tho corruption of man that lovolcd'tho murdorous woapon, but n dlvlnor provldonco dlroctod tho ballot. Henceforth my llfo shall bo consocratcd to tho Just onforcomout of Iho law nnd to tho prlnclplo that NO MAN SHALL UK AHOVH THK LAW. "In this Brent human battlo ngalnst vlco and corruption lot ,m ono hcllvo that tho truo fourco Is to bo, found In tho Individual dynamit ers, Jury bribers, kldnnpora nnd as sassins, and thnt tholr extermina tion moans ultimate victory. Bitch beings nro bu the bubbles omnnllng from the pool of milt mat nnn noon year' In thu nmkliig Tho sood hns been own and wo nnrt ronp tho harvnst. but In gathering tho tnron let u be intlHlled with nothing hut the roots. "Lot us nil now highly rosolvo that- wo shnll not only not tolornto crime In any form, but thnt wo shall likewise ra.a out una ill orouii mo leador-, tho npologlxors and tho nliottmn of crline: that Justlco shnll not U insde a mockory In our coiirlK nlthor by violent unthmls or through dehrsod perrormnnres or men. pro fessional or othorwlso. sworn to up hold tho law: thnt tho plattslblo shall nni bo rerouted for tho tru. whether uttorod by the hlghor-ups or lovor doin, by honest minded weak inon or by dos'gnlng trlnimore. "It has boon a terrible Bacrlflco, Iv'.it If my blood has not been shod In vnln, If tho asassln's bullot hns BUdilonly dUclmod to tho publle tho hldeousnesH of tho gigantic ronsplrncy to ilufoat tho law, I shnM fol that I havo not llvod In vain, that my poor offorta havo met with Imineasiirnblo btmeflt to my bo lovod city nnd rtnto. "Toward tha poor, wrotched in struniunt of this orlmo I havo no fooling but pity. "To my friends and tho public who hnvo so long and ho faithfully stood by mo and cheered mo on during dnys of hopo nnd, during dnva of dosnnlr. nnd to nil those who hnvo helped by word, deed or thought n this In t truxlc bnttlo I send my hisrtreit ro tliiKs nnd think." San KnuiPlsro. Nov 23. Tho graft 'r.wfciillotiH fitch' Is today Htrengthosed by the kitow'odgo thnt n third of this city's best women nro n'odKOfl to it" sun'tort M It -Ing held yostordny In Calvary church undor tho auspices of tho Womon's lirntirli of the CltlzoiiB' Lnngnio .f Jurtlco, nililrotwos Hiipportlng tho batMf for civic defeiiey wore inn-l" bv Prof. O. II. Hoke. Mrs. Wnrruu Cheney. Wnltor MnoArtlmr. Mrs I V Orr. Vim Miriam Mlchelson, M" A Suem. Mr. H. I. Ilaldwln. Hv Hrndford Loavltt. Thomas K Hin doo. Itov C. N. Ijithrop, Dr Minora Klbho nnd Mrs. T. A. Stnrk. The fol lowing resolution wero ndopted "Whorons. wo. tho womon of San Tj Pranclsco. roullliiK that the rrlmln- nl cor uptlon which has nreYnlltM sti't don still provnll In this city li a monnco to tho moral ponoe of our homos nnd Ihf futtiro of our chll dron: thoroforo. ho It "Itesolvod, that wo plodgo our oarnost import to the graft prose cution In Its battle for JustUm, pub lic honor tntl the moral P'ace of our homos." Fiscal Agent Salem, Oregon 478 State Street P. s. liKWAUK of persona wlio are not representing this olllco ps this Is Headquarters nnd STOCK In tho Electric Mining and Smelting Co., is IKSUKH at THIS OI'FICK. D. K. M. 178 Stato St.. BJlom. Ore. Jjllotilriiltiintl Society Mei-tlng- The At st mooting of the Count v Horticultural Society thin season will be hold Weduosdny afternoon nt 2 o'clock In iho Board of Trndo rooms. A big attoudanco li wanted aa an effort will bo made to start ft movement to securo tho next meet ing of the stnto society for the Cnp l. I n.ltw nt ttin limn nt tin. Plinprv S M Seeing is Bekevmg ttilliajttlfHllllllf lll 'rr in July. nmamnniimannwinmWlllll,l"ll,l,l,l,