IJfc ;' . 'fi DAIVX.O&nXMj JOURNAL, SAUSMr-OHKClON SATURDAY, KDVKMrtKK 21, 1008. ,J. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL I. HOFER, Ed. nnd Irop Independent Newspaper Dovotod to American I'rlnclplc mid the 1'roKrcM ntid DoTclopcment of All Oregon. rubllihotl Every 1! von I'm Kxqcpt Stindny, Sulem, Ore. SUHSGRIPTION HATES. (Iiivnrlftbly In Advnnco.) Daily, by rrrlor, per year W.00 1'er month BOo Dallr, by mMI, per yenr. 4.0d Pet month 85c Weekly, hy mAll, per venr.. . 1,00 Six month 80c UNIONLABEL ".fl PIT W- THE PERFORMANCE OK A PUN 1AO DUTY. The ninn who thinks ho enn go lo tho legislature and by sonio political dovlco Iratle his vote on olectlng nil United Stntos senntor for n public of fice, an appropriation, OH .SOME OTHER KIND OK QUID PRO QUO, looa not understand the situation. Any political manager or boss or nowfipapor that la ndvlslng men to broak tholr pledges under Statoniont No. 1, or Statement No 2, In tho ex pectation that they will got a pecun iary reward, OR ANY OTHER HE. WARD POMTJCAL OR OTHER WISE, for their vote for senator, K committing a crime agalnH the peo- plo of this state and the nation. Tho mnn who does such a thing of hl own accord Is a political outcast front the moment he does the act, and like tho Dlsc'plo who sold hi: Savior for thirty pleros of silver hnsNOTHINO HEEOHE HIM" RUT POLITICAL HlUOIDK. That there are any such men even In tho debased atmosphere of Oregon machine politics is un thinkable. Such an Individual would havo no future but to leave tho Btato ho had cheated and betrayed. Tho member of tho general lusom bly who voted according o tho torniB of tho first statement contained In tho primary law, whether ho Is pledged or not, Ib carrying out his RICHEST DUTY TO' THE STATU, TO HIS OWN PARTY. Whothor no bo a Democrat or a Republican, ho should know that the people of Oio gon, from the time of tho passage of tho .first resolution through a con vention or the legislature, do.vu to tho last voto taken by the people of Oregon whon by IG.000 plun.llty thoy Instructed every member of tho choosing their IT.. S. senators, WHY ARE THEY NOT CAPAHLE OK ELECTINO THEM iib much so as they are of olectlng a governor or a presi dential elector? Not only the mem bers of tho legislature are bound to respect tho will of the people but tho senator chosen by them must re spect that same will. In course ol tlmo a majority of tho state will hnr acted and and not 4111111 then wll: Mie federal constitution be emended All talk of electing sonntors by lit people being unconstitutional Is rot The public duty owed to tho people by the members of the general as sembly Is to establish the principle WHICH THE PEOPLE 01-' AM, PARTIES HAVE LAHORE!) TOR TWENTY YEARS TO ESlUHMHH not alone In this state but in nearly overy state In the I nlon. That pt-ln-clple In Its operation Involve the right of the people to elect all otlldals from the highest to the lowea. and which will be established wPh the growth of Intelligence and tin sprend of democratic ideas. Time principle ennnot bo overthrown by any political faction or by any party WITHOUT DANCER TO THOSE WHO KEEK ITS OVERTHROW. The princlplo Is now firmly grounded In tho heartu of tho people of all partlos and can nev er be eradicated unless it proven to be vicious in practice, and unless It brings about a worse condition of things than provallod formerly whon the legislature nominated and choso the candidates for tho United States Honnto Thoso who talk of returning to that system are asking the peo ple to tnko n step backwards and to retreat to a position which thoy them selves havo condemned tlmo and again. It is a public duty to estab lish the newer and better way, and general assembly to voto for tho the sooner tho better. choice of tho people for United Statos senator, there has been a constant determination on tho part of the After tho many expressions of tho people on this subject It Is the first duty of tho representatives of tho people to choose their own senator poople TO ESTAHLISII KIRMLVAND AND MAKE THEM AMI-INARM TO FOREVER the system of olectlng THE WMjIj OK THE PEOPLE. The "onators by tho direct voto of the peoplo havo not overthrown tin. con- People. It Is easier, cheaper, quicker stltutlon of tho United StntiM as IT IS THE POOH MAN'S KKJHT. If wiino of tho antl-statomau, im.H leglalaturo of ono political party profess. Tho loglsluturo Is still ro- " ' mndo to do Its public duty In litlred to elect tho senators but the tlllH fospect and elect a senator of peoplo aro to Instruct tholr represent- tbo opposite political party then iui lit I von WHOM THEY ARK TO VOTE FOR the novoioIku i-lndit of did eo pie by nil doctrine Hiid theory of hav ing reprofloutRtlvoM to do their bid ding. So It Is no longer a question of whether an assemblynmn has taken man of Btimll moans can go before tho poople under tho corrupt pruc tloes not AND HKOOME A CAN!)! ILTE FOR THE UNITED STATES SENATE. It Ik the battle to estab lish human rights against wealth and Mrlstoeracy. It Is tlio battle or the people against tho Intorosts that have Qfuliiitiniil V II ni nnv tt It mi yUlti meat or no HtatUent.hol.no longer ll0" n , ' '? l II,,01,, S,,lttm 8omUo free t? vote for anyone HIT THE " ,S lh' l"1?'0 f ,,lu c',"' !" CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE if tho !n 'J'1 "K" "8t ",,mo who "KAPED structlons of tho poople nro lo count ' ' " " "A" VEST OF SPEC! W. Peculiar to Itself In selection, proportion and combination of Ingredients, In tho process by which their remedial values nro extracted and preserved, In effectiveness, usefulness nud economy, Curing the widest rnnco of diseases, Doing tho most good for tho money, Having tho most medicinal merit, And tho greatest record of cures, Hood's Sarsapariila In usual liquid form ot In chocolated tablets known as Snroatnbs. i'.vd'ie3fl apathy, breaking down tht Chili' walls of conservatism, digging up b Us roots THE THEE OK MOSS IIACKISM. raking out of the dead ashes of the past the live coals ot sleoplng entorprlbos, Is the mission ot these booster conventions. Whon the first development con gress was held at Coos Day two years ago last May, four-fifths of the com merce of that section WAS WITH CALIFORNIA. Today Tour-fifths that commerce is with Portland These large development, conventions aro all productive of good results for Oregon. Delegates from Coos Bay, dcle gats from Portland, dolegatos ftont the Willamette valley, will attend the Malheur county congress. Thoy wll' nil boost for their respective sectlom AND ALL ROOST FOR CRIHTEI OHECON. The time has come for a elos" alliance between the groat lulnti' Empire and Western Oregon. TH TIME HAS OME TO PIERCE Till CHEAT HARRIERS that lie boMvo these regions, and with the back!:: of the whole state secro a rallro" across tho great undeveloped Interior. A lallroad from Dolsc, Idaho, di rect to Coos Bay, or direct to the Sluslaw, or Yaqtilnn, or Tillamook, would do more to opon up and de velop Oregon than any one enterprise THAT CAN HE UNDERTAKE. l THE PRESENT CENERATION. The Oregon-Idaho Dovelopmen Congress held at Mnrshfiold and a Rotnlnug demanded state uld fo. such an enterprlno. THE STATE CAN ,)() A CHEAT DEAL as tho laws lire but a groat deal more with an amend ed constitution. State aid In securing rights of way statt aid In remission of taxes, stau aid in guaranteeing Interest on bonds have all been advocated, and all would help. Hut ahovo all, THESE CONGRESSES AROUSE THE PEO PLE TO HELP THEMSELVES. 4WM I I 1 I f49f1t99 "H eiHltiM t BIG CLEARANCE SALE LASTS ONE MORE WEEK J!m Shoes! oil Shoes! The Most Successful Clearance Sale Ever Held in Salem. To Last Jwst Six Days Longer. Sec our b!g line of $3.50 and $4.00 Palcnt Coll Vlcl Kid and Yelour Calf Men's Shoes al $2.50 Men's Heavy Shoes, a Large Line of flirjh Jops go at Heavy Shoes go at - $3.50 $2.40 $1.95 A Large Line of Girls' and Misses Yici K!d Shoes at $1.25 $1.50 Broken Lit of All Kinds at Trices Never Before Attempted In a Shoe Sale mm n 444 State SHOE 7 XV Phone 442 ff0t2-M8HS3fCB4H0iH-S4-i4-3-fa4':-e-l-M-f9-Mt94-4tm . , or miythliiK or If the reproKontadvo '.' prltalph U to bo inalntaluud. or If PR1VILECES IN NATION.M, I.F(,. ! " ISiaTION. No wonder tlw Sfer the muiitoon ...id Dm f ,'"'",; W Hiid men 'kIicih lll'O BLIiE hef; .., w. ).-. y' tfjBpMTfiTjSE .-rY-, SPECIAL SALE OF rM'-?. v. 'vv' .. . -."' "" is who Fm hlu i-niinot 1 1 In it. Women lire . otMtm holdwrn 'Jelr joivants. When 5 th &1kjw la (tinwwl In ')r.,on hy th B6"lUiitfixad rVmniTnts In tlia l08lrilHturi, 1hi. rohiit(iji have repiented tho Kro,,t ...odatory I "'S.'. imwoi-H of the triiXH .ii-v ... ni., ' V.1'1"". J'lV e u nen 10 usirac ,,, . ,. - --. n iiouuc uie HJiBiiiesc provocation. dliect election of senalo.s .IT .Mi'U willliot UlideratiMMl why this MEANS THEIR R E T I R E M l-J V T1 tihnulil ho n ''n tl.01.1 It a n .u. . . . ' i : " "," ' " '"' .. " "'" ." " "V THANKSGIVING CARVERS wore adopted lnr'faw) of ih iiiwst,'IMWI ,,(,,'T' t JuHt u.s (Mrlv a tcry bcenuse in nino times out 0 uny as 1110 pt'opio can get (lilt power' l"1 uu" etuiiuuoii is cnii.sca by 0 fully Into -tholr hantU. 111 Oiokoii 6erjous fcnilniiu' clerongpinont. they hnv tho iiowor nn.i it 1. 1 -... A ",l'lli' newssiuy Avllich : RPtS - ' -......, 1 p.,....!. niinl in akimiiu nl) l..fn.l olftollou of HeiiatoiH by popul.ir vote, when tho Direct. Primary law wib enacted, when tho inwtf ver utmctotl for pilntlng the uu,mH (it mind'.date for tiumttor on the Australian ballot, whon tho people of Orogon were kIv 011 tho right to voto for uud oluct honatoiH hy tholr dlreut vole, Jusi an they elect statu ollloluls. u.i.l con Kieaamou, THE RKRIT :!' THE MEM1IEHS OK THE I.KCISIATL RE 'IX) HAVE ANY CHOICE 'BASER THEN AN!) TflEUE. The pwiplo bad tulton ovor one of tho political lights Avhlch thoy had established and or dained under tholr own constitution which says In so many words that tho peoplo may iuatruct tholr representa tives 011 any matter whatsoever. Aftor tho Instruction given tho moinbora of tho legislature utidor the lultlntlvo meaBuro by -i 6,000 major ity, thoro Is iiotjilpg for upy Ilia" to do who haB rospogt (9r ljn,8p,' or for Iho popular will VV i'O VuTH TOR THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE 1-OR UNITED STATES SENATOR. Ho is under further obligation lo adopt a resolution In tho leglslaturo direct ing tho Bonator choson by Uie poople to go Into tho Unltod Staioi senate nud labor mid voto to amond the constitution on this same mnt tor so that tho peoplo may oloct their Uni ted StateB Bonntors without tiny Inter vention of tho legislature. for any ,H,i who .holds ,, ,, nt il!;ulth?noSeomiinon tn liuiids of tho pwiio to iw.k (o set the feminiiio system, which will' It aside or do anything but executo quickly dispel nil hysterical, nervous ' g'!Vw ,yrn tho will of tho proplo. A DEVELOPMENT CONVENTION IN IUSTERN ORKOON. l nml Irritable conditions. Suph is j LYDiAE-PINKHAM'Sl VEGETABLE COMPOUND Tho following letter serves to proyo this fact. , aura. iUiutio toiienimver. 315 So. 2tst St., Parsons, Kims., writes : "lor two jimis 1 buffered from the woist 101 ms of feminine Ills, until I was almost driven frantic Nothing Under the leadership of O. A. Hur ley, of tho Vale Conuuorolal Club, a losslon of tho Oregon nud Idaho De velopment Congross will lm l.ohi ., that live llttlo city December 17. is ut niornhlm. would rclle-e me. Lydlo ,md 19i ' ld E. PiuUhum'a Vegetable Compound uiwuKtv uiv iicuiiu nnu iiuppinebs ann Vale was soleotcd as tho point In ' ma,'e mo R w"1' woman." Oregon MOST NATURAMA AVAIL- FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. ARLE and ACC'EssiRLE for tho For thirty years Lydia E. Pink commercial clubs of Idaho and East- nam's Vegotanlo Compound, made ' oru Oregon to coma togethor at a from nK)ts nn(i "orbs, has been thftl PClpt lu tho great inland. Empire !Ward ??? for female ills. vnti-. .. u w1"",,re' . and has positively cured thotusands of, alo Is a center whoro tho live mon' wftinAnwho have Iwen trnulilofl xvm, ' of that groat region can como to- disphcements.inriammation.uleerft.!! bowiui uuu 1'iauuss ways and uon, iiDrom tumors, irregtuarities, 1 MEANS TO PROMOTE trauaporta- jHjriodlo pains, backache, that bear-' tlon, irrigation, reclamation, oduca- nE'd,,wtl feelmff flatulency.indiges- tlon, forostratlon and creation of now oMncss,ornervous prostration. . o, .C.H, ,M 0tH.. I mSSSSH an Bkl, ' Fruit growing, oil wells, stock women to "vrlto her for advice. raising, sheep hording, water powers, ?homllRSA fMed thousands to goon roads, broaklng up largo land ' - t "-i . Ve havs just received from one of America's foremost-cutlery houses "about one hundred carving sets comprising fifteen different designs, and which we of fer you from now till Thanksgiving at special prices. Thanksgiving Carvers will be mighty thankful for a good carving set on the day of November. Get it now. The finest tempered steel blades will be found in these sets, each set comprising a knife, fork and steel fitted with genuine stag and p?arl handles and mounted with sterling silver ferrules and collets. They're in our window- stop and look at them. (ittjuii holdings, and Immigration WILI HE it tholPKOMOTKD BV DISCUSSION AND. OASI'CSU.aA. If tho peoplo aro capablo of nomlnati AGITATION. Ps-itU , r'W "J ' -. r u M mMQ M'lilll Mil I'lj iMP peoplo aro capablo of nominating and Breaking up tho incrustations ot jm s