,wu DAILY CAPITAL JOUIINAL, SALEM, OREGON. FKIIiAV, NOVKMIIKK 2, 1008. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 14. 1IOFKR, Ed. nod Prop. RAnDAinr V"HIWAII ICTi To Heat Time Card No . M ? Iiulet'ciiik'tit Newspaper Devoted to American 1'rlnulple ntul the 1'fOKTBs.s niul Dovclopcment of All Oregon. - k-jjbilshel Kvcry lIvonliiK Kxcopt Sunday, Salem, Ore. Tnu...i ... .s SUP.SCIUPTION RATES. ' (Invariably In Advntico.) Dally, rtf iTict, per year W.OO I'er month 60o niuy, by mall, per year. 4.00 Per month t Wcokly, by null, per ver- 1.00 Six month Mic SHXsin'iii-: puniiiciTY. A Chicago paper has tho follow ing about the good work being ilono by the manager of tho largest oloc itrlc light nnd power plant anil street railway Bystom In tho stnto, or In tho Pacific Nerthwest: "President Josselyn of tho Port land, Ore, Railway, Light and" Pow- or company, displayed good Judg ment In announcing that tho 'com .pany would Rjioml moro than $2, 000,000 on improvements nnd ex tensions, practically as Boon as tho plana were adopted by tho board of directors. Tho announcement gave Mr. Jossolyn tho opportunity to dis cuss traction matter In the Portlan.1 nowspapcrs at considerable length nnd to let tho community under stand that tho company meant and wished to do well by It. Not only was tho baro fact of (tho proposed ex penditure given to the reporters, but much of tli j gonernl plans wore Im parted, and President Jossolyn took occasion to express the fa'tli of the directors In Portland, notwithstand ing the mnchlnntlons of Dotty poli ticians, Ho also discussed ti notion linoft nnd Improvements In the Enjt, and other Innovations. "Too many public sorvlco mana gers have boon too secretive In tho pint nhccH things of Intorost to tho people, and to which gonornl know ledge would have done no harm. Prosldent Josselyn Is ono of tho hun dred who nro breaking nway from tho old and mistaken policies of rc crocy about matters that should bo opon to nil." MANY BOUGHT STOCK DURING PANIC I rvimmS2A - i - l nt'tu 1-tM o PBsnssg ONI? WKAK SPOT. Most Snlcin People Have it Wciilt Pnt't mid Too Often It's tho Mack. Everyone hni a weak spot. Too ofton It's a bod back. Twinge follow ovory suddvu twist. Dull nolilng koopi up, day ami night. Tolls you the klduoys nood holp. For bnekache Is really kidney ache. A kidney cure Is whni you need. Doan's Kidney Pills onro slok kid neys Cure bnckftolie nnd urinary ills. Salem people recommend the roui ody. 10. IS. GllllHin, proprietor of llvory nnd feud stable, X32. Wator stroot, Snleni, Ore., iwy: "Yenrs of almost constant driving ami a fall I had sov oral years ago affuctod my kldnoys and I Biifferod from bnokacho and lamaioet, so badly nt t linos that I could hardly Htralghton. Sharp pains aatigho me whon I aroso nftor sitting and none of tho romodios 1 tried did mo any good. A short time ago I was Induced to get Donn's Kldnoy Pills at Dr. Stone's drug store nnd I soon obtained groat rs llof. I know of neighbor who havo itnken Donn's Kldnoy Pills nnd thoy nil spoak of thorn n8 tho best kid ney modiolus they hwvo dvor used " Kor sal- by nil dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-MUlium Co., Duffalo. Now York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Tho mo t Interesting result of the panic of 1907 now Is shown In tho roports of corporations as to itho ln croase of tho number of stockholding partners, particularly In tho West and among women. Sixteen of tho largest railroad and Industrial cor porations havo reported 353,000 partners as against 255,199 befocc tho bankers' panic" began. Reports of tho IIU1 railroads show 11,000 shareholders now ns compared with 2,800 a year ago. These flgurea throw light upon tho process of change that took place during" tho period whon itho wires from tho WcU woro burdened with small lot buying orders at bargain prices. The roports of tho Stool trust nnd tho Pennsylvania railway show that -in per cent of the shareholder now nro women, tho Incroaso bolng 32 per cent In tho enso or tho Steel trust nnd 19 per cent In the case of the Pennsylvania, which goes to show what a real "marked down" Bnk will do with women. Hoforo tlu pnn'c tho shareholders of tho Unl'cl Stntos Stool numbored 83,000; thoy numbor ovor 130,000 now. Tho Pennsylvania has 00,000 sharehold ers and tho Santa Fo railway Jias re ported 25,000. This tremendous change Is to bo attributed large ly 'to tho West, whore Investments nro bolng mndo In stocks nnd bonds much moro thnn In former yonrs an-l whoro tho Missouri spirit of "want ing to bo Bhown" ronl values has In creased In a marked degroo since Western speculation was chocked In 1901. o- FIRTS SIGN OF WEAK KIDNEYS IS BACKACHE j; w rftg - r i'.ifT.. . v ....'mVU mhimm j5EA OH C3KS5""K3KOJ9HHP'' k a Cold Corner Don't sil in the cold a touch o( a malch a slcatly How oi gcni.il warmlli and in llic cor ner dial's liard lo licat you'll have real solid comfort with a FECTON lofCF (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Jusl whnl you need lo help oul in a cold snap or Lclwccn seasons. No smoke no smell no bother il's llic smokeless device that docs it. As easy lo operate and clean as a lamn. Brass font holds 4 quarts gives intense ltcat for 9 hours. Finished in nickel and japan every healer warranted. jKiUJ-mtip aw The ijcnr5-fc T U is llic hrst all- round lamn made. Cnuinnru willi latest improved central draft burner. Made of brass llirourjl'oul, nickel plated. Just llic light to read by biijjl end steady. Every lamp warranted. II your dealer docsnl carry llic I'er'celion Oil Healer and Rayo Lamp, write our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. w , lor descriptive circular. M. STANDARD OIL CO ftiv (Incorporated) 5 !?V7Mt 1RT com PAN Y "'! I "" I ISTK- TrTTil I II 1 I W III THim smw iiihikiiiiihi i iiiwhi ! nui U. K,7iStZiVSgLrZ2&jaEc&fCiBli3L a..iL--i't .ti" Jilt iSJ:l U ili. :maMMsaftmmMMssssgE V Ifl HUIE WING SANG COMPANY BIG STOCK OF GOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICES Wo make up nil kinds of Wrappers and Kimonos, Waists White Viuh'nu'nr. Wo keep n big Mock of Gent's and Ladles' liii-iiitdilii (iooiIk, Hllkn and I)i ess (iooiIs, Trunks, Matting, China Ware, Ktc. $2 Fancy Nightgowns, snlo )?l.:tr $1.7T) Dress Skirts, sale. . . .J?:t.li." $1.75 Ilonvy Wrappers, Hal.i7l.ii." $3.25 Fancy Underskirts Snlo .j.2.(K) $1.75 Wnlsta, solo tfl.00 20c Hoso, salo 10c 17c per yard Kmbroldory J)c $1.50 Silk Gloves, salo N.c $1.75 Silk Waists, salo. . . .$2.73 5t)c n yard Dross Goods Snlo JlOe pit yard 15c a yard Flannol, snlo Klo a yard 50c Silk llnudkerchlofH snlo.U.lc $2.00 Comforts, sale s? 1 .115 $3.25 Klmonns, sale St! LVt $1.50 Children's Coats Btdo.$.7r, $1.75 Pants, snlo SI J.', $9.50 Ovoreonts, sale . . . SH.tw $15.00 Wool nianKsts, iaa SI. 01 CTHIOm THE BEST ROAST THE PARULY RV12K HAD Can bo obtained from our pilim tondor and Juicy beef, mutton 0 pork. All our moats nro solecto' from tho choicest, and prepared fo tho tablo to suit tho demands of th. fastidious, Our prices are lower fo quality than you can find at nn place In Snlmn, E. C. GROSS, Phone 201. " 870 Stnto St TORRID ZONE FUNARC 1 suFPiytKits siiori.D thy this SI.'NIPIJ-: PltltSCIIIPTIO.V WHICH IS ICASILY PHKPAHKI). IF YOU have idle money on hand it will earn interest of deposited wltli lis while you are looking for an investment SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank J, H. Albert, President, E. M. Croisan, VicelPrcs. Jos. H. Albert, Cashier Take care of backache. A groat many chsos of kidney complaint nro reportod about hre; hIso bhuldoi troublo and rheumntlsm. An nuthorlty once idntod that pain In the baok, loins or region of the klduoys .Is tho duiiKor signal nature haiiKs oiit to notify tho sufforor that thoro Is BomothlnK wronj; wkli tho klduoys, whloh should rocolvo Im nit'dlato attention. Only wgotnlili. treat 111011 1 should ho admlnltored nnd nbsolutely no strongly nlonhollo modtcluos, which nro harmful to the kidnoyg and blnddor. Tho following proscription, whllo slmplo, hnrmlow nnd tnoxponslve, Is known and rocognlzod as a ovoretf,n reined v for kldnoy complaint. The Ingredients can bo obtnlnod nt any Reed nroiorlptlon pharmacy and any one en mix them: Compound Kor gon, one ounce; Fkild ISxtrnt Dande lion, olio-half eunce: Compound Syr up Snrsfipnrilla. three ouncos. Sh&k well In n bottle and tsko in tea poouful doso; nftor onch ium1 and t be-Jtlmo. This preparation Is snld to rostore the iMtursl ftiaotloil of tho kldnoys, so thy will sift and strain the pol sonoif waste mnttor, nrle nold, otc , fom the blood, purifying It and re lieving rhoumntlsm. Backache w'll le rel'evod, tho urlno will bo neu tralized and rlonred nud uo longer 0 cause of Irritation, thOreby ovor 00 111 1 hk suoh symptoms ns wonk blad doi, polnwul, froqont and other urinary difficulties. This la worth trying nnd mny orove Juwt . what many ptoplo horo noed. Peculiar Wreucli of he foot or nnk'e mny produco a vorv serious snrnln. A praln 's nioro nnlnful thnn a brenk. In all rln cuts, hum and scald Hnl Inrd's Snow I li"""( l iha iiot Hinco usp ppltovo- the nnln 'n !nntlv. reduces wIMt. Is n per fect nntlspntlf nnd heals rnpldiv Prlc.e S'Jo nnp nnd t n For n1n use of this svr :n This romedv Is for sale nt Dr Rtonp's drutr snro. 0 OA.TOIIIA. B3urs th ? m m o mva nmn uoBgru All Kinds of WrnpporB. Prices 50c, $1.25. $1.59, $2.00, $:i 7. to $'l : CHINESE AND JAPANESE BAZAAR 32G N, Com'l SI. Hrsl SI c on N. I:. Side, Sdlcm, Ore BCX!!T3BSEri2atttKL i Tho above cut repiosmif on brick lined Torrid Zone Furnncu Mnrnnteed gns, smoko and dm roof. Economical and durablo. A. L. FRASER 2H STATU 9TUKET. KtiniRfes turntrtnod on liontlnn r READY TAILORED CLOTHES ? FOF7 WELL DRESSED MEN. m W s "" e$r PRICE! RANGE $20 TO 40 A LARGE STOCK nc-o-fs-fa-(-ti4---Hie-&-'rMs-i--fS4-H-f-f'fft4-&t-K)-fa;s? I I OI? Itl'IUIKIt noODS AND SHOKS AT IX)WKST PltlCKS. A J nooi) LINK OP 1IKAVY WIXTKR SHOKS. CALL AXI) SEF3 MR J X IIKFOKK VOU IJUY KLSKWHKHE. JACOB Y06T, m state Stot I Pi' kMM I THK JJKAUTY OF MUSIC dependi lnrgoly on tho character ol the Instrument which producos li Trained musicians always come here for their Instrument because thej know' that even our most luexpen dve havo n sweetness and mellow noii of tone thnt only good Instrm mente possess. If you piny or are len ning you can do no better than fo'low their example Ask about our music school, L. F. SAVACiK, 217 Commercial Street, Snlem, Or t4-f'M"H--f-H-'l-A Flowers :nd Bulbs CAM, F. Hl'KF, 371 Stnto Bt X Snloin, Oro. Ffull lino of Tul. pi, tlyn- '' X clntliK, Xarcls-'us nnd nil kinds " of BprliiK bulbs. TImo to plant T them Is now. 19-19-lmo ''. m '',4 C Tp (.0. Stenmora Pomona and Oregon loavo for Portland dally oxcept Sun day at C n. m. M. P. HAM) WIN. Agent. O y m I1ICKORT BARK Cough Remedy ahohtciv run ii ,1 ,ii ..'."i1 1 Coughs, Colds CROUP Whoopin; Coujh llorfrnr Itrpnchltia SORE THROAT THROAT. "dtl NCS HKK(1 Ul IIUIHT Ol. SUM PRfCON 1U iSEOEcsq liC'HasOT fJ4 ffllt lt!-llt fH I . F. MASON HOX CO. 217 Mlllor dt.. South Shlem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crntu and fruit dryer accessories. Phon t We Launder Ladies' Shirt Waists and White Skirts Just Right. We guarantee ro All of our shirtwaists nre care fully wa hod with a special neutral soap, stnnhpd Just where hey should be staiched nnd Ironed by expert? who have made lirtwnl t Ironing a special eiudy We are pleasing tho most careful dessrs in tlie city with our hlrt waist work and are sure we can please you. May we havo a trial SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY To1 a5 136-166 8 Liberty Of I SATIS AS LOW AS lASTlK HOUSCS 9 A88M0a.,.. I'lisaongor, UjlC, senger. v' m- Rob1ri ,, nroRR P0'.Poni HiiJ itoft! v. "eight. rotl'UH No. 220. 10.40.11 ,. r f!Lt " l HJ XnXJX. iw liauonger, B--"ofe nassengor. P' n,"Cotllfcll X- 1G 9.56 p. B . ... y o1 J1 ' -. v,:J,Z"U,SndSco.rJ Whu "i-Mrlj u.-11.28 a. m, OHKCOX KLrnfrnnSSft Time Card KfTccthe Portland nnd Intermediate mi Wl- Portland-Hillsboro m i. termodlate, Local .. ,. " "u imcrmeaue I.UV 11 ., ., 1 n..n...i .. . . " U"UI . ui.mmi mm iniermedlite, i-ijiiii ........ 1 11 1 m. ui iiiiuu-i unimin ana Hllu biro, Limited .. ( j,.,, w -"iuujo ana in- i trmiedlate, Local . uiw Portland and Intermediate, , Local isn rornnnu ana intermediate Locn' ,, Frem: Portland nnd Intermediate , I'Ocal ilJts, Portlnnd-Hlllsboro and la- terniedlnto, Ixical , lotiul Portland, Hlllsboro and Tualatin, Limited t Ui Portland and lntcrmedlat" Local 101 Portland'IIIllsboro and In- teriuodlnte, Local lu)il Portlnnd nnd Intermediate Local 5!S)il Portlnnd and Intermedia Locil . u Portland nnd Intermediate Locil 'M: iMowisthc lime to visit California When summer hti jmsed In these north ern stntos, the iua I only mild under tit bright blue tkiei c Sojthprn ralfot-i This l one of na'a' h n p i y proTii'PM Msrnnl summer I ' those who cann ei dure a more wvre climate. Callff-rnln bai bcea oalled the "Mecca e! tho wlntor tourist" Its hotels and itcj ping places are vrled as those of '' woll regulated cities Visitors can al" nnd suitable accoa modntlon'. eonsesUl compaplons and nr led, pleasing reertt tlons. SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. very '""" , ; ... dsscrlblng in dow many delights of winter California. w The rate from Salem to " Angles and return III stopovers la t,on. Similar o 8re IB effect to all CaJi" points. . ...... .eW'-'f01 "TZm- reservi.- - ,ent!, telegraph or write as WM.M'MVnnAV.CeB. " " ' . .....wi OreOB-' fiiriin', - - .u nst Flw I f' ' . ,.mdl . w'Z-S rsi SttM