Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, November 21, 1908, Page 10, Image 10

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That we're offering you the best clothes ever shown in this town you'll be surprised that
you neglected your opportunity
so long. Every
Suit and Overcoat in the store
is a good catch, and you'll real
ize it as soon as you see them.
We've got some of the finest
things here that Hart, Schaff
ner & Marx ever made; they're
special things produced for us,
and for you.
We'll show you some of the
smartest styles in fine over
coats, new ideas for this sea
son both in fabric and ih mqd
els; nobody in the whole coun
try offers such values as We do
in our Hart, Schaffner & Marx
fine clothes.
It's the same in suits, we
show vou the bcfst in the mar-
'ket at low prices. Evdf y dollar
yoU pay here getS ValUe. Copyright 1908 by Hart SchafTher & Marx
This Store Is the Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
kWmmW,Skmmmmkm km
'IrSMs WfM W4tti;l III
1 eWm WmT- at
Store Closes
at 5:30
Store Closes
at 5:30
O 0
o o
o o o o o o
O. V. Scott & Co., Real Kttc
Persona wishing to buy soil, ronl
er trado liouaoa, lotn or farms, will
do well to cnll on us. 540 State at.
lUm' Forget-
Tito bnzn.tr of tho ladlos of tho St.
Paul's church, Dccombor 10..
Thrco rensona for buying Cleveland's
Baking Powiler:
Suporlor Qunlity (Puro Crcnm of
Neatest Pnckngo (Scrow top can).
Boat Prlco (3 IbB. $1; 5 lbs. 1.05)
New Classo!
Will bo commoncod nt tho Cnpltnl
Business Collogo on Monday, Nov. 23,
In arithmetic, grammar and short-
annd. A good tlmq tqbogln a prnc
tlcal course of Btudy, Sond or cnll
for catalogue.
Its No Trouble
To Boloct Ohrlatmas preuentn nt
Hlpgos Jowolry Store. You enn buy
such beautiful tliliiKs nt greatly ro
ducod prices. 123 Com'l strdot.
Mr Ontfcnl HusIiio.n
Has grown so I am compollod to
reduce my Jowolry. cut glass, silver
wnro and clock lino so I enn glvo
mora attention to that Important
aranch. Chns. II. Hinges, 123 Com'l
St. 11-2012U
Blje Millinery Sale
Air goods at ono-half prlco, re
gardless of cost. Our ontlre sloe
must-bo sold by Docombor IB, All
Itats 'trimmed to order without extra
charge. Miss Evans, Meyers' store.
Am Kr of ProBiKrity
ThU county, nnd ospoclally tho
Pacific Northwest, Is now ontorlng
an unprecedented orn of develop
ment ami prosperity. This oxtonalon
of business In nil linos will afford
hundreds of openings for young poo
nla who can kcop books nnd do Bten
ography. It Is wlso to got rendy
now. A course of study at tho Capi
tal nuBlnoss Collogo will bo one of
tho best Investments n young man
or woman can mnko at this tlmo. If
fntero-'ted. call to tnlk tho matter
over with us, or sond for catalogue,
Did Vou See
The crowds In nt Hinges Jowolry
Storo. Ho is huvlng u snlo, n big
ono too. Inductions nro tho blggost
ovor si von In Snlom. 123 N. Com
mercial St. ll-20-2t.
Honda, Hoiuls
Wq havo just rocolvod $40,000 of
city bonds. It you nro Interested
call or phono Wntor Bros. ovorLadd
A Rush. 1 1-21-3 1
DoH'fc Forget
Tho, bazaar of tho ladlos of tho St.
Paul's church, December 10..
How Altout .
That old sot of harness;? Bottorj
got n now sot boforo tho winter work
boglnB. Seo F. E, Sliafcr, th har-
noao man.
Weather Forecast
Unlit tonight nnd Sunday;
creasing Southerly wIiuIm.
Stove Wood
,' And c6nl. Call 198.
bor company.
Vogot Lum-
Mih. Sam White
Itf tired of buying ground coffee.
She buys Folgor's Golden Onto
whole ronatod and grinds it.
l-'or flood Meat
Quick dollvory nnd courteous
trontment, Steusloff aanltnry mnrket
Ib tho plnco. Thoy havo boon with
nu for years nnd hnvo plonsod othors
nnd will plcaso you.
To nil buyers, J. M, Lnwronco Is
tho plnco to buy your grocorlos,
fresh eggs and country buttor.
Now Houses
Alwny for snlo.
Vogot Lumbor
Plilloiiinth Creamery-
Butter for tho good tablo. Ask
yopr grocor.
O O O O O O O O O'O o
II. Shull wont to Portland on busi
ness this morning.
Frank Ward wont to Portland to
day to attend tho football gamo.
Miss Elono Doll, of Albany, arrived
this morning to visit with friends for
a short tlmo
II. Upporlo wont to Portland this
morning to spend Sunday with rela
tives and friends.
Claud Doll, tho candy man, loft
for Portland today to seo tho foot
ball sport.
Congressman "W. C. Hnwloy loft
yostordny for McMlnnvlllo to visit for
a short tlmo.
F. W. Dnrbln has loft for North
Yamhill to spend n few days hunttn
wutor birds.
George Gntos wont to Wnodburn
this morning to look nftor business
matters for a fow hours.
John Glover, of Tumor, was In tho
city yostordny looking nftor business
for n.Bhort tlmo.
Loul Plcknrd was n pnssengor for
Portland this morning to visit his old
friends and wltnoss tho ball gnmo.
Bon Robertson, of Turner, was In
tho city yostordny taking after busi
ness mnttors for a short time
M. L. Jonos, of Brooks, was In tho
city yesterday looklug nftor business
mnttors nnd visiting old friends.
Miss Cnthorlno Smith loft today
for Walla Wnlla, Wash., to visit with
hor parents for a numbor of days.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lund returned
to their homo In Portland this morn
ing nftor several days' visit with Sa
lem friends.
Dnn Byrd, of Corvnllls, 1b In Iho
city todny visiting with rrlond.i.. Ho
loaves for Portlund in tho morning
to visit wjth rolntives for u number
3f dnjs. 4
: o-
Special trains for thp. rooters at
the big game In Portland this aftor
noon botwecn O. A. C. and tho U,
qY Of pa Bed through Snlom this
morning. Tho largest train, that of
tho O. A. O.' lads, passod through at
8 o'clock this morning nnd ho. U. of
O. train passed through at 10
o'clock. Tho O. A. C. apodal train
conshted of 1G coaches and tho U.
of O. of 12 coaches. Engines,
coaches nnd 'tudonts wore decorated
with tho colors of tho rospoctlvo
schools o an elaborate degree.
TOLAND To tho wife of Henry To
land, at their homo on, Wednes
day, tho 18th of November, an
&Y, pomTd girl.
It goes without saying, Mr. To-
land Is a very, hupny person. Mother
and child doing nicely.
ELTiA M. COUCH, Professional.
My processes are scientific and sat
isfaction guaranteed. My creams and
hair tonics are t3ted and tried by
tlmo and experlonco. Give me a trial.
Room 15, Eldrldge Hotel. Phone
1112. 11-2-tf.
Bath Parlors
nAsronsNT Willamette hotel
Wo euro Rheumatism, Neuralgia
and all chronic dlsencos. Sweedlsh
Movements and Mn8ago; Facial
Massage nnd Scalp Treatments.
Hours, 9 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Experienced Lady Attendants .
It U worth more than any otha
iread yet the price in no hlcaer
for aala at yoar grocera.
TkeM'A OeetoT, FrM.
(Contlnuod from pneo 1.)
shouldor blade in his bnck, nnd
Issued from tho right breast, but
which tho doctors say will probably
not bo fatal, Homer Black, -Iwrllvcd
to be the' thug who committed the
atrocious holdup, Is In tho county
lall. Black la alleged to hnvo stated
nftor being brought Into tho shojlff's
ofllco, that If It had not been that
William Tweedy had him covered
w th a double-barrell-d shot gun
from n bunsy. Uo would havo killed
W. W. Johnson, tho livery stpb'o
i an, who hnd left tho btiggv to of
'ect the suspected thug's enpturo ob
ho rnn Into hiding In the liuahB
rbou t blopi' wpst of the Fair
Ground- atoro on tho Fair Grounds
rond When criptured Blnck wore n
black handkerchief around liU neck
In puch a pos'tlon thnt It could bo
nally drawn up around his face. In
the front of his tro'.isers ho carried
a 15-cttllbro Colt's revolver nnd on
other parla of his person ho had
nearly nu entlro box of Bholls. Two
empty sholls of tho snmo cnllbro
wore found by nursorymnn C. F.
IiuBlng on nn ovorconte bollovod to
belong to Black, found on tho plat
form of tho street car wnltlnp; room
nt tho Fnlr Grounds.
Doctor Robertson passod a good
right nnd It Ib Btnted by tho doctors
who attended him tho wound will
probably not prove as serious as was
at first expected. Should no compli
cations set tn tho physician should
be well In a' comparntlvoly short
An Important fenturo In connec
tion with Black Is that ho was soon
In thlB city yesterday with nnothor
man. It In tho bollof of tho pollco
that tho two worked in conjunction
In several nils-deeds, recorded In thin
city nnd especially in the boating up
cf Clsrk Giles of Barnes Cash Store.
From B'ack's position of hiding by
tho Bldo of th? Fnlr Grounds rond,
't looked to the two mon who effect
ed hit enpturo, ns If ho wero pre
pared to hold up n enr, ns ho hnd
hla mask already to pull over his
faco and a pistol In his hand at a
spot whore all cars hnvo to come ul
moBl to n stop before rounding tho
ciirvo near tho place.
The Hodti'f
Dr. Robertson, being afoot and
carrying an umbrella, was walking
down Fcturtoenth street. Ho ob
served a mnn nlso carrying an um
brella In front of him somo dlstnnco
aw'hy, and whllo wntcbjng tho tnttor
aw h'm bring hi umbrolln down in
"rorit of him. yhon nulto close to
tho stranger the umbrolln wns again
raised tho man pointing a phtol
directly nt tho doctor. Tho mnn
then orttoreJv tlio doctor, to throw up
his hnuds. Dr. tlobertson thBn made
au attempt to escnp'- but a ho began
running away tho man 11 red striking
tho phy Iclnn In tho hack just bolow
tho right shoulder b'ndo and pass
ing completely through tho body.
The bullet enmo out of tho right
br I st. Tho highwayman thon flrod
nnothor rNot, which fortmiatoly
missed Its mark.
n Mon camo rushing up from ovory
direction after hearing tho two
shots. Among tho first to respond
jyoro J. H. Scholl, Frank E. Shnfer,
D. W. 8hafor, W. N. Savago and
Judgo King. Those gentlemen
quickly removed tho Injured man to
tho home of Frank Shafer at the
corner of Thirteenth and Stnto strot
whoro hn was made as comfortable
a? posMb'o, awaiting tho nrrlval of
a physician and tho nmbulanco
which came a vory fow mlnutt-g
after. Ho was romoved to tho WP
lametto Sanitarium.
RetrultH of the Drag-net.
Ono of tho best pieces of work
evor done in this city was accomp
lished In thU caso by the ofllcers
and their nsMatants. Immediately
after tho shooting, the shorl'f and
chief of police wore notified, and
within a fow minutes thoy wore on
tho scene ready for business. Sheriff
Mlnto, after obtaining tho particu
lars returned to his ofllco and pro-
ceodod to get In tt ch with somo ot
tho b03t mon In the city, whom ho
gave instructions to locate at differ
ent po'nts whoro the highwayman
would bo most I'kely to make his
escape. After doing this the shorlff
and chief of pollco Glbon accom
panied by tho chief's force went di
rectly to the Southern Pacific depot,
whoro they made a diligent search
of tho promises and tho passing
trains. At 9 o'clock the sheriff's
drag not was put In motion,- and nt
9:30 o'clock the mnn upon whom'
the strongest suspicion nnd evidence a
of crime is placed, was hnndcMffed
sitting In tho sheriff's ofllco.
Johnson niul Tweedy Captors.
W. Johnson, 4ho well-known liv
ery man, and William Tweedy were
deputized and Instructed by the
sheriff to station themselves at
Brooks and keep a lookout for the
fugKlve, and they proceeded to carry
out tk ordors promptly, The, two
Tho Oregon Electric recognize basts. Thin
mat aniem is tno- greotcst eduentlon- points betw- eitttltiJ
m center or uio wummetto valley. vIIId, nnd-wllien m M:
Miuu nro an kmmib oi lnsmuiions or school at Sal maJti
higher education, a unlvor Ity, n The Orogon. , ,
business collogo, n Cnthollc nendomy, lUK ont in,iu' lrlc ' !
a normal school, nnd n $70,000 h'gh to bull.i ...!nent, tottj
school, a free people's collogo. lino hniu-oa., . 0a
r., (l. i ... .... .. -. oaiem a.i . .-
wuu ui uiu jiual uiuvuo ui mo ur- They w'll mroi i
gon Electric io enpturo business nn 1 than linlf .. p,rtl(3
uuii'iui ciuuni tin uu uuin;.uiuil cun- j IIOUHCS nt i
t r Ib to put on n school rate for' cars
"er , .
wwy Point wW
t . ,a l.h uu auu. raie lor cars to onnbl o them hi . ''
BtMdonU on a very low commutation ' freight business "H1
innn.lm.ilnv.. Ir.Tl 11... nil.. I I
...H..-........V.O lult t..v vj in ,i r g, notwithstanding ha .
nnd wero driving down tho 1-Vr ' formation of iorb J
uroumia roau aim una arrived with- slip of tho tongue aZ J,
in a row uioom or tno Fair around draw8 the net cloiZS
storo whon Walter Johnson fnlntlv -nn .... t... . ro"11
nlionruri' iflin fnrtn nf n tnnn nrniintin.t .-. . ... " JTO
linlitnil n Inriro tvm tinnf 1in rnml I n. n ..... VI"IX.
" ... .; ? " . " 10 Bam Black,
wan n minuio, uio nocK yoKo is; "You nro hrreied fo UT
comlne down." Bald Johnson to nni.nrj.A- V'.j'.ji r,ill
Tweedy, nnd ho got out of tho bnggv 'the shef? tftrfra "S,!
nnd wont around to tho horseB' y0u to- f, v:u.u.
heads, from which plnco ho wnlkoj . n rC8ponso Black Mid U
tfiMM1 llin IiIIhIkyh nl til a nlln n 11n I ia "
iuuiu uiu uuanuo ui uiu oiuu ui mo . notiung to Bay.
roau witn two rovoivors grasped in
his hands In readiness.,
Johnson demanded tho mnn In
tho bushes to como out nnd throw up
his hands. Tweedy wns (standing up
In tho buggy with a double-barrelled
shot gun pointed directly nt Dlnck,
thun, nn nftorwnlds learned, prob
ably saving Johnson's llfo, as Blnck powers to hear In order ton
would havo shot to kill had Johnson stolid nnd Indifferent apptirwy
been alono. Wnninn rmi. . n. Ji
.......v.. UUI.IVO VI U
Tho follow rosponded to Johnson s
order with nlncrlty, and Johnson
searched him finding n big -1 6" Colin
rovolvor stuck in tho front of his
trousers apparently put there when
ho wns told to throw up his hnndo.
Aftor ascertaining thnt no other
weapons wore on tho prlsotior, John
Bon marched him to tho rig, mndo
him not In and brought him to tho
shorlff's ofllce. Tho shorlff wns no
tified of tho capture shortly after
whllo still at tho dopot, and roturnel
to hla ofllco to find tho mnn socutolv
hnndouf'ed. Shorlff Mlnto thon In
vestigated ovory pnrt of tho man's
clothing, making him strip to th"
skin. Tho Investigation resulted In
tho bringing to light nearly a whole
box of WInohestor IG-cnllbro shells,
nnd a small tobacco sack filll of 32
calibre automatic sholls, two hats,
ono whlto one perfectly dry, and n
blnck ono spnked with wntor. Noth
ing inoro of Importance wns found
on IiIb porson, nnd tho shorlff placed' . drossM ! K s belleTwyoiM
him undor lock nnd koy. thor'tles that hp other milli
Tho sheriff 'it n quostlon to him , jn the town and a trca u
"Were yoji aloae whta m.1
n.inn . . " m
misr- nsKou Sheriff Mlnto.
question Black replied y
after wnrds denied lhl oeMtfl
nin.i.. .1 ... '
i.un-n o uviiivanor (Dli m
showed nervouncs. tad Uki
Iff Mlnto convcrsod tlth hlB,kJ
compelled to bring all hi i
tlnry made a closo InipMkri
Ulifk nt tho county Jill ttai
Ing, hut ho could not Identity fci
An umbrolln which vat (il
possession wns found todiy Uiu
In Yew PArk, near the Wootal
An nccurnte description ottWil
bre'ln Ir nubllshed below u4i
It be Idrntlflcd by anyoMiil
city, from whom It wa it
stolen, It can bo had by crfJi
the court hou'e: Ladles l!(Ui
hrolln. long hardood
etrn'Kht. A few stitches law?
the piece Qf light leather mk t
lower cntch. Tho trade nukull
Meyers & Sons In the InMnfJ
top. Two black taswli on I
It was discovered by tbe i
this morning that Black mi hi
cltv yrslenlay In compaiy
nnothor mnn Screral attest
procuro medical aid was maJe M
tho nnrtnpr who was snlferitjl
n n in Iho lee. and i W
mndo for him.
a-t a IT)OKIAi.
...r xw$
otMn u
dlroctly cone rnlng tho uttompto!
holdup, but tho only nu'wer ho got,
was, "I havo nothing to say."
Upon a closo in&opctlon of the
gun It wns discovered thnt It hnd ;l
boon fired recently, although no
sholls were missing fom the cham
bor. Tho amokeloss powder grains
wore in evidence in tho barrel!, also
a strong umell of freihly burnod
DescrlptloR of the Man.
Tho prisoner gave his narno as
Dlnck. HIb build Is aomewhat slon
dor, but woll 'ormed, nls faco smooth
shaven and ho has a pair of cool,
dark, p'orclng oyea. Whllo going
through tho sheriff's inspection, ho
was apparontly unconcerned, and
kopt his eyos down o tho floor with I Q Q $
tho oxcoptlon of a few lightning I OOOOOJ! --T
glances to thoso around him. Ho
varrled a bottlo of whisky which ho
"killed" In tho sheriff's olllco.
Johnson and Tweedy OoHgratHlated.
CIia.IM IflnlM Mni.it Tnhnonn nnfl
uiiuiiii miuiu 6io UU....v,.. ..-(
Tweedy his sincere congratulations
on their grod work done In taking
tho man Into custody, as tholr brav
ery was cortalnly commendable.
Sheriff Mlnto questioned DlncV
lat nlsht regardlnjr the Ami, and
Norwich UflK Fk
Frank Jfcred. 'ljl
Ofllce with Wm. Brow '
29, Comtnorc'al trt.
0 o-TTTTinnnr
o new TODAY
.. i i
. tfMI Ui
k ..it a rJinTS. " i
. .. . vt.io West ftW1
tor rcu'
vnr iteiit Three rooaM ih j
".... ..,nl.l,ftd pU,T'
Lj innhone. RefW1-1,
Znaed. Call I.
Center street, corner
and Center
building tat in the city, 60x50.
This U V"
$2100 Finest vacant
$1200 150xlG6 large enough for 3 or i cottage .
on tho car lino In a fine locality. Basy terms.
Fine farm, 1'44 acres, 125 acres undor cultivation.
mo iuiiu, iii vo, - umber '
timber; $45 per aero. Will cut off 30 acres i
ncro. Also 20 acres tlmbor at $40 per
ncre. if w'
Is located near Liberty In the famous Prune
best road.
Wo have farms In nil parts of tho county,
Call and tit
List your poropty or Insure your houses wflh us
Mever & Bell Land Co.
Room No. I, vTji
Statesman BuildiNg.