DAILY OAPITAIj JOURNAL, SALHM, ORBGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1008 -. "i s'nr-ff' r l FAMOUS ACTRESS jS,DEAD --V-irr Now York, Nov. 1. Tho many friends of Lydla Thompson learned today of tho Hitddon death of tho fain ous nctross yesterday afternoon at nor homo In Westminster Mansions, Tho announcement of her domlso came in a short cablo message to her daughtor, Zefllo Tilbury. Lydln Thompson first enmo to America In 18C8 and creatod an In stant nnd lasting "Bcnsatlon. Sho brought with her a chorus of bontttl- ful English girls, who with their loader becamo tho talk of Now York. For moro than twenty years tho actress held sway and sho becamo best known nB tho greatest buries quer of her time. Her years of work were crowned with success and sho possessed a largo fortune at tho tlino of her death. POOR TOOLS AND "A GOOD WORKER That Is Wlmt Makes Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Tnste, Foul -llicutli and Catarrh. GUESTS IN THE CITY BASTILE Two foreign cltlzetul wero oscbrt- t ed to tho city lock-up last n'ght by the police on tno cnargo of bolni overtaxed with liquid rofioshmontJ and wcro glvon tlino to reallzo what a roal "mornlng-aftor" headache with no opportunity of gotting a bracer fools llko. Two "homeless" wandorors woro also picked up and placed In tho comfortable sholter of Chlof Gibson's hoatlory. At tho present tlmo, tho city has n good sized woodpile which will havo to Moore8 gladly accepts the sorvlco of mo nusKioa who are in need of u bed for this purpose. Ono of -tho dnunks, who apparently hns no name, was pulled off a woodpllo near the brewery by the police, whoro ho had boon lying for somo tlmo nlcoplng la tho downpour of rain yesterday. ESCAPE FROM REFORMSCHOOL Two of tho rtoform school boy mado an escapo laBt night about 8 o'clock and havo not born captured yot. Tho lads, both about 1-1 yearn of ago, woro missed from tholr quar ters after having boon ordered to retire for tho night, nnd tho Roform school olllclals do not know how they managed to loavo tho building with out bolng obRorvod. A soarch was at onco mado of tho Riirroundlng country, nnd, Chlof Gibson, of tho local pollco forco was Informed of lho escapo and naked to watch tho trains, but tho youngstors did not board a passing train as was expect ed. Tho school olllcors think thoy are yot In the vicinity of tho school, as thoy could not go far without at tracting suspicion owing to tho fact thoy loft tholr hats behind thorn. Five Minutes saved at meal tlmo may mean a bad case of indigestion before bedtime Curo it quickly with a dose or two of Weechamtt Sold Efyvrhf. lu bo 10c aati 2Sc Tho stomach Is n good strong vital organ, which Is constanly protecting nnd feeding ovcry other organ of tho body It Is tho mojt abused, neglected and scorned member of man also. Most mon nbuso tholr stomach with undor-cookod food, high-living, al cohol, tobacco, pastries and scores of other unhealthy practices. When tho stomach at last sickens of nil this nlniBo and cannot do its full duty, most moth nro -not warned but keop up their assaults on' tho stomach until at last it rebels and begins to strlko bnck and cry for help. Man by his own abuso has taken away , from the Btomach tho tools to work with. TIiobo tools are tho gastric Julcos which go to mako up tho dlgestlvo agentB. From 7 to 35 pounds of gnstlrc- Julco nro turnod Into the stomach ovory day. When poor, poisonous food con sumes this Julco, dlluto3 It, robs It of Jt3 Btrength and throws It, a fer monted mass from tho system, of courso there Is Just that much of tho gastric fluid which cannot bo readily supplied by tho blood When food comes Into a stomach filled wltli doplotod fluids lacking of power to do tholr part, tho good strong stomach I3 using poor tools nnd, of courso, cannot succeed In Its work. i, A condition which oftorifiproval'B Is Hint which takes placo when the gastric Julco contains too much nlka II. If the Julco woro wholly akallnc it would not only devour nnd dlgoat tho fluid but would cnt and digest tho ntomnch ltoIf. Such gastric fluid does tho digestion no good nnd attacks tho walls of tho stomach mnkTng them raw nnd soro and sot ting up luflnmmatlon nnd Irritn tlon. Stuart's Dyspopsla Tabids will Btrongthen a stomach l)llod with poor gastrict Julco. Thoy will ro movo nny Irritation, Bwooten the breath, romovo catarrhal conditions nnd dlgost food no mnttor how tho stomach has nctcd boforo. ' These little tablots contain an In gredlont, one grain of which will digest porfoctly 3,000 grains of food. Thoy will dlgost an entlro meal placed In a Jar without tho aid of any other forco except thomsclvos. Thoy hnvo demonstrated this tlmo nftor tlmo. Kvory druggist enrrloa thorn In stock; prlco 50c and 40,000 physi cians U80 thorn In tholr prnctlco Bend us your namo nnd address and wo will mall you at onco a trfnl pack- ago froo. Address, P. A. Stuart Co , 150 Stuart nidg., Marshall, Mich. Tl ' ' '0YI.Q,,, ' THE BEST ROAST THB FAMILY EVER HAD Can bo obtained from our prime tender and Juicy boof, mutton or pork. All our meats nro solectod from the choicest, and prepared for tho tablo to suit the domanda of the fastidious. Our prices are lowor tor quality than you can find at any place In Saluuu E. O. GROSS, Phone 801. 870 State BU N RAILROAD TIME TABLES Time Card No. 84, Southern Pad ft r Co., Effective Sunday, Ang. 10, 1008. Toward Portland, Passenger. No. 10. 5:13 a. m. Orrigon Ex press. M No. 18 8:40 a. m. Cottago Grove passenger. No. 12. 2:45 p. m. Roseburg pas senger. No. 14 9:13 p. m., Portland ex press. Toward Portland, Freight. No. 222. 5:0 p. m. Portland fast frolght. No. 22C. 10.40-11:28 a. m. way freight. Townrd San Francisco, Passenger. No. 11. 11:03 a. m. Rosoburn pnssongcr. No. 17. C:45 p. m. Cottago Grove tinflanntror. No. 15 9:60 p. m. California ex press. No. 13 3:31 a. m. San FranclB- co express. Townrd Snn Francisco, Freight. No. 221. 2:43 n. m. Portland fftit frolght. No. 225. 11:28 a. m. way frolght. W I B !! Itlaf ll tH; TORRID ZONE FUNARCE v9BjjjMJHRljn V'ssBBflHssBsflHsal Tho above cut repreaenti oar brick lined Torrid ono Furnacu Guaranteed gas, smoko and du roof. Economical and durable A. L. FRASER SW8 STATE BTItKRT. Estimate furnunod on heating H;l I I II I I I i I I I II M l-M-M-H-t- :; Flowers end Bulbs : I ; CAUL F. ItirKF, 37t Stnto st . ; ; ; Snlcni, Oro. ; " Fiul! lino of Tulips, Uja- ! ', ciutliB, Narcissus and nil kinds ; ; of spring bulbu. Tlmo to plant ; ; tbcm Is now. 19-19-lma '.' 61 I III I I I M M IMHI I I I I HI IF YOU have idle money on hand It will earn interest of deposited with us while you are looking for an investment Mind Your lluslnemt If you don't nobody will. It Is your buntnoss to koop out of nil tho troublo you enn and you can and wlM koop out of liver and bowel troublo If you tnko Dr. King's Now LIfo PIUb. Tliny koon biliousness, malaria and, Jnundlco out of your system. 25c nt J, O. Perry's drug store. o Aged Woman Itcnten. (United Press Leased Wire.) Long IlcKCh, Cul.. Nov. IS. Mrs. J. D. Ford, fifty years of ugo Is In a Korlous condition today following n brutal assault mado-on her Into yes terday by unknown thugs. Tho woman was bound and gaged nnd loft for dond on tho lloor of hor homo. When tho woman's husband roturnod homo from work last night ho found his wlfo lying with hor limbs bound and n gag In her mouth. Assistance was summoned, but before sho could give any details of tho attack on her,' sho lapsed Into unconsciousness and may not llvo. I OCT. Co. Steamers Pomo&a and Orcgonu loavo for Portland dally oxcopt Sou day nt 6 a. 'in. M. I'. BALDWIN, Agent. HICKORY BdRK (Cough Remedy Aitoivmt rvu Mr rtiMm i?h$. Colds CROUP IWhoopin; Coufh llrtnM Brtn'Mlli SORC THROAT PMM mt U iTMHOAT.ndLUNCS iMuntiitnitumtt). IUirM.OTCO.U VA. rtu iuh-tt rti a. F. MASON box ooT 247 Miller St., South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates and fruit dryer accessories. Phon. SOS. .1 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank J. H. Albert, President, E. M. Crolsan, VicePres. Jos. H. Albert, Cashier Coffee .ARQEST FACILIT1 N THE WEST Fi :iIE PRODUCTION Just Coffee, but perfect Coffee. Your grocer will grind It better If ground at home not too fine. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 15, 1008. Fer: Leaves Portlnnd nnd Intermediate Local 0:40 a.m. Portlnnd-Hlllsboro and in- tormodlnto, Local .....8:55 a.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, Locnl 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, " Local . , 1:40 p.m. Portlnnd-Tunlatln nnd Hills boro, Limited ,3:05 p.m. Portlnnd-Hlllsboro nnd In termediate, Local 4:00 p.m. Portland and -Intormodlate, Local ..'...; G : 20 p m. Portland nnd Intermediate. Local 8:40 p.m. Frem: A'Tlves Portlnnd nnd Intermediate, Local S:2G a.m. Portland-Hlllsboro nnd In tormodlate, Locnl ....10:00 a.m. Portland, Hlllsboro nnd Tualatin, Limited ....10:50 a.m. Portlnnd nnd Intermediate, Local 1:00 p.m Portlnnd-Hlllsboro and In termediate, Locnl 4'00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate Local 5:15 p.m Portlnnd and Intermediate, Local s;2(i p.m. Portlnnd nnd Intormcdlnto, lx)cal 1040 p.m. FOR YOUR BENEFIT Porhnns vnu nnvnr tnnbn.t f u ti.,.. to servo you In any legitimate business wnv n h J porlenco aro nt ymir command It s iioraihi. ?-." m7 somo advantage to your nnnnclal ntTalrs it , ecit.J your wants known. Wo assuro you 8all,facu0n0t m i' IT IS OUR BUSINESS to servo tho people. Tho sorvlco Wo offer .11. 1 to you others toll us of tholr 8ntlHfnr.iM J. U9 w ti,tu. llevo that YOU also will receive the same" b niu?" "M ",v luu H'liniion with i v M1l aulromonte you may have, wo cnu supply your delT 8 1 The United States Nnfrnnai B V.7r.T WIIUI m i VI OALLIYI, UKtbUN aiaifciaianiiiiiiiai!.!,, Now, is the Time to visit California "When summor has pas3ed lu those north ern states, tho sun Is only mild undor tho - bright bluo skies of Southern California. This Is one of naturo'e happy provisions otornal summor for thoso who cannot on duro a moro. severe climate. California has been called tho "Mecca of tho wlntor tourist " Its hotols and stop ping places aro us varlod as those of all well rogulatcd cities Visitors can always And suitable accom modations, congenial companions and var ied, 'pleasing recrea tions. SOUTHERN PACIPIC CO. Will bo glad to supply somo very attractive literature, describing In dotall tho many delights of winter In California, Tho rato from Salem to Los Angeles and return Is $55, Limit six months, allowing stopovers In e'ther direc tion, Similar excursion rntos are In effect to nil California points. When You Are Dry WHY NOT BUY A puro and -wholesome boyorogA that la sold la al tb tlgi of Western Oregon and Northorn California, Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops . Grown in Marion County Mndo of Filtered Water and strictly in accordance iIUHij Puro Food Law Salem Door Is tho boat mild beverage offrred u I public. Mado by scientific procosscs and guaranteed pure nd W some. No adulteration. No drugs or cliomlca!s and under tit cat! porcct sanitary conditions. Address nil orders to Salem Brewery Association "The Elite" Hotel and Cafe K. WALLKHT. Successor to 13. Eckorlln. 110 and 118 Commercial Street Meals G A. M. to Midnight. Excol- (lont Merchants' Lunch, 25c. Sun day Family Dinners and DanquotB a Specialty. A For full Information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write agents, Salem, or VM. M'MUUIUY, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portlnnd, Oregon, THE 1 Portland's new and mertssi furnUhed hotel, Third tti streets, fronting on the City Plaza and adjacent to m centor. Free bus to an irw Up-to-dnto srlll. Ex"s Tolophone In ererr roea hnths. KMrmennP!an,$lta!Ji 1..... iin fta-sotolir O. II. BPENCEK H Gold Dust Flour I.irtn by THE SYDNEY TOW. KF COMPANY, Sidney, Orw go. . Made for family use, A OHr grocer for It. Drati and shorts always or band. pmSS3Siw, M ml ?flHi-ill FIRESIPn fash fHI one with pleaiuwrtwJJ rounuingo arc 0- kAn,oaiP looks neater or more 1 h ojej a fancy - -, tort the room-troa rf, lag, We do the te t W work In a variei yw ' lors and exterors. W .h heat and molt tWi Boned klntl x , Phone Main 34, II E. ECKERLEN Family LotJio 44 Commercial St. Free Da i P. B. WALLACE, At. mmmmmmmimmmmmmmitmmmmmmatmMtmmmKi